Sex Shop

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A sex shop owner grooms an innocent young woman.
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All characters are consenting adults over the age of 18.  

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Veronica is one of those rare young women who is naive to all the sordid ways of the world, a novice in all things related to sex. 

It's not that she doesn't know what goes where and why... she's not an idiot... she's just not interested.

Now in her 25th year, any sort of sexual urge is just not in her character. The slim busty blonde girl is still a virgin and has no interest in fixing the issue.

Year after year her perfect ripe body stayed blissfully free of any tarnish. Her smooth unblemished skin, long wavy blond hair, heavy upturned breasts, and the way her incredible body swayed when she walked, literally caused car accidents. She trucked through life oblivious, blissfully unaware of the hearts she broke and the wet dreams she starred in.

For Veronica's birthday, the girls at the office brought her a vibrator.

Florence, Joanne, and Peg were more than just work colleagues. Together with Veronica, they were the Four Musketeers. They'd worked together since they left school and the camaraderie and support they gave each other helped make their clerical filing and data entry work much more enjoyable.

Veronica was well-loved. The whole office was there for her morning tea, including old Mr Carter, the CEO of Carter's Clotheslines. He made a lovely speech about Veronica's dedication and how a successful business is built on its people... which was very nice. 

Unfortunately, he finished with an ill-considered sexist comment about how beautiful she was and how she needed to get married. 

"You will not stay so lovely forever young lady," he warned kindly. "You must find a nice young man and have some children before you get too old." 

There was an embarrassed silence until Veronica thanked him very much for his kind advice and kissed the silly old man on the cheek. 

They sang the happy birthday song, Veronica blew out the candles, and they all stood around eating cake until it was time to open 'the gift'. Everyone had signed the card and put in a few dollars. 

Her besty, Peggy was the one who handed it to her but her other two friends were close behind, all of them giggling like schoolgirls so Veronica knew something was up.

She took the box uneasily. "What have you done?" she asked apprehensively. "It's a trick, isn't it? A plastic spider?...a glitter bomb?"

"Oh no," smirked Joanne. "It's a legitimate gift, isn't it Flo?"

"Absolutely Veronica. It's just what every girl needs!" giggled Florence behind her hand.

"It's an absolute necessity in my house," piped in Peggy.

Her friends all broke up at that and they were so giggly happy that Veronica joined in even though she didn't get the joke.

"Well?" said Mr Simms, the Office Manager. "Open it! Let's see what your friends have purchased that's so uproariously funny." 

The three girls suddenly looked at each other apprehensively. 

"Uh oh," said Peg to the other two conspirators. "We didn't quite think this through did we?"

"Veronica will open it later," announced Florence. 

"Yes. That's a good idea," said Joanne. "Let's all eat cake..."

"Nonsense," said Simms. "We've all put in for this. Let's see what you young ladies have got for our colleague!"

Wide-eyed and uncertain Peg passed Veronica the beautifully wrapped present and stepped back. The birthday girl read the card for a full minute because she knew that was the right thing to do and then put it aside. 

"Thank you... thank you all," she'd said, bestowing everyone with that smile that made her so drop-dead gorgeous. "I shall read all your lovely kind comments later."

Then she picked up the shoebox-sized box and started unwrapping. At first she thought it may have been shoes. The box was just the right size. She had her eye on a pair of black high heels from Caxtons that the girls knew she liked...

But it wasn't shoes. Inside the wrapping paper was a bright red cardboard box with a lid.

Peggy made a last-ditch effort to stop the imminent social train wreck and made a grab for the box.

"Wait V!" she cried. "It's no good... I've thought of something much better... we can return this and..."

But Veronica held on firmly. "Don't be silly Peg. I'm sure whatever it is will be just lovely."

Veronica held the box in one hand, and in front of everyone crowding around, opened it up...

There was a gasping intake of breath from all the spectators... a few sniggers and a few cries of disbelief. Her three friends were obviously mortified and several of the others were as well. 

Old Mr Carter was not impressed.

"Is that... is that what I think it is?"

"Yes sir, I'm afraid it is sir," said the sniveling Mr Simms. "Quite tasteless..."

