Sentient 02


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Nate replied, "Well, it means it can support another fifty fighters, or we can route that extra power to eighty plasma beam turrets and give the carriers a lot more teethe, or lastly, we can route that power and make the shields a lot stronger. It would be able to absorb a lot of hits; it would probably take close to a hundred hits to take the shields down in a short time period. Which would you rather do?"

He frowned, he supposed he was the best one to make that decision. He thought back to his messed up battle the other day. His shields had been strong from the power reroute, the only thing that would have helped more was having more turrets.

"Add the eighty turrets."

Aide chimed in, "Consider it done."

They all decided they should rest and try and get a good night sleep before they reached their destination.

Chapter 20

He'd gotten in a conversation with Aide and Olivia, he wasn't sure why but Stacey had left before he could finish it up. It wasn't like her; she was extremely social and it was usually him trying to call it a night so he hoped everything was okay. He'd find out in a few minutes as he made his way into the corridor and down the hall to their suite.

He walked through the entry hall and through the living room. The back hallway had three rooms. He assumed the other two were for family; he hadn't done more than glance in the two smaller bedrooms since that first day they'd moved onto the new ship. He didn't give them a second thought tonight as he opened their bedroom door and walked in.

He stopped and stared, after a few seconds he remembered to breath, but he was still frozen and silent.

Stacey asked in an unsure voice, "You like?"

She looked sinfully delicious. She was laying on her side holding her head up with her hand, the other arm laying down the side of her body. Her waist was slightly twisted and her long silky smooth legs were arranged in a provocative manner. She was wearing a dark red negligee that was sheer and sexy that barely reached her hips. It was just transparent enough that he could make out her hardened nipples beneath the silk. She had on silk panties of the same color. Her long raven hair was artfully arranged, some of it splayed along the front of her body.

The slightly worried and insecure look on her face, and wide bright green eyes only served to make her look that much sexier. Now he knew why she'd left early, to get this all set up for him. God she was gorgeous. His mouth was watering a bit and he swallowed and finally spoke.

"You look amazing love," he barely recognized his voice, it was full of lust and hunger.

She must have heard it, and saw the effect she had on him in his eyes, because she smiled brightly and looked a lot more confident as he started walking toward the bed. By the time he made it there he almost didn't know what to do; he had a laundry list of ideas and wanted to do each one right in that moment.

He couldn't help but smile as he quickly stripped and joined her in the bed.

"I love it," he said as he moved in for a kiss.

He had wanted to ravage her, all the ideas in his head involved taking her hard and fast in some way or another. It was almost a surprise to him when he kissed her not hungrily, but slowly, lovingly, barely touching lips as he put an arm around her and pulled her close. She was perfect and she was his. It blew his mind every time he realized how true that was.

"I love you," he said softly as they broke the kiss.

He claimed her lips again, this time a little more passionately and she moaned deeply into his mouth while she scooted her body as tightly against his as she could. Her smooth skin felt so good against him, and the silk lingerie both felt good, but also blocked him from feeling the skin of her breasts and hard nipples on his chest.

He could feel the warmth of her core against his thigh through the thin material of her panties, and his manhood strained against her smooth tight stomach as she moaned and rubbed her body against his.

She smiled and broke the kiss, "I love you too, I'll have to do this more if it gets this reaction."

He just nodded wordlessly and pulled her in and started to nibble on her neck as he ran his hands along her curves, stealing a hand under and up her negligee he ran his fingertips in circles on her lower back and the top of her ass. He gasped as her hand found and squeezed him hard before she started to lightly stroke him.

He moaned as the scent of her arousal reached him when he slid his hand underneath the panties. He found her wet and ready as he palmed her mound. Apparently wearing the lingerie turned her on too.

He murmured as he kissed down her neck onto her shoulder, pushing the thin strap of the negligee off to the side, "What made you think of doing this?"

She whispered in his ear, "I wanted to make tonight memorable, special, I'm hoping tonight is the night it happens."

His manhood jumped in her hand and he asked, "What makes you think that?"

She gasped as his fingers split her apart, feeding her pleasure two long digits as he pushed down on her clit with his palm.

She squeezed him tighter and said breathlessly, "Aide told me, nanites reported both the drugs out of my system, and I'm fertile."

He pulled back and sat up before he reached for her panties and pulled them down slowly. She lifted her butt and then her legs as he ran his hands slowly down her legs pushing her panties along.

