Self Care (F4A)

Finally, a moment for myself.
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When you haven’t had an actual moment for yourself in a while, you know it’ll be amazing once you do.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Beautiful ☀️

WEEDME69WEEDME692 months ago

Pleasure but absolutely erotic to hear your whimpers and moans! I have had my pancreas fail me and with the diabetes now my eyesight is failing me so THANK YOU for what I was missing and what I did!!!

WEEDME69WEEDME692 months ago

Yes THANK YOU ALL! My pancreas has failed me and with my diebetes, my eye sight is failing also! This is what I need to hear the words with the moans!!!!!!

IveBignuttsIveBignutts2 months ago

On the slow side of pleasure but absolutely erotic to hear your whimpers and moans. It was relaxing for me to hear and even feel your self-pleasure. Nice of you MochaPlayThing to share this intimate moment with me ... with us. MWAAA !

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