The old patriarch turned to look sternly at the ringleaders. "I must say, ladies, I am very disappointed with what you consider funny. If this is how you treat your friends I'd hate to be your enemy!"

"We didn't think..." began Peg.

"It was supposed to be funny..." said Florence.

Mr Carter was livid. "If it was not for dear Veronica taking your sordid joke with such good grace, I would suggest there should be repercussions for such humorless buffoonery!"

It wasn't good manners that was keeping Veronica quiet. In truth, she still wasn't quite sure what the joke was about. It wasn't that she lived under a rock but she'd just never seen a vibrator before. Inside the molded, felt-lined box was a purple tube about six inches long and an inch and a half thick... tapering off at one end. It was some sort of tool...

"Oh god," she exclaimed as the penny dropped. "It's a... it's a..."

Tolkens, the fat sales manager, barked a deep laugh and Tony Subseneti whispered something to Peter Whaling and they were sniggering as well. 

"Dear oh dear," sighed Mr Carter. "You women should be ashamed of yourselves!" and stormed away.

The party broke up after that. 

Veronica's friends apologized profusely and Veronica pretended it was a really funny joke and even said she'd get them when it was her turn to organize their birthday parties, but inside she was mortified.

They all went back to work and Veronica put the silly gift in her handbag. 

When she got back to her little apartment she found a place for it under the bathroom sink. And there it stayed until one evening a few weeks later when she went looking for toilet paper.

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At the back of the bottom drawer of her bathroom vanity, in among all the rolls of poop paper, was the red box that she'd put out of sight and out of mind.

What a stupid thing, she thought, reliving the embarrassment she'd felt. The girls thought it'd be funny...

She picked up the box and took it into her bedroom where she sat down on her bed with it on her lap. 

I'd have preferred shoes... or maybe a gift card... anything but this stupid thing. I wonder can I return it?

She lifted the lid on the long thick bullet-shaped toy. It was as she remembered, nested neatly in black foam rubber packing along with two AAA batteries. There were instructions but no receipt. 

"Typical," she sighed.

Veronica almost closed it up again when she saw, inserted between the black packing and the edge of the box, the corner of a shiny red business card. On one side, in boxy black and yellow capitals, it said, ADIB'S HOUSE OF LOVE, and in a triangular yellow corner, 50% OFF. On the back was a little map to a place Veronica immediately recognized. She passed it every day on the way to work. 

I can take it back and maybe get credit, she thought happily. They'll take it back for sure. The stupid thing's never been used.

On an impulse, she carefully took the purple vibrator out and held it. She was a little surprised at how good it felt in her hand, smooth and rubbery... nicely balanced.

Ergonomic, she thought wisely. And beautifully made. What a lot of fuss people make over such frivolous pursuits...

Curiosity got the better of her. Referring to the instructions, she found that the base of the toy clipped open. She delicately removed the batteries that were also embedded in the black foam and inserted them. Then closing the cover she turned the dial...

The stupid thing started up... a slow steady drone - bub, bub, bub, bub. 

The throbbing was invigorating. "How ridiculous," she said out loud into her empty apartment.

She twisted the little dial again and it started to hum... bzzzzzzzzzzz like a bee. 

"Goodness," she laughed. She waved it around a conductor's baton or a child playing with a toy airplane. "Goodness..."

One more click and the thing went off. The highest speed almost sounded like an alarm... eeeeeeeeeeeeee...

At this speed, the sleek smooth machine seemed to have a mind of its own, vibrating and shaking around so much she had to hold on tight. It was like she'd unleashed a monster...

She turned it down to the slow throbbing pulse again and out of curiosity held it briefly against her crotch.

I mean it's relaxing I suppose, she conceded. It doesn't feel bad...

Holding her sheer black, babydoll nightie up over her stomach, she put the pulsing barrel more firmly against her pussy... nestling it into her sparse blond pubic hair... 

She wasn't horny. It was just an experiment...

Flo, Joe, and Peg had all approached her separately, asking what she thought of her birthday gift. They all seemed to love theirs and went into great detail describing how much. 

...but I don't know what they're going on about, thought Veronica as she rolled the throbbing thing against her cunt. It just doesn't do anything for me!

