Sera Ch. 26


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I wanted to. I did, but I couldn't get over what he'd done. I could only shake my head as I vacantly studied the chandelier's darkened crystal bobbles. But Auntie Ashleigh's shoulders sagged a little. She sighed, throwing her hands up and letting them fall to her sides as she spoke with a defeated sounding tone that I'd never heard from her before.

"Fine. Just fine, have it your way then. The meeting's over and you can all go to hell."



There was no mistaking the upset in Ashleigh's face. It was even in the way she carried herself and, if I didn't know better, I'd have sworn she was going to cry when Sheila and I stopped her up outside her den.

"What's wrong?" Sheila asked.

"Nothing, get out of my way," her thick voice stated.

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing her arm.

I not only had to be concerned about whatever it was that could hurt the Parasite Queen's feelings, but I was also actually concerned for her feelings. It surprised me a little but, on another level, I wondered why it should.

"Nobody wants to get along and I don't care anymore! You can all just start tearing each other's heads off now if you like, 'cause I won't stop you!"

"Uh... jeez, Aunt Ashleigh, calm down. Actually, I was just about to go and apologize to the little tard like you wanted."

" ... You were?"

The storm clouds over her face cleared a little, easing my concern as her shoulders rose a bit.

"Yes," I replied with an encouraging smile, "you'll want to watch. She might even kick me in the nads for my efforts, and you wouldn't want to miss that, now would you?"

"And Gina?" she dared to ask.


"But, what changed your mind?" she asked, actually smiling now.

"Little Ms. Crushing Reality here," I informed, gesturing to Sheila at my side.

"If ya wanna know, ask a ho," Sheila confirmed with a wink. "Just remember, kid: She's entitled to a little crapulence 'cause that's why you're apologizing, right? But not too much, and not for too long. She won't respect you if you let her walk all over you. Like I said, she wants a man, but needs someone to answer to, so be a man that she has to answer to if she expects to have you. Just don't be a pig about it, or I'll smack ya 'round the room."

"Yeah," Ashleigh said, much happier now, adding with an eager nod, "all what she said, do that."

"This is fuckin' crazy," I determined.

"Yes it is," Sheila cheerily agreed. "That's what love's all about. So... off you go!"

She turned me around and gave my ass a swat to get me started, yelling past me for Mum a second later.

We passed each other along the railing, Mum and I, a concerned look on her face as she regarded my set features. It seemed as though she wanted to ask something but changed her mind, neither of us saying anything, like some prisoner exchange in one of those old western movies.

Changing the channel to an altogether different show, Kitten loomed ever closer with each step, standing just inside the light cast from the corridor that led to the apartment wing with her hand on the railing. Her expression and the way she stood there, the whole feel of her suggested she would shrink back from me if she were to allow herself that, but wouldn't for anything. An odd reaction for somebody who was just frenziedly ripping my hair out, but this was Kitten.

For some reason, this brought Staci to mind, an unreal blast from the seemingly distant, but all too recent past. The comparison of the two girls sort of stuck in my mind, making my other more frantic thoughts of what I could possibly say to get things started in the next ten seconds take a backseat. Stopping a little over an arm's length away, and not by accident, I took a good look at her and forgot about excuses.

"I had this girlfriend a few months ago," I imparted, turning to settle my forearms on the railing and look down at the ground level floor as I spoke. "She was this popular girl, the kind like your old friend, Janice Whatsherface- sorry, Sheila explained about why you got so mad at me, but yeah, she was one of those types, I guess."

"Staci," she said.

"Yes, but how did you- ah, Mum told you."

"Yes," she replied, clearing her throat. "She told me she's a whore and no good in bed."

"Wh- okay, well that's... See, that's my point. Back then, I never thought much about it, about her and what she was to me and stuff, but now... I'm just saying that you're different. You're not like any other girl I ever met and... I didn't mean to poke you where it hurt, I had no idea about the stuff you went through in school. Believe it or not, I actually defended a few people from bullies in high school."

"If that's true, then what were you doing with Staci?"

"You mean, why was I hanging around that kind of crowd?"


She was looking hard, openly studying me as I spoke. It was as though she was trying to catch any lies, and I had to make a small effort to stay casual.

