Sex Club for Nerds and Geeks Ch. 18


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"Yeah, true. I figured I'd tell him about it when we got together, whenever, at school or Janie's house, that I'd planned ahead, just for him."

"That was then. You're not gonna see him till next summer, right? Unless you crap out on the ski trip over Christmas."

"Daddy'd have a cow. It's just the three of us. I have to go."

"Look, guys have been trained that we're responsible for birth control, and that's the condom. It's manly to use one."

"So of course he'll have a stash at wherever we wind up? Ha! Now I know y'all're in fantasyland."

"What I'm thinking is, when you get close, you make a big deal about not wanting to do it without one. You hesitate, not because you don't want to make love, but because you're afraid of getting pregnant. You make him go get one. Or two. Or twenty."

"Y'all're a real snake about this, aren't you?"

"I'm having fun imaging this," I said truthfully. "Hey, you need to know how condoms work. Wanna try one?"

She sat up very straight. "I like doing it without them. I told you that."

"So do I. But you have a role to play with Jake. You can be all fumbly, but when it comes to the point of actually doing it, you want it to go right. If you leave him in complete charge, he could screw up and the moment could be ruined. Or worse, it'll come off or break and he'll be a wreck till your period. Which, if I recall correctly, could take three months."

She thought about it. "Okay, you're probably right. Got any? Oh boy, that's dumb, of course you do."

I was getting hard. "Back of the drawer," I said, gesturing to the bedside table.

She pulled out a foil packet. "This?"

"Right. Tear it open." I was really hard now.

"It's wet."

"Lubricated for her pleasure," I snarked. "Now roll it on."

She looked at it like it was Yorick's skull. "Which way?"

"Nipple side out."

"Oh yeah, that was dumb."

"Pinch the top a little, that'll leave room for the cum, the nipple doesn't always hold the load. Put it on the top.

"Now roll it down the shaft, oh yes, that's nice. Not all the way, there has to be something to grab on to when I come out of you."

"That's gross."

"But there's no bed mess, nothing to clean up."

"True, I guess, never thought of that." She had it on me and was playing with my balls.

"You hot to trot?"

"Very. Will you ride me?"

"Cowgirl. I like that." She started to mount me. "Whoops, scrunchies," and she grabbed them, then mounted me.

"That was easy, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, no hairs getting caught. Good idea," she said, kissing me.

"Feel any difference?"

"Nope. You?"

"The latex is very thin, but I feel there's something between us. So you're gonna have to work extra hard to make me cum."

She bounced a couple of times, then held herself up so that just the head was inside her, and rotated herself. "Like this?"

"More." I thrust up a couple of time, barely inside her so I was stimulating the head.

"Sure." She slid all the way down and swirled her hips.

I lay back and thumbed her clit as she slowly rode me, marveling at the bounce of her breasts. Her bush, once so difficult to navigate, was now a decorative invitation to her pussy. It was easy to see my cock sliding in and out, the lips tight on me.

She broke my reverie by leaning forward, supporting herself on her hands and sticking her tongue into my mouth. She began to drive her hips against my pubic bone, hammering her clit into me.

"This is really nice, Carl," she husked, "so good, so g-o-o-o-o-d." Her breasts swept through my chest hair and the lust in her eyes burned into mine.

"You gonna cum soon, Carl?"

"Not yet, just feelin' good. I'll get there, but not yet. You?"

"I'm under control, but I'm feelin' it. Gotta get you." She leaned back and lifted up, just to the top of my cock. She was moving slowly now, only an inch every time, coming oh-so-close to popping off, then taking just the head back inside her. She'd rotate her hips, sometimes slide all the way down, then up again, but mostly she held herself on the head.

She was getting what she wanted. The urge was building, building. "Soon Jen, I'm gonna cum soon."

"Good. You are so gonna cum," and she worked the head some more.

"Oh god Jen, VERY soon, ogod ogod ogod-d-d-d-d-d!" and I came, arching my hips and slamming up into her.

As it was happening, Jen dropped all the way down on me, keeping my cock as far inside herself as possible. She banged her pubic bone into mine, so that it was her clit that was hammering me. I began wilting, finished, I was done.

"Stay hard Carl, c'mon, keep it in me, I'm close, I need you to keep it up. C'mon, bang me back." By keeping her pussy tight against me she wasn't causing my cockhead pain, so I humped back at her.

"So close, so close, oh yeah, oh yeah —

"That's it, that's — o-h-h-h-h god-d-d-d-d!" She threw her head back and pushed her chest out as she pummeled me. I didn't want to grab her and make her stop, but I was relieved when she crashed down on me, gasping for breath, completely spent.

I love holding a freshly-fucked girl to my chest, feeling her heaving breasts against me as we surrender to the haze. Just in time I remembered that I had to grab the condom or it would be left inside her.