She rolled it back and forth... and pressed firmly... waiting expectantly for something to happen. There was a pleasurable tingling but nothing to write home about... nothing to make such a fuss over... 

How stupid this all is, she thought to herself as she eased the gently pulsing toy between her pussy lips. The whole world's mad. It's all about sex, sex, sex...

The gentle vibration between her legs was very nice... 

....and then something was happening...

"Oh....oh my..." 

When she was a little girl there had been a carnival on the boardwork near where she lived. All the rides were great but Veronica used to love the rollercoaster. 

She loved that feeling of excitement and apprehension as the rollercoaster train pulled out of the station and started the long slow climb up the big first hill... and then the mountain top where the car seemed to linger... holding... holding... before it tipped slowly, slowly... then hurtled down the steep slope at a hundred miles an hour with all the kids screaming...

Something similar was happening now. The vibrator was producing the same sort of sensations. Veronica fell back against the pillows of her bed with her knees up and spread apart...

"Ohhhh, she gasped as she stroked her pussy up and down with the head of the slowly throbbing toy... 

"Oh my god..." she sobbed... "oh my god, oh my god..."

...her pussy lips were magically opening up... she was wet down there...

...she found herself easing the vibrator slowly inside herself. The tingling buzzing against the inner walls of her vagina was overwhelming... she'd never felt anything like it...

The rollercoaster car was at the very top of the highest point of the track... tipping... tipping forward... and then... and then...

"OHHH MY GOD..." she cried.

She pulled the toy out and then eased it back in...

"OOOOOOO... OOOOOOO... OHHHH MY GOD..." she screamed as she drove the big buzzing toy in and out, in and out, in and...


...out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in... faster and faster... the brass bedhead was banging against the wall...

She was hurtling down the steep grade of her rollercoaster ride. Then up up up up... and down again, swerving madly one way and then the other...


...Veronica fumbled with the little dial on the bottom and the slow rhythmic throb turned into the bumblebee on steroids...

...the clouds parted on Veronica's stunted libido and angels started singing hallelujah!


For the first time ever an orgasm rocked Veronica's world. Her tight virgin cunt gripped the vibrator hard. Her uterus, vagina, and anus contracted simultaneously, dozens of involuntary contractions tore through her body like a tidal wave...

...and Veronica screamed!.. her back arching off her bed...

If Mr and Mrs Couldren had been home upstairs they would definitely have called the police. Fortunately, they were visiting their grandchildren upstate so Veronica's shrieks of pleasure went unheard. Her beautiful body heaved like she was having a fit. Juices squirted unheeded onto her pretty floral bedspread.

Then the ride was over and the train was pulling back into the station. Veronica's perfect curvaceous body fell back onto her bed and she lay in a daze, her mind a blank... more relaxed and happy than she'd ever been before... Then she started giggling... and then crying... laughing and crying... never in her wildest dreams...

Getting out of bed she spun around the room as though dancing, her short transparent nightie flaring out around her waist. 

Catching sight of herself in her mirror she recognized, for the first time, her womanly beauty and sexiness. It was a revelation... 

Her long blond hair cascaded down over her shoulders like a golden waterfall... high full DDD breasts... breasts that formed a voluptuous feminine cleavage under the sheer fabric of her nightie... her long legs, toned and brown, meeting at her wonderful wonderful pussy... gaping and wet from its recent exercise...

No wonder men want me, she thought proudly as she touched her still tingling cunt with her fingers. I bet they shoot off their cocks with fantasies of me in their horny heads...

Up until ten minutes ago their leering desire for her used to make her sick. Now, to her surprise, her gorgeous, sex-starved body was enticed by the idea. 

Veronica's nipples hardened... she touched them too, through the clear satin and shivered... 

I can do it again, she thought excitedly. 

She pinched the hard little buds and groaned. Her breath was coming quickly and her pussy dilated expectantly...

Picking up the still throbing vibrator Veronica managed to get back onto her bed before her legs gave out. Round Two led to his Round Three. And Round Four. And five and six and seven and on and on...

She went at it for hours, masturbating herself over and over again, orgasming a dozen times. Now that she'd discovered it, her body couldn't seem to get enough. It kept demanding more, more, more, as though catching up on lost time.