"I dunno. It's not like I was with them, they were just the people I... used. For a social scene. I guess. My point with Staci is that, if I'd have unknowingly insulted her the way I did you, I wouldn't have cared as much. Maybe not at all. I might have even laughed about it, but that would've been with Staci. The thought that it was you bothers me a lot. Even before they separated us, I could see I really hurt you somehow and I felt like shit about it," I told her sincerely.

And then it hit me to do something. Proving my stupidity once and for all, I looked her directly in the eyes before I went on, just to show her that I really did mean what I said.

"I never knew they called you that and I never would have used that name had I known. I hope you believe me when I say how sorry I am about that."

" ... I believe you," she said.

"And umm... as for Gina... Uhh, well that's a bit... (Sigh) Okay, I thought I knew what I was doing. I did what I did because I've seen how stuff goes and I was thinking about... Gina."

Suddenly it sounded so stupid.

"I should have been thinking about you. I see now that I fucked up."

"But why?" she asked, frustration and hurt back in her tone. "Why would you interfere like that? You don't know what you've done."

"Well, I'm beginning to get an idea. Ashleigh and Sheila have been very helpful with that, believe me. If I wasn't here apologizing right now, Ashleigh'd be immortalizing me in the family tree as Satan as we speak. Look, it'd take me a long time to explain how I came to... to be shortsighted enough to do what I did, and I'd like a chance to explain it to you if you'll let me, but I don't think... Well, Aunt Ashleigh was pretty upset with us just now, and I think she'd be pretty happy if we could get on with her meeting."

"I know," she quietly sympathized. "I'm the one who made her feel that way. Actually... were it not for how bad I feel about that, I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now."

Neither of us were looking each other directly in the eyes now, other than a casual contact that was much more comfortable since she hadn't tried to take advantage.

"Oh. Well... I'll take what I can get. But, I'm sorry about Gina too. Not only am I sorry about what I did, but... I actually regret it."

She seemed to take that well, but she continued to just stand there. Of course, this was because 'sorry' didn't actually fix anything, anymore than all the regrets in the world could, and I could completely understand that.

"Uh... well, if you do give me a fair opportunity to explain, I'm hoping we can come to some sort of common ground and... in the meantime, I... I promise that I'll fix things between you and Gina."

She blinked a few times, not having expected that, doubtlessly wondering how in hell I could ever accomplish such a task and whether I might be as crazy as our ancestor, Coby.

"How?" she finally just had to ask.

"Uhm... well, I actually don't know as of yet, but I'll figure something out. They tell me I'm pretty good."

"You'll have to be. I'm pretty mad at you."

"I understand."

"I don't think so. I did- I remember what I did in the corridor. Were it not for you, I never would've done what I did to her, and it's gonna be hard for me to get beyond that."

As much as I wanted to throw up the fact that I never would have done what I did had she not been using Gina in the first place, that wasn't the program. Frighteningly enough, I was on the new program, the Sheila Burchell path to happiness through self sacrifice and the fine art of domestic spear catching.

"I know. There's no way I can ever make it up to you, but I'm just happy you let me say this much, and I'll explain myself if you want to hear. Whenever you want."

Again, we looked directly into each other's eyes, and still she didn't take advantage. However, what I read without any need for influence was great injury that I'd caused, and I hoped she could as easily read how sorry I truly and somewhat suddenly was in mine. In that moment, I was even vaguely amazed at how talking and apologizing to her made me see that what was right for Kitten had to be paramount, even if it did come at the expense of what was good for Gina.



"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, I said truthfully, a little surprised at this question. "If you ask because of our argument in there, well that was just... a pissing contest. I thought that bit about Seraphine possibly having had two daughters was pretty good. I never even thought of that possibility."



" ... Alright."

"Um, you look really good tonight. I love the blonde, too."

"Oh..." she expressed with some surprise, suddenly smiling and touching it. "I forgot. Thanks."

I nodded and spouted something that popped into my mind without even thinking.

"You're way hotter than Staci, and it's cool how you're older."

For a second she beamed, even still smiling for me after she quickly withdrew that initial reaction.



Auntie Ashleigh was right. I was glad I gave Stevie the chance to speak and I'd give him the chance to explain as well. I had to because I loved him even after what he'd done. He made me feel so good when he complimented my appearance, especially how he thought I looked older than Staci and, as inconvenient as it was, he got my horny going.

