Service Provider Ch. 01-13


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Spent, she slowly tilted forward until her face and shoulders rested on the carpet. Her engorged cunt lips and distended asshole were raised up as if posing specifically for the camera in Wheland's hands, the beautiful natural light from the candles and fireplace highlighting the pussy clamps, labia hanging down from being tied to her ankles earlier. Matt's cum oozed out of her asshole, joining Wheland's cum sliding out of her cunt. Her exhausted face lay directly under her mistress's groin, where Wheland's cum dripped from Janice's ass, spattering onto Lauren's forehead and nose, oozing down to coat the dildo yet again. Janice's pussy chains scraped across Lauren's face, spreading the thick gunk, which looked remarkably sensual for Wheland's photos.

But Wheland was not finished. "Lift up her head and shoulders," he said to Matt. When Matt raised Lauren's limp head, Wheland removed the strap-on.

"Do you have something to say to your adviser?" prompted Matt.

"Thank you, Mr. Wheland," she said, the words slurred by her aching mouth.

"You are most welcome, you beautiful creature." Wheland added another black penis gag to the opposite side of the harness, and shoved the new penis gag back into the girl's slack mouth, strapping it in tightly. "Now she has both an 'inny' and an 'outy,' except they're both cocks," he joked to Matt. Wheland raised her arms straight up and tied them to a hook in a ceiling beam overhead. He knotted a cord to the center of her nipple chain and raised it high, tying it onto the cord around her wrists. She was still kneeling, but now her fat nipples were stretched up and weighted down, already elongated after having been stretched earlier when tied to the knee bands. She moaned at this new abuse. As a matching element, he lifted a black double dildo and pushed it into her cunt, the opposite end jutting from her cunt into space.

Wheland slapped her breasts beneath the sweat- and oil-drenched blouse. The girl slowly opened her eyes. "Lauren, I hope you appreciate how well you have been trained. You are a beautiful and desirable girl for Matthew to control. To show my esteem for you both, I am going to recommend you highly to the admissions committee and ask the dean of women to look out for you. In addition, there's a female student, a junior, who I'm going to order to help you, like a big sister. I think you'll like each other. I have every confidence that you're on the verge of a wonderful and successful college career."

Wheland handed the camera to Matt and stood proudly, observing his directorial efforts while Matt photographed his young slave. Wheland knew the prints would be superb: a wide shot showing one dildo filling her mouth while another jutted from her bare slit, greasy with use. The close-up of her mouth would be lovely as well: drool and cum seeping from her stretched lips, encircling the dildo that had just ravaged Janice's cunt and ass.

While Matt took the photos, Wheland unstrapped Janice from the table and pulled her into the same kneeling position as Lauren, directly in front of the girl. He lifted Janice's hands and tied them to the same ceiling hook, straining her strong shoulders. He cinched cords onto her massive nipples, joined the strands into one and looped the end around the head of Lauren's strap on, pulling the nipples down by a good inch and a half. Instead of moaning like Lauren, Janice wailed in pain. Wheland tied Lauren's nipple chain to a new clamp on Janice's clit. This time, both of them cried out, pelvises twisting in a futile attempt to relieve the stretching.

Wheland stood back to observe the tableaux, noting how the younger looked much the worse for wear than the older. Of course, the girl had been clamped and fucked a bit more than the mother. And the girl had been on her knees working hard with the strap-on while Janice simply lay on the coffee table. He wondered whether Lauren's body could withstand more abuse due to its youthful resiliency, or whether Janice's could accept more discipline due to her experience.

"Well, Matt, shall we enjoy more champagne?" With that, the two men relaxed, leaving the women both hanging and kneeling, their chains rattling as they writhed and twisted. Matt toasted Mr. Wheland. "To my mentor, in appreciation of his creativity loyalty and support. Happy New Year!"

Next installment: Janice performs an educational function for Ansonia Academy in another pool party.

Chapter Ten — The Pool Party

Janice received the summons from the Academy's Vice-Chancellor with excitement. The long-promised private event at his house, a summer pool party, filled her with anticipation. She longed to see him again, recalling how forceful he'd been and how satisfying she'd felt when he took her during the evening of the Ansonia board meeting.

