Sexual Urges


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"Me involved as a negotiator? But my responsibilities are mainly confined to reporting and internal efficiencies."

"Ah yes, but is Lloyd Turner focused on that? My impression is he trusts you. In my view the negotiations will get down to you and his daughter going head-to-head."

"That's ridiculous. She's married now and no longer wants anything to do with me."

"Widen your vision young man. Isn't good negotiation when big bucks are concerned about protagonists being confrontational? And no matter what you two attempt to hammer out, it will be Daniel Visser and Lloyd Turner who make the final decisions should we get that far."

The following Tuesday after Bart and Lloyd had met again, Britt called Harley and sounded angry.

"You bastard. I suppose you remember who I am?"

"Yes the usually mild-mannered Britt, girl of my dreams."

"You can forget that sweet talk and if you dare mention sexual urges these negotiations are over."

"Ah you remember."

"What are you on about?"

"Past memories but unfortunately you have forbidden me to recall them."

"God you are an oaf. Apparently we have to work through the issues and come to solutions through intelligent thinking. Merger is of no interest to us because your company is larger than ours. A merger is an amalgamation of near-equals. Daddy wishes to retire and so we are interested in being taken over and I'd require a senior executive position in the enlarged Visser company. You guys will have to pay through the nose to acquire our assets. Our alternative is to find another buyer and perhaps that could be Brewster Property Management."

"Well I have no problem with you wanting to keep your options open; it's the right thing to do. All we have done is to make the approach because we feel Brewster's arrival has upset the balance of the market and the reality is the market is too small for two major players plus Brewster."

Britt snorted and said, "Then why not turn on the heat and crush Brewster?"

Remaining passive Harley said, "This is our preferred approach."

"Omigod, once you have swallowed us Visser then will move to wipe out Brewster."

Harley told her to believe what she wished. The current thinking of Visser was the authorities would remain happy providing two major management companies remained in the market irrespective of size and there would always be the expectation other companies would attempt to start up. Accountancy firms were feeling the heat through increased competition with business schools churning out graduates and they were tending to diversify by investing into property management companies."

"God it's dog eats dog. I feel like a drink. Do you wish to go somewhere for lunch?"

"Yes providing your father knows what my role is in talking to you."

"Of course he does. It was he who insisted you and I work to pave the way for merger talks to begin in earnest."

Harley said surprised, "Merger, but you had discounted merger?"

"Oh, I've not meant to show my hand this early.

"Right, it's lunch then. Do you still experience sexual urges?"

"No and stop talking to me in that manner. I'm married."

* * *

Britt sat at a window table in the restaurant waiting for Harley to arrive. She was a few minutes early and nursed a light dry wine. She saw him crossing the street and thought god he had a wonderful looking body now he was a man.

Her heart fluttered and then she felt it, a once familiar feeling that had been extinguished by marriage to a guy she never had felt particularly attracted to although Carl treated her well and tenderly and really she had no complaints except... but enough of that.

Harley entered the restaurant, spotted her and smiled. The throbbing raced through Britt and she squeezed her thighs together but that did nothing. The throbbing appeared to generate low in her abdomen and branch out to her vagina and up to each breast. Omigod, her nipples were extending. She waved and gulped ice water.

He went to pull out his chair and she murmured, "God you look in great shape."

He hesitated. "May I kiss you?"

She nodded and as he gently held each shoulder and kissed her sweetly the throbbing increased in tempo and now she suspected her labia was swelling.

"You are looking in good shape yourself."

She complained she had put on weight, far too much.

"But on the right places I can see," he said, staring at her breasts.

She bleated, yes bleated. "Harley please, I'm married."


He turned and motioned over a waitress.

Harley turned back and fixed his eyes on her. He appeared to be focused on something on the side of her neck and now the fool was grinning. What was it? She decided not to ask.

Harley pulled out a file of company reports marked confidential and she handed across her file. The information being exchanged was both presented on disk and as hard copy and both protagonists agreed to care for the confidential information with absolute fidelity and allow no copies to be made, to allow only trusted people to view and to analyze the data.

