Sex in the Time of Quarantines

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Using Covid-19 as an excuse to cheat.
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The Covid-19 virus royally fucked up many things. I didn't expect it to fuck up my marriage too.

Things had really been going to hell around New York City with the virus. I had been working mostly from home in suburban Connecticut for a week when the "isolate in place" order came out for the boroughs. By then schools had been canceled so my six and eight year old daughters, Bethany and Chloe, respectively, were at home. However, Julie, my wife of 16 years, was still commuting to her financial services job in the city.

To my way of thinking Julie had a bad attitude about the virus. One of the many stupid - to my way of thinking - things that she said was "I'm just 38 and in excellent physical condition. I've got nothing to worry about."

Actually, Julie was in excellent physical condition. She used to be a model for Fendi active wear when she was in college and could still model it today since she exercised at least ten hours a week. In a tank top and yoga shorts even at 38 she still looks better than 90% of the models in the Lululemon catalog.

"What about me and the kids," I shot back. "72% of deaths worldwide have been men, and do you really want to infect the kids."

"You're blowing this out of proportion, Brian. You're healthy too - shit you run three miles six days a week and weightlift twice a week besides. The kids have always had a good immune system and no 6 or 8 year old active girl is going to die from it," she cavalierly replied.

"Are you out of your mind; you really want to get them sick?" I fumed.

"OK, OK, don't get your panties in a bunch," she defensively shot back, "I'll take precautions."

She actually accepted the small UV wand and small package of sanitizing wipes that I gave her and promised to keep them in her purse. She also swore that she would practice social distancing, supposedly easy to do since she had her own office and the floor wasn't busy. When she left for work the next morning she confirmed that she had the sanitizing wipes and UV wand, but strangely also had a small suitcase with her.

"Why the suitcase?" I asked.

"We have a project at work and in case something happens and we get stuck there the boss wants us to be able to stay overnight one night, so I'm just going along," she replied. When she saw my skeptical gaze she continued "We don't expect it to happen but we've got to get the project done or it could adversely affect all of our incomes, maybe even jobs."

I shrugged my shoulders and kissed her goodbye.


The next three days I both worked at home and home-schooled the kids. I realized what a tough job that teachers have, but since it was my own kids we actually had some good times, even though it was stressful and tiring.

Julie came home at approximately the same time as usual the first two nights after our conversation and her leaving with a suitcase. The first night she was home she was unusually frisky, and when we went to bed she was the aggressor for the first time in about a month. She was like a wild animal when naked she maneuvered me into a sixty-nine with her on top. She sucked with such intensity that it seemed like her mouth had been replaced by a vacuum cleaner. Her pussy wasn't just moist, but almost dripping wet.

Fortunately when I massaged her clit with my tongue she had a quick powerful orgasm and stopped sucking my cock just before I was ready to cum. I didn't want to waste a charge in her mouth so I used that opportunity to turn her on her hands and knees and then in one thrust jammed my cock in her dripping quim. She let out a long, low, groan, and once with the help of a little side-to-side movement I was buried balls deep I started pummeling her.

My cock seemed to be pistoning in-and-out at about the same frequency as would the pistons on a Ferrari at 100 mph, which Julie seemed to be enormously enjoying. I knew that I wouldn't last long so I slowed down enough to allow me to penetrate her puckerhole with the thumb of one hand, and use the middle finger of my other hand to flick her clit. When I did that her pussy clamped on my cock like a vice, she screamed into a pillow so that the girls wouldn't hear, and I came like a charging rhino.

It was our best mutual fuck in quite a while. After we enjoyed half a dozen delicious aftershocks I withdrew and we snuggled. After exchanging raunchy expressions of satisfaction I started lightly twisting her nipples. "You know what would make this a top ten night of my life?" I smugly inquired.

"What...?" she apprehensively asked with a diabolical smile.

"A really nice titty fuck," I snickered.

"Animal," she chuckled and then pretended like she was leaving the bed. I held onto her arm, pulled a tube of "Boob Loob" out of the nightstand drawer, and lubed up the valley between her tits while she was pretending to try and fight me off.

I really love Julie's tits, including because they are so unusual; likely unique in the world. The right tit has a protruding nipple and a cup size of C+; the left tit has a puffy nipple and is a C cup size, requiring Julie to get specially made bras. She also has a supernumery (third) nipple just below her left nipple and toward the center of her chest. She has always been self-conscious about the third nipple because only about 3% of the population has one. I, on the other hand, love the supernumery nipple, especially since it is sensitive and if my balls move across it during a titty fuck it seems to drive her wild (although she denies it).

