Senior Year Super Tanks Ch. 02


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"I do too. Speaking of which, I'm exhausted!"

Roxi let me slide on account that she wanted my first time to be great... but she did most of the cleanup. Tbh her tits her milk her mess, y'know, but the hypocrisy should be clear even in my own story. I followed her around as she soaked up the milk but I spent most of that time draining what was left of her milk supply. With such long boobs, I could sit down and suck her tits dry while she wiped the floor.

"Don't get used to this" she chirped up to me "this point on, you can finish my milk after we clean up."

"Alright, by the way..." I pointed her boob at a spot she'd just wiped up and fired. It wasn't much more than a few drops with her depleting supply. "Missed a spot."


After that, Roxi kept up to her offer. When nobody else was around, the milk bar was open. I obliged whenever we were alone together, but she'd really bring it up a lot. It had to be my constant drinking, she just always had milk to give. Or maybe she stopped milking herself on her own, I don't know, her body to milk whenever. I definitely appreciated an unending reserve of dairy, but funny enough I had to make sure I still got regular meals. It'd be odd to explain why I wasn't spending money on food or sharing family meals as much.

We were sitting in my car, driving out to see some friends. I'd talked a bit about the previous situation and she scoffed at my personal problem with having access to too much milk because of her generosity.

"Yeah, guess whose gotta eat more to keep up the milk?" she pointed out.

At that point milk turned more into a sex thing, as I was starting to miss the taste of normal food, but she used the opportunity to bring something else up.

"Well it wouldn't be so strange if you paid for a nice meal to share, right?"

"I'd do it in a heartbeat, you want me to buy a pizza, make you a salad?"

She frowned a little. "I was thinking more like, you take me out somewhere like Stock's."

I'm just gonna call the place Stock's, but believe me the actual place was a super fancy restaurant (by my standards at least). She wanted a formal meal we'd plan on getting for just the two of us, like-

"On a date?"

Her frown flipped to a wide smile. "Exactly! We haven't been on a formal date yet, and I wanna dig into some more romance with you."

"Would it be weird with..."

"Oh no, we're cool now. Plus it doesn't need to be a public thing, just us..." she leaned close, "...getting a nice meal..." she slunk closer, undoing the seatbelt separating her chest, "...maybe forget the drinks - let you use me to wash down a nice juicy steak, maybe a nice omelette or a few well made burgers. Or if we wanna enjoy the atmosphere you could get a blue raspberry slushy if that's what you're hungry for..."

At that point she was leaning so far into my driver's seat that her chest filled out my lap. Her nipples were hard and they pointed into my rising chub.

"And it sounds like you're interested. What night are you available?"

"Friday's clear for me."

And so our date was set. I gave her a kiss before driving out to friends.


I dressed pretty nice for Friday, if not kinda bland. A red polo and khakis with nice shoes - a little off fashion but this was supposed to be a serious get together. When I drove up to Roxi's house, I didn't know what to do besides step out and wave towards her house. Roxi didn't come out at first but her mother did. She resembled Roxi for certain, but her assets weren't as heavy set and I'm glad I don't feel the need to describe them as such. The embellished sections of this story would be a lot harder to keep straight if there was a romantic subplot involving her mom.

What I don't need to embellish is her mother's immediate friendliness. She came right up to me with a big smile and an outstretched hand.

"You must be Griffin! Roxanne's mom."

"Yes, nice to meet you!"

I shook her hand with more gusto than I meant. She chuckled at my strong grip and even complimented me so I guess I made the right decision? Either way she insisted on bringing me inside. I took a look around, familiarizing myself with my girlfriend's living room. Nice and roomy if not a little messy. Her mom was all over trashing pizza boxes from some previous night.

"Mom!" I heard Roxi call from another room. "What's going on?"

"Oh, I brought your friend inside!"


My initial reaction to somebody being openly shocked at my arrival is a smidge of pain and self conscious doubt. What, she didn't trust me inside? Maybe she was changing and didn't want me to see her in front of her mom, maybe she was nervous about the pizza boxes, fear of being embarrassed by her mom? Either way, I heard some rushed shuffling followed by some quick footsteps out. Roxi's head peered around the corner and we met eyes.