She must have felt my hand reaching between us. "No more, please," she whispered, "that was enough." For emphasis, she clamped her thighs together.

"Condom," I whispered back, "gotta take it with me." Snagging it was the last thing I remember.


I felt around for her warm butt, but Jen wasn't there. I got up, took the condom to the toilet and peed, then washed the dried cum off my face, chest, and cock. Jen was on the couch, clicking through her cell phone. We'd turned them off when she arrived and I realized that I ought to put in some time for the job.

"Settin' up dates?" She jumped.

"Oh, y'all startled me. No, just checking if anybody called. Got a couple of texts, nothing earth-shattering."

"Would you mind if I did some things for work tomorrow? I'll put all our pictures on a thumb drive. Do you want the ones from the dinner on Friday?"

"Absolutely! They're the start of my memories. Y'all gonna keep copies for yourself?"

"If it's okay with you, I'd like to. I'll put them in a folder called 'Hot Yalie.' " She smiled indulgently.

There were a bunch of re-schedules from the lost interviews of Thursday and Friday, but not everyone had responded — not unreasonable, since it was a weekend. Still, there were four no-responses. I sent confirmations to the re-scheduled interviewees, then updated Anna and asked about how to explain the payment procedure. No one had complained about not getting cash. Maybe they'd read the student newspaper.

My voice mail was stuffed. The reporter had called three times for a comment on the arrest. Lisa, Margery, Tom, Carrie, and Amanda had seen the story and had called to see how I was doing. My sister Chrissy had also called, reporting that mom and dad and grandma were really happy that the guy had been captured.

I was just finishing my first call-back when Jen popped her head through the door. "Hey, it's dinnertime. Wanna order pizza?"

"Good idea." I gave her the number of the shop I liked and fished $20 from my wallet.

"Waddya like?"

"Pepperoni, please. With anchovies."

"You too? I love anchovies. How about an all-anchovy pizza?"

"Only if you're willing to sleep on the couch. But double anchovies would be great."

"Okay, we'll add pepperoni and extra cheese, okay?"

Everybody wanted to know about the arrest, whether my wounds were healing, and was I going to work on Monday. Since the reporter had already filed her story, saying that neither victim was available for comment, I was off the hook until something further developed.

Chrissy handed the phone to mom, who quizzed me for details of the stitches (she is, after all, mom). Then Chrissy got back on. "A couple of people here actually heard about this. Remember Goth Girl? She stopped me at the 7-11 yesterday and asked about you. I thought she'd dropped out of community college, but I was wrong — she's been working and taking classes. In fact, she graduated and wants to go to a four-year school."

" 'Goth girl?' You mean Leslie?" We'd been part of a loose high school group, each with different interests but connected as shunned nerds. We ate lunch together and hung out. She was into Goth and I thought she was interesting but way too intense. Still, she was one of the people who made my high school existence tolerable.

"Yeah, Leslie. You always liked her, didn't you? Anyway, she wants to start in the fall and she asked me if you'd show her around if she came up to check out the place. I said I'd check."

"Sure, tell her to call me. I work during the day, but if she came up on a weekend, I'd give her the ten-cent tour." Why not? You haven't kept up with anybody from high school, even the three from your class that also came here.

I'd reached everyone except Lisa by the time the pizza arrived. "Come and get it while it's hot," shouted Jen. I checked the time and was amazed —8 o'clock!

She had jeans and a t-shirt on. "Dressing for the pizza man? No sense of adventure."

"I'm not an exhibitionist like some people I know."

"You have got to get naked. I am not eating pizza in the buff alone." Jen smirked, popped the button on her jeans and wiggled her hips, causing them to fall to the floor. At the same time she pulled the t-shirt over her head and, just like that, she was nude.

"Okay, pull your jaw off the floor, it's pizza time."

She'd set the table: pizza box in the center, a large bottle of Sprite with two glasses, two plates, and tented paper napkins. "Martha Stewart, I presume?"

"No, but there's no reason to just pig out either."

We sat, thigh to thigh. This shop made a good pizza and delivered it quickly, in an insulated container. It was hot, not warm, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I insisted we each eat three slices.

"Gotta keep up your energy, the night is young."

"Are you always this randy?"

"I am merely responding to your presence," I leered, putting my hand on her thigh and stroking her pussy. She leaned into me, bringing the taste of anchovy and the rest of the pizza into play.


"Y'all make me this way," she husked, wrapping her hand around my inflating cock and stroking it. She quickly had me hard.

"C'mon lover, bed."

Once there, I moved for her pussy. "Skip the foreplay," she commanded, pushing me away. "I'm hot to trot, let's go."

"Okay, lean forward, on your elbows." She flipped into doggy position and not for the first time did I admire her trim butt and delicate rosebud. Her pussy hairs weren't in the way and now they were glistening.

