Serial Lover Ch. 04


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"Nah," I grin and hit her harder than ever before and she screams at the shock and pain.

"Fuck! Thank you." she angrily says and I chuckle.

"Such a pretty thing and such a dirty mouth. I'll have to beat that out of you too then hmm?"

She doesn't respond and I stop rubbing and hit her hard, and hold her throat with my other hand.

"Thank.. you.." she says through gasps.

I bring my hand down her throat to her breasts, down her stomach, and down to her little tufts of hair. I reach my middle finger in her pussy and she melts into me. I laugh right in her ear. I rub her little nub and feel her twitch and then let out a little whine and moan.

I step back quickly and then slap her red and bruised ass as hard as I can and she is hanging by her wrists again, the confusion and blow and exhaustion making her legs give up. She sobs and I leave her there. I walk towards the door, take a look back, and she is still hanging, blushing, beaten, and defeated.

She is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my life. I shut the door and lock it. I walk into the musky holding chamber and step over her unconscious brother. I walk up to the kitchen, a fill up a glass of water and grab a blanket from the closet. I reach her room again, and open the door. She is still hanging but is awake. Her eyes are glued to the floor.

I set the water and blanket on the floor and I release her. She falls on shaky legs, and I grab the water. The cup isn't glass so I hand it to her and she looks up, and greedily grabs it. I am squatting down to her level, and she finishes the full glass in seconds. I wait until she puts it down, then I help her up. She looks hopeful and I grin and shake my head when she looks at the door.

"No, kitten, you're not coming with me. You're going to sleep in that little cell over there. Your punishment is not over. I have to make sure you're never going to run away from this house again. Got it?"

I stand up and grab keys from my jeans. I unlock the cell, and there is a small dirty cot in there. I throw the small blanket in there, and pick her up and set in her in there. She looks up at me, confused, and breath taking. I slam it shut, lock her in there, and leave the room before I crack and kiss and bite every inch of her and fuck her into oblivion.


It's cold and my ass hurts. I whimper uncomfortably as a shift onto my side, and fix the blanket over my freezing feet. But as I do this it comes off my shoulders and it's an everlasting battle. I finally give up and decide movement might make me warm. I stand up in my cell and do a couple jumping jacks, then pushing the mattress to the wall and wrapping the blanket around me. All I wanted to do was sit up but my ass was still stinging. I sat on the cold hard floor and breathed out a sigh of relief.

The chill ran through me and made my ass feel better. But then my teeth started chattering. I tried to think of any way out, but quickly remembered that might not be a good idea if I get caught. But then I realize that's exactly what he wants me to remember, that's what that beating was for. And for some reason I want to defy him just to do it. If I wait this out, and get some trust, I could make a break for it, and get out of this place.

But where will I go? My family is dead. I have no idea where I am, I have no money to go anywhere. He was obviously stalking us so he knows where I live so I can't go home.

The reality of my situation made tears start streaming down my face. I cried until I was shaking and I crawled myself up on the mattress, sniffling as I passed out.

I woke up warm, and under covers, on a soft bed with a pleasant scent of coffee filling my nose. Music is playing, and I hear a TV. I smile to myself. It was just a nightmare. My family is alive and I'm home.

I open my eyes and my smile fades, because my surroundings are unfamiliar. I am in a queensized bed with a white comforter and red pillows. The room is neat and has a tv hanging on the wall, and a bed side table. I sit up, confused and still naked. Did he move me from the cell? I notice my bladder is about to explode and I stand up. I fast walk to the door and open it, opening up into a closet. My heart stops.

The closet is full of knives, guns, crossbows, rope, axes, bats, and boxes. My eyes widen and I reach for a knife without a thought. "What're you doing?" His deep voice booms from the corner and the knife drops on the floor. I jump out of the way, and it barely misses me.

He saunters over to me and I think I'm going to explode. I prepare myself for a beating but all he does is put it back. I stare at him confused.

"I asked you a question. What are you doing?"

"I have to pee," I say quickly. I blush embarrassed but keep quiet. He smiles a gorgeous smile at me and takes my hand. He walks across the room to another door and opens it, revealing the living room and kitchen, with coffee in the pot and the tv on the news. It feels so normal. I see the familiar basement door, and the front door I had ran out of.

He leads me to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. I stare at him, signaling to make him go out but he stands still.

"I need to pee," I say uncomfortably.

"Yes I know. Do your thing," he replied calmly.

"Why are you in here then?" I ask, my voice sounding defiant. His mouth twitches quickly but I catch it and I instantly regret it.

"The toilets right there. Now you can either listen or you can piss yourself, and with your bad behavior I don't think you deserve a shower for a while," he replies. He pushes himself up on the sink counter.

I groan and sit on the toilet, my ass cheeks hurting. I do my thing and then wash my hands, because they are filthy. He hops off and sits me on his couch while he eats and drinks coffee. My stomach grumbles in response.

"Are you going to kill me?" I say, breaking the silence.

"No," he sips his coffee. "Not yet."