We both walked back to the den after that, side by side and not saying anything as we neared our three immediate ancestors, all of them cautiously grinning with obvious relief that hostilities appeared to have ceased. Most rewarding for me was the smile on Auntie Ashleigh's face. Without anything being said, we all moved back into the den where Lynette sat waiting for us.

I took my previous seat, now hoping Stevie would take the seat beside me without him feeling uncomfortable about it, but Auntie Ashleigh took it, sarcastically addressing Stevie as she gestured to her desk.

"Far be it from me, sweetie pie."

We all smiled widely at his straight faced nod of acceptance, taking her invitation seriously and moving around the desk to resume his seat behind it. He certainly did have his nerve, and I couldn't help but admire it.

"Riiight," Auntie Ashleigh laughed as Lynette got up and began seeing to our drinks amidst the tension underlying our slightly forced atmosphere.

"The usual for us, Lynette," Sheila told her with a smile. "And take your clothes off, please."

"Of course, Ms. Burchell."

Despite the fact that we should have been used to this kind of thing by now, only Auntie Ashleigh wasn't taken by surprise. I definitely loved it, the awkward moment somehow making it more exciting, and I watched with the others as she stripped off her black blazer and laid it over the back of the chair she'd been sitting in. Underneath this, she wore a black demi bra that looked as though it was made especially for her. Her fair sized boobies filled them very nicely and miffy got more excited as I watched her reach behind herself to unfasten her snug skirt.

Auntie Kathleen watched as well, displaying an interested leer as our stunned attendant pushed her skirt over her hips and down her legs, stepping out of it in black bikini panties with matching garter strap and belt. With her blonde hair, dark stockings and black heels, our attendant become our exciting and sexy little servant.

Despite, or because of the mood left over from Stevie's and my blowup, Sheila had created a new feel of hesitant sexual tension in the room that had us all somehow immobile, and I once again remembered Daddy's stories of how people had a funny tendency to go along with her. Lynette finished seeing to our orders, taking Stevie's next as he looked her up and down with the most interesting little smile, more so when he glanced at me.

"Look at Kathleen's nipples," Auntie Ashleigh toned.

From Lynette's body, Auntie Kathleen's eyes jerked up to the sultry brunette's face, then down at her impressive chest to find that her buds had erected while watching Lynette. They were easily discernable before, but now they were stark and so erotic.

"Holy fuck, Mum. You're not even wearing a bra, are you?"

She looked at him with surprise, but smiled as we all laughed just a bit quietly.

"You should be on your mother's side, and watch your language," she scolded while still wearing that smile.

I was getting hornier and began unbuttoning my blouse the rest of the way so I could easier play with my own erected nipples. When I'd finished, I found they were all looking at me and I suddenly felt the way I did when I was an erotic dancer so, on impulse, I stood and began unfastening the button to my dress pants. I loved how they all watched in silence as I pulled the zipper down and wiggled out of them. When I grabbed miffy and squeezed, moaning a little, there was a soft, collective gasp.

"I'm horny," I explained in a low, somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Oh boy," Auntie complained with a hungry smile as she looked at my boobies. "There goes the rest of our meeting."

"You started it," Auntie Kathleen accused.

"Child," her eldest sister retorted.

"You two should make out," Sheila threw in, sitting forward.

"What!?" Auntie Kathleen demanded while Auntie Ashleigh appeared to like the idea very much.

"I agree," Stevie seconded with a perverted expression.

"Sweetie pie!"

"Well, I wanna see it."

"So do I," I giggled.

She shook her head at us, but we all knew she was just as horny as we suddenly were, the group sexuality heating the room further as heartbeats sped up. Finally, she looked at Auntie Ashleigh, unable to hide her smile as the oldest Burchell sister laid it down for her in very simple, terms.

"Don't make me go over there, you mouthy little bitch."

All of us watched with our breaths held as Auntie Kathleen slowly approached her. Given the way these two Alpha females usually got along, there was reason for our apprehension, but she barely even struggled when the sultry woman in the red bra reached out, grabbed her by the front of the dress and hauled her down and into her lap. Having to straddle Auntie Ashleigh's crossed thighs in the chair, she offered little resistance to the hand at the back of her head as it forced her grudging smile to her sister's diabolically grinning mouth.

