Sex-Ed for my Son

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A mom teaches her son all about sex
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Hello. Captain Obvious here. Ok, so if you look at the category this is posted in, it says very plainly the word INCEST. That should make you think that this story probably contains sexual content with family members. Furthermore, let's go back and review the title to this story. The title to this story contains both the words 'Sex' and 'Son'. Given that this is a website for erotic stories, most people with more brain cells than the average over ripe tomato would naturally assume that this story contains scenes of sexual activities between a parental unit and their male offspring. Those that have perused any of my other submissions would know that I generally do not write about male homosexuality, except in cases where I am trying to humiliate someone with poor moral and ethical characteristics. Either way, it is not the dominant part of the story. To clarify, just by knowing the category that this story is in and the story's title, it should be completely obvious that this story is about sexual relations between a mother and her son. I simply cannot make that any plainer. If this type of content offends you, you really should have stopped reading once you finished reading the title. Should you continue reading and be offended at the content, please feel free to comment at how you are offended. Your comment will help in the general welfare of the public by adding levity to this world. This is because everyone that reads your idiodic comment will be laughing at what a dumbass you are. You're welcome.

OK. Standard disclaimers. All persons in this story are over the age of 18. I self-edit, and that is not going to change no matter how may comments I get on it. I write what I like to write. If you think it should be different, feel free to write your own story how you want it to be.

For those of you still reading, enjoy.

Sex-Ed for my Son:

I smiled as I looked at the object that had recently been hidden on the shelf. Well, hidden might be too strong of a word for it. It obviously was not hidden well enough since I noticed something odd and then found it fairly easily. I couldn't be mad about it. Sure, other women would be, but it was more pathetic than evil. I had a quick debate in my mind about what to do. No, I couldn't just let it go. That would send the wrong message. I also decided that punishment was the wrong answer as well. That would just stifle his curiosity and embarrass him further. No, I needed to help bring him out of his shell, not push him farther into it. Besides, he was my baby boy. It was my responsibility to help him learn and foster an environment where he could open up and ask any questions that he might have. I made up my mind on my course of action.

Before I go any farther, I should probably give you some information about us. My name is Tammy Baker. I have one son, Aaron, who turned 18-years old last month. My boyfriend in high school knocked me up just before we graduated, then promptly moved to the other side of the country for college. He has never been back, and We haven't heard from him since. With him out of the picture, I put all of my energies into raising my son and going to college. My parents were obviously disappointed in me for getting pregnant at that point in my life, but they stepped up and helped my as I went to the local college and got my degree in Computer Science.

After getting my degree, I managed to land a good job in IT for a large company in my hometown. Mom babysat as I was working. She would also watch Aaron occasionally when I went out for the evening. I never had another real lasting relationship, but I did have some (discrete) sexual affairs over the years. Since I know that you will ask, yes, a few of them were with women as well. I was introduced to the intricacies of sapphic love by my lab partner during a late-night term paper writing session. It was early morning when we finished, and instead of going home, we broke out a bottle of wine to celebrate. We somehow ended up naked in her bed doing a 69. Two hours of more orgasms than I could count planted me firmly in the bisexual camp. I still enjoyed men, so I wasn't a full-on lesbian.

OK, about me. I'm 36-years old. I already told you that I gave birth to Aaron when I was 18-years old. I'm 5'6" tall, weigh about 115-pounds, and workout to keep myself looking good. I have a nice set of 36C boobs, flat tummy, and hips that flair out nicely. I also have a very nice tight rounded ass. My strawberry blonde hair is usually kept in a ponytail down to the middle of my shoulder blades. My eyes are blue, lips pouty, nose small and thin. I'm no super model, but I am very pretty.

Aaron is 5'11" tall. He inherited his sperm donor's black hair and brown eyes. He's rather thin at around 150-pounds. He is a very handsome boy. His main issue is that he is very shy. All through high school, he has been a nerd. He's very good with computers, science and math. He also isn't an athletic superstar. He's not really unathletic, but he isn't really good enough to start on any of the sports teams at his school. I'm almost positive that he's still a virgin. He's never gone out on a date, and never to any of the parties that his classmates have thrown. He has a couple of good friends, and he's stayed over at their houses (When their parents were home) playing video games most of the night.

