Sex Ed Homeschool


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"That's right, honey. Every time," Mom replied.

"Wow," Julia smiled widely as she continued to watch the video replay. By this point, the man's penis was raining down white fluid on the woman's face again. Looking closer at the video, she didn't seem particularly thrilled to be having this happen to her. She didn't seem nearly as thrilled as my twin sister did in that moment.

"Okay, let's continue, guys," Mom said, motioning to me to hand her phone back. I began to, but Julia placed her hand on my arm. The video was still playing for the second time, and it was right in the middle of the scene.

"Just... I wanna see..." Julia said absently, most of her brain power bent towards the video that played in my hand. It ended after a few more seconds, the woman swallowing what little had been deposited in her mouth. Julia released my arm and sat against the back cushions of the couch.

"I can't believe that happens every time," my sister said. She spoke awkwardly, seemingly stifling a big grin. She was still seated next to me, and she looked down at my penis longingly.

"Did you want to lick your brother's penis some more, Julia?" Mom asked. "I don't think he'd mind." I told them I wouldn't mind at all.


"And guys, just to be clear," Mom began to explain as Julia got back in position in front of me, "it doesn't have to happen like that every time. I mean, the man finishing over the woman's face like that."

Julia almost looked disappointed to hear that. She looked over at our teacher and asked, "But I thought that happened every time?" she said, almost like she was pouting. She was now on her knees in front of me, partially sitting on her feet.

"It does, but it doesn't always have to be done over the rig's face like that. It can be done in many ways."

"Like how?" Julia asked, grinning absently at my penis. She was casually stroking it up and down at the base while listening to Mom talk.

"Well, directly in the girl's mouth is one option," Mom explained. "Or, sometimes the man can wear something called a 'condom' over his penis, and that would catch the, uhm... semen, or as the woman in the video said, cum."

"Sooo, is it semen or cum?" Julia asked unsurely.

"It's both, honey. Scientifically, it's semen. But in the bedroom, it's okay to call it cum. That's just easier. Also, the word 'cum' can be used in multiple ways. For example, if someone was having an orgasm over your face, you could say that they were 'cumming on your face.' Does that make sense, baby?"

"Mmmm-HM!" Julia replied cheerfully. "My brother's gonna cum on my face," she giggled, looking up at me.

"Do you really want that, honey?" Mom asked. "It's just, some girls think that's gross. It's a little, uhm, invasive, I guess."

"It looked okay in the video. And it's not really gross since I'm just doing it with my brother."

She had a point - we shared everything, even popsicles. It's not like we were strangers or something.

"Well, all right," Mom chuckled. "Julia, did you know that you can actually put your brother's penis in your mouth? Some guys like that."

"You mean, like..." and Julia slyly looked over at Mom from the corner of her eye, "like sucking it?" she whispered.

"Yes, honey, exactly. Sucking on his penis," Mom confirmed.

"Should I... Can I really suck it?" Julia looked between me and our mother, seemingly asking us both for permission.

Mom shrugged. "I want you guys to be as hands-on with your education as you're comfortable with. So I'm going to let you two decide on that. But let me give you both a few facts first."

Mom turned around, and began writing a short list of bullet points on the whiteboard, which she had rolled out into the living room when we had initially embarked on our field trip.


1st - Oral sex feels good for the recipient.

Mom explained: "So, for the recipient - in this case your brother - it feels very, very good. Using your tongue on his penis felt pretty good, but this would be even better."

2nd - Oral sex is fun for both people

Mom explained: "At least, it always was for me. Sorry, I know that's not very scientific, but it's true. I honestly think you'd have fun, as weird as that might sound, Julia. If you didn't mind licking his penis, this is just a bit more involved."

"I really didn't mind," Julia shrugged.

3rd - Oral sex can result in orgasm

"Does that mean, like, he cums? Like in the video?" my sister asked.

"That's right, babe," Mom said, "just like in the video. He doesn't have to do it all over your face, of course,-"

"But he can, right?" Julia interrupted urgently. "He can?" she questioned again.

