Sexy Senior Citizens


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Her driver's license identified her as Zoey Clark, of Pittsfield, MA. "Great," Jody thought, "pretty name, but no help in getting this back to her before she gets home."

Jody knew she'd be back as soon as she missed her wallet. She'd be back that is, if she had enough money to get back; all her cards seemed to be in the wallet. He couldn't sit there all night waiting for her. If she had gotten back on I-95, it could be hours before she noticed it was gone.

Maybe she is staying for the night, he thought. He fired up his ragged old Ford pick-up, the one he'd used before he quit logging, and started checking all the motels. The Motor Mansion was his last chance. He swung into the parking lot, but saw no corvette. They had a few units in back; he drove behind the main building and "Bingo!" The corvette was parked in front of the room 106.

Jody parked directly behind it, and knocked on the 106's door.

"Who is it?" a voice said from inside.

"The man you talked with in JAPS. I have something of yours."

"I didn't talk with no JAP."

"No, it's the name of the fast food place where you ate tonight." Jody was puzzled. The voice sounded nothing like the lady in JAPS. Still, he was certain this was the corvette. "Lady, do you know whose car this is parked in front of your room?" Jody was giving it one last try.

"No! And if you don't get away from here, I'm calling the cops.

"What's going on?" Jody recognized the voice from the darkness immediately.

"I have something I think belongs to you, Zoey."

"Well," she replied, "I have to give you southern men an A for originality. I don't think I've heard that line before." Then she remembered she hadn't given him her name, and started worrying. Just how did he learn her name?

"Where's your wallet?" Jody asked.

"In my room. Why?"

"Better check. I think the wallet in my pocket is yours."

"Wha..." Zoey unlocked room 108 and rushed inside. She left the door open so Jody followed. She took a quick look in her bag and when the wallet wasn't in its normal place, she dumped all the contents on the bed. The wallet wasn't there.

"Where...?"She began to ask, when Jody handed her the wallet.

"You dropped it in JAPS. When I saw it, you had already left." Jody couldn't take his eyes off her. This was one hot woman. "I had to ride all over town searching for your car." He pointed to his ragged pick-up. "My truck was new when I started. Seems to be an ancient old man deserves something for his troubles," he teased.

"I agree," she said when she stopped laughing. Pulling a handful of bills out, she extended them to him.

Jody jumped back, grabbing his heart. "You break my heart." He pretended to wipe away tears that were running down his cheeks. "To think—you'd offer mere money for such service. The least you could do is have a beer with me while I bask in your beauty."

"You old fraud." She playfully tapped his shoulder. "I told you I was a married woman."

"So what? I'm married too. Where's your husband?"

"At sea with the Navy. He's been gone for three months now and he still has three more to go." She looked kind of wistful saying three to go.

"Well, my wife has gone to the beach with her friends, leaving me alone the whole week. Since we both have to be alone, why don't we be alone together for a few hours tonight?"

"You know," Zoey said, "that's so screwed up it almost makes sense." She hesitated, thinking, about how much she enjoyed talking to this man during diner. "Okay, why not? I do owe you big time for getting my wallet back with all the cards intact. You wouldn't believe what a hassle it was the last time I lost my cards."

She touched up her make-up, straightened her hair and turned to the door. "Let's go," she said, "I'll even pay."

"Not in your lifetime, little lady; you're in the South now. When a southern man takes a lady out, he takes care of everything." He took her arm in his and when she tried to go to the corvette, he skillfully diverted her to his old truck.

"Bet you aren't used to your dates driving you around anything this this classy, are you?"

"I can honestly say, I've never ridden in anything like this before," she answered.

A short ride put them at "Cowboy Bob's" a little country and western place where you could get just about anything you wanted, any time you wanted it. Bob had a good working relationship with the sheriff; he stayed out of Cowboy Bob's and Bob didn't let any trouble start. If he saw you had all you could safely carry, he gave you a free cup of coffee and had two guys, who looked like a cross between a grizzly bear and a NFL linebacker, carry you home. One drove your car and the other brought him back.

