Seduction of a Married Man Ch. 05

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Al gives me what he promised he would.
5.1k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/07/2023
Created 08/22/2023
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I decided to shower before everyone got home from work and school. As my hands wandered over my soapy body I was remembering how Al had touched me and the things he had said to me. I was totally incredibly attracted to him and I hoped he felt the same. When my fingers went to wash my pussy I noticed she was quite tender and laughed when I thought, looks like I was the one who ended up getting fucked raw.

After the dinner routine and getting things sorted for the next day I poured a glass of wine and settled into the sofa. It was around 8:00 pm and I wondered if it was too early to write but was also curious about what Al had to tell me. I decided to see if he was around.

"Hey You."

Almost immediately I saw the bubbles going as he responded.

"Hi Sexy, how are you doing?" He replied with a heart emoji.

"I am good babe. Showered, ate, got into some comfy clothes and enjoying a glass of wine and relaxing." I told him.

"And what do your comfy clothes entail?" He inquired.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked with a laugh.

"I do."

"So sexy I am not sure you are going to be able to stand it." I teased. "I am wearing yoga shorts and an old concert tee." I finished.

"And what else?"

"Nothing else."

"Is it a big old baggy concert tee?" He pushed on.

"Have you ever seen me in anything baggy?" I laughed. "No baby, it is tight and old and thin." For good measure I snapped a pic and sent it.

"Fuck!" He answered back. To be honest my tits looked full and amazing in it and you could clearly see where my nipples were.

"So did you get your head and thoughts all sorted out?" I asked, the anticipation killing me.

"I don't think that is possible, it was all too fucking amazing and sensational and a zillion other things." Al replied.

"All of it?"

"Other than the fact I feel incredibly guilty about leaving you naked and in a rush, yes, every thing."

"Well thats good baby, do you care to share any of those thoughts?" I asked.

"I do, I really do, I just don't know where to start."

"Start at the beginning." I suggested.

"Yer so smart, great tits too!" He shot back and I smiled. "OK, so, let's start with the beginning. As I leaned into kiss you I noticed how delicious your breath smelled. But it did not smell like tooth paste or mouth wash or gum so what was it?"

"I don't know Al. I brushed my teeth before I left and did not smoke anymore so I can't explain it other than I had brushed recently?" I replied honestly.

"Next, the kiss. Fuck Natalie, the kiss is so fucking incredible that I can't believe we haven't been kissing for twenty five years and know everything about each others movements and likes. It's crazy." He continued.

"I couldn't agree more and thought the exact same thing. It is the best kiss I have ever had Al, ever by anyone and that is a dangerous thing."

"Dangerous how?" His curiousity asked.

"Dangerous in the fact that once you kiss me I believe that all and any inhibitions that I have get totally expunged by your lips."

"That is dangerous because you have no idea the thoughts and ideas my pervy head comes up with." Al boasted.

"That is just it, I want to know them all, dangerous."

"You can find out about as many of them that you want. I am not shy when it comes to suggesting what I want."

"I get that feeling, ok, so, keep going."

"The next thing that caught my attention was when I slipped my hand up the back of your sweater and how soft and silky your skin is, I loved it." He continued.

"You are making me smile baby, thank you. I am glad you like it." I replied and I really was smiling.

"OK, fuck, I can feel myself getting hard the deeper I get into this. OK, babe, your tits are beyond sensational. When you moved your arms and bared yourself to me I actually got fucking light headed." He raved on. "And your nipples. OMG your nipples. You do know I love nipples and yours are perfect."

Now I think I was blushing. I was not even sure how to respond to his thoughts. I know they are nice and well shaped etc but he was gushing about them and I loved hearing it.

"You are making me blush. Thank you again and you can have as much of them as you want, just don't get tired of them."

"Natalie, one cannot tire of perfection, impossible." He shot back. "Then couple that with the taste of your skin and it is completely intoxicating and you smelled so fucking good as well!"

"I want you to enjoy me Al, it sounds like so far you are."

"I am re-living all this as I type babe. OK, the body kisses. I knew your lips were amazing but jesus fuck they set me on fire." He typed excitedly. "Also, when you pulled my pants down I found it adorable that you wouldn't look at my cock! lol"

"I hate you! lol" I laughed. "I can't seem like I am too much of a whore our first time together!" I responded while I was actually laughing.