She dressed as the Vice-Chancellor specified, a variation on the regulation Ansonia code: first, a tight full bra and matching bikini panties. Although the bra was full cup, it was such a light, gauzy gray that her breasts and nipples almost looked more naked than if she'd worn nothing. On top came the pleated plaid skirt, much too short for her long legs, and the thin, smoky gray blouse, much too tight for her chest, and modest heels.

On the way to the Vice-Chancellor's house, she wondered what the Chancellor, Dean, and Headmaster had planned for the afternoon. She also remembered her last pool party with Matt, how inexperienced she'd been when he'd made her remove her bikini top, baring her breasts outside. She recalled the pain when he'd thrust her breasts into the hot lotion and ordered her to rub the thick cream into her tits. It was the first time he'd gagged her, the first time he'd instructed her to massage his balls and jack off his cock, the first time he'd bound her arms and tits and exploded his load onto her.

The Vice-Chancellor's home was handsome. She let herself in as instructed and walked through the masculine rooms to the rear, the sound of young voices growing louder. She was puzzled. Standing at the door to the patio and pool, she was surprised. The other three board members were nowhere to be seen. Instead, the rear was populated by a half dozen of Matt's schoolmates, swimming, diving, running and laughing. She actually knew half of them. Oh well. She'd just have to play waitress and den mother for the afternoon.

As she stepped outside, all sounds and movements paused. The boys all looked at her. A few called "Hello, Janice!" One stage-whispered that she was Matt's mother.

"Hello, boys," she called and headed across the patio to Vice-Chancellor, who was lying on a chaise lounge on the far side. Conscious of her embarrassingly short skirt and tight blouse, she blushed as she walked, aware that all eyes were on her. A couple of the boys whistled and she felt both complimented and cheapened, grateful that she was at least wearing sunglasses.

The Vice-Chancellor was wearing a long caftan that zippered up the front. "Good afternoon, Janice," he greeted her, smiling at her confusion about the boys.

"Hello, Sir," she replied, staring into his sparkling eyes. "Where are the other board members?"

"Oh, they're not coming today. You made an assumption. This party is strictly for the boys. They've been specially picked to be here today. Their fathers are the major contributors to the Academy. But it's not just a typical pool party. As Vice-Chancellor, I've a responsibility to include an instructional element as well."

"Instructional?" she asked, her voice cracking. "What kind of instructional?"

"Later, later," he replied. Why don't you start by serving drinks. Begin by making two cocktails for us, strong ones."

Gratefully, Janice fixed and drank her cocktail. Maybe it would help her feel less uncomfortable. It seemed like pandering to cater to these spoiled, wealthy boys individually, but Janice proceeded to take drink orders and serve the boys individually, walking all around the patio. As the boys horsed around in the pool, cooling water splashed her several times. Within a couple of minutes in the sun, she was perspiring, her thin blouse sticking to her chest and back.

Once everybody had drinks, the Vice-Chancellor told her to change into a swimsuit she'd find in the guest bedroom. Gratified, she found her way to the room and found an expensive new bikini. However, she recognized the material. Dry, it looked like many other fabrics. But when it was wet, it turned transparent. She realized she could never go for a swim. Oh well. At least she could lounge until she had to serve lunch.

When she returned to the patio, still wearing her heels since she had no sandals, the boys whistled at her more strongly. She smiled and waved her hand at them dismissively, but she knew she looked very good for a woman her age. She refilled the Vice-Chancellor's drink and hers as well. They drank. But before she could relax on a lounge chair, a boy she knew, sitting on the diving board, asked her politely for another ice tea.

Jeremy was with two friends in the water, holding onto the diving board. He was very good-looking, his dark hair wet, his chest glistening, baggy swimsuit hanging very low on his hips. When Janice brought his drink to the foot of the diving board, Jeremy asked her to walk out on the board to where he was sitting. Gingerly, she stepped carefully on the wet board, legs spread wide, trying to keep from slipping in her heels, feeling the alcohol affect her balance.

Jeremy engaged her in conversation, asking silly questions about Matt. Janice blushed, talking about her son and aware that she was the only mother – and only female – at a party with a bunch of boys whose hormones were bursting. The reason for Jeremy's prolonging the conversation became clear when she realized why she was uncomfortable. The two boys in the water on either side of the diving board were staring up her legs at the bottom of her bikini, highly visible due to her widespread stance. She was about to turn around and walk off the board when Perry, another boy with whom she was acquainted, stepped onto the board and teased her by jumping up and down, grinning.