What Aaron needed was confidence. I also didn't want him to think that there was anything that he couldn't have an open and honest conversation with me about. If he had questions, he should be able to ask me anything without fear. Besides, the obvious questions he had, based upon what I had just found, were questions that I was very well qualified to answer for him. With that, I picked up the device and strode out of the room to find him.

"Aaron, I need to talk to you for a bit." I said as I walked into the livingroom.

Aaron had his back to me as he was playing one of his video games on the big screen TV. He paused the game and turned to look at me. When his eyes found be, they went as big as dinner plates. He immediately turned a dark shade of red, then quickly turned his head away from me.

"MOM! You're naked!" He cried out.

"Yes, I am. That's kind of what I need to talk to you about." I answered.

OK. I had left a minor detail or two out earlier. You see, the device I found was a small spy camera. It was one of those little things that would record what the lens could see, and wirelessly transmit it to a receiving unit somewhere else in the house. It had been hidden on my shelf, so that it could capture most of my bedroom -- including my bed. I had just finished showering and then masturbating on my bed when I noticed that some things on that shelf had been moved around a bit. After cleaning off my vibrator, I went to investigate and found the hidden camera.

Yes, I know that most women would have been mortified and angry, but I saw this as normal teenage curiosity. This was a teaching moment, not a screaming moment. Yes, he needed to be taught that spying on women like that is wrong, but that could be done more effectively by fixing the root of the problem rather than punishing the symptom. If you don't cure the disease, the symptoms either keep returning or other symptoms come up -- usually worse symptoms the longer the disease goes unchecked. The root of the problem in this case was blatantly obvious and fairly easy to fix.

I walked over and stood between him and the TV. Yes, I was completely naked. I held out my hand and spoke to him.

"Aaron. I found this spy camera in my bedroom. I can only assume that it was you that put it there."

He kept his eyes on the floor. "I, I, I'm s, s, sorry." He mumbled.

"Aaron. Look at me." His eyes didn't move. "LOOK. AT. ME!"

His head slowly came up, and his eyes roamed over my nude form.

"Aaron, have you ever seen a naked woman before. I mean, aside from pictures and videos, have you ever seen a naked girl in real life before?" I asked softly.

"No." He mumbled.

I was excited at his answer. He was a blank canvas. I suddenly pictured Michelangelo as he looked at the bare ceiling of the Sistine Chapel before he made his first brush stroke. Aaron was going to be my masterpiece. I would take my shy, unconfident son and turn him into a confident man that knew how to please a woman. I would teach him about how to work a woman's body and mind to give her the best sexual pleasure possible. I would teach him how to use his hands, fingers, tongue, and cock to give a woman orgasm after orgasm.

"That's OK. I assumed that was the case when I found your camera. "Now, you know that spying on people is bad. Putting this camera in my bedroom was wrong, and I don't ever want to catch you doing that again. After today, I really don't think that will be necessary anyway."

"Now, you've gotten a good look at my naked body. Do you have any questions?"

He looked up at me, in my eyes this time. "You are really just going to stand there naked and let me look at you?"

"Yes, I am. I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I'm your mother, and I want you to be comfortable with talking to me about anything. I figured that if the issue was that you needed to see a naked woman, it was best just to show you one and get it done with. Now, stand up."

He stood up in front of me. I reached out and took his hands in mine. "So, since you have never seen a naked woman in real life, you have obviously never touched one either. Go ahead and feel my breasts." I said as I lifted his hands up to cup my tits. "That's it." I said as his hands cupped my breasts. "Now, gently caress and squeeze them. Brush my nipples with your thumbs. Good. You see how my nipples are getting harder? That means that I am really enjoying this. You can also lightly pinch, pull, and twist them. Not too hard, but gently."

I've always had very sensitive breasts and nipples. I've even orgasmed just my having my breasts and nipples played with. Having Aaron caressing them was getting my pussy really wet. I took his left hand and slowly moved it down to my pussy as my other hand went behind his head and guided his lips to by breast.

"There. Now, gently begin kissing and tonguing my nipple. As you do that, softly stroke my pussy. That's it. Feel how wet I am down there? That's good. Now, do you feel that bump at the top of my slit? That's my clitoris. It's very sensitive, so you need to be gentle with it. Gently stroke it. You can also finger circles around it as well. Ooohhhh. You're doing so well."