"Hey... you! Why don't you head out to the car and I'll see you there?"

Her mother cut in. "Oh nonsense! He can relax here with us. I'm always interested to get to know your classmates better!"

Roxi gave her mom a wide smile and nodded her head. "Alright cool! I think I'm almost done with makeup anyways, give me a second - by the way, did you hear about that crazy dude with the purple beanie selling drugs around school?"

Before I or her mom could reply, she disappeared behind the corner again. She seemed stressed and I assumed it was just because of our big date tonight. Kinda felt cool, that she was stressed about impressing me it seemed. Then I was just stuck their with her mom, uncertain what to say. Obviously, I was "supposed to" talk about the purple beanie guy, but I missed more than one hint there.

"So when did you first meet Roxi?" She sat on a chair next to a large couch across from their tv.

I sat on the couch. "We shared a work out class together, breathing studies."

"I heard! She told me you got to know each other and soon enough she invited you out to that halloween party. Glad to see you two get along so well."

As immature as it was, the line "Oh we get along alright" popped into my head. "Oh, we... yeah, no classes this semester but she's pretty fun to be around and I've been hanging out with her friends too."

"Glad to hear! Who all do you two hang out with?"

"Eh, I got to know John better from the party, uh there's Molly, Jenevieve..."

"Does she still hang around Huff?"

Her question wasn't a sharp interrupt, but the friendly smile she gave didn't hide the look in her eyes. She had a strange glint, one that made her eyes look wider than they were. Whatever the look really was, it made me feel a little strange, especially with the odd interrupt, especially especially being about Huff. Again no direct bad blood but I dunno, just not my favorite subject.

"Um... I mean, I don't see Huff around as much-"

"I'm done!"

Roxi reappeared. It was sudden and I was happy to change topics to her. And, to sound cheesy, she was an incredibly interesting topic to me at that moment. Her makeup was applied and her eyes shined with golden specs. Apparently they were rushed but the effect was still hypnotizing to that younger me. In addition she had on a stretchy brown sweater, the one that looked knitted with vertical stripes. The edges hung down around the top of her jeans, a side effect of the oversize requirement to fit her chest. Modest heels made dampened clicks on her carpeted floor as she strode to stand at my side. She greeted her mother with a polite smile but motioned for me to stand with an impatient hand.

"Sorry I took so long, we should head out now!"

I let her drag me out. Pretty straight forward. Maybe I could add more to this part, but I'll reedit it if I feel the need to.


Roxi's nearest tit just slumped towards me like the udder of a fucking cow in the car (no she doesn't mind when I compare her to a cow as long as I'm specifically referring to the fact that she has huge boobs, yes I understand if you think it's weird that I found that imagery kinda hot). This was pretty usual - I got very used to having a refreshing drink and plump doughy toy at my fingertips. Especially in that sweater - it just seemed so much more forbidden, you know? That thing jiggling around was a juicy treasure I wanted to partake in. So, like many slightly horny teens, I thought it'd be cute to hold my hand out and ask:

"Kinda hungry already, could you pass the milk?"

Roxi gave me a mockingly judgmental glare. "Oh no dude, none of that business right now. We're on a fun little date to get nice food and I've been spoiling you with ungated access. No sexy nonsense until afterwards. Maybe a little bit of innuendo, but no touchy touchy!"

Totally respect her for that decision, even then I knew I could be a little boob-happy. Nevertheless, I wrote that starting paragraph to this section about her being hot specifically so you could feel how I did. Like, come on! I even gave her puppy dog eyes and held my hand out, hoping for some spare tiddy. Nope, that was the wrong choice to make, she doubled down and I think got a little mad (actually mad). I apologized and I think we were cool but I now had a different problem.

The fact that this wasn't meant to be sexual was ok, but I made this little mind game in my own head where I felt it would be wrong to just "wait out" this pleasantry before things got sexy again. I did want to enjoy a romantic date with my girlfriend, but I didn't want her to think that I was actually unhappy about the sexual thing... so I was thinking to myself "maybe we don't do sexy stuff afterwards". This is the mentality I had at the start of our dinner date; I knew I had to be a deep and caring person, and I wanted to show I could push past that.