Once the local town bully decided Bob wasn't telling him when to stop drinking. He got the shit beat out of him right in front of all the customers. Before the grizzly bears dragged him out for his trip home, they assured every person present signed a notarized statement; (yes Bob employed one of those also,) saying they saw the bully fall over a stool several times on his way to the door. Bob didn't bother the sheriff and the sheriff didn't bother Bob.

The three piece band, two guitars and a fiddle, was made up of home boys and sounded better than usual, as Jody escorted Zoey to a booth in back. Zoey turned more than a few heads, as they walked back, but the look on Jody's face warned them no help was needed.

"Wach yall wont," the waitress asked almost as soon as Jody helped Zoey into her seat and then slid in beside her. She was quickly back with a beer for him and wine for her.

They sipped their drinks while talking, first about the world in general, then about their teenage experiences. After they finished their third round with the fourth on the way, Jody began letting his tales get a little more colorful. Zoey's cheek looked like she was in a constant blush, and she giggled at everything he said. She obviously was not a drinker, at least not in the same class as most of the women who patronized Cowboy Bob's.

"Boss says da nex roun is coffee," the waitress said as she placed their drinks on the table.

"I love to hear her talk," Zoey said leaning heavily on Jody's shoulder.

"And I'd love to see you dance," Jody said, when his favorite song, Twilight Time began. Reluctantly, she followed him onto the floor, but came willingly into his arms as they began to sway with the music.

It had been a long time since Zoey had felt a man's arms around her and it felt good. She moved in tight against him as they continued to dance through another slow song. Then she felt something else she hadn't felt in a long time, a rock hard shaft pressing against her. She surprised herself when she ground her hips against the protrusion. The next song was "rock-a-billy" so they returned to the booth.

A container of hot coffee and the makings were waiting on their table, so while they sipped on it, Jody's hands played across her arms and face, sometimes tenderly teasing her earlobes. Every time he touched her ear, she shivered; he had found one of her hotspots. When the hand touching her ear slipped on around her head and pulled it to his face, she came willingly.

His tongue flickered across her lips once...twice...on the third time she welcomed it with her own. The kiss deepened and she could feel a tingle in her loins.

"Aaaaah," she moaned, when a hand slipped under her top. She twisted and sucked on his lower lip while his thumb and forefinger gently squeezed her nipple. "I didn't know an old man could still do this," she thought, just before his fingers left her breast and stroked the inside of her thighs.

She couldn't help it; her body had a mind of its own. The fingers sneaking up her inner thigh reached her red panties, and then played across her stiff hair. Her hips wiggled slightly in response. The fingers continued across her mound and down her other thigh, then began a second pass. This time when they rubbed her hair through her panties, she responded by pushing against them, working her hips back and forth.

Jody didn't think, not even in his wildest dreams, he'd ever have a woman, this young and this pretty, in a position like this again. The women of the JAPS gang, all had the hots for Mike, but Jody was the real stud in the group. Everybody who worked with him at the cement plant got so dirty they had to shower and change at the end of each shift. The shower room was one big space with benches lining one wall and shower heads lining the other. That's when it all hung out and he picked up the nick name, Meat.

Jody was not a cruel man and Zoey was such a petite little thing; he worried about hurting her, since she'd never had a child. Once before, when he was a young stud, he'd run into a woman who simply could not handle his equipment. Later, after her second baby, they'd met again and had a very satisfying six months affair. He knew he'd never see Zoey after tonight; it was tonight or never.

"Uuuuuhh," she groaned when he hooked two fingers under the leg band of her red panties. They were soaked with her juices. The fingers touched her enlarged lips and she screamed, "Oooooooh!" The fingers slipped in to the knuckles and searched for her g-spot. She humped against them, bringing herself to the edge of orgasm. Jody removed his fingers because she was getting too loud. She grabbed his hand, trying to get the fingers back in.

"Shush!" Jody realized people were looking their way and he tried to quiet her. He needn't have bothered; her orgasm was like a run-away truck on a steep mountain grade. Nothing was going to stop it short of a climax and when it did, she lay quietly against him while her heart and breathing rate returned to normal.