"You will find we are only providing you with PM information. Although we are a much larger company we believe our property management division is no more than thirty percent larger than your operation and therefore we are more or less equals. We will propose an exchange of shares on a pro-rata basis and if Lloyd wishes to sell his share he will be entitled to offer the shares for by-back under the terms that will be set out in the Heads of Agreement on this merger should we get that far."

Britt said, "Well first we'll have to jointly and accurately establish the respective size of our companies at an agreed date. Then you and I can begin talking about comparative values of everything from a merger point of view and examine business plans and strategic plans and growth and contract renewal trends."

"Yes, very much as if we were about to buy our respective businesses," Harley said. "Very much like a rough form of due diligence before we bring in our principals and legal and accountancy consultants. What perfume are you wearing?"

"What? "Oh stop it you fool, I'm a married woman."

Harley knew she had to say that to warn him off but what surprised just how carelessly she'd said it. Her tone had been almost pro forma, as if she was saying something she was expected to say. For a moment her defenses had dropped.

* * *

Ten days after Harley resumed contact with Britt, Veronica moved out because an old boyfriend have returned to the city and she decided she should make a determined bid to drag a marriage proposal out of him. She said she must move back home to indicate to Michael she was 'living purely'.

Harley thought no guy knowing Veronica would be that dumb but then thought perhaps some could be that stupid. Anyway he gave her an expensive silver necklace and wished her well and she lied and said he'd been her best ever lover by a country mile. He was just relieved he would not longer be required to have a vibrator up his butt and, dead tired after two or three bouts of vaginal sex, be expected to ram her anally. Little wonder Britt said he looked in good shape: he had been working out with sex and had lost about 12 lbs.

His patience began to wear thin with Britt because she lost her humor and became more and more stubborn, being difficult to more on any point with little interest in compromise and the list of unresolved points became three times longer than the list of resolved points. Then she demanded Harley's job if the deal went through and smiling he called for an adjournment and she said that was a good place to finish for the day.

"Don't be sore at me just because I want your job."

"I'm not sore and although that request remains negotiable when we resume our next meeting I want that point placed on the unresolved list."

She snorted and said he was ineffective as a negotiator that they would probably asked for him to be replaced.

"Please yourself Britt. Have a nice day."

Harley waited ten minutes before Bart could see him.

"Hi you are back early. Have you finished negotiations?"

Snorting Harley said no, they were creeping along with two-thirds of all points discussed so far unresolved. Now the bitch was asking for his job.

"What do you suggest?"

"I'll give you two choices. One you replace me as preliminary negotiator or two we suspend talks and we talk to Brewster and say we understand they are struggling and ask how much do they want for their business operation with no executives to be taken on by us and only a few of their general staff and possibly a handful of managers being offered roles with us."

"That's well outside of the original proposal and I'm very disappointed about this because you have spent a great deal of time on the merger proposal."

"Yes but when Lloyd Turner calls you tomorrow to have me replaced you agree and if you wish you could add that we have cooled a bit on the merger idea because I'm finding it too tough going to get compromise settlements on issues because there is no spirit of compromise on their side and now demands are being made. You might suggest we halt for a breather and that we're discussing about talking seriously to Brewster."

Bart looked at Harley sharply and then grinned. "Fancy involving me to upset Lloyd that we are thinking about talking to Brewster and his reaction will be to replace his daughter to face you. You are one smart asshole."

"Isn't that why you employ me?"

Bart unlocked his liquor cabinet and poured two whiskies.

Next day was Saturday and in the morning Bart was at Downtown Mall looking at a really sharp blue suit displayed in the store window when a female said, "Look at much as you wish but I won't buy it for you, not at that price."

He turned and kissed funny lady and said, "Hi Wendy."

"Am I permitted to treat you to coffer without risking compromising the delicate talks going on?"

"Yes providing we don't talk about the talks. If you do I'll have to walk away."

"That's fine. I was PA for a managing partner at a law firm before I married so have a complete understanding of the situation. I'll just talk to you as a friend."