"Well now I guess I am the whore because I could not take my eyes off you!" Al said.

"Do you have any idea how sexy that makes me feel Al?" I asked.

"It should baby, because you are. Amazingly so."

"You make me feel that way." I was blushing again.

"Has anyone ever told you that you give the BEST head ever?"

"Oh come on, you have probably had hundreds of blow jobs from probably dozens of different women, I doubt it was the best ever." I protested.

"I told you long ago that I would always be completely open and honest with you and when I said I have never felt anything like it I mean it." He protested back.

"OK, so it felt different than others, I will accept that."

"And that is what made it the best because it felt like nothing else I have ever felt before."

"I am glad you think so, and you have only had a very small sample size, I still have some tricks up my sleeve." I told him.

"You didn't have any sleeves on babe, lol"

"Shut up Al! lol"

"Undressing you was completely intoxicating!" He blurted out.

"I agree with that, I felt the same!"

"Babe, I am leaking into my boxers here!" He added in for good measure.

"That is because you are full baby, or did you cum?" I inquired.

"I have not, I thought about it but nope, not yet."

"OK, if you didn't believe me about the blow job you are probably not going to believe me about the rest of what I have to say."

"Try me." I said, genuinely curious.

"Your pussy babe, I need to tell you about your pussy."

"Oh fuck Al, it's a pussy, you are insane!"

"Yes, insanely in awe of your pussy!"

I shot back the eye roll emoji while I shook my head, but smiled.

"I have told you before what I thought the first time you showed it to me and that opinion has not changed, even though I did not see a lot of her today." He continued.

"Her, lol. I love it!" I laughed.

"But what I wanted to tell you about was how she felt. The first time I felt her I was beyond drunk as you know. This time I noticed every little intricacy about her."

"Are you always like this?" I asked.

"Like what babe?" He asked.

"Noticing every little thing?"

"i told you I pay attention to details, it is just how I am."

"I am not sure I want to know what you noticed. lol" I replied.

"Too fucking bad!" lol He started. "Baby your pussy is like layered on the inside."

"Pardon me?" I laughed.

"It is layered, when I slipped my fingers inside you the tightness and texture changes the deeper I got. It is almost like it is layered, tapered, fuck I don't even know how to explain it."

"I think you hve explained it enough! lol" I said, a little embarrassed.

"Baby you have fingered women before and had your fingers inside yourself before, how can you not notice the difference?" he asked me and sounded genuine in his inquiry.

"I don't know Al, I wasn't thinking about it at the time but I promise to investigate my insides you crazy fucker! lol" I said almost laughing out loud.

"I noticed it again when I put my cock inside you, the deeper I went the tighter you got and when you came I have never felt a grip like that!" he continued. "I fucking love it!"

I sent him the palm on the forehead emoji, this was a lot to hear but he did sound genuinely enthused by it. "Anything else?" I asked, almost afraid to do so.

"Yes, I noticed something else that I felt, did you feel it?" he asked.

"If you are talking about what I think you are talking about I did. You are long Al and I am little, are you talking about my cervix?"

"That is exactly what I was fucking talking about. Do you know how good that feels and what a mental orgasm that is that I was that deep inside you?"

"Fuck Al, you are something and you are making me wet, again."

"Don't get me started on your wetness."

"Don't, I know its too much!"

"No, I am going to and you are assuming I am only talking about your pussy."

"Aren't you?" I asked.

"No, I am not. I am also talking about the way you sweat and how that sweat tastes. Fuck Natalie, the list of amazing things I discovered about you today just continues."

"The sweat is too much, it is embarrassing. You don't have to say you like it to make me feel better about it." I said and I meant it.

"It felt sexy on my hands, looked sexy and tasted like pure excitement and I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so." He replied. "Plus, I am sure I out sweat you two to one"

"You are a man baby, that is acceptable."

"Fuck acceptable, I like what I like and it's sexy as all hell." He said with a heart emoji and then continued. "About the other wetness, my balls and the crack of my ass were soaked with your juices."

"I cum a lot Al. I told you."

"It was before you came babe and it is exciting as fuck" He said. "I have a question for you."