"Take me back to the room—now." She wanted more but this wasn't the place for it.

"I'll catch the bill later, Bob," Jody yelled above the crowd's noise, as he led Zoey, leaning heavily against him, out the door. Hoots and laughter followed them.

Back at Motor Mansion, she handed him the key, and followed him to the door. After pushing the door open, he scooped her up like the groom does a bride. She wrapped her arms about his neck and held tightly while he carried her across the threshold. He kicked the door shut and locked it with her still in his arms.

Laying her tenderly on the bed, he undressed her, starting with her shoes. She wore no panty hose, so he got her skirt and blouse off, and threw them in a chair, she was naked except for bra and panties. Jody stood over her for a moment, drinking in the beauty displayed before him.

Zoey watched through half opened eyes as this man who was even older than her father, prepared her for love. She sat up to help him loosen her bra. It joined the other things on the chair and his mouth covered one nipple, while his hand completely covered her other breast. She groaned as he massaged the one and nipped on the other with his lips. She could feel her juices leaking from her, when he stopped to pull his clothes off.

"Wow! She thought when his erect shaft, finally freed from his boxers, sprang straight out. She lifted her hips to help him slide the red panties off. She shuddered when his tongue slipped through her wet slit, once...twice...three times before settling on her clit. She ground her hips into his face while wrapping her hands in his hair and pulling him tight against her throbbing cunt.

Jody laid her back and slipped pillows under her shoulder, so she could see everything, and one under her hips, to give him a better angle. He then helped spread her legs as wide as she could. She began to panic when he crawled over her on all fours with his engorged cock swinging back and forth like a pendulum. The large mirror, on the wall behind him made the entire scene more erotic for Zoey, while at the same time making it scarier. Never before had she been able to watch a porno scene of her own lovemaking.

"My God," she muttered. "The head is a big as a small apple." Her apprehension grew while Jody spit on his hands and added the moisture to her natural wetness. She watched, wide eyed, as he balanced himself on his knees and left hand, while he used the right to slide the gigantic head up and down her slit. She could see the indention in her swollen lips when the head sought entry.

"You have to relax," he said. "You're too tense."

"I'll try, but it's so big." She did try and she could see the head was penetrating farther. Jody balanced on his knees and used both hands to pull her lips open.

"Arrraaah," she screamed, but she could see the head actually disappear. He held absolutely still while she adjusted. She looked at the mirror. With Jody's legs spread like they were, she could make out his shaft disappearing in her snatch. It started feeling better as she stretched, so she started moving her hips slightly.

Feeling her movement, Jody responded. He pushed a little, and then stopped. She pushed back and relaxed. When Jody felt her relax, he pushed again. With this rhythm, they gained inch by inch until Jody felt it hit her cervix.

"Just what I was afraid of," he thought. "I'll have to be real careful; she's too small to take all of it." Jody had been down that road before.

Zoey had never felt anything like this. It felt like she was being split in two, and yet she didn't want him to stop. "I've heard of a good pain," she thought, "this must be it." She realized she could smell the sexy odor from their bodies mixed with his cologne and her perfume.

A little more light would have been helpful but she could make out his giant cock half buried in her snatch. How could that be she wondered; then she noticed the perfectly arranged lighting.

"So that's the purpose of the switch on the headboard," she thought. Just to check, she flipped it the other way; the lights went out. She flipped them back on for she didn't want to miss a thing.

As soon as he discovered just how deep he could go without hurting her, they started a regular rhythm, slow at first then faster and faster as they continued.

While they were still going slow, Zoey could see her lips cling to his shaft on the outward stroke then reverse and hold tightly around it when he pushed in. She gave herself over completely to the center of pleasure in her loins. She heard, "uhh, ohh, aaaw " and other grunts and wondered where they were coming from. Finally, she realized both she and Jody were grunting on every stroke.

Things got too good for Jody to control himself. He sped up and she matched his movements, so he pumped even faster. Once in a while he felt it hit bottom and had to adjust.