"Then when?" I shift uncomfortably. He's acting like this is the most normal conversation in the world. He doesn't respond and changed a few channels until he hits a slasher movie and he grins. I roll my eyes but he catches it.

"I could just kill you now if you're going to be unpleasant company."

This time I don't reply. He sighs and gets up and leaves the room and I am alone with the movie. The killer is chasing after a girl who keeps falling and her boobs are about to fall out of her shirt. I sigh but he comes back in the room and stands in front of me.

"I'll be out for a while. Errands have to be ran. But while I'm gone I don't want you to have any ideas." He touched my neck softly and after he would already be still my body is covered in goosebumps. He pets it a little but then puts a collar around my neck.

"It's a shock collar. If you leave this house, it will shock you unconscious. Be a good girl." He kisses my forehead and I pull away. He glares at me and grabs my chin and looks into my eyes. His are beautiful and pierce through me. Before I can look away he lunges in and forces his lips on mine. At first they are rough, and I pull back but he wraps his hand in my hair and pulls.

I yelp and he pushes his mouth on mine again, his tongue intruding. I let out a low noise and instantly become embarrassed but I can feel like smile on his lips. He unwraps his hand from my hair as I start to melt into him, and I feel ashamed. Regardless of who he is my body responds and I feel butterflies hit my stomach as he stands me up, grabs my ass and growls loudly.

He pushes me away suddenly after a few tense seconds, and grabs some keys. He goes out the door angrily and it slams, and I'm left in the living room, needing and wanting, as the killer on the TV has finally caught the girl and stabbed her in the chest.


"So? Are the sinners cleansed?" Jon's deep voice asks me we all sit in our circle, the bonfire blinding me.

I look towards my artificial family, smiling and holding my poker face. "Yes. The father bled out, the mother overdosed, and the brother is due any minute now."

"Good, good," Jon nodded. He was the leader us. You could say I'm right under him. Jon asks my sisters and brothers more questions about how everything is going in preparation and asks my brother Derek if the whore sacrifice had been found yet.

"No, not yet," Derek says irritated, and annoyed. Derek is actually my brother. My little brother, but only by a few years. We are close, and have been in the family since we were born.

Since moving from our home in Britain to a small town in Oregon after the government started getting on our trails, we haven't been as close. He's been distant, paranoid, and lethal. I flicker my eyes away from him and listen to everyone chatter as our meeting ends. Some people stay to thank our gods.

I shrug off into the cabin. It's a good sized cabin. There's a kitchen, a few rooms, a bathroom, and a small living room. It was our safe haven when we arrived here. Abandoned, but we spruced it up pretty well, and moved our stuff in. It was only until we needed to start sacrificing again when we realized we needed a kill house.

I ventured out into the property, abandoned and fully ours, and found the old run down farm, and the house. There was a slaughter house as well. It served as my home now, so visits to the safe haven cabin remind me of my purpose. And that there is a girl alive in my house, when really she should be dead. I break my gaze and I see Derek walking inside.

"Can I come over tonight? I'm annoyed with the family and I need a break. Too much stress around the solstice," he says roughly and I smirk but on the inside my insides twist. She's there. But I don't want to miss quality time with my brother who has been distant.

"Yeah I guess. Just let me go home and clean up a bit. I've been a little lazy lately. I'll text you, yeah?" Derek nods and I walk past him, out the door. I walk back to the little house quickly, a million things running around in my mind. Kill her, get it over with? No, too much mess to clean in a little time. After about 5 minutes of fast walking I arrive on the property and slam into the house.

She's curled up, naked with her collar, watching the same channel I put on earlier. She jumps as I open the door and I go up to her, grab her and raise her on her feet. She starts to babble and I cover my one hand over her mouth and wrap my arm tightly around her waist so she can't move.

"Listen to me. We have a guest coming over. And if you meet him, you will die. So I'm going to need you to shut the fuck up, and hide while he stays here. You got that?". She nods her head and I let go of her, but then grab her by the collar and push her in front of me, leading her.

I push forward down the basement stairs and around her unconscious brother and down the hallway to the wooden door. "You're going to stay in the room I punished you in, but you're not being punished. If you are loud, are seen, or even attempt escaping you will be punished. I'll bring you more things later." I push her into the small room and she shoots me a terrified stare. I look her in the eyes.

"Be a good girl," and I shut it, and lock it. I run up the stairs and tidy up the house just a bit, that way I'm not really lying to my brother and text him to come over.


I shiver in the room. It's dark, and there are no windows. I'm reminded of sleeping in here after my punishment and I'm not looking forward to making this my new home for god knows how long. My captor is confusing me. Sometimes he seems human, and affectionate, and calm. But then he snaps into predatory, and angry. But what did I expect from a psychopath. At least he has some human times.

I think that's the only reason I'm alive. I feel my way around the room, and I feel the bars to the cell. The door swings freely as I move it, and I blindly feel my way to the cot to sit on. I sink into the cot, and find a comfortable place until I start to slip into a sleepy state...

The door jiggling rustles me awake. "Adrian? Why is this locked?" The unknown voice jostles me into consciousness and I freeze.

