Serving Girl and Sunday Sermon Ch. 02


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Susannah curtsied to their retreating backs and scampered to the kitchen as fast as she could. She picked up a soup tureen and followed Mr. Jamison into the dining room. Nellie had just placed down the first course, so Mr. Jamison indicated she should put the soup tureen on the sideboard and stand behind and to the left of Lord Jeffry.

"You say the lad wishes to complete his studies under your tutelage? How did he manage to find you?"

"I daresay it wasn't easy. My particular calling is not met with the agreement it should in many places as you well know. One or two cowardly colleagues grumble about a few bruises..." The Reverend grumbled into his drink leaving his last remarks unintelligible.

He shoved a spoonful of creamed fished in his mouth then turned back to Lord Jeffry. "I believe he mentioned over a year he's been searching me out."

The Reverend spoke with his mouthful of creamed fish and it spewed all over the table. Susannah was about to step forward to wipe up his fish filled spittle, until she caught Mr. Jamison's gaze. He looked sterner than ever but softened his features when Susannah placed her hands behind her back.

"Welcome the lad into our society, yes but I don't think our little village has enough people to support two preachers. How long do you think he'll stay with you?" Lord Jeffry brought his hand up and motioned Susannah forward.

When she stepped forward, she didn't know what he wanted and again she glanced at Mr Jamison. He looked sternly at her breasts, then leaned forward slightly.

Susannah looked down at her breasts, looked at Mr. Jamison, then she noticed Lord Jeffry's elbow, resting on the arm of the chair. His hand was up and he was wiggling his fingers. She leaned down thinking he would whisper something in her ear but instead, he rubbed his fingers over her breasts and nipples. Susannah froze in place and glanced again at Mr. Jamison who clearly was pleased. So she remained bent over to allow Lord Jeffry to fondle her breasts without having to lift his elbow off the arm of the chair.

"Joseph claims to have funds to support himself for a limited time. He plans to learn and then begin his own Men of Rank ministry in some distant place out west. I was hoping, Mr. Stahlings, that you could lodge him in the little cottage you keep beside the barn. Give him more opportunity to learn our method before he must deplete his funds. It will be difficult for him to begin his own ministry, our faith isn't well looked upon just yet." More creamed fish went flying and this time some of it landed on Susannah. She realized she'd probably been placed there on purpose so the Reverend's spittle wouldn't land on Lord Jeffry.

"Reverend, once again I bring to your attention, you fail to address me..." Lord Jeffry was clearly angry; he was now pinching Susannah's nipple and it was beginning to hurt.

" But... I thought your title had been..."

"That, Reverend, is beside the point. Even though we are as you say 'in this country without an aristocracy' a foreign title remains the respectful address."

"Please accept my apologies My Lord. I shall address you as is your due henceforth." The Reverend laid down his spoon and for the first time looked at Susannah's face. "She is awful young, have you taken her yet?"

"Yes, she's highly responsive too." Lord Jeffry gave her nipple another pinch then indicated she could stand again. He pushed out his chair and stood behind it as Mr. Jamison swept in to clear the first course.

Out of nowhere Nellie appeared and took the used bowls and utensils as Susannah replaced them with fresh.

"Come here girl." Revenend Fallwell commanded Susannah. "You experienced pleasure when you were breached for the first time? Can this be true?"

Susannah bowed her head and nodded. She was confused because Lord Jeffry said she could have it but now the Reverend made her feel as if she'd done something wrong.

"Harlot! Jezebel! You are the reason we no longer live in Eden. You are not to feel pleasure, ever. Woman must be ever vigilant to guard against pleasure. Eve took pleasure from the apple, then seduced Adam. She went against God's command and took pleasure. You are not to take pleasure, you evil slut!"

Susannah was about to apologize but remembered she was not to make a sound while serving the Reverend, so she nodded.

"Jamison, next course if you will?" Lord Jeffry said jovially as he sat back down.

After the Reverend sat Susannah followed as Mr. Jamison placed the soup tureen on the table. She picked up the Reverend's bowl and held it so Mr. Jamison could fill it. Then she did the same for Lord Jeffry.

"Girl, see to the soups temperature." Lord Jeffry indicated she was again to lean her breasts forward but was very surprised when Lord Jeffry sat back in his chair and indicated his soup bowl. Perplexed, she looked at Mr. Jamison and nearly exclaimed out loud once she understood his gesticulations.

