Seven Year Itch

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Did she really say that?
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Jerry and his wife, Barbara, were sitting in the living room after dinner. They were talking about his old college friend, David, and David's wife, Anita. Barbara hadn't heard the story, probably because they lived in the next state and only saw them rarely. Plus, Jerry wasn't big on conversation.

"Why did they get divorced?"

"Short version? She cheated on him."

"That's awful." She shook her head in disappointment and then asked, "What's the longer version?"

"She's an idiot and she cheated on him."

"Okay, give me the much longer version."

"She was born 35 years ago in Chicago. It was an early summer's night. Her father was a businessman and her mother..."

"A little less long..."

"He brought a friend home for dinner. After a time, she told him to go out and get another bottle of wine and pickup some dessert on the way back. Half way to the liquor store he realized that he'd forgotten his wallet. He turned around, went home, walked into the house, and she was bent over the kitchen table with his friend's dick in her. She was enjoying it... a lot!"

"Oh my God! That's awful." Barbara wasn't smiling any longer.

"No, what's awful is that he put his so-called friend in the hospital, got arrested, and served 6 months for aggravated assault. When he got out she tried to mend fences, but he just moved out and divorced her. The whole affair broke his heart and his spirit. He still misses her and mourns the loss of their marriage."

"Maybe he deserved it? Maybe she just needed a little excitement and he should have understood?"

Jerry stared at his wife like she had lost her mind. He thought to himself, "What the fuck, is she kidding?"

The rest of the evening was quiet. That remark didn't sit well with Jerry and it lingered in his mind. In fact, it stayed in his mind, off and on, for weeks to come.

Two hours later when they were going to bed Barbara said "I was only kidding you know."

Jerry nodded, but said nothing. She was accustomed to his moods and decided to let him have his space. She just snuggled behind him quietly and they fell to sleep.

Jerry was a lot like David: he was kind, trusting, and devoted. He thought that he could drop his wife off in a locker room full of naked Olympic athletes and all she'd get would be a great story to tell her girlfriends.

Her comment kept turning over in his mind. It troubled him and he could not let it go. It wasn't like her, but she had said it anyway. Where could that have come from?

Five days each week Barbara would go off to work. She was the office manager in a major law firm in town. She made good money, had some small amount of authority, kept the office running smoothly and the drama to a minimum, and she hobnobbed with the rich and powerful men of the city. For the first time in his marriage, Jerry was nervous. He wondered if Barbara was still the same faithful, loving girl he married. He had no real reason to think otherwise; but he kept thinking of Barbara's words, "Maybe she just needed a little excitement..." After seven years, did Barbara need a little excitement? Is that what she was saying? Did she have the seven year itch?

Jerry kept wondering about his wife. There had been so many late nights at the office this past year. David never knew until that fateful night at his home. He'd been a clueless bastard until he forgot his wallet. Could Jerry be the same? Could he have grown too complacent, too trusting, too oblivious to what was going on in his own marriage?

Jerry would have to put these thoughts out of his mind. These thoughts were mind killers; they would kill his soul and kill his marriage. They would breed mistrust and suspicion. They would eat away at him. He was being paranoid and insecure. It was time to man-up. Barbara would never cheat. The Christmas season was coming. He'd bury this nonsense in the holiday preparations and forget about it. At least, he would try.

Three weeks later Barbara's firm had their annual Christmas party. Their parties were legendary and it was not unusual to find yourself rubbing elbows with the mayor or a senator. The food was always top notch, the music was live, and the liquor was free. They dressed for the night and Barbara was a vision. Jerry liked to tell her "You clean up good, girl!" It was an understated compliment and she always appreciated it. She knew how he felt about her.

They arrived at the party. Jerry was again introduced to her coworkers and the firm's big guns. Everyone paid attention to Barbara and complimented her on her dress. Some of the men watched her a bit too closely, but it had never worried Jerry before. Jerry danced with his wife and, as usual, Barbara was asked to dance by the other men. Jerry danced with the wives when there were wives, or sat one out when the men were single.

One of the recently promoted partners, a fellow named George Collins, seemed to dance with Barbara longer and more often than the others. He and Barbara were enjoying each other's company more than Jerry remembered. George was recently divorced and Jerry's mood was growing dark.