"Oh god that's nice, we fit together so nice, so nice," she crooned as I seated myself inside her. I reached around her hip and stroked her clit.

"Yeah, that's good. A little harder, please." She jerked as I squeezed it.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No, no, it feels good, I love it that way, it gets me goin'. Keep it up." I played with it as I pumped in and out of her, and she responded by pushing back against me.

"Harder now, c'mon, push in like you mean it. It's so g-o-o-o-o-d, so nice." She swung her hips each time I stroked into her.

"Gonna cum soon Jen, soon, pretty —" and I felt my balls retracting.

"My clit, please, harder! Make me cum too! Yeah!" I was out of control, flogging her clit, shoving myself into her as deep as I could, and cumming. Jen whipped her hips around, pulling my cock with her, fucking back at me for all she was worth.

"Oh god-d-d-d-d yes yes yes! Oh god-d-d-d-d-d!" We collapsed in a heated mess, each of us struggling for air. I had enough sense to roll us to our sides and we spooned, my softness still inside her.


"What was that?"

" 'That' was me telling you how much I enjoyed the pizza," I grinned.

"Boys are so crude."

It was very domestic. We got up, washed the dishes, and went back to bed, which was a real mess. So we changed the sheet.

"Any thoughts?"


"Jake. Strategies?"

She sighed. "It's not gonna be easy, is it? I'd planned on just being myself, letting the flow of being with him carry me, us, along, and we'd consummate. Now I don't know."

"Do you think it would've worked?"

She sighed again. "Probably not, or at least not the way I wanted it to. I know I have to work at it. Janie and her boyfriend started dating in ninth grade, but it wasn't until after they'd broken up, dated other people, and got back together junior year that they knew they were ready for each other. By then they'd fooled around enough — kissing, touching, second-base kinda stuff, even a little sliding into third." She grinned at the thought.

"I never did that, not with Jake of course, but not with anybody else either. Closest I came was my blind date at Dartmouth — and that was what, five months ago? Afterwards, Janie told me she'd made her boyfriend tell him not to take advantage of me, no matter what. So even though I got drunk and high, all that happened was I jerked him off through his pants and let him get his hands in my bra.

"So you're my experience."

"Packed a lot into a short time, eh?"

"And lovin' every minute of it."

"Can I change the subject?"

"Sure. It'll be a relief to get away from your insatiable demands for sex."

I jumped on her and blew a trumpet blast in her navel. She squealed, and we wrestled, then settled comfortably against the headboard.

"I'm curious, how did your family get from Vietnam to Arkansas?"

"The French did what colonialists usually do, worked with factions of whatever established elite they found. My father's family converted to Catholicism and was involved in the military. My grandfather's cousin was General Nguyen Cao Ky, the head of the air force who was Vice President of South Vietnam from 1967 to 1971.

"General Ky was evacuated with the Americans when Saigon fell. He'd invested money in a couple of U.S. businesses and over the years he's brought relatives here. Dad was just a kid when the communists took over, and times were hard for a while, but he went to a trade school, learned to operate a very complicated lathe. One of the General's companies used these lathes, so they pulled strings and brought dad, mom, and me over. The plant was in Minnesota, but within a year they moved it to Arkansas, and we came along."

"That's amazing."

"Not really, just our piece in the American immigrant story. Africans, Germans, Irish, Italians, Asians, now Hispanics, this country has always been short on labor. For most of our history it had to be cheap and unskilled. First it was slaves, then Europeans, then Asians, now it's South Americans. But there's always been a demand for skilled labor too. Dad was just in the right place at the right time.

"Jake's family, on the other hand, were Scotch-Irish farmers. They came to Arkansas in the early 1800s, made a living on a small farm. When mechanization came after World War II, they couldn't compete, so they started working in the factories that grew up near the military base. They sold off pieces of the farm for housing developments and eventually all that was left was the old farm house, which his mother inherited. We bought the brick ranch house next door.

"Arkansas has this terrible school system, but you can make something out of it. I'm an only child and my parents drilled into me that I had to go to college. Jake's parents were the same way. I got the message that staying focused on my education precluded a social life. Besides, I felt like a misfit, and if it hadn't been for Jake I'd have been really miserable, and almost certainly wouldn't have achieved as much. So I really owe him."

"It's almost ten o'clock, Jen. I've got to be at work by eight-thirty, to set up. When do you have to go to class?"

"We convene at ten, but I want to take my stuff back to the dorm first."

"I'll drive you. I can't believe you humped that heavy bag of stuff all the way across campus."

"Well, I decided as I was walking back to the dorm that I was coming back, so when I got there I just packed what I needed. Yeah, it was a little heavy. I got here around eleven but when you didn't answer the buzzer I was convinced you didn't want me and I was ready to go back. I should've called first, like you said. When I remember that, I was so relieved when you said yes.