She leaned over Lord Jeffry's soup and dipped her breast as far into the frothy mixture as she cold manage. She sucked in a breath; it was still quite hot. She then brought her soup dripping nipple closer to Lord Jeffry's mouth.

"Bring that tit closer girl, don't make me reach for it."

Susannah cupped her breast and brought it to his mouth. He sucked in her nipple and alternated between licking it and biting it. Susannah started to have that tension between her legs again. But when Lord Jeffry grabbed her other breast and began to play with that nipple, she was in fear of making a noise and even worse, enjoying this. She closed her eyes and tried not to feel pleasure.

"See to the Reverend's soup now." She was still breathing rather heavily when she stood up and walked over to the Reverend's place.

His soup was also hot but this time she was prepared. When the Reverend got hold of her nipple she was grateful he bit down so hard. The last thing she wanted was to anger him by taking pleasure. She made a decision to ask Lord Jeffry how she could keep her pleasure at bay. She hoped the Reverend's testing would end soon; her nipple was in great pain. Obviously he was having a difficult time discerning the temperature of the soup; he kept biting, taking little pinching bites that felt as if he was breaking her skin apart. She tried very hard to keep her face neutral, but after a particularly long pinch she sucked in a breath and made a squealing sound.

The reverend immediately released her nipple from his bite but grabbed her breasts in his hands and pinched her nipples viciously.

"Eve gave up her right to pleasure and accepted her fate. Her daughters suffer the same. You shall accept the pain."

As the Reverend explained thus to Susannah he smiled in her face. Looking at just his smile, he would appear so kind and loving, but once she glanced into his eyes, she saw cruelty and coldness and Susannah was very afraid. How would she atone for having taken pleasure? She didn't know she wasn't supposed to.

"I shall deal with you after the soup, away now." The Reverend motioned to Mr. Jamison who moved to the fireplace and added another log.

"You know Reverend," Lord Jeffry picked up his spoon and dipped it into his soup, after he swallowed he went on. "While the daughter's of Eve suffer, and I shall not dispute the doctrinal support for that stance, it is my pleasure, your pleasure, indeed , all Men of Rank pleasure that matters. Now, I find a woman's skin, so soft and clear, to be appealing. I prefer my women to be fair of skin and have a healthy glow."

"Lord Jeffry, you forget we must punish. That is our role over women, part of our duty to see she suffers enough for her sin."

Susannah was startled when Mr. Jamison stepped behind her and began to unbuckle her harness. Once it was off she was glad the restriction was no longer there, but felt naked without it. He walked her to the other side of the table and stood her near the fireplace. He bound her wrists together then held them up and hooked them to a chain that dangled from the ceiling. She had noticed the chain, oddly dangling a few feet in front of the fireplace, but had no idea that its purpose was to hang her from the ceiling.

"A pink glow, yes, I find that desirable. Even a ting of red in a few select areas can be arousing. Not a black and blue mottled complexion. Makes them look sickly and ill. I don't like it and won't permit it." Lord Jeffry waved a dismissive hand at Reverend Fallwell. "For your attention this night, she hasn't yet been opened in back. I understand that can be... uncomfortable for them if done the... ah, the right way."

"Indeed." Reverend Fallwell stood up and walked over to where Susannah hung; feeling like a live pig in a butcher shop. He grabbed the bulge between his legs and rubbed it slowly as he looked Susannah up and down. "My formidable weapon has given many a punishment over the years."

Susannah looked at the round man with fear. Was this why she had to take all the water into her bum? Her bum was still in pain and this man was going to put his staff in there? As these thoughts occurred to her she looked at Lord Jeffry who was still seated. But he merely smiled. She looked at Mr. Jamison who looked back with his usual grin and scowl combination.

"Well then Reverend, I believe it would be wise for you to open her with your punishing staff before you go." Lord Jeffry nodded to Jamison who stepped forward and untied her skirt.

Susannah was left completely nude and unable to cover herself. She felt more vulnerable than a newborn lamp amidst hungry lions. Susannah was mortified as the Reverend stepped forward and gazed at her lady part.

"Quite disgusting that." He motioned to the place where her legs met. "The root of all sin. As soon as a woman gets broken in she begins to steal little bits of pleasure. But, when we restrict ourselves to the back place, we don't run as much risk to her thievery."

Susannah looked down into the short round man's eyes. Her own eyes filled with tears, pleading with him silently.