"Of... of course," Mom said, seeming once again taken aback at her daughter's eagerness. I was surprised too, and pleasantly. As guilty as it made me feel, the idea of cumming on my sister's face like in the video was extremely exciting to me.

"You could also keep his penis in your mouth and just let him finish there. It's less messy," Mom suggested.

"You mean I can drink it?" Julia asked unsurely.

"Course you can," Mom told her. "It's not bad for you. I never minded it, but a lot of girls say they don't like the taste. Did you wanna get started? I think your brother is ready." Mom grinned at me.

My beautiful twin sister got into position in front of me. She straightened up on her knees and scooted forward until she couldn't any more. I opened my legs for her. My penis continued to stick up at me, and I don't even know what my balls were doing.

My sister, still holding my penis at the base in her hand, bent my penis forward, facing her. It wasn't uncomfortable, but being pushed forward while being this hard put a certain kind of pressure on the base of my penis.

Julia began to gently kiss the head of my penis. She started directly over the urethra but moved around, kissing all over the head of my penis.

"Use your tongue more, sweetie," Mom coached her daughter, who began to slip her tongue out with each kiss. I couldn't even believe how good it felt, especially when she did it over my urethra. I could feel my sister's breasts rubbing gently against my thighs as she kissed my penis over and over.

"How is that, Robert?" Mom asked, trying to sound professional, not looking at me but at her daughter.

"It feels really good," I replied shakily, also watching Julia, whose lovely eyes were gently closed as she continued to make out with her brother's penis.

"Honey," Mom began, speaking to Julia, "Do you think you can sort of stroke his penis in your hand while you do that? Nice!" While Mom was speaking, Julia had adjusted her hand around the base of my shaft so she could gently massage up and down, which she did very slowly. Her arm which held me was rested over my thigh, with her elbow pointed away from us.

Finally, after what must have been several wonderful minutes of Julia making out with the head of my penis, she began to carefully work me into her mouth. She breathed through her nose as she slurped the head of my penis behind her lips. I felt her thirsty tongue lapping at the front of my penis, right over my urethra.


Outside of my conscious mind, my right hand searched for my sister's left hand, and I held it tight, but not in the same way as when we were children and we held hands to keep from being separated in crowds. "I love you," I said to her without thought.

Hrmmgn, she groaned an answer as she took me deeper into her lovely face, so strangely similar to my own. Now I could not feel her tongue on my tip, but lengthwise along my shaft, the tip of her tongue maybe at the halfway point, but she still pressed farther. Mom said nothing, but she did cross her legs and relax on the adjacent loveseat, cradling her chin in her left hand as she examined us closely. She had set her phone down on the coffee table in front of her. It was nothing unusual to have her full attention during lessons.

Once Julia had made it about three quarters of the way down my shaft, she began to slowly pull back, dragging her wet lips and tongue along my penis as she went. She came off of me with a sweet little kiss against the tip of my penis, and a single strand of moisture stretched from the tip to her lower lip.

Julia swallowed. "I think something came out." She swallowed again. She didn't seem too grossed out. "Did you cum?" she asked me. I told her I hadn't realized anything had even happened.

"You'll know when you cum, Robert, don't worry," Mom informed me. "Sometimes, Julia, when a man is very excited, some fluid can leak out of his penis before he orgasms. That's normal. The unofficial term for that is 'precum.' Did it bother you?"

Julia shook her head emphatically and looked over at me and then back at Mom, all while still shaking her head. "I mean, it wasn't gross or anything. And I think... I dunno, I'm kinda flattered that Robert's getting that excited over this? I mean from me doing this to him. It's kinda exciting for me too," she explained.

"That's great!" Mom exclaimed happily. "Robert, how about you?"

"I, uh, I'm definitely enjoying myself," I stammered.

"Oh, I was too busy to say this earlier," Julia said sweetly to me, "but I love you too." She smiled as she took me back in her mouth. Now she began to truly suck, and she continued for several minutes, until I began to feel something welling up inside me, and I knew something was going to happen, and I thought I knew what that was.