The titty fuck was spectacular as far as I was concerned, including because my testicles did move across her supernumery nipple and she had an orgasm. I unloaded as much seminal fluid onto her chest and chin as I ever had in a titty fuck, and I felt soooo good.

Despite the fact that I was almost passed out from the intensity of my titty fuck orgasm I dragged my ass into the bathroom, soaked a washcloth with warm water, and then cleaned my cum off of Julie's body as she lightly moaned and groaned while her eyes flickered open and shut. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

My sexual satisfaction went from one of the ten best episodes in my life to one of the five best when in the middle of the night Julie sucked me hard then mounted me and rode me as hard as a rented mule until we both dissolved in simultaneous earth-shaking orgasms. Knocking off a piece of ass in the middle of the night has always been one of my favorite experiences, and unfortunately has only happened a few times in my life - and none better than this time.

The heat of the first night after our conversation turned into a chill during the second night. I was really ready for a repeat but Julie begged off. "I'm still sore from last night, Brian; how about a rain check?"

"As long as I can cash it in soon," I smiled as she buried her head on my shoulder. Even without intercourse it was a nice night since I fell asleep massaging the puffy nipple on her left boob.

My joy turned to misery when late afternoon on the third day Julie called my cellphone just as I had finished a "Reading Eggs" on-line session with Bethany, my six year old.

"Hi Jules, what's up?"

"I've got some bad news, Brian. A couple of people in our office have tested positive for Covid-19 and we're under a quarantine order."

"What? How can you be quarantined in an office building?"

"Actually, the hotel next door has been turned into a hospital/quarantine facility by order of the Mayor, and our office has got one of the floors there."

"How can that be - aren't there guests in the hotel?"

"No, it has been closed for three days. It's the first one - because it is relatively small and accessible to a local hospital - to be switched over, but more may be in the future."

"Oh, shit - won't they even let you come home?"

"Sorry, Brian; not for fourteen days or - if I get the virus - until I recover," Julie replied seemingly choking up as she did so. "Can I talk to Chloe and Bethany, please - then I'll get back on the line with you."

I was distressed, as were my two little angels as they talked to their mother for five or six minutes each. I was still mostly in a fog when I got back on the line. "If you need to call me obviously you have to call my cellphone since my office is closed. I'll call at least two or three times a day - I'm so sorry that I kept coming into work rather than staying at home," she half-sobbed.

What could I say except "Stay safe."

I was in a piss-poor mood as I made dinner, but I successfully hid it from the kids. They had dozens of questions during dinner about their mom's situation and Covid-19, most of which I couldn't answer. However, I did my best to gloss over the seriousness of the situation. After dinner they helped me clean-up and then we played "Family Scavenger Hunt." I eventually got them ready for bed and tucked them in. My mood got even darker once they were asleep. I turned in earlier than normal but sleep was difficult.

Sleep finally came, but for some reason I snapped awake in the middle of the night. Something was fishy; I vowed to do a little investigation the next day.


After breakfast, a phone call with a Dutch client, and setting up both Chloe and Bethany for on-line lessons, I got out the home directory for Julie's company. I first called the four people that I knew best, three women and one guy. They were all at home. Without telling them Julie's story I made inquiry about how Covid-19 was affecting them and the office, etc. By subtle inquiries and playing dumb I found out that all employees had been asked to work from home two-three days ago, that at the time they went home to work the hotel next door was still operating although it had reduced staff, and that no one had tested positive for Covid-19 the last that they had heard.

My suspicions sufficiently aroused I called Melissa Hunt - wife of Jim Hunt, the one co-worker Julie had that I liked least - to make some other inquires. Jim was a too-slick asshole with an oversized opinion of himself. Why his seeming pleasant and cute wife Melissa had married him I hadn't a clue; maybe he had a big dick.

Unfortunately, Melissa had been given the same story by Jim as I had been given by Julie the previous evening. After we both beat around the bush for a few minutes there was a pregnant pause - followed by Melissa saying "You think that they're fucking, don't you Brian? A little fuck-fest get-away made possible by the Covid-19 panic."