"Mmmm!" Auntie moaned when Auntie Ashleigh pulled her short sweater dress up to the small of her back, showing us all her blue thong.

Moments later, we watched the curvy blonde raunchily grind her crotch against Auntie Ashleigh's thighs, both of them now making out heavily and turning the rest of us on even further.

I was still squeezing miffy, totally absorbed in watching these two rival cougars sink their claws into each other when Sheila's mouth found mine. She'd stood and come to my side, taking my head in one hand and encircling the small of my back with her other arm, pulling me close and kissing me passionately. I took my hand away from my own crotch, more in surprise than in knowing what to do with it but, when we looked each other in the eyes, I soon began kissing back.

This was Sheila. It was all I could think and, much like the last time we made out, that connection awed me as the woman in my arms separated from the reputation. Whatever she was, she was my mummy and I suddenly knew it in the sense that I couldn't deny it.

I lightly, almost experimentally rested my hands on her sides, just above her hips as she slowly seduced me with fingers crawling around my scalp, tingling sensations running down my shoulder to my bum. Her mouth was perfect for kissing and her tongue soon found its way to my lips. I opened up for it as my hands slid around her lower back, holding her closer, tighter as I moaned into her mouth.

I was no longer aware of what was going on with my horny Aunties, was barely aware of being backed up to the desk until she backed me right into it. My mind could barely even take note that Stevie was sitting right there when she next encouraged me up on top of it.



Watching this sudden sexual explosion in the room, I couldn't help but wonder if Ashleigh had some hand in this, but she did seem genuinely disappointed that her meeting would be disrupted again. Even so, she seemed well consoled and I was ripping hard as I watched she and Mum making out in the chair. They looked unreal together and Mum was just fantastic with her.

If anyone had their hands down our collective and figurative pants, it probably would have been Sheila, she who got the whole thing started by telling Lynette to take her clothes off. The attendant now sat to my right as Sheila slowly backed her daughter against the desk, then helped her right up on top of it.

This was also a pretty exciting scene, but I wasn't really comfortable with a sexual situation that included Kitten just then. I silently cursed Sheila for tempting me with it, wondering if she really was purposefully trying to force us together. In any case, I felt it was too early for that and I wanted our first time to be more personal anyway, so I didn't wait around to find out. With no small effort, I got up and went around the desk as Sheila joined Kitten on top of it.

When I neared Ashleigh and my mother, Ashleigh stopped necking with Mum and looked up, greeting me with a crooked smile. Mum also looked around, smiling when she saw me standing there, wider when she looked down at the hard rod in my pants as Ashleigh sniffed the air before speaking with sleazy tone.

"Get your cock out and put it in your mother's mouth."

Mum's whispered gasp may or may not have been role playing on her part, but the way she was still grinding herself against her sister's thigh as she watched me open my pants with a horny smile hinted well enough at how she felt about the matter.

"Take that fucking dress off, Kathleen. Let him see your tits while you suck his cock."

Mum had no problem with that idea and Ashleigh helped her pull it up over her head, her beautiful big tits flopping out for Ashleigh to grab and fondle. By then, my pants were gone, shirt unbuttoned and my hand was already taking its turn at the back of Mum's head. A moment later and without preamble, I was sticking my hard tool right into her mouth.

"Uhmmmbb... mmm." she commented.

Ashleigh loved this. In fact, it was as though her imagination couldn't have prepared her for the sight of her little sister sucking her son's dick and loving it.

"Ohh, yeah," she amazed, drinking it all in, "Oh my god, yesss... Suck your boy's nice big cock, sweetie pie."

And she did, slowly and lovingly, sloppily and so good. Ashleigh added a little incentive when she grabbed her little sister's pussy through her panties. Mum bucked and grunted around my meat as I slowly fucked her face for my aunt's entertainment.

A sharp cry from behind had me turn my head to observe Kitten and Sheila intertwined with one another on the desk, making out like the horny little bitches they were. Their hands were all over each other, Kitten's bra pulled down, and it looked pretty hot before I had to return my attention to more immediate concerns.