That mentality made things interesting. The first thing I noticed after we sat down was Roxi removing her sweater. Under the cute brown exterior was a red dress. The cleavage reached far down, plunging with no sign of tapering off below the table. We shared a look, her enjoying my amused expression.

"Wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah, sorry. I love the way wearing this feels, just not something I can usually parade around in. Take a look below the table."

In the slight shade below, I could still see the edges of her fat areolas peaking out in her dress. The dress didn't just have a deep cleavage, the top part connected to the flowing section of dress below at the waist. The immense titty fat inside the top billowed around its fabric. Tight, revealing, and a special show for me.

"It's a lot harder not to think about those things when you surprise me with that dress, y'know?"

"You can think about them."

I smiled. "Oh I can now?"

"I just said you couldn't touch'm. You can compliment me, talk about what you wanna do after dinner..."

"I was getting ready for a pleasant meal, and you're here tempting me! What would your mother say?"

She laughed. "Oh she doesn't even know I still have this dress - it stopped fitting a while ago, and even when it did she was not happy!"

The waiter interrupted us and we ordered. He brought water for us at lightning speed and I took a refreshing sip before continuing the conversation.

"Yeah, how strict are your parents by the way? I don't know all the details with Huff and stuff but if you could hear her, she asked me a lot of questions."

"What? I don't think she asked an abnormal amount, what I could hear."

Refreshing my memory, I could agree, but it was one specific question that got me thinking.

"Maybe not but she did ask about Huff, like, checking up on you through asking me."

Roxi rolled her eyes and shook her head, a total tone shift in her semi sultry demeanor. "That's annoying. What did she ask exactly?"

"Just kinda if you still hung out with him, maybe not that invasive-"

"She can be nosey. My mom, that is."

"Yeah, especially if she didn't know you guys were dating. Any particular reason why she would bring him up?"

Roxi hesitated. "Did I say she didn't know?"

In my memory - and for certain looking back - she had told me they dated in secret and that her parents were not fans of her dating at all right now. So, in my mind...

"Yeah. You said you guys dated in secret, and that we couldn't say something to your parents because they don't want you dating."

She looked away before she began to nod her head. "Ah yeah, I get your confusion. Just a little slip of the tongue before, really is my bad. They knew and they know we're dating too."

I nodded my head at first, but that didn't sit well with me. Seemed a little off in some ways, specifically... "Then why couldn't we talk about us dating before?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, we started hanging out, you didn't want us to talk about it too much, some friends know but you seemed to make it out like it couldn't be public knowledge. I was hesitating telling friends before, I guess that's my bad for misunderstanding."

"Well it'd still be good to avoid telling people, y'know?"


"Well you know, same reason as before."

"I thought the reason was because Huff would tell your parents we were dating, which I also thought was a bad thing."

"No, silly, the reason was and still is because Huff can get defensive. He'd get super mopey and message me all the time, y'know?"

That was not the primary reason she gave before. He had to work on himself still, she said, so I wasn't sure how to best jab at that argument. As I thought my next words over, however, our food arrived. We took a pause to dig into some food. I had a nice steak while Roxi enjoyed some big mess that resembled super cheesified lasagna.

"That looks crazy. Tons of cheese." I commented.

"Yeah... lotta dairy, but that's what I'm built to burn, right? Just means you better have room for dessert."

She leaned back in her seat and shimmied her shoulders back and forth. That was pretty fun, and it took my mind off the previous conversation.

"Mmhmm... y'know..."

The next part's not worth detailing, but I teased her about using y'know so much in our conversation. Kind of a weak comedy bit, but she thought it was funny and it went on while we ate. I know this is deep stuff, but I just feel cringy about what was said, so back to the important part.

" who does know, all in all?"

Roxi finished her bite of food. "Um, a few people, parents included, some friends."

"Ok, so who could I ask for advice about dating you?"

At first she looked surprised and anxious about what I said, but she turned her expression into a giggling fit. "Hehehe, Am I that much to deal with? Like, hehe, damn Grif, if you wanna talk we can talk, you know that right?"

My phrasing is something I wish to improve upon in future encounters. "Well- I- I just kinda, no no no you're fine. There's just... things I feel weird asking you versus 'man what do you think Roxi would want for this?' or if there are close friends of yours I could ask about your favorite places to go."