They finished coffee and Wendy said, "Are you seeing anyone in particular these days?"

"What's this, are you open to an offer?"

"I wish," Wendy laughed and her face showed extra color.

"Seriously my live-in has shifted out to try to nail a guy to the altar."

"Well I have something to say that could interest you. But I don't wish to embarrass you if I am wrong about this."

"No shoot Wendy. As you say we are friends."

"Catherine came home a fortnight ago in great despair, saying at thirty-one her marriage is over as the jerk is dumping her because he wants to relocate in Los Angeles but she has no wish to leave this state. She's down in the dumps and I'm a little worried she might become depressed."

"Is that their only point of disagreement?"

"No they are always fighting; he's part Latin and has a temper to match. He even steals money she unwisely leaves on her dressing table although he earns far more than she does."

"So you want me to invite her out?"

"Yes I'd be delighted if you would."

"What if... know?"

"I'd be delighted. I couldn't regard it as adultery as the pre-divorce settlement has been completed and all the papers filed. It's now only a matter of time, perhaps six months and she'll be divorced."

"Come around tomorrow..."

"No I must stay clear of Lloyd and Britt while this thing is going on. Why not sent Catherine to stay with me a few days, with no expectations of sex unless she wants it. I really liked her passion Wendy."

"God I don't think she would come with me without a direct invitation."

"No I guess not. I got a little ahead of myself. Bring her to lunch and tell her I'm very interested in meeting her again."

"What arrive and then you want me to disappear?"

"No that could be a bad look. Stay and be your usual gracious and cheerful self. If she has something going for me she'll feel it within the first half hour and it will be noticeable. If not as your two are leaving I can ask her to a movie later in the week."

"Well that sounds okay."

"Just make sure she comes with you. I'll not embarrass her. She'll remember we have unfinished business after that really hot time we had on the dance floor on the night of the wedding."

"Very well I'll try. Write your address on the back of your card. I'll call you either way but I suggest we make it next Saturday for lunch. We are having friends over tomorrow."

"Thanks Wendy, next Saturday is fine. I'm really interested in helping out. You guys were so hugely good to me in that summer before I left for college."

Wendy called on Tuesday evening and said Britt had come home so upset that she'd been pulled out of merger negotiations, being replaced by the company's chief financial officer Brenda Davies.

"She's pointing the finger at you."

"Did she explain why she was replaced?"

"No. Our discussion didn't get that far before she rushed off to her room."

"I suggest you talk to Lloyd about this. Bye Wendy."

Wendy called back an hour later. "I apologize for reacting on the basis of scant knowledge Harley. Lloyd told me she acted beyond her authority demanding your job and then warning she'd get you replaced."

"Fine, that's enough. I thought you ought to know my actions were reasonable under the circumstances as the impasses were growing. Goodbye Wendy."

"No wait. Catherine says she'd like to have lunch with you on Saturday providing you don't expect her to be a bundle of joy. She insists there is no need for me to accompany her. She really lit up when I told her about the invitation."


Harley charged when the buzzer sounded and flung the door open and smiled hugely and said welcome.

Catherine handed him a big bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine.

"Thanks are your courting?"

She stood tall, bottom lip trembling, and then floated a slight smile at him. Harley cringed and thought of himself as the biggest jerk in America. But her smile became a huge smile and she kissed him beautifully and said, "Thank god I know someone who can joke about it. Everyone is treating me as if I'm bereaved. You must know I'm well rid of the asshole who subjected me among other things to mental cruelty."

"Er yes. Please come in and wander around while I pour drinks. Are you driving or did you come in a cab?"

"A cab because I thought you wouldn't know how to make weak drinks."

Harley found her in the main bedroom, bouncing on the bed with her dress up near the top of her thighs. She looked at him and pulled down her dress.

He handed her a black rum and coke and looked at her unwavering and said, "You have lovely legs."

She just smiled and he accepted she'd probably hoped he would say that, having set him up for a possible throwaway compliment and so he went further than he'd intended.

"I'd often thought I'd really like to finish off what we got started that night of the wedding."