I paused a few seconds then replied "Unfortunately I do. In fact I've had an uneasy feeling for a couple of months although I couldn't put my finger on it." Then I thought back about how fantastic Julie had been in the sack two nights earlier and rather than setting my mind at ease it raised more questions. "I need to be pro-active about this," I said.

"What do you intend to do?" she asked.

"Drive into the city and try to find her," I replied.

"What are you going to do about your kids?"

"I'll have to take them with me - I can't leave them alone, nor would I leave them with a babysitter - even if I could find one who would take them - considering this virus thing."

"Do you have masks?" Melissa inquired.

"Just one - why?"

"I suggest that you all have them if you get out of the car. I have a stash of them, and my house is on your way to Manhattan. Stop by and I'll leave two masks for the kids on my front porch."

I made it seem like we were going on an adventure and since the kids has been cooped up - except for some playtime with each other in the back yard - for several days they were excited to go. I did stop by the Hunt residence on my way there, picked up the masks, and conversed briefly with Melissa through her storm door while her four year old son was holding onto her leg. "Give me a report, please," were her last words. I assured her that I would.

I showed the girls how to put on the masks but told them "We don't need to wear them unless we get out of the car, but we should then, OK?"

They thought that it was cool.


When I got to Manhattan it looked as desolate as it might at 3 a. m. on Christmas, not like 1 p. m. on a normal Friday in March. Despite the lack of traffic it was still difficult to find an on-street spot near the office building Julie worked at and the adjacent hotel. After going around the block a few times I saw a couple walking on the sidewalk ahead of me toward the hotel. The guy was holding a restaurant take-out bag in one hand with his other arm interlocked with the woman's arms. The long toned legs extending from the too-short skirt that the woman had on were familiar.

I just got through the intersection before it turned red and when I pulled up aside the happy couple they had big smiles on their faces. I rolled down the passenger side window and the back seat window behind it, where Chloe was sitting in her car seat.

"Chloe," I said in a pleasant voice "that looks like mommy on the sidewalk. Ask her why she's not practicing proper social distancing."

"Mommy, why aren't you doing social distancing," my eight year old called out the window.

You never saw a face change from smiling to stricken so fast in your life when Julie's head snapped around to look at our car. As she stood there frozen I yelled "I didn't realize that Covid-19 quarantine allowed strolls down the street or intercourse in a hotel," hoping that neither Chloe nor Bethany would know what "intercourse" meant.

I sped off at the same time that I powered up the car windows. In the side view mirror I noticed Julie with her left arm extended toward us and an even more stricken look on her face.

On the way home the girls had numerous questions all of which I either answered or lied about in an upbeat voice. We stopped at a carry-out place (the only restaurants open were restricted to carry-out) and ate lunch in the car, then picked up a few groceries (so the girls got to wear their masks). Once we got home I set the girls up with on-line lessons and then called Melissa.

I told Melissa everything that I had seen. She sounded pissed. "Has Julie called you yet?" she asked.

"There is one call from her that I let go to voicemail that I haven't listened to yet. Has Jim called you?"

"No - he probably is hoping that I don't know; that you won't tell me; he's sometimes delusional that way," Melissa replied.

"What do you intend to do?" I asked.

"Make sure that he knows not to come home for fourteen days and in the meantime talk to an attorney to get my options" she replied.

"Same as me," I chortled although there was no levity in the situation.

After Melissa and I terminated the call I checked the voicemail. There was some bullshit about that was the only time they were let out to get some food and it just happened that they were briefly in contact when walking because it was windy. I laughed, again despite any levity in the situation.

I called Julie. She answered her cell phone on the first ring. "Brian I'm so happy that you called..." she started out.

"Cut the shit, Julie," I snarled into the phone. "Do not come home for fourteen days since you obviously are treating this virus thing cavalierly despite my warnings to you. Do not attempt to talk to me. You can call the girls - assuming that you're not fucking Jim at that time - at 7:30 each night and I'll let them talk to you. If you do try to come home I'll call the health department and have you forcibly removed from the front porch; all the doors will be braced shut and if I can get a locksmith to come out the locks will be changed."

Then I terminated the call.


Two nights later after Julie talked to the girls she asked Chloe to put me on the phone - that it was something urgent.

"What's urgent?" was my dismissive greeting.

"Brian...I've tested positive and have bad symptoms including a high fever and real shortness of breath," she wheezed into the phone. "Shortly I'm being transferred to Lenox Hill Hospital for treatment," she coughed out.

"If you live call me and I'll tell you how we go on from there," I dispassionately replied, then terminated the call.