He gave her another evil grin, turned her in place and smacked her bum. Susannah almost yipped. She hoped her sharp intake of breath didn't count as talking. He smacked her again and said, "Silence means without sound. Women shall be silent unless asked to speak by a man."

"She's up too high. Jamison, place her bending over the seat of the chair."

Jamison unhooked her from the chain then led her to the previously indicated chair. He lashed her wrists to the back of the chair down at the seat. Then pushed between her should blades.

"Keep those elbows on the seat at all times, girl." He said as he kicked her feet wide apart.

By now Susannah was so terrified she was hyperventilating. Why did Eve eat that apple, she thought?

"Oh Reverend, be sure she gets your seed." Lord Jeffry called between sips of wine.

"I intend to bury my seed deep within her bowls." Reverend Fallwell was standing to the side of Susannah gazing at her with an evil grin. She could see Mr. Jamison rubbing up and down on the Reverend's pants where his staff was tucked. "That's good Jamison, my beast is now ready to rip."

"No, her mouth Reverend, I mean give your seed in her mouth." Lord Jeffry was laughing now.

"Her mouth? Why that's... that's perfect Lord Jeffry. I shall do just that."

Susannah could feel the reverend's hand grip her hips and he moved forward. Then stepped back.

"She's still too high Jamison!"

"Sorry sir, allow me..." Then Susannah felt Jamison kick her legs out even more. She was widely spread out now and could only imagine the lewd picture that could be seen by those behind her.

"How's that?" Jamison asked as he too seemed to be laughing.

Again she felt the Reverend's hand on her hips. She felt him step forward and felt what must be his staff trying to poke into her bum. He pushed and pushed and Susannah did her best to keep her bum as tightly closed as possible. She was breathing so hard and praying to be forgiven for her lack of courage to take her punishment.

Then she squealed when she felt the Reverend slap her bum. "Jamison, untie her hands so she can spread herself."

Susannah was now resting her breasts on the chair and made to reach back and pull apart her bum cheeks to fully expose herself and allow the reverend to penetrate. She closed her eyes tightly as she took a deep breath and prepared for a large amount of pain.

He entered her, but the pain was nothing like it had been when Lord Jeffry had opened her. In fact, after the Reverend had pumped in and out a few times, Susannah realized it didn't hurt at all. What hurt was how tightly she had to grip her bum cheeks in order to keep them spread apart. His huge belly would no doubt be an impediment to his full penetration, by pulling her cheeks apart, she leveled his playing field, so to speak.

His staff entering, sliding in and out was neither painful nor pleasurable. She breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her grip.

"The wanton slut is even enjoying her first back door? Lord Jeffry, this woman must be whipped!"

"No, Reverend she's not enjoying your punishment. Feel her cunt, why don't you? You'll find it dry I suspect." Now Lord Jeffry was smiling as Susannah had never seen him smile before.

"I'm not touching that revolting thing. You do it Jamison." Reverend Fallwell was clearly repulsed by her lady part.

Susannah felt Mr. Jamison stick his fingers in her and wiggle them around. Then she felt him rub the place where he rubbed her before. She could feel the moisture he rubbed on her tickle spot.

"No, Sir, dry as a bone in there. I think the pain must be great indeed for her to have let go her hands. I expect she's fighting back tears with that almighty staff reaming her."

"Quite right. Get ready girl, your pain will become more than you can bare, but bare it you will." With that, the Reverend increased the speed with which he slid in and out of her bum a few more times before he yelled. "Quick, down on your knees slut!"

Susannah, grimaced as she realized she'd be taking his staff into her mouth after it had been in her bum. But she dutifully opened her mouth and prepared herself for Christ's offered redemption.

When she felt Reverend slide something in her mouth she thought it was his finger. She opened her eyes and realized that thing in her mouth was not his finger but his mighty staff and it was the size of his finger; his littlest finger. She glanced at Lord Jeffry in surprise and he winked at her.

"Don't choke on his staff girl, keep your wits about you and be grateful for his offering. "Mr. Jamison said through gritted teeth. He too seemed to be filled with mirth.

The Reverend grunted and groaned and Susannah felt a drop of seed land on her tongue. She waited for more.

"There now, swallow it all girl." Reverend Fallwell backed up to the chair by the fireplace and wiped his sweaty brow. After a few deep breaths he tucked his finger sized staff back into his pants , rested for some time, and then stood to leave.

"I thank you for a lovely diner Lord Jeffry, but I must caution you against using her cunt. She was able to withstand great pain with me, this means she'll be stealing pleasure in no time at all."