Jerry got caught up in social conversations and small talk with some of the men of the office, exchanged pleasantries with some of the wives, and when he turned around to find his wife she was gone. He searched everywhere; but she wasn't on the dance floor, she wasn't at the tables, and she wasn't in the hallway. Jerry's mind ran back to that night and her words about Anita, "Maybe she just needed a little excitement..." He could feel the anger growing inside him. This was a hotel, damn it, and they had 200 bedrooms to choose from! He'd never find her.

Jerry sat in the corner with a drink and he stewed. She wouldn't get away with this! Damn her, he will not be cuckold! He may be just an engineer and his friends are not among the high and mighty, but he will damn well not be cuckold!

As he sat there, stewing over his situation, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Barbara's face looking in his eyes. She was always so proud of him. It wasn't like him to sit alone like this. "I have a surprise for you."

"I bet you do."

"Come, let me show you."

They stepped outside into the brisk winter air and crossed the parking lot. There was a brand new Tesla model S sitting in front of the hotel. It was red. Barbara held out her hand and gave Jerry the keys. She said, "A month ago the senior partners said they wanted to do something to thank me for all that I do for the firm. They offered me a brand new Mercedes S-Class, but I said I was happy with my Ford. Then they said, `That's part of what we like about you. You're always so practical with two feet on the ground. Okay, then, what can we get your husband to thank him for all the late nights you've had to work?' I knew you've been admiring the Teslas with their advanced technology, so I asked them to get you a Tesla. It's actually cheaper than the Mercedes, so they were more than happy with the choice. Merry Christmas, my love!"

Jerry stood frozen in place. He looked at the keys and then to his wife. She was smiling at him with those hazel eyes he'd fallen in love with when they were still in school. A grown man isn't supposed to cry, but Jerry felt like such a fool. He thought, "I let my imagination run away with me. Barbara has never given me any reason to mistrust her, and her words to me that other night were just a wife teasing her husband. My insecurities took control of an evil fantasy that I fabricated in my own mind. I must be a horrible disappointment to her."

"I thought you were cheating on me."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"No. Ever since you made that remark about Anita needing a little excitement I've been wondering if you needed something I wasn't providing."

She was shaking her head. "Men are so stupid! You foolish, foolish boy! I wept the day I married you because I knew you were better than I ever imagined I'd find. No other man could make me happy and I swore an oath that no other would ever be allowed to try. I've never changed my mind in the past seven years and I won't in the next seventy. You're my husband, my one and only love. And I have half a mind to smack you, you jackass!"

"And I deserve it."

"Yes, you do." She smiled. "Now, you want to take your new car for a spin?"

"We will in a minute. First, I have some people to thank."

Barbara put her arm in Jerry's and they walked back into the party together. He thanked the senior partners who were all too happy to return their thanks for all the long hours Barbara had spent during the difficult weeks of the past year. It had not been a particularly good year for the firm; but with hard work and Barbara's level head and calming influence, they had emerged stronger. The partners were in Barbara's debt and their wives knew that Jerry's wife was an asset to the firm.

After a few minutes of thanks and congratulations, Jerry and Barbara left the party to take a spin in Jerry's new car. He was happy not so much for the car he had just received, but for the love he was given seven years before. Jerry's mind was clear now and the doubts of recent weeks were behind him. He'd been a fool to let his imagination run wild and it had led him to question his wife's fidelity. He was going to be called upon to do some penance in the coming weeks with some serious ass-kissing for doubting her (and maybe more than a few verbal ass-kickings). Jerry accepted that as a well-deserved reminder from a loving wife. And she was a loving wife who loved only him.