"Really? I regarded you pulling away from the near inevitable as one of the great disappointments of my life. Rarely had I been worked up to that pitch."

Harley held out a hand, holding his drink steady and helped her off the bed and led her out on to the balcony. He used the hand control to turn on soft music and they leaned over the balcony and watched people in the pool or sprawled out around it.

"This is a great spot and I see the extensive make-over that took well over a year included a free-form pool. I had a girlfriend who lived with her parents here and in that time the pool was an uninteresting oblong."

"Yes the revamp produced good results as I remember what the structure looked like before remodeling was carried out. I meant to ask is it okay that I shorten your name to Cath? It sounds me intimate to me."

"That's okay but I often refer to myself as Cate, spelt with a 'C'.

"Cate I like it. May I have another of those soft kisses?"

"Of course you can. God you are brilliant for my confidence. I think mom knew that and I also know she likes you heaps and she told Britt off, ripping into her when Britt was bad-mouthing you for getting her dumped from negotiations for a possible merger between your firm and dad's company."

"Did she now? Well I have a lot of respect for your mom and dad."

"And Britt?"

"Well I didn't think she should marry that German guy simply because he was overweight at his young age and he didn't appear the romantic type that in my opinion was what was suited for Britt. And then during these negotiations I found her to be unreasonable and demanding, showing no sign of the lovely woman that I'd remembered so fondly. If you don't mind I ought not talk about the negotiations or listen to anyone talking about them."

"I understand. I just wanted you to know mom has a really soft spot for you and I can also say Britt has become bitchy."

"Perhaps she would benefit by a divorce as well."

"Omigod don't suggest that within mom's hearing; she'll have a fit. One disgrace in the family is enough."

"You are entitled to think like that. I think your mother would have seen your unhappiness and is now relieved asshole had cleared out."

"Well does it matter? I made a mistake by choosing the wrong guy and paid for it. May we get off this dreary subject?"

"Yeah come inside and we'll start lunch. I intended doing a cookout here but the breeze is blowing straight in. I'll grill the steak while you sit at the breakfast bar and tell me I'm doing it wrong."

Catherine laughed. "I'm a pretty fair cook but my only advice offered would be to stop a possible disaster."

Harley got the grill underway and pulled out prepared dishes from the fridge and put them on the counter. Catherine peeped under the covers and said it all looked beautiful.

"So what do you think of this apartment?"

"It's lovely and being in this position must be graded premium. You have done very well for yourself."

"Would you like to stay the night?"

"I-I have nothing with me."

"We can go out and get you a toothbrush and hairspray and anything else you need."

"Yes I'd love that. I take it you mean sleep with you?"

"I'd like that to happen but it's your choice."

"I'd love to have sex with you."

"Good girl and now let's push the envelope. Will you move in with me?"

Catherine appeared staggered. "F-for how long?"

"Indefinitely. It doesn't bother me you've been married."

"It doesn't?"

Harley was peering into the grill of the gas oven and pulled out the tray looking satisfied.

"Let's start with full-on sex and aim for near-perfect compatibility and let's see where that takes us."

Catherine sniffed and dabbed her eyes and Harley pretended not to have noticed that.

* * *

Harley unzipped the back of Catherine's short black dress and it slipped down her body and she stepped out of it as it fell to the floor. That left only a bra to remove.

She explained, "I rarely wear panties and I keep my legs in such good shape that I feel I don't need to wear stockings either."

"You have a wonderful body. I knew you would."

They kissed, deeply.

Catherine undressed Harley and as she lowered his briefs she gurgled, licking the half-erection just the once. "Oh Besame el culo, that's a ripper made to my specifications."

When the got down to it she slurped down his boner and allowed it to push out her cheek, apparently hoping he saw that. He did because his reaction was to begin half screwing off her ears with a tightening grip.

Harley unloaded at full velocity just as Catherine felt his dick thicken and heard him groan, but she was a little too late. She lifted up spitting out semen and blowing it out of her nostrils and prepared to wipe it from he eyes and thick dollops dripped off her chin.