"Have no fear Reverend. I shall ensure that what she feels is what she ought to feel." Lord Jeffry clapped him on the back once Mr. Jamison had helped him on with his coat. "Good night Reverend, I look forward to meeting your protégé." He watched as the Reverend walked out the door and down the walkway toward his buggy.

When Lord Jeffry turned back into the room he burst into gales of laughter. Jamison walked in behind him also laughing. Susannah hadn't moved from her position, on her knees in between the two big wing backed chairs, not knowing what was expected of her. Jamison poured two glasses of port and handed one to Lord Jeffry, the other to Susannah.

"Drink up girl, it'll sooth the pain." Lord Jeffry snorted and joined Mr. Jamison in more laughter. Mr. Jamison took her glass once she'd drank the harsh tasting liquid. Having that slide down her throat was more painful than anything the Reverend had done to her. She coughed and gagged. Once again both Lord Jeffry and Mr. Jamison looked at her and burst into laughter.

"I... I don't understand sir. Have I done something wrong?" Susannah meekly whispered once they'd quieted.

"Not at all girl, you did just fine tonight. Now come over here and suck me."

Already on her knees she stayed on her knees and sort of crawled the few steps to where Lord Jeffry was sitting.

"Wait, stand up. Let me see..." Lord Jeffry drove his fingers into her lady part and wiggled them around. He brought them out and watched the clear moistness glisten on his fingers. He looked at Mr. Jamison and raised an eye brow.

"If I may sir..." Jamison, standing right behind her, brought his hands up to fondle her breasts. "Tits out cunt, shall I have you sleep in your harness?" He rolled her nipples between his fingers as he bit down on her earlobe.

"No sir... I'm s... oh. I'm ... ooh..." Susannah dropped her head backwards so it rested on Mr. Jamison's chest. She did not understand how this feeling in her breasts was also felt between her legs. Then she felt what must be Lord Jeffry rubbing around her tickle spot. She moaned lost in pleasure.

"Oh No! Sir no, please no, I mustn't feel pleasure!" Susannah gasped and attempted to right herself.

"That's right, Reverend did say that didn't he. Well, then you shall have to find a way to stop your pleasure, but if you ever say no to me again I shall beat you silly. Jamison, put her back on the chain."

"Am I to be punished now, the way Reverend Fallwell said I should? I don't understand why it... it was supposed to be painful wasn't it?" Susannah asked as Mr. Jamison once again affixed her to the chain hanging from the ceiling.

"How to answer... hmmm... I will punish your cunt. Then Jamison will punish you elsewhere." Then Lord Jeffry grabbed both her breasts, pushed them together and sucked on both nipples. "Mmmm, I shall have to remember to have these decorated for the party."

Susannah was lost in sensation again, but this time she was fighting it. Between Mr. Jamison kissing and licking her neck and ear, and Lord Jeffry sucking on her nipples, she was building up a lot of pleasurable tension. She didn't know what to do to stop it. "Oh sir, punish mmm..."

Then Lord Jeffry grabbed her bottom and made her wrap her legs around him. Mr Jamison assisted by keeping her thighs spread and somewhat supported. When Lord Jeffry entered her, she felt completely lost. It was so lovely to be filled thus. He moved in and out at a steady pace while Mr. Jamison played with her nipples and whispered in her ear.

"Don't feel pleasure girl, you know what the reverend says. If you cum you make woman kind into the sluts they are. Don't cum girl." He whispered over and over again. But she didn't really understand his word, she only felt his hot breath on her neck and ear, it was very pleasant indeed.

"I don't know that that word means Mr. Jamison. Or any of the words the stable lads used." Susannah realized as she focused on the meaning of words, she lost track of the pleasure. She decided to ask more. "What does 'Bugger Fiend' mean, or 'slut'? What is 'cum' or 'cums?'"

Lord Jeffry stopped pumping into her to laugh some more. "Ah girl you're such a delight! Bugger is what the good Reverend did to you tonight" He pumped into her hard and wiggled his belly onto her tickle spot. "And what Jamison will do to you in a second or two." He repeated his action again. "Slut is a woman who enjoys submitting her body to men's pleasure." He repeated his action several more times only faster. "Cum, that's the feeling you get when the tension builds up..." More pumping; "between your legs," Even faster pumping. "crescendos for a while and then goes away." He slowed down but continued the motion of sliding in and out. "Cums, are when that happens over and over again."