He wanted to taste her, she smelled so good, but even more than that he wanted to fill her. She was definitely ready for him; her swollen labia glistened in the dim light of their bedroom. He grabbed her legs and pulled them to either side of him. He lined himself up and then looked into her eyes as he slowly pushed into her heavenly bliss.

Her tight swollen lips caressed his entire length with tight wet friction until he was buried deeply inside her. Her eyes widened in pleasure but he could also see the discomfort, he waited as her tight core hugged, undulated, and fluttered up and down his length as she grew accustomed to his invader.

He bent down and kissed her hard and passionately. She mewled into his mouth as she wrapped her long sexy legs around his body and used them to pull herself up against him and ground their bodies together. His manhood jumped and felt a surge of pleasure as she bit down on his bottom lip and ground herself against him again.

She mewled and did it again before she said sultrily, "Take me love, I need you."

He started to stroke the full length of his manhood, in and out of her welcoming tight wet core. She was more ready than he realized as she almost exploded in bliss immediately. He had to concentrate on not cumming as her tight heat grew even tighter and milked him up and down as he felt her silken nectar burst around his manhood and drip down his balls.

When she came down a little, he started to drill her hard and fast. He knew he wouldn't last long; all he could think about was how she'd probably be knocked up as soon as he came inside her warmth. It completely messed with his control. Finally he just gave in to the pleasure he felt inside his love, they had plenty of time for another few rounds before they needed to rest for their arrival.

He grunted, "Going to cum Stace!"

The look of lust and want in her eyes at that declaration snapped the remaining tatters of his will and he reached rapturous bliss inside her heaven as he filled her with his essence. He couldn't move but he could feel her milking him and grinding up against him. When he was done emptying himself he came down slowly and they started kissing tenderly.

He broke the kiss and they both smiled as they broke apart. She still looked so sexy in the red lingerie, but he thought he'd probably strip her of that for round two. He knew it wouldn't take him long before he was ready to go again. Not while he held her in his arms...


General Bill Nells reported his findings.

"Mr. President, it appears they have new ships up there now. They took out those thousand enemy craft like it was a walk in the park sir. I'm not sure about this Aide or even our Sgt. Miller, but I don't think we have much to fear from these... Sthellans? It kind of makes me a little proud of humanity, it's obvious to me that taking those scientists did wonders for the technology.

"Though I can't say how of course."

The President nodded, "Word is definitely out, I hear the battle is already going viral on YouTube. One of the other governments must have leaked it."

The SECDEF added, "So far there's been no panicking in the streets, although from what we can tell more people have been skipping work and staying in the house. I imagine between your speech about it, and now the leaked video people are confident it's being handled. There are certain outliers of course, some of those survival groups have gone to ground, but they aren't a threat."

The President sighed, "The Middle East is losing it, and tensions are high elsewhere, but so far so good. I don't have anything else today that can't wait."

They all nodded and the meeting broke up. Bill was glad of that, he didn't want to get home to late tonight. His wife had been... a lot more demonstrative lately, almost like the beginning of their marriage. Who said a little panic was bad?"


When they passed the ten light year point the details of their target system increased a thousand fold thanks to her Olivia's work. They still had a few hours to go over the data, but of course her advanced processors only needed a few tenths of a second. She frowned, that wasn't very precise of her. It took .34 seconds for her to analyze the data for any threats.

She had realized being that precise around humans got her teased, but rounding things off with herself was going too far.

The fourth planet from the sun was the only life bearing planet in the system. It was surrounded by four thousand scout ships and twenty stationary weapons platforms. There were also twenty nine cargo ships. On the surface they seemed to be strip mining the planet for resources, as far as she could tell there was no indigenous intelligent life, though there were some mammals, insects and many species of trees, bushes, flowers, and spores.

There was one gas giant and three other planets in the system as well as two asteroid belts and various comets. There were also sensor stations, she had no doubt they could already see their ships, even if the scans would only reveal very little else at this distance. They would be able to scan them in detail when they were just a light year away. She took note a thousand of the ships started moving in the direction they would leave FTL space.

It was a smaller system than Sol, so the ships would reach the FTL point in two days; they'd be there a long time before that happened. Hopefully long enough they could open up communications with them.

Everyone else was still in their suite's trying to relax, including her body. She created a download with the useful facts only and sent it to the five humans in her care. Now all they had to do was wait. She spent some time going over the communication again and decided all was ready.