"I'm... I think I'm gonna..." I said, still watching my sister, who did not pause or slow down at all.

"Julia, if you don't mind a little more, I think you should let your brother cum in your mouth," Mom said, sounding just like what I assumed any school teacher would sound like when giving any basic instruction.

"Mmm-hmmm" Julia hummed as she worked, and it sounded like she would have said "Okay" if her mouth were not full of her brother's penis.

"Julia... Julia... I think..." I struggled to say, and then I began to ejaculate into my sister's mouth.


I know I've said this sort of thing before, but believe-it-or-not, this was the first time I had ever consciously ejaculated. I had a vague suspicion that it may have happened in my sleep once or twice before, but I had no way of being sure.

Julia sort of froze when I started cumming, holding most of the head of my penis in her mouth.

"Stroke his penis while he's cumming, Julia," Mom said. Julia obeyed, bringing her hand repeatedly from the base of my penis up to her lips, and then back again. Her eyes were gently closed. Was she really still enjoying herself?

"Robert, how does it feel?" Mom asked.

"It's... unbelievable..." I struggled to say.

"Julia, use your tongue. It's especially important to stimulate the penis when the man is ejaculating. Keep stroking it too," Mom instructed.

I felt my sister's tongue begin to caress the head of my penis in her mouth. It was still mildly convulsing, so I could only assume that a small amount of semen was still dripping into her mouth, and it must have been in direct contact with her slippery tongue. It felt wonderful and I wished she had been doing that the entire time I was orgasming.

After a few more seconds I was done, and I began to squirm from my sister's tongue on my sensitive penis.

"Julia, take it out of your mouth if he's finished cumming," Mom instructed Julia.

My sister slowly took me out of her mouth, keeping her lips closed tight as she did. Mom could be heard breathing in a sharp gasp when Julia swallowed in a single loud gulp.

"What, was I not supposed to swallow it?" Julia looked over at Mom with uncertainty.

"No, honey, no, that's fine," Mom said reassuringly. "I just thought you'd spit out out. Like I said, most girls don't like it."

Julia sort of shrugged. "It was fine, or I wouldn't have swallowed it. Most people really don't like that?" She seemed skeptical. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, moving her tongue around thoughtfully inside her mouth. She swallowed again. "It's kinda good," she finally admitted.

"This does make cleanup a bit easier," Mom conceded. "Otherwise it can sort of get everywhere."

"Like on my face?" Julia asked hopefully.

"Yes, but also everywhere else, too. Usually when a man cums on a woman's face, they miss at least once. Usually more than once."

"Oh." Julia said plainly. "In the video it didn't really look like that."

"I guess that wasn't a perfect example. I just pulled that one up to show you guys what semen looked like. I think if your brother did that over your face, it wouldn't be as clean as it was in the video. Your brother doesn't have that much, uhm... experience, with, uhm... masturbation," Mom explained awkwardly.

"Oh. Can we see another video then?" Julia asked, but Mom was already fiddling around on her phone. After a moment, she handed Julia the phone, where a video was already playing. Julia hopped back up on the couch, sat down next to me and held the phone up in front of us so we could both see.


This one was different from the first video, but very similar. How many videos like this existed?

It showed a woman kneeled down, but in this video, the camera shook violently.

"Almost ready?" The camera man could be heard asking. "Mmm-hmmm," the woman replied, her face upturned and her mouth closed tightly.

"Here we---go---" the man could be heard stammering as several shots of semen flew cleanly over the woman's head.

"Whoa!" Julia and I both exclaimed, as the next few spurts landed only partially over the woman's face, leaving the rest to fall to the floor and onto the couch behind them. The pale semen stood out clearly against the dark green fabric. What a mess.

"He's kinda getting it everywhere," I noted. Julia agreed.

"This guy's penis isn't as big as Robert's either. I can't believe how far his cum went, though." I wasn't sure why, but I was really proud to keep hearing from my sister about how my penis was bigger than the ones we were seeing in the educational material our mom was finding for us.