*** *** ***

Dear Reader, I know you probably thought this was a Loving Wives story after you read that first conversation, but I meant it when I submitted it as a Romance. I hope you didn't mind the happy ending. Too many stories of betrayal can poison the mind; so I took a little time to remind myself that wives may sometimes be diabolical, but that doesn't mean they are dishonest.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story. She said it was a joke, people. Probably was poor timing but it should send their marriage into a death spiral of distrust. Sometimes spouses really are working late. However, she should have followed up her comment that it was a joke with some reassurance that what Anita did was wrong and hurtful and she isn't built that way. Meanwhile the husband just stewed for a long time and internalized everything. If he is that upset then get a recording device or hack her phone. It is an invasion of privacy but honestly doing nothing was hurting their marriage more. Laughing at some of the commenters who are still unbelieving and suspect something more sinister going on. Wtf? It is under Romance and the author clearly stated it was above board. It is the author's story. It is fiction. If you put your own doubts and paranoia into it then that is on you and go back and write your own story. 4 stars since a bit too short for my taste.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Still suspicious of her comment. I was was/am waiting for the shoe to drop. What was she doing that made her so valuable to the firm?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yes it was a good change and she is a true Loving Wife. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The last anon got it right. Her comment seemed out of character because it WAS out of character. After prying the story about his friends cheating wife out of him, it was unseemly. So she should have been more clear about the humor in a still young marriage. And he could have been more upfront about his disquiet to get her undivided attention. That is how marriages dissolve. Older couples can and do joke about this stuff, but then again, that state of dating and mating is usually past for them and its about a loving companionship. Sex may slow down but romance never really ends in a strong marriage. It has to be nurtured and her working long hours and acting like that fed his paranoia. That is the flipside of romance. This fictional wife was doing the same thing many successful husbands do, and he would probably have traded at least some of her income or even her shiny new Tesla gift for more of that precious romance. I did that very thing 13 years into my marriage until my wife read me the riot act and threatened to leave me because she could 'still have suitors', and she could have too. As the Anon said, "Open and honest".

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The problem is, if you love someone, one does not make light of things like she made. It sounded out of character for her and that is what's got him wondering. As to the party, every time each of them danced wit a different person they both should have been asked each time, they were asked to dance with another person. Open and honest. It is 'bad form' to dance with the same person too often and she should have been aware of this.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A lot has been said about the comment so I won't go any further with that but what about her getting too cosy with her smarmy co worker on the dance floor? It was presumably meant by the author to be a red herring but it was never tied up. One moment Mr Smarm is all over Barbara, the next he has simply vanished into thin air.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Everything good except a POS car that basically runs on coal and destroys the environment.

Just_WordsJust_Words9 months agoAuthor

@Calico75 - As the writer, I may have stepped over the line on that comment. My thinking was that the wife was a bit more detached and was wondering out loud if there wasn't a better solution. We tend to regret what we say at times like that.

Calico75Calico759 months ago

What about that comment?

Just_WordsJust_Words11 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous - Yes, I failed at this one. I tried, but once it's written I'm too close to see if it will work.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The comment didn't fit the story. I don't know about other men, but if my wife makes a comment like that, it's over. I don't care if she hasn't done anything, that type of comment is a seed of destruction and it provides an insight into the mindset of a person.

AngelRiderAngelRider12 months ago

That comment would need to be addressed regardless of the car. It's creates way too much doubt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A sweet story HOWEVER, no one but an insensitive fools would utter Barbara's comment as a joke in counterpoint to a viscious act of betrayal defacto blaming the husband.

This was a VERY poor vehicle to launch an otherwise good story.

4 star, but would have been 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story WAS a surprise, but... thanking her for all her hard work... then her husband for coping with her late nights, by buying a new expensive Tesla? Seriously? What else was she doing late at night that she's not talking about? Some time before, she mentioned her friend needed some excitement & her husband should understand. Remembering this, Jerry thought Barbara's cheating. Between everything, I'm not sure he's wrong, at least emotionally if not outright having sex. 3stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ah, you got me. Yeah, I like a good surprise now and then. *****.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Totally in agreement with AngelRider, that the husband's correct in thinking that, by his wife's talk weeks prior, she's either planning on cheating, or is cheating. Her blaming the friend's husband without sufficient reason is in itsself reason enough. Otherwise, I found some missing from the story- mostly the back & forth talking & some extra depth in the story. Still, it's good that she wasn't, in fact, even thinking of betraying her husband. However, I can only give this 3 stars. Bob

lflyer82lflyer82over 1 year ago

Thank you for this message. It’s a gift for all the loving wife readers like me who get lost in these stories. Sometimes they are so well written that it’s hard to separate fact from fiction.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

I am sorry but he had every right to be worried and concerned. His wife blamed an innocent betrayed man for the loss of his marriage and basically justified the betrayal as needed excitement. That isn't just stated out of hand.

There is no getting past that plot development with a new car.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

You fooled me in a good way !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So why was the bitch so friendly with Gordon!! She was the corporate whore and Jerry the CUCK

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