"Will I want to answer it?"

"You will answer it." He said, fuck I liked when he was demanding

"Are you a squirter?" He asked, bluntly.

"I am, but I do not think I did today. I just get very wet." I reiterated.

"I reserve the right to ask you about that again."

"I think you should reserve the right to make it happen!" I replied.

"Oh I will, I have zero doubt about it." He said with confidence. "Anything you noticed?"

"One thing that pops into my head." I answered.

"And that was?" He asked.

"The way you touch me and look at me Al. It is like you had never seen or felt a womans body before."

"Did you just read everything I wrote above??" He said. "You aren't at all like anyone else I have ever felt or seen."

"Al, come on!!" I said.

"Natalie, why is that so unbelievable to you?" He commented. "If thats what it seemed like to you then I am glad you noticed because it was genuine. I was completely in awe of you."

"If you keep talking like this Al I promise you I am going to fuck you senseless. You excite me like I can't explain."

"Then we are on the same page baby, amazing!" He replied. "One more thing I can think of."

"OK, tell me." I asked eagerly.

"Was fingering your ass too much too soon?" Al asked.

I was sure surprised when he did it but we had talked about anal and he knew that I really liked it and was not shy about saying it. "I was surprised but I am glad you felt comfortable enough to do that if that was what you were feeling in the moment" I answered honestly.

"I couldn't resist is babe, when I was holding your ass my fingers grazed past it and I knew I wanted to explore it more." He answered and now I was really getting fucking wet. "It was so smooth that it almost felt unreal."

"Smooth? What do you mean smooth?" I asked.

"I mean when my finger was inside you it was like a smooth elastic sheath that was touching my entire finger at all times and it felt fucking amazing." He replied enthusiastically.

"Well if you want some honesty Al what I saw and felt of your cock today is making me a tad nervous about having anal sex with you."

"You never have to do anything you don't want to do Natalie." He replied.

"I didn't say I didn't want to baby, just that it was making me a little nervous." I replied. "I told you that you could have anything you wanted from me and I mean it."

"Fuck you are incredible." He answered. "I am so going to cum tonight thinking about it all again."

"Or." I answered.

"Or?" He asked.

"Or I can come and see you again tomorrow and make you cum."

"Are you serious Natalie?"

"I am dead serious, why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "I think I earned that cum today and I didn't get it and I don't like leaving anything unfinished."

"Well since you put it that" He replied.

"Same time same place?" I inquired.

"I would love that!" He answered with a heart emoji.

"You are going to."

We said goodnight a little while later and when I was finished getting ready for bed I crawled into it and thought about everything he said. Now I was curious so I slipped my fingers into my panties and slid them inside myself. I was now in search of "layers" and my narrowing passage or however the fuck he described it.

I let my knees bend and drew them back up towards my chest and added another finger and slowly pushed as deep as I could. Fuck, maybe he was right I thought as I fingered myself as deeply as I could. Now I was incredibly turned on at the fact that I was feeling what he described and was amazed that he noticed it and that I had not after almost 30 years of touching myself. I was too far into the exploration now to stop so I fingered myself to another orgasm and then put myself and my cummy, sore pussy to sleep for the night.

I woke up in the morning and got everybody up and out and poured a coffee and sat down to enjoy it. Al wrote a little bit later than usual and after the greetings I asked him how he slept.

'It could have been better babe, my throbbing needy cock kept waking me up all night."

"Lol, poor baby." I said. "Does it need a release?"

"Like you have no fucking idea Natalie!"

"Do you still want me to come today?" I asked.

"I thought I was the one who was supposed to cum today? lol" He replied.

"Oh you will or you will not be leaving today and if that is not ok with you then you better take care of it yourself."

"Then I will see you at noon."

I went about my morning and then showered and got ready, pretty much the exact same routine as yesterday and yes, my pussy was still feeling the sex from the day before. I loved the feeling and in general I love a little discomfort when it comes to sex. I love a slow sensual love making session as much as the next person but I also love being dominated and put into positions and bent and used. I had not told Al but I loved the way he made me feel small and the cramped space we had been in yesterday only augmented that sensation.

I wrote him when I got there and he answered within a minute.

"I can't wait to see you." He wrote me back.