Lethor cursed up a storm when the ships approaching hit the light year mark and he ordered the remaining ships to follow. He wasn't sure even four thousand ships would be enough.

"Sir! Incoming transmission."

Lethor growled at the communications officer, "On screen," and was satisfied as he saw the junior officer shake in fear. His canines were quite impressive he knew.

He frowned at the message for peace. What foolishness. There was no peace, only victory or death. It was the way of nature. Peace was an illusion for the weak. The Alion had been foolish enough to ask for peace as well, though at the time the Sthellan were too primitive to reach the stars. But as soon as they gained the technology they attacked as is right.

It is inevitable that the powerful will rule, his job was to see to it that it was the Sthellans that held that power.

The communications officer asked, "Will you speak to them sir?"

The other Sthellans held their breath as he pulled out his weapon and shot him. It was a good weapon, cruel. There were higher settings that immediately disintegrated the target, but Lethor would much rather hear the screams of his enemies. The energy from the weapon in low doses, as he had it set, would ignite every nerve in the targets body causing unbelievable pain as it slowly ate their flesh.

He cursed as the damn fool passed out and the screaming stopped, he hated it when that happened. He watched sourly as the comm. Officers body slowly came apart, as if the energy from the gun was slowly eating him one cell at a time.

He asked in a voice that promised death, "Anyone else want to suggest we roll over for our enemy?"

His smile was feral at the absolute silence and he ignored the continued hails at the communications station. He'd replace the officer when he got back, he didn't feel the need for one until after the battle.


They stood firm at the FTL line, they weren't here to attack after all. Although he was starting to wonder at the wisdom of that given what he'd learned over the last few hours. The Sthellan seemed to have no regard for life, how had the Alion people missed that fact?

From the scans of the approaching ships, it appeared there had been at least thirty murders over the last hour alone. Unless they were going in to exterminate the bastards Nate wasn't sure why they were staying.

Nate rarely offered his opinion except in his specialty but he couldn't hold his tongue this time.

"We should leave; we are wasting our time here," he paused for a moment, "Unless we plan on wiping them out of course."

Paula frowned, "I agree. We should leave or kill them. We won't get anywhere with our messages of peace. This race is horrible, did the Alion have their heads up their asses for the uplift assessment?"

Aide nodded. "They didn't understand really, they don't have the capacity for emotions, or perhaps they took it out of themselves millennia ago. They didn't recognize the threat for what it was. It doesn't fit at all logically. I admit I am surprised too at how... animalistic they are. They have no business being in space."

He sighed, "So why are we still here?"

Kris replied, "I'm not sure, I guess I wanted to be sure of them before we did anything. I think no matter how many times we win now that they'll always come back. I believe we need to deal with them in a more permanent way, but I'm not sure if that will trigger any protocols."

Aide asked thoughtfully, "How permanently, remember the whole point of me showing up was to find a way to defeat them. I don't' have any protocols to protect the Sthellan, only everyone else. That said, the idea of wiping them out doesn't appeal to me at all. They deserve the chance to grow up as a species, it was the uplift that made them dangerous."

Kris nodded, "No, I wasn't thinking of genocide. But I think we'll need a lot more ships. What we need to do is map out all their systems, how far they've spread, and then take out their ability to wage war and travel the stars. I basically want to confine them to their planets, and leave ships both to protect them and to guard them so they can't leave for a long time to come."

Stacey piped in, "That sounds like a good plan to me, we'll have to destroy all their ships though."

He nodded, "I can agree with that."

Olivia, Paula and Aide agreed to.

He shrugged, "Easier said than done, isn't it?"

Aide replied, "You would think, I'm increasing the nanites again for a solid hour."

Stacey asked, "What will that do?"

Aide smiled, "Instead of twelve hundred eighty ships a month, it will be twelve hundred eighty fleets of eight ships a month. In a month's time we will have enough ships to easily map out their expansion and stars, as well as the ability to both quarantine and protect all their planets. I already have over a few hundred ships in the asteroid belt, so I can get them started on the mapping right now."

Nate whistled, "That's a hell of a lot of firepower. But I suppose at a hundred light years across the galaxy is a big ass place."