I reached down and guided his hand again.

"Soooooo goooooodddd. Now, use two fingers and push them into my pussy. As you begin thrusting them in and out, push the palm of your hand against my pussy. The movement of your hand will cause the palm of your hand to rub my pussy and clit. That's it. You're doing so good. You're about to make me have an orgasm. Yes, yes, yes, oooooohhhhhhh GGGGGoooooooooodddddddddd! I'm cuuuummmmmmiiiiinnnnngggggg!"

I cried out as the orgasm washed over me. I admit that I had been aroused before we even began. I was still riding the high of my orgasm from masturbating earlier, so it really didn't take much to push me over again. It wasn't the biggest orgasm of my life, but it was still a really nice one. I was leaning against him as I recovered. Thankfully, he noticed my legs beginning to give out, so he grabbed me around my waist and held me up. After a couple moments, I was recovered enough to continue.

"That was very good, Aaron. Now, let me take care of something for you. Don't worry if it happens fast. We just need to get the first one out of the way, then the others will last longer."

With that, I slipped down to my knees and unfastened the cargo shorts he was wearing. I told him to pull off his shirt as I lowered his shorts and underwear. I had him step out of them, then tossed them aside. I was pleasantly surprised to see an 8-inch long, 1-1/2-inch diameter cock standing rigidly in front of me. I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm going to give you a blowjob now. It probably won't last very long, but that's OK. This is your first time, and you are pretty worked up. Once we get this one out of the way, the others will last longer. We will also work on your stamina to get you to last even longer."

With that, I wrapped my lips around his cock and started sucking. I used my tongue to wrap around his cock as I was bobbing up and down. True to my words, he didn't even last a full minute before he began blasting off in my mouth. I would discuss warning his partner later. I wasn't really upset at his lack of warning me, I had kind of expected it. It was his first time, after all. His taste was salty, but with a hint of sweetness to it. I'm not one of those women that really loves the taste of semen. I don't hate it either. I think it's kind of blah actually. I swallow it for a couple of reasons. First off, it's less messy. Second, the guys like it, and I do it because if I'm going to have sex with them, then I like them enough to do this small thing for them. It was now time to move along.

"OK, Aaron. Now, this is very important. There are a lot of selfish guys out there that refuse to go down on a woman, but they insist on the woman sucking their dicks. If you expect a woman to put your cock in her mouth, then you should be willing to lick their pussy. Believe me, if you get good at it, you will need to fight the women off with a stick once they hear about it. And, believe me, they will hear about it. Women talk about sex with their friends just as much as guys talk about women that they've had sex with. Now, don't get me wrong here. You shouldn't be blabbing to anyone about who you have sex with. It's rather rude to do that to a girl. The double standard in our culture paints a woman who has sex with different guys as a slut, but a guy that has sex with several woman is considered a stud. If you go bragging about the women you sleep with, you could end up giving a nice girl a bad reputation and hurting her. Do you understand"

"Yeah. I get it. There are a couple girls at school with that reputation. One of them is a really nice girl too."

"Good. Now, lets go to my bedroom and continue. I'm going to teach you how to properly lick a pussy."

With that, I stood up, took his hand, and led him to my bed. I sat on my bed and took a few minutes to educate him on the anatomy of a woman's pussy. I talked for a couple minutes about technique as well. Eventually, I repositioned myself and laid back on the pillows. I guided him over until he was kneeling between my legs with his face at my pussy.

"OK, Aaron. Start with a big lick from the bottom of my slit up to my clitoris. That felt really nice. What do you think?"

"It's not nearly like I was expecting, mom. I've heard a lot of guys at school talking, and I was expecting a really bad taste. This actually doesn't taste too bad. In fact, I think I kind of like it."

"that's good, dear. Go on. Take another taste."

He did. Then another one after that. Soon, he was licking with enthusiasm.

"Slow down, Sweetheart. It's not a race. Take your time and explore. Pay attention to what my body is telling you. Listen to the moans and small cries I make to guide you to what works best. Don't forget to pay attention to my clitoris as well."