"See me or fuck me Al?" I replied.

"Well, I have to see you before I fuck you so both, but I am going to fuck you."

I had put on a little dress today as I planned to shop after so I climbed into the back seat and took the cutest selfie of myself and exactly how I looked.

"Please forgive me if the hello is short and I immediately pounce on you." He replied to my picture.

"Does the fact that I did not wear a bra or panties make you think that I feel patient today?" I asked.

"Fuck, I am leaving now!"

Al pulled in beside me and as he came to a stop he looked at me through the windows of our cars and I could already see by the look in his eyes that he was all about the business.

He climbed in the back door and shut it and then turned to me. I pushed myself off the seat to move to him but he reached out and put his hand on my chest and pressed me back against it. When he sensed I was going to stay put he leaned in and kissed me firmly. His tongue was fucking magic and it danced with mine and I immediately thought about what it would be like if he went down on me.

He broke off the kiss and leaned back and then pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it into the front seat. He leaned back in again and kissed me some more but this time I reached for my leg closest to him and and lifted it and pulled it over his. Without breaking contact he slid his hand up my thigh, slowly but firmly and did not stop until his fingers reached my already leaking pussy.

"You are excited to see me." He commented, barely breaking the kiss to say the words.

I tried to reply but his mouth covered mine again as his fingers started to rub my clit and all I could manage was a lusty moan. He wasted no time sliding his fingers inside me, two to start, and was fingering me with a 'come here" motion in search of my g-spot.

His talented fingers had me writhing beneath his touch in under a minute and I could already feel my juices seeping down the crack of my ass. He continued the motion and fucked me deeper and deeper with his fingers, eventually adding a third. I fucking loved how he didn't hesitate to fill me with any part of himself and was so confident in his movements, seemingly knowing what I wanted as well as him.

I started to moan louder as he broke off the kiss and he told me to pull my top down. I did not question his demand and immediately, slowly slid the top over my heaving chest. I was correct in wearing something with easy access and his face instantly told me he appreciated it as his eyes found my breasts for a few seconds before his mouth did the same.

He sucked and licked and nibbled on my tits while his fingers dipped deeper into my hungry cunt. "Fuck Al, you are going to make me cum!" I moaned, breathing heavier and deeper with each motion of his fingers.

"Not yet baby." Al replied and removed his fingers from me and raised them to MY mouth. He rubbed the balls of his fingers on my lower lip and then slid them into my mouth. I could taste my sex, warm and wet with the slightest scent as he fed them into my mouth. His other hand reached for the belt on his jeans as he undid that and then the button and his zipper and then removed his tasty fingers from my mouth.

Looking right into my eyes he slid his jeans down over his hips as he kicked his shoes off and in no time tossed his pants and boxers onto the front seat with the rest of his clothes. As he turned towards me he grabbed my leg and pulled me until my ass was right on the edge of the seat while my shoulders and head were still against the back seat.

He moved fluidly and straddled my body and my eyes fixated on his cock which was now inches away from my face. There was a large drip of pre cum slowly seeping its way through the air, working its was to my chest and I watched it slowly make its way there until I finally felt it on my skin.

He pushed his hips forward and I opened my mouth to accept him. As he slid past my lips I could taste his saltiness and I quickly wrapped my lips around the head of his cock as I swirled my tongue around its head. After a few seconds he pushed forward into me and slid deeper into my mouth and then withdrew it to the tip. Although he was fucking my mouth he was doing so gently and slowly, ensuring that I could handle what he was feeding me.

As he continued to fuck my face he reached behind him and started to play with my pussy. "Don't cum Natalie." He said as he continued to leak globs of pre cum onto my tongue. Fuck he tasted good.

He left my mouth as he had come into it, without any warning. I watched him move off me when he got beside me he reached for me and spun me to my left so that my head was against the door and my legs pointed towards the other. He got up onto his knees and moved between my legs as I made room for him to do so. Apparently he did not approve of the space and pushed my one knee up and out towards the front seat and the other he pushed up towards my chest.

Al was totally in control of me and not only did I let it happen but I fucking loved it. I was as much on my side as much as I was my back as he moved towards me. My legs were wide open and he did look down towards my sex which was completely on display for him. He took his cock in his hand and closed the gap between us even more.