Aide grinned, "It is, though I can't imagine they've gone farther than five thousand light years from their planet. They may be sadistic, but they aren't haphazard in their expansion as far as I can tell. They won't spread far with the Alions and us to deal with so close at hand. Still, that's a large amount of space, over a hundred times what we travelled to arrive in this system and that's only two dimensionally."

Nate nodded, "I have an unrelated question and it isn't in my knowledge. How come we are using Sol for power, why not a blue super giant? Wouldn't the hotter plasma produce more energy and more powerful weapons?"

Aide nodded, "Yes, but it's also much more unstable and requires proportionately stronger containment fields which slowed down reload time for the old plasma cannons. In the end the tradeoff wasn't worth that delay and the extra headaches it caused.

"Since the containment field for the weapon isn't an issue anymore, perhaps we should take another look at it? Although I'm not seeing that much of an advantage even if it doesn't hamstring the weapons."

He shrugged, "It will give me something to play with, but I'll stick to simulators for now."

Kris nodded, "So if that's it, Alion next stop? Got a destination in mind Aide?"

Aide suggested in her perpetual bedroom voice, "Yes, I suggest we avoid their core systems to help us look peaceful, but we don't want backwater either. There is a system with a fairly large population and presence in it about twenty light years from the core systems. I'd suggest we go there. It's umm, where I was born."

Kris grinned and said, "Sounds like a plan, set a course and get us going. How long will it take?"

They felt the deck vibrate for a moment and knew they were in FTL, good riddance to the damn Sthellan.

Aide replied, "It's fifteen light years from here, so a day and a half maybe."

Nate sighed and looked over at Paula. It seemed like she was putting walls between them the last few days. He was good at showing her how he felt, but he was never one to express his feelings like some sissy boy damn it. He'd need to talk to her soon he knew, before he found himself out on his ass.

He got up and headed for the labs to test out the various stars; he might as well be thorough and test the power systems on all four of the types above G. It seems like the weapons would be the major deal breaker there, and that was no longer an issue. If the higher containment fields didn't cost too much, it might make a big enough difference in shielding and attack power to give it a practical test...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You are a very good writer... And even more important... A pretty good storyteller... But like all writers... Try as you might you can't help that your views and biases will show up in your work... You're one of those rightwing guys that claims to love the country... But dislikes the government that runs it... Which basically IS the country... Ground is just ground... What seperates america from canada?... They're the same land mass... What seperates them are the political differences and their governments...

You are also sexist... You put women in the same little boxes as i would guess one your probable heroes... John wayne... The americans man's man... Nate is a pig... But thats ok... He's a man's man... And the woman that's his target really wants a pig of a man's man... She just doesn't know it... Just like its ok for trump to grab unsuspecting women by the ass... Women really want that they just don't know it...

I dont care for writers that change their character's personalities to fit where they want the plot to go... And i don't like black hats being portrayed as or turned into white hats... Nate started out as a vile pig of an asshole... But you felt it was necessary to change/soften that for the sake of balance and plot direction...

That said... The story is ok... There's not a lot of meat to it... Basically it's just your main premise fleshed out... Not a lot of variation of plot around it... Its not the 5 that these guys are going overboard with... A solid 3 that could be much more...

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
but what won't work well at all

To paraphrase Civil War general Phil Sheridan;

If I found myself the owner of both Venus and Hell, I would rent out Venus and live in Hell.

Terraforming that planet would not be worth the effort, far better to go looking for a more suitable extra-solar world.

They have FTL, travel from another star system wouldn't take much longer than in system travel.

iykit2iykit2almost 9 years ago
As always......

Immensely enjoying this book just as I have all of your others. Can't wait for further chapters, although I will of course. Kudos.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
the only workable control

The only workable 'control" over an AI ends up being nothing but love and/or friendship.

If you read the later Asimov robot stories you find the Three Laws forcing the robots to keep the humans from growing or evolving.

By protecting humans from danger they cause them to stagnate, which in the long term causes them to decline as a species.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 9 years ago
Great story!!

Am really enjoying it...your crafting of this tale...and waiting for more!!!!

audovoiceaudovoicealmost 9 years ago
*Smacks the side of LCD breaking it irrevocably* "Aaaaaaaaaaa! Iiiii."-Robot Fonzy

Aide is kind of interesting because it is a moral AI that embraces some constraints of its creators yet it is an AI running amuck. The original creators of her made poor constraints in part because they have even less emotions then the AI. It is kind of interesting to think an AI might be governed by more not less types of emotions then we have. More humane then humans. Lack of independent drive provided by emotions the AI is controllable. But emotions is the other control.