I laid back and began enjoying myself. Aaron was always an excellent student, and he didn't disappoint me here. Don't get me wrong here, he was far from an expert, but I could envision him learning quickly. He did pay attention and began hitting the right spots more often. I could feel my orgasm building.

"F-f-f-fingers." I gasped. "Put two fingers inside me, then curl them upwards and start feeling along the top side. There is a small spot that feels slightly different. See if you can find it, then start rub....... OHMYGOD! RIGHT THERE........YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS!"

He found it, then began lashing my clit with his tongue. I exploded. Maybe it was the whole taboo thing with having sex with my own son. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had sex with anyone in over six months. Maybe it was that I had been horney all morning. Maybe it was the knowledge that I was with a complete virgin this time, and that I knew that we would be going 'around the world'. All I know is that I practically levitated off the bed. I'm not sure how he stayed on as I was bucking and thrashing on the mattress. The only downside was that he stopped after my orgasm faded away. I would need to discuss continuing for another orgasm or two later.

Now, however, there was another lesson due. After all, it would be downright cruel to leave him in the state he was in. God bless 18-year-olds and their quick recovery time. In case you were wondering, yes, I was ready and wanting the next lesson as well. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about birth control. I'd had my tubes tied several years ago.

I reached down and pulled him up on top of me. I held his head in my hands as I pulled him down as I moved up to meet him. Parting my lips and tilting my head, my lips met his. My tongue touched his lips, and he parted them slightly allowing me access. His tongue responded to my lead as we kissed passionately. As we were kissing, I reached my right hand down, took his cock, and guided it to my waiting opening.

"Gently now." I whispered after breaking our kiss. "You can't just ram it into a woman. You have a large cock, and that would hurt your partner. You need to be careful and ease it in, so she has time to stretch and adjust." He began to slowly press his cock into me. "That's good. Just like that. OK, now pull back a bit, then push back in. Good. A little more. Oh, that feels so good. OK, back a bit, then back in a little farther."

God, I was feeling full. None of the men that I have had sex with over the last several years was even close to his size. Sure, the women were a different story, they could pick the size of their dildos. It still wasn't the same. He worked his way in completely. I had him pause for a minute once he was all the way in.

I had him start off slow. My pussy was absolutely gushing by that point. I urged him on when I had adjusted to his cock in my pussy. He sped up. I could feel my orgasm growing. Every time he pushed in; his pelvis would make contact with my clit. His large cock was hitting all the right places inside me. I was in ecstasy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles together. I met him thrust for thrust. I cried out as my orgasm crashed through me. "Harder, harder." I cried. Another orgasm ripped through me just before I felt the jets of his cum erupt deep inside me.

We laid together for several minutes as we recovered. I told him that it was important to cuddle with his lover afterwards. That helps build intimacy, and most women appreciated that. We cuddled and kissed for several minutes as out breathing and heartbeats returned to normal. Eventually, I had him roll off of me. I felt his softening cock slip out. We continued to lay side-by-side and cuddle for several minutes.

"Now, Darling, I think we need a shower. Showering with your lover is always much better than showering alone."

I took his hand and led him off the bed and into my ensuite bathroom. After a few minutes for the water to warm up and adjusting it to the proper temperature, I pulled him into the shower. We kissed again as the water from my 'Rainforest' showerhead ran over us. Once we were soaked with the water, I took a palm of shampoo and began massaging it into his hair. When he was fully lathered, I rinsed, then lathered him up again. When that was rinsed, I massaged conditioner in, let it sit for a minute, then rinsed that out.

When his hair was done, I put some body wash on my hands and began lathering up his shoulders, chest, and back. I let my thumbs brush over his nipples several times. Yes, his cock responded to that. I rinsed the soap off and began to wash him off lower on his body. I had to use my hands on his shoulders, chest, and upper back, because I was a bit shorter than he was. Now, I could do what I wanted to do in the first place. I lathered up my breasts, then began to use by soap covered tits to rub the body wash on him. I started with his abdomen. I looked him in the eyes as I rubbed my soap covered tits over him. I applied more body wash to my tits as I began rubbing them down his legs. I slowly lifted his foot and rubbed my soapy tits all over it. Then I did the same with his other foot. Once that was done, I repeated that on his lower back, ass, thighs, and lower legs. Now, it was time to complete his washing.