"It's just the other room, you've seen it before. I had them in here and I didn't want any of them to have access to it." Adrian's voice says quickly. The handle stops moving and I breathe out a sigh of relief. He told me earlier that this is not a guest I want to meet.

"So what're you gonna do with this one?" The unknown voice says.

Who's this one?

"He should be a goner any minute now," Adrian replied. Is this one my brother?

"Why not just finish the job? You know they don't like the sacrifices to be too beat up." Sacrifices?!

"I've been a little busy with...things," Adrian replied, his tone sounding snarky. The other man didn't seem to notice. I heard a few things rustling and I heard a gun click.

"I'll just finish it for you." I heard the gunshot go off and my breath caught in my throat. He shot my brother. My brother was still alive? My situation got the best of me and I forgot where I was and I exhaled a loud cry, but then cursed a million times in my head. "Did you hear that? It sounded like... Like a whine," the unknown voice said.

"Probably just the house. It's pretty old and loud," Adrian replied smoothly. The voices faded out and I heard them go upstairs.

I sobbed until no more tears could come out. I counted the minutes as they passed by out of pure boredom and nothing else to do. There was no way to try to escape, there were two killers in the house, and it was pitch black. I counted 23 minutes until I heard the door jostle and I tried to hide. I looked at the door opening and saw it was just Adrian. I calmed down a little, but was confused because he's a goddamn killer and I shouldn't be comfortable. I put my defensive side on and stayed where I was.

He walked in, beautiful and haunting in the barely lit room from light in the hallway, and made his way over to me with a bag over his shoulder. He dropped the bag in front of my legs, dug out candles, and went around the room to light them. In silence he lit up the room fully and I could see it in all it's horror. But at least it was light. I sat on my thighs, avoiding his gaze. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" he replies.

"Why haven't you killed me yet? Why are you keeping me alive if it seems like a nuisance to you? " I say quickly to get it out of my mouth before I psyched myself out, my curiosity getting the best of me. He walks over to me, and gets on my level.

"Haven't gotten around to it yet. Why, do you want me to kill you right now?" His predatory look makes my stomach drop like I'm on a roller coaster.

"No, I just- I just I don't understand you." I reply back quickly but a little too harshly. I brace myself for a blow but nothing comes. All he does is stand back up into his authoritative stance. He doesn't look at me.

"Everything you need is in that bag. Be a good girl or I'll use this room for what it's meant for." He walks out of my room.

The door clicks and I open the bag. There are granola bars, a few of his t-shirts, 2 water bottles, sweatpants, thick books and a note that says 'use the drain'. I'm confused until I realize that the drain will be my toilet for the next couple of what- hours, days, weeks? How long do I need to make these things last? How long will the dangerous guest be here?


She is nuzzled into her cot in one of my shirts and my sweatpants. The book is fanned out on the floor. She is sleeping soundly and I see she opened the granola bar. I close the door and lock it. Her question earlier made me mad because I realized I don't even understand myself.

My inability to end her fragile life has fucked me up. I actually want to keep her now, and considered it. All I know is that I'm not letting my family get to her, because she is mine. If she can keep quiet and stay alive until the solstice is over, and stays undetected, then maybe I could hide her out somewhere, and she could be mine, and eventually I could finish the job.

But her beautiful face clouds my mind and I huff and puff out, sinking into the living room couch and falling asleep to the tv's white noise.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Waste of time - another uncompleted story

Just one more decent story that goes unfinished. Too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Don't Bother Reading

Unless you see a chapter 5+, don't waste your time.

Interesting story with plenty of great buildup and 4 chapters of no sex. That was fine if the story continued since the sex was clearly coming and the buildup was excellent.

Too bad.

AdamantiumPrincessAdamantiumPrincessalmost 7 years ago
I wish there was more

Last comments were from a year ago so I'm sure this is a long shot but if there is more pleaseeee post it?!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Really fantastic

I seldom leave comments, but I have to encourage you with this story!

Really fantastic, can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Loved this!

I read a ton on dark erotica and this is GREAT! I can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Normally I don't comment on stories but this story is fantastic. I'm dying for more! Please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Waiting for Part 5

Would love to read the next part

LamogigleLamogigleabout 8 years ago
Love it!

Please I would love to read part five! Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This story is seriously movie material man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Love to see a update soon on this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Please do more!

Please Finish it, it's a great story.

sub_dezziesub_dezziealmost 9 years ago
Dark, sexy, and dangerously twisted.

This is a really good story. I'm looking forward to see where you take the next chapters. Please don't fizzle out the story. There are so many stories on here that just never get finished. I understand you have a busy life but please give your readers an ending if nothing else.

tati89tati89about 9 years ago
Great chapter!

Love how twisted this story is! Aside from the grammar and some odd sentencing, this is a solid chapter.

The cult sounds absolutely crazy. She has no relatives now. Poor girl. Is there a chance of her getting some payback? So twisted and addicting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
It's been so long

I've been waiting for for this chapter for two years and this is all I get, come on give me more PLEASE

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Definetly, sick

But I love the story. Don't wait so long to write next chapter.

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