"Oh God, that's good." Zoey was shaking her head from side to side while licking her tongue out the right side of her mouth. "Arrrgh!" her body shuttered and then completely relaxed. It was almost like she'd died.

When he realized Zoey was finished, Jody stopped trying to hold back. He had a week's worth of jism stored and now he emptied it all into the wonderful body beneath him. He pumped squirt after squirt into her and then just lay on top of her until his cock shrank and fell out of her cunt. Then, he rolled over to the side, pulled Zoey's head onto his shoulder and they both slept.

They awoke to the sound of a truck driver firing up his diesel, for an early start.

"Ready for round two?" Jody asked, after showering her body with kisses.

"I wish we could." Zoey gingerly touched her badly abused pussy. "It's so sore I can't stand to touch it with my finger." She slid down and sat on the end of the bed, while Jody sat beside her, hugging her with one arm.

"Oh my!" Looking in the mirror she saw a stream of sperm draining onto the sheets. Pulling herself out of bed, she went into the bathroom to clean up. Jody joined her.

"I don't suppose you can hang around a while." Jody said after they finished dressing.

"Believe me, Jody, I really wish I could." She replied wistfully. "I don't think I'll ever forget this night or you." She embraced him, her naked body tight against his. "Besides, she joked, "It'll take every minute for me to shrink to normal before my husband gets home." She threw on a robe and followed him to the door.

"Your wife is one lucky woman," she said. With one last kiss they parted forever.

Jody had just enough time to go home, wash up and meet the Gang at Japs.



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I'm so glad...

that Mike is a "pillow" of the community. He obviously found a community pin cushion.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Good writing

CD, you have a way with words, very competent writer in all aspects. But I just can't enjoy the casual cheating. I like many of your stories, but not this. Thanks.

bigboatdriverbigboatdriverabout 6 years ago
Loved it!

Your story was slightly unrealistic and enjoyable. I love your light, humorous writing style. You obviously don't take life too seriously and your view of the world around you is fun and refreshingly enjoyable to read. Well done, keep writing.

JSipesJSipesover 6 years ago

I don’t understand why people read these stories and then call the writer names. They never offer legitimate critiques. I guess some people are so dissatisfied with themselves, they try to compensate by transferring their short comings to someone else.

mitchawamitchawaover 6 years ago
Not bad for a senior citizen

I don't now what the other two commentators were reading, but it wasn't the same story I read. An interesting plot with both Mike and Jody hit it big, maybe Jody hit it bigger. Hole in the wall restaurants make it a ton of money, just look at Micky Ds and Wendy's. Gangs of mostly men but some women hang out in all kinds of restaurants especially if the coffee and food are well prepared and tasty. I liked the way you had Mike and Jody have a good time with the gang and the ladies. Zoey was pure luck plus a little hunting. The sex scenes were well done, and while the story may have been a little unrealistic it doesn't matter because your writing fiction. Your writing is good and your story telling is better. I lucked upon your story, but I plan to read some more.

asfdrre65hjljkasfdrre65hjljkover 6 years ago

for TheCarolinaCocksucker and his wimpy DUMB cuck SHIT.

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1about 7 years ago
Only real cuckshit!!! MINUS 5*!!!

It seems its your showpiece: Cuckolds, cheating slut wives and wimps!!! Maybe like your life??!!

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Good Read****

You got a way with words. You write a very entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

shoeslayershoeslayerabout 9 years ago
Damn good story

Hello CDreamer damn good story, you get

the reader to feel like he is in your neck o'

the woods. That SOS sounded good, chipped

beef on toast huh?

Thanks for a gr8 read

dirtyomandirtyomanover 9 years ago
Not bad!!

I enjoyed the story. The fact that we had a bunch of old farts like me, shaggin them old Babes was refreshing, hot, believable, & entertaining!

This is an age group that doesn't get a lot of storys about them on here. It seems "Mature"= 50 at the most. I'm 77, & my lover is 69. She is the juicyest, best fuck I have ever had, & I been married a couple times, & can't count how many women I've fucked, short term, long term, or lived with over the years.

Thanks for a good story.

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