As she was fucking herself senseless the sensible practical part of her mind would be saying, this one will be the last, it's stupid to keep doing it. I'll be a wreck tomorrow...

...but as soon as she'd brought herself off to another earth-shattering climax she'd be at it again... 

She couldn't leave herself alone and it was early hours of the morning before she finally passed out. The exhausted girl dropped her toy on the floor and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

In the morning she slept through her alarm and woke up late. It was raining outside... cold and grey. Stretching luxuriously she closed her eyes as if to doze off again. She couldn't remember a time when she'd felt so at ease. 

Snuggling cozily back in, the gorgeous nymph reached out under the covers, searching around for her wonderful toy. She found it under her pillow and flicked it on.

"Let's go, baby," she giggled. "Momma wants more..."

To her horror, there was barely a buzz. She'd left it on all night...

"No, no, no, no..."

Jumping out of bed she ran around the little apartment, madly searching for more batteries, trying to think what appliances held AAAs.

There were none in the utility drawer. The torch was AA. The clock on her kitchen wall was 9volt. Thinking she'd have to make a dash to the shops she remembered her TV remote. 

Success! Four AAAs. Now she had the two she needed and two spare. It's a sign from god! she thought as she jumped back into her still warm bed.

The vibrator's powerful throbbing buzz was exciting. Just holding it in her hand made her nipples stiffen and her cunt ache.

"Ohhh god yesssssss," she hissed as she slid the wonderful phallus back inside herself.

For the first time in her life, Veronica called in sick and spent the rest of the day in bed, alternating between dozing and fucking herself. Late that evening she set her alarm an hour earlier than normal so she'd have plenty of time for a morning play before going in. 

This marked the beginning of big changes in Veronica's life. Her libido, finally released, was voraciously hungry as though it was trying to catch up on lost time.

She masturbated whenever she had free time, countless times a day. Orgasms became a regular daily ritual, in the bath, in her bed, in the shower... in front of the television... in the toilet cubicle at work...

Her perfect young body just couldn't seem to get enough.

And everyone noticed the change. She had always worn modest conservative clothing but now she dressed to accentuate her beauty. Skirts became shorter, blouses seemed to lose their buttons, and men became tongue-tied. 

Her three girlfriends in the office were forever commenting on how happy she looked these days and tried to get her to tell them about the new secret love in her life. For them, there could be no other explanation for the spring in her step.

But the only man in Veronica's life was the Durex 4000, Intense Delight vibrator. 

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You may remember the shiny red business card Veronica found in her vibrator's packaging. She had stuck it on her refrigerator door with a pineapple-shaped magnet. 

Every day she saw it, the gaudy advertisement for Adib's House of Love. Day by day and week by week, as her new life took hold, the idea of visiting the place grew.

Not so very long ago, the very idea of going into such a seedy establishment would have made her laugh. It would not have occurred to her in a million years. But the once shy blonde bombshell had changed. Nowadays her body ruled her head.

One morning in late Autumn she went downtown to investigate. In a bucket hat and large dark sunglasses, she parked on the other side of the road outside a petrol station. 

Adib's House of Love was on a main street in the seediest part of town. At that time of the morning, it was relatively quiet but at night it would be dangerous. Many of the other shops along this strip were boarded up or had steel shutters.

The front of the place was ugly and dirty. Every inch of the Spanish-looking, brick-arched facade was painted blood red except for bright hot-pink trim around the blacked-out windows. The roof was black asphalt shingles and was covered in loud mismatched advertising signs like ADULT BOOKS and MOVIE ARCADE and CD/DVD/BLU-RAY and 24/7.

And in pride of place, mounted right up high at the end of two steel poles, in huge capital letters, was XXXTOYS. You'd be able to see it for miles. 

And it flashes neon at night, she thought to herself. 

Framing the seven giant letters, was a massive yellow arrow made up of yellow light bulbs that pointed down to the cave-like entrance... a dark arched opening that seemed to suck the light out of the sunny morning like a black hole.

Some of Veronica's old common sense came back. I am not going in there, she thought. There is no way. Someone I know might see me. Or worse, nobody sees me and I disappear... sold into slavery... brought by some nasty old sheikh...