In actuality, I really did hope that Julie survived. While the chances of us staying married weren't good, the girls did need their mother. Plus, I thought that I could talk her into a divorce or separation where we continued to have sex with each other, the euphoria of our fucking of just a few days ago still lingering in my brain despite her betrayal.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
NallusNallusabout 1 month ago

Damn, this was one of those those you wanted to continue.

Well done, thank you!

JBird11JBird11over 1 year ago

Ok, I like what you have, but like a lot, you leave it with no real ending and too much to the mind of the reader. Speaking for myself, I would prefer an ending and our vision to the story.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 1 year ago

No ending? …it needs an ending.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Sorry the ending dragged it from a solid 4 to a 3.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 3 years ago
I Can't Add Any Value...

Great comments seem to provide good guidance to Mr. Mischief. Notably, good plot and pacing, good grammar & punctuation. Last paragraph is a downer. Maybe a sequel will resolve this issue? Sorry, my own imagination doesn't ring in any story closure ideas.

Keep 'em comin'.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Was a strong setup, then got wishy-washy as it fizzled out.

Ending para is weak, knocks off a full star for concluding in such a limp fashion.

Could've just ended at "If you live, call me..." It's abrupt (and ice-cold), and there's still lack of closure about what actually went on, but it still makes for a way better full stop.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

A divorce where you keep fucking? Almost ruined a good story

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

5 stars, even if it was TOO short. There needed to be more meat on this story...

xtchrxtchrabout 4 years ago

This was a good story during these 'interesting' times BUT the last paragraph ruined the story for me. She was on a planned out, 14 day cheating spree and he wants to forgive her and have sex with her??? I know there are people out there that will take advantage of any situation, but what she did is just to much.

luedonluedonabout 4 years ago
"Mommy, why aren't you doing social distancing,"

A fun statement in a story, but in real life a scene like this would be condemned as very unfair on the kids.

I liked the story as a quick little tale with a few clever bits like that one.

Mattenw in a comment picked up another one: "the euphoria of our fucking of just a few days ago still lingering in my brain!" I've known a couple of husbands who said that the first indication they had of a wife's infidelitous activities was the noticeable increase in her sexual performance back in the marital bed with him.

But like Brian here in MM's story, these husbands didn't twig to what was going on until they got some further clues.


MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadabout 4 years ago

It needed more. It kind of petered out at the end. I liked the idea though and was thinking or writing one myself but it looks like its a popular story-line.

moblanemoblaneabout 4 years ago

Poorly executed. It was OK for a few paragraphs then it went over the cliff. I gave it 3*** for a decent HALF STORY! but it needs 'help' to graduate to story category!

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 4 years ago

Skip the last paragraph and the story is perfect. Thanks for it.

management91399management91399about 4 years ago

I think this "may" be the first COVID-19 story as it stands pretty good except anyone following the news could see her excuse for going in and being quarantined would be BS, she'd need a better lie but even so this throws a monkey wrench into the cliche of cheating spouse Vs clueless husband. So she's fucking around in the time of Corona and infects him and he get sick. (BOOM! Drama!) She's caught cheating, gets sick, does he stay and help her while she's strapped to a ventilator? maybe a BTB story has Mr. Burn taking out a shit ton of live insurance on the B! So some fun to be had while staying 6 feet away from each other.

I would love to find out what the characters from RichardGerald's Faithful and Faithful in her fashion would do in this situation. I expect more, at least something to do while we distance ourselves from this genre. There is a lot of potential, I'd love to read another part of this to see where it leads

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
Not high on my list

I thought that this story although well written was in poor taste due to the crisis we are now enduring. Maybe a few months from now would have been a better time.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago
Liked it

Quarantine was the perfect cover until it wasn't. Good story that is more believable than most. Guess getting laid is more important than living.

baulloyder68baulloyder68about 4 years ago
Are you going to finish TDS

Or are we going to have to wait 14 days or until she dies? This story has the potential of 5***** but so far it's only 3***

sdc97230sdc97230about 4 years ago
The ending doesn't sit right

Instead of thinking about his future relationship with his cheating wife, his immediate reaction should be worry about how long she's been infected, and whether she has already passed the disease to him and their children.

BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 4 years ago
Started well...

Liked it a lot but seemed a very rushed ending. Nice but short character build, and yes someone had to be first, if you can, please write part two. If not thanks anyway.

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