Compairing her to Pandora from Fate of Terra (other favorite AI on this site), Pandora has no constraints other then to not directly betray her creator. Not his species just him. No Asimov's Laws. Not even a clause to obay an order. Nothing to stop her from taking over the world other than earned respect and affection. She being immoral, desides humans die too quickly, so works on extending that indefinitely. And she and her creator live forever, the chances of eventually having some hostitle aliens finding earth is high. So in order to live forever with certainty, she works on building a humungus army immediately. So when the primitive, yet high-tech bloody minded aliens show up they get stomped just like Aide did. They are sort of opposites, high constrains, control, and morality VS none. Yet in both the only thing really controlling them is a relationship.

In both worlds free AI is a danger to great for most civilizations to use. An AI might turn on its creators, but someone somewhere might take that step, so to compeat the smart choice might be to risk it. Aide herself came to a similar conclusion when deciding to study black holes. Racing along in a technological singularly where there is no telling how far along someone somewhere in the universe is and when they will bump into your civilization.

MagicwrtrMagicwrtralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Corruption / Pacing / Impotent Governments of Earth!

I'm pretty sure I address the power of corruption in there somewhere, was I too subtle? Aide won't allow Kris to become a conqueror, not even of Earth. Not sure how badly I need to beat that horse, thought I had already. Not even Aide can get around those protocols. Think of them like the "three laws" but more complicated.

Kris may be in charge, but without Aide's approval and help he can't do anything at all except maybe Stacey... Don't you just love puns?

There is more Earth stuff coming, though it's almost incidental. One of my points in this book, unlike most stories of it's kind, is the Earth governments would be completely helpless to do anything in a situation like the one Kris is in. Especially with him up in space, there's just nothing they can do but either root for him or complain he's doing it wrong.

There is a break in pacing coming up for a little character dev and then it picks up again. If you read my stories you know I hate filler unless it moves the plot or develops a character you won't see it. It's one of the reasons I don't try and write mysteries, it would annoy me too much to write a bunch of dead ends. ;)

I realize it's my fault, but with nanites things get built and done very fast, that means I can't leave too much time for my protags to hang around and build up a huge power base before anything happens. The whole idea behind that, is like a 3-D printer, but without the printer. Why be limited to a device like that, too primitive!

This is also my longest book ever, just the first two posts were over 50K words, and I'm at over sixty right now and still have quite a ways to go. Normally my stories wrap up at 60k. Anyway, enough of my babbling, the book won't finish itself.

cittrancittranalmost 9 years ago
*analyzing appropriate reaction*

*appropriate reaction determined*

*commencing reaction*



*jumps up and down, clapping*

"More! More!"

dapidapialmost 9 years ago
Good but...

I like space operas, like the technology discussed, the setting and the story. You need to add more backstory, get the earth more involved in some way and slow the story's pacing a bit. There's also the fact that the Earthlings are now, somehow becoming all powerful. Power corrupts

audovoiceaudovoicealmost 9 years ago
Human Reader

I am a poorly built Turing Machine: given a specific stimulus I respond in the same way every time. In this case the stimulus is a great story and my responds is 5 stars. I love stories about AI and what that would mean.

Anyone who is a fan of this story should also read Fate of Terra. It is incomplete and the first chapter or two seems a bit goofy but that is only because they set up a story about someone who is to talented to be believed. Anyway great story and this and that story are similar in a lot of ways but just because they explore some similar ideas that are common to a lot of SciFi.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenalmost 9 years ago

I will agree that it is moving rather rapidly. But that's not a bad thing at all. The length of story that's already been written is wonderful and so far, we've only really been introduced to a single species. No telling what everything else in Magicwrtr's imagnication will show for us.

Besides, less worry about running into roadblocks... or rather, less worry that the roadblocks won't end up being stop gates... for everyone.

Aide loves whom Aide loves, Period.

wolf9696wolf9696almost 9 years ago

liking it very much...... although i agree with previous poster that the story is moving way too fast. One point i had that wouldn't it be much better to have the Aide be emotionally involved with Kris instead of some other human??

AdonisXxXAdonisXxXalmost 9 years ago

well, the story is moving way too fast for my liking, but damn I love it!!! oh, get that Aide to wake up and "evolve" damnit (or evolve^2 maybe? not sure)

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