"Yes, I would appreciate your driving me back. Drop me off on the north side of the dorm, nobody'll see you and I can breeze in."

"Leave at eight then?"


"Okay. We have stuff for breakfast, right? Can you stand a repeat of the bagels?"

"Oh yeah, they're great. I'll do scrambled eggs."

My cock was at half staff. I'd cum four times since I woke her up in the morning and knew I couldn't get it up again. On the other hand, a good night's rest would restore me for a morning romp — we'd just have to do it in time for a shower before breakfast.


Just before the alarm went off at six, I woke to Jen's mouth softly caressing my cock. I groaned out what I hoped sounded like a cheery "good morning."

"Y'all're certainly gonna have a good one if I have anything to do with it," she said brightly.

"I love morning blowjobs, but can't I give you some pleasure beforehand?"

"Carl, I am so sensitive. Just before I fell asleep I touched myself, just to see how it felt. I was tender then, but now I'm sore." She kissed my cockhead. "I'm gonna be walkin' funny for a week, so you're just gonna have to grin and bear this."

She'd certainly paid attention about giving a blowjob. Rimming the head some more and then taking me deep, she got me going pretty good. As my excitement grew, she sensed it and drove me to the edge by alternating her mouth and her hand.

"You're gonna cum, Carl, and I'm gonna have an early breakfast," she crowed as she ran her fingers over the cockhead. "Oh boy, your balls are getting' ready," and she upped the pace.

She rode me up as I arched my back and came, then floated down with me as I collapsed, drained of every drop of cum I had accumulated overnight. When I started to go soft, she slithered up and rained kisses all over my face. I pulled her close and we snuggled.

But we had to get going. I washed her back and pussy for the last time and she cheerfully scrubbed my cock and balls. We changed the bandages, then pulled on our clothes. Breakfast went quickly and we washed the dishes in contented silence. After she did a final check, to be sure she had everything, she hefted her bag and smiled. "All set."

We traded a last kiss.

"You're a wonder, Jennifer. You are gonna get Jake, I don't know how, but you will. And he'll never know what hit him."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I just read your entire "Sex Club for Nerds and Geeks," series and while I enjoyed it quite a bit I have to agree with the other anonymous poster. The last three chapters have nothing to do with the "Sex Club," storyline at all so why are they under the same name? Were you just trying to garner some free looks from the people who have been waiting for more chapters of "Sex Club," for over a year? It sure seems like you were...

PeterspeterPeterspeteralmost 12 years agoAuthor

“It's nice,” wrote Anonymous on June 18, 2012 in a comment on Chapter 17 of this prequel, “... but this is not Thuy.”

Anonymous is right, Chapters 16-18 of “Sex Club for Nerds and Geeks” are not about Thuy. Jake tells us everything we can know about her in “Nothing Between Us” — she’s the gal-pal next door, his low-maintenance, insightful, funny, ever-up-for-a-challenge best friend. Think Hildy Johnson in “His Gal Friday.”

The rest of the NBU universe knows Jennifer, a child of immigrants who came to America and landed in Arkansas. She assimilated, changed her name to Jennifer, and parlayed her brains and drive into a full scholarship to Yale and an escape from Arkansas to the North.

M-Y-Erotica, the author of “Nothing Between Us,” tells the story of what happens when Jen re-appears in Jake’s life — how they find themselves alone together after both sets of parents fortuitously take off for long weekends. As a skilled writer, M-Y-Erotica left far more out of this story than she put in. I wanted to explain what happened between the time Jen left Arkansas and that Spring break 20 months later, when she came back to go after Jake.

Several hostile comments have surprised me. The Yale sophomore who delivered such a devastating tit fuck to Jake is hardly a blushing virgin. And there's every reason to believe that Jen cooked up a conspiracy with Jake’s and her parents that kicked into action as soon as Jake's mom pushed him out the door to shoot baskets. And I've provided a good explanation for why Mrs. B hollered to Jen’s mother at the end of NBU, "May! May! You were right! You were right! You said they'd figure it out!" What I’ve done is explain how Jen may have developed her plan to nail Jake.

Unfortunately, I’ve let Sex Club languish for over a year. Writing this prequel to NBU seemed like a good way to get back into it. Sex Club, being the tale of how Carl moves from introvert to adulthood, has had and will have twists and turns as he learns how to relate to people and do good.

When you’ve been away from writing this long, taking it up again presents many opportunities to make mistakes. Mixing up Gauguin and Van Gogh was hilariously dumb. And I have no idea how I came to substitute Alabama’s Fort Payne for Pine Bluff, Arkansas, especially since I clearly remember patting myself on the back for figuring out where on I-530 they probably lived. Chalk these up to rusty research skills. I promise to do better.


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