"Most men's penises aren't as big as your brother's," Mom explained, glancing over at my penis, her eyes lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary. It had mostly lost its hardness by this point, but it was still larger than normal.

"My brother's a freak of nature," Julia teased, reaching over to play with my softening penis, flopping it forward and backward and left and right. "I liked it better when it was hard."

Mom busted out laughing at that one. "Most women do, sweetheart," she explained.

"I still don't even understand. Like, why does it have to get hard. Why does it get bigger. I mean, technically, it would have been easier to suck it if it stayed soft." Julia asked.

"How about we learn about that tomorrow, or maybe the next day? Depending on how much material we have time to cover tomorrow."

"You mean we're done for today?" Julia whined.

Mom looked at her watch. "Yeah, that's first period. Time to get dressed and get back to the classroom guys," she said, almost with a sigh, as if she too was disappointed to be returning to the mundane task of regular school.

Me, I didn't mind. For some strange reason, I felt completely satisfied. It was a feeling I was looking forward to getting used to, at least as long as sex ed was in session.


The rest of the school day was normal, uneventful. Well, I shouldn't say uneventful, we learned some more about the Sino-Japanese war which was interesting.

Before we carried on with the rest of the school day, though, Mom had some homework to assign for sex ed.

"Just to make things cleaner and easier as we continue with your sexual education, I'd like the two of you to trim the hair around your pubic regions. I, uh..." she glanced at my crotch once more, but by this time I was fully clothed again. "I just hadn't realized how hairy you guys had become over the years..."

Julia admitted that she was pretty fuzzy too, and I wondered how she looked completely naked. Was her vagina as hairy as my penis was? Why was that exciting me? And why was the idea of her vagina being hairless exciting me even more? What was going on here?

Mom gave us specific instructions to use the hair clippers with the "Number 1" guard on them, the shortest one. "Be careful, but with the guard it should be pretty safe," she told us.

I did mine before hopping in the shower that evening. It was surprisingly easy, and my penis looked noticeably bigger afterwards. I had a feeling my sister would feel the same way once she saw it, which I assumed would be tomorrow.

Before Julia showered, I heard her trimming away in the bathroom as well.

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stockingnutstockingnut7 days ago

Awesome! Can’t wait for part two.

RanethekingRanetheking8 days ago

I love the story and love this concept for porn in general lol mom teaching her son and daughter about sex. Using each other as examples. Hopefully she teaches them all the way up to fertilization!

HtslHtsl21 days ago

Yes, the story is fun, but I prefer realistic stories. And here I only can say "the poor kids". Because it means they never met other kids for playing, talking or whatever. Otherwise they would have already learned something about sex and porn.

OseekerOseeker27 days ago

I showed my friends what happens and we all enjoyed learning about sex together. My sister was not involved though and neither was my mom. I discovered that I was 'bi' early on but knew that 'gay' was thought to be strictly wrong and that I'd be ridiculed we kept quiet about it.

3 stars on this one from me.

Hands on sex education is fun but this read as though although Mom was being clinical she was also being kind of naughty about it and liked watching. Surprised she didn't go down on the lad too.

Whome1578Whome157827 days ago

Good story I 🤔 no she handled her first class good from sucking swallowing and not knowing anything was going on well done on writing the first part. All Charters written well. Got to read part 2

ParkerSteve66ParkerSteve66about 1 month ago

Great story. Looking forward to cunninglius and fucking lessons.

ArdresacArdresacabout 2 months agoAuthor

another chapter is cumming!

dezzirabledezzirableabout 2 months ago

Hot story, waiting for the next part impatiently

Bucks7T2Bucks7T2about 2 months ago

Super good, if only more parents participated in their children's sex education.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I like where this is going! I cant wait for a part 2!

fpsolnsfpsolnsabout 2 months ago

Great story. I like the upcoming trimmed part!

RivanDRivanDabout 2 months ago

Is there another chapter?

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