She paused. "I mean, sure, there are people you can ask."

"Like who?-"

Her next response was quick enough to raise some sort of flags in my mind. "Like me dude, why don't you just ask me what I wanna do and I can ask you what you wanna do and we do that stuff?"

"That's fine, but I like you Roxi. I wanna go do stuff with you. I wanna go to dances with you. It's not like I wanna show off that 'yeah I'm dating one of the most amazing girls in my school', but I wanna feel comfortable hanging out and not having that kinda secrecy."

"Well, Huff is still struggling with his feelings about me and that would probably make things weirder-"

"That's weird that you're humoring that in itself, right? Like, he's gotta be able to move on."

Roxi gave me a straight face as an answer.

"No offense or anything, just feels odd that I can't express my feelings. Like, could I get you something for valentine's day and say to people that its for you? I just don't know what's going on there."

Roxi gave me a funny look before peeking to her sides. I looked around too, mimicking what I considered humorously misplaced paranoia. She rolled her eyes and smiled, appreciating the joke. Then she sighed.

"Lean in closer."

We got up to each other's faces.

She continued in a quiet voice. "I'm kinda an exhibitionist. You know what that is?"

I wanted to look like I had some idea, but that was a lie.

"Heard of that before."

"Yeah? Ok, I don't want you to get the wrong idea about what I mean. I don't like fucking in front of people, I just like some occasional... 'long term' foreplay, kinda like what you did in the cafeteria before."

OH, I thought, THAT'S what she means.


"So yeah, I like that kinda stuff. I felt a little odd bringing it up, but I'm glad that's off my chest!"

Refraining from making a joke about said chest, I nodded and smiled. "Yeah that's fine, I'm glad you told me. You're telling me you want more of that stuff? I mean, I could do with a free lunch each day..."

"Not every day, not even close, that's way too risky. But even just fucking in that classroom was kinda fun. Exhilarating, you know?"

"I mean I just kinda thought that was normal..."

"Fucking in the class room?"

She gave me a judgmental look, which felt kinda hypocritical when she's all about that stuff in public. In retrospect that does sound abnormal.

"I guess it is kinda weird, but fun yeah. Exhilarating! And..." at this point I got confused again. "...wait, what does that have to do with anything?"

She froze up a little. "What? Wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean with announcing us?"

Roxi nodded with a tight smile. "Yeah I was getting to that... people know I like that, and when I was with Huff we kinda took it to different extremes. I was into slight exhibitionism, but then he pushed the envelope on group stuff, being in front of people, with different people. It was always with some sidenote on how I'm a bigger woman, as everyone can see, and that i'm fun to share."

I was cool with that. I did not really care either way, I came into the relationship knowing she had been with Huff but that did not bother me. I was honestly more annoyed that I did not have an answer yet.

"Ok, that's fine, you can do whatever you want. We're together now though, and people knew you were with Huff before."

"Some people knew, and it's the exhibitionist thing that makes me want to keep our relationship on the downlow. People know I like that stuff, some ex friends spread that around. When I wanted to date boys after that, random assholes I barely knew would butt in and be like 'oh she likes this, that's weird huh?'. I kinda lied there, that wasn't that big a deal. What was and still is a big deal is that I couldn't be around my boyfriend without people creeping on me. That stunt in the cafeteria? If people knew we were dating, somebody would've been stalking me with a camera trying to catch me doing that, and someone probably would have sat near us to catch a peek."

"I can believe that, but can't people just creep on you anyways? Like, they do it at school just call them out, or we could just avoid doing stuff in public-"

"But I like that!" Her whispered tone raised to normal conversation again. "I like doing that stuff, and if only some of my friends know or it's at least vague enough to be a rumor people aren't gonna go out of their way to do that! Plus I can't call them out for just watching when I just violated school rules - sucking your classmate's tits during lunch is not a school sanctioned interaction, in case that wasn't clear."

You just read what I wrote, Roxi said she had at least one or two stalkers and she did not want to be official with me because of people creeping on her. It might be judgmental or bias of me, but I was skeptical about her words. I was a little upset too, not at her but at her situation. Deep down I wanted to convince her that whatever her reason it had to be nonsense. But if that was all true, then I would struggle to make a point about that.