"Stop it, Reed!" she called, tipsy from her cocktail and teetering.

"Can't have a pool party without getting wet!" he called, moving further out onto the board with every jump.

Jeremy pushed himself up out of the pool with his hands and dropped back on the board without Janice realizing what he'd done. That sent Janice over, arms flailing as the boys whooped and cheered. When her head emerged from the water, they applauded her. She grinned. Boys will be boys, she thought. As long as she was in, she swam multiple laps. The boys were impressed. After doing a dozen laps fast and hard, she was treading water in and catching her breath. Unknown to her, Reed and Jeremy were both underwater, staring at her tits and pussy through the apparently non-existent bikini fabric.

She swam to the shallow end and sat on the steps, leaning back on her arms. Several of the younger boys gathered around and began talking with her. The sun felt great on her wet body. After ten minutes her face burned with shame. How could she be such a forgetful idiot? They were sitting around talking because of the damn bikini material exposing her breasts and hard nipples. They must think she was a real slut, shamelessly showing off her body in front of boys so young they could be her sons.

She jumped up and strode to the house, aware of a dozen pairs of eyes on her tight ass as she crossed the patio. The Vice-Chancellor smiled, admiring her gorgeous ass and bouncing tits as much as the boys. It had worked exactly as he'd planned.

When Janice stared at herself in the guest room mirror, she felt even more degraded. Although the whip marks on her back and belly had faded, the cane marks on her tits and ass were visible beneath the horrid bikini. Yet her pussy throbbed as she showered. The Vice-Chancellor called to her from the hall. "Janice, get dressed and serve luncheon — now."

"Yes Sir," she said, changing back into the bra, panties, skirt and blouse.

Relieved that she could busy herself with lunch, Janice returned to the patio and cooked the standard barbeque fare on the outdoor grill. The Vice-Chancellor and boys gathered at the large round table. Too humiliated to make anything except occasional eye contact, she sat with them, too embarrassed to eat much lunch. So she drank lunch in the form of a third strong cocktail, which gave her back her courage.

While the boys ate, the Vice-Chancellor cleared his throat. "Janice, all the boys here have had some education in class and some experience with girls. However, in these dangerous times it's especially important for teen boys to have direct, full knowledge, so they can interact with girls from a place of confidence, strength, safety, and most of all, experience. So as much as we appreciate your serving us, we invited you here to serve in more than being a waitress." Her eyes turned to his. As usual, he met her gaze straight on, his eyes unflinching.

"It's one thing to rush through female anatomy in one day in a schoolroom. It's one thing to grope some pimply, frightened and ignorant girl in a dark car. It's another thing entirely to learn viscerally under the practiced tutelage of a supervisor such as myself, with a cooperative, mature beauty such as yourself. A woman of experience who is an asset to Ansonia Academy. Janice, do you understand?"

"This is not right," she muttered faintly, her breathing having grown deeper. "No, no I can't." Without warning, Denny, the youngest-looking, squirted the squeeze bottle of mayonnaise across the table. It splattered onto Janice's face. She froze. Heated by the sun, the mayo, thinner and more viscous than normal, ran down her face and dripped off onto her breasts.

"Now, now, Denny," scolded the Vice-Chancellor. "You're jumping the gun, like a premature ejaculation. Actually, that stuff on Janice's face does look something like an ejaculation, doesn't it boys?" They snickered in assent, breathless. "You see, Janice, that while all these horny boys masturbate daily, they've probably never seen their semen any place other than on their hand or in a tissue. Isn't that correct?" Embarrassed, the boys nodded. "Denny, shoot onto Janice again, but lower this time."

Denny, expert marksman, sprayed a fresh load onto Janice's blouse. The melted mayo dripped off her breasts onto the table. She looked as if she was in a trance. "Janice, remove that disgusting blouse immediately." She unbuttoned herself, smearing her hands with the white goo, and opened the blouse. Several boys said "Oh!" and shifted in their seats. She shrugged the blouse off her shoulders and let it slide down onto the seat.

"This is a special bra I had Janice wear so you could study her anatomy. Look carefully, boys, because you may not see many breasts as perfect, as magnificent as these. 35C I should say. And I bet you'll never see another pair of nipples like these, very dark, very thick and very long. Until Janice, I'd seen nipples this dark only on black and Asian women."

"What are those marks?" asked another of the younger ones.

"Tell him, Janice."

She turned to her host, eyes pleading, but all she saw was his impenetrable resolve. Still she said nothing. The Vice-Chancellor nodded at Jeremy, who was sitting beside Janice on her right. He slapped her breast. She gasped in shock and so did a few of the boys.

"They're marks from being punished," she admitted.

"Do you see how she responds?" the Vice-Chancellor asked rhetorically.

"Punished?" the same boy repeated in all innocence. "Punished for what?"

She remained silent. Reed, sitting on Janice's other side, looked at The Vice-Chancellor, who nodded again. Reed slapped her left breast, but much harder than Jeremy had slapped the right one.

"Ohhh!" she cried. "Punished for being disobedient," she said.

"Do you see, boys?" asked the Vice-Chancellor. "How some women need to be treated forcefully? The more you control and direct them, the better." Janice was now perspiring freely. "Remove your skirt." In slow motion, Janice unzipped, lifted her hips off the chair and slid the skimpy skirt down and off. "Now kneel in the chair." With agonizing slowness, the half-naked mother knelt, bringing her panties into full view of them all. The front was plastered to her skin. Her head swooned at the debased picture she was presenting.

The Vice-Chancellor spoke to the boy who'd asked about Janice's marks. "Wally, the panties are sticking to her pussy mound not because of sweat, but because her pussy is aroused and is leaking juices. On top is her clitoris and beneath on either side, her vaginal or labial lips. Janice, put your hands behind your neck and extend your pelvis." When she remained motionless, Jeremy raised a hand and struck her right breast with a tawse he'd hidden under the table. Janice jumped and yelled, but raised her hands into the standard position and thrust her loins forward.

"Reed, why do you think her pubic hair is shaved except for that tiny strip?"

"Well, I guess it's because it shows her pussy. I mean, her cunt's not hidden underneath a lot of hair."

"That's correct, although there are other reasons. A shaved mound is humiliating for Janice, removing any privacy from her cunt. This way, we can easily see what a slut she really is. Watch."

The Vice-Chancellor took a knife and made a vertical slit in the tight panties. As soon as he did so, her prominent labia pushed through the opening. She felt the air cooling her puffy, wet lips. "Now spread open your pussy lips so they can see the outer and inner lips. See how wet she is?" Each of his commands was so much more degrading for her than the one before.

Jeremy struck the left breast with the tawse and she complied, her fingers at first slipping on the drenched lips. "Note that Janice's clit and pussy lips are unusually thick and prominent – as are her nipples. Speaking of your nipples, Janice, pull down the bikini and tuck the fabric under your tits."

Rather than wait for her to be non-responsive, Reed grabbed the tawse from Jeremy and struck her pussy straight on. She leapt up and screamed. "We mustn't disturb the neighbors, must we? Janice, open your mouth." For this command, she needed no reminder. She dropped open her mouth, drool escaping one corner. The boys were riveted as a strand fell onto a bare breast. Gordon, go get one of the mouth appliances and those rawhide cords."

Gordon retrieved a ball gag and leather strap. He pushed it into her willing mouth and fastened the strap around the back of her head. Dully, she realized there were no lengths to which she would not accede. She was so disgusting that she hoped these innocent boys would punish her lewdness. Another part of her knew that if any of them were virgins, she'd be a much hotter fuck than some cold, impatient whore.

"We're still waiting," the Vice-Chancellor reminded her. Janice pulled the sweat-drenched bikini cups down and underneath her breasts. One of the boys swallowed as the chocolate nipples met the air, even larger after having been struck. "These luscious, big tits are a 35C in size. Large but not too massive. Now Janice is going to demonstrate what a 36 looks like and a 35D cup, so you'll all be more skilled at judging in the future.

The Vice-Chancellor placed one of the one-inch cords across her breasts, directly above the nipples, and tied it off snugly behind her back. She grunted as the tension creased the tit flesh inward, bulging the perimeter of the globes outward. "That looks more like a DD or EE cup." Using a knife from the table, he cut the cord between her breasts and they sprang free as she moaned in relief. But the Vice-Chancellor took two more cords and wrapped them several times around the base of each breast, forcing them to bulge forward. She groaned from the pressure. "And that is more or less what a 38-inch looks like."
