Sexy Teacher Ch. 01

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Black teacher falls for her white student.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/21/2022
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Set in 2019

It is a normal Monday morning for the young Nick. The 18 years old boy yawns as he rises, stretching out his limbs. He looks out the window and squints his eyes shut. The intense sunlight is very annoying at this time. Nick blinks for a few seconds before slowly opening his eyes, adjusting to it after a long night's sleep. It's better now. He sighs then grabs his glasses from the table by his bed. Putting it on, Nick reaches for his book and starts reading. There is still some time before he has to brush his teeth and take a shower. Probably half an hour, since he can do both quickly enough.

On some mornings, he likes to jerk off when he wakes up. Not today, though. Today he just doesn't feel like it. The geek sets his book down after reading it for twenty minutes and walks around the room to get some feeling into his legs. Then he gets into the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Yesterday he almost went on a date. One of the most popular girls in his class, Jenna, asked him out. He nearly said yes but then she told him she wanted to take him to a party and that they can then get 'wasted' and 'snort cocaine." Jenna was very flirty too when saying this to Nick, touching his thin arms.

Naturally, he said no, not wanting to go get shit faced at someone else's house. He wouldn't get drunk at his own place either, being a goody two shoes, but his refusal upset Jenna, who got some of her friends to pour coffee all over his hair during lunch break. "This is what you get for not going out with me," she said, even after he explained that he'd go out with her, just not to a party or to get drunk. "Where else would we go? To that crappy bookstore you always go to at the end of school? That's what a loser would do and I don't date losers. You have to be cool since I want to date you and I can only date someone cool."

She spent the rest of the day hounding him, telling the boy that he isn't a real man right now but she can make him into one. He ended up going to watch Avengers Endgame by himself. Nick is now starting to get a feeling that she's sort of toxic, after a night of thinking about all the things that Jenna said and did the day prior. It is crazy how someone so physically attractive can have such an obnoxious personality and he tries to stop himself from thinking about her, telling himself that she isn't worth thinking about. Why would he want to be with a girl who tries to make him drink and go to parties?

As he brushes his teeth, Nick sighs to himself and thinks about what he is going to do at school today. He doesn't want to spend any more time in her presence after her actions. She is too crazy for him. Once he is done brushing his teeth, Nick gets into the shower stall and quickly showers. Putting on his clothes, he enters the living room. His face is clean shaven like always. The boy has never seen why someone would want to grow a stubble. It just feels weird for him. Not that he judges anyone for having stubbles. He simply wouldn't grow one himself.

His mother is reading a newspaper at the table while his father finishes cooking in the kitchen. Nick sits down opposite his mom, who sets the newspaper down on the table and looks up at him. She is usually a very stern woman, only showing her warmer side with him and his dad at home. "So, how was school yesterday?" she asks him. He gulps audibly, despite having already expected her to ask this question. "You wouldn't explain the coffee when you got home so I let it slide, but now I want to hear it. Is someone giving you trouble at school? Is it Mia again, honey?" Then she winces as she realises she might have gone too far with that assumption.

Mia is his ex girlfriend who asked him out four months ago. They had a pretty good relationship, until he found out she was getting her back blown up by some footballers. She broke up with him soon afterwards, telling him that she couldn't respect a guy who just stood there and watched like an idiot while his girl was getting pleasured by other dicks. Yes, she was fucking spit roasted, right before his eyes. Nick quickly tells his mom that it's not that. "I'm fine now," he says to her. "Please, believe me. I'm no longer hung up over that cheating bitch. She was an idiot who didn't know my worth when she threw me away, alright? I don't care about her anymore."

"Okay, I believe you," she says to him. When his dad brings the plates over, they all start eating their breakfast together as quickly as they can. His mom drives him to school and tries to talk to him some more about how he is coping with the loss. He gazes out the window though and tries to just tell her not to worry so much about him. He doesn't like it when she is concerned. Nick appreciates the caring nature of his mom but hates being the reason she is worried. It makes him feel like he is useless or something. Sometimes he thinks about getting revenge on Mia but he couldn't think of anything that would be enough without also breaking the law.

He enters the school and walks past many other students. Some of the guys on the football team sneers at him contemptuously and he shivers, but still has enough courage to stare back at them and give them a cold smile. Nick has found that occasionally he'll be able to summon a bout of bravery out of nowhere when he needs it the most. When the jocks see that they can't easily intimidate him, they back away, leaving him alone. It's only then that he sees another group of students. They are Mia, wearing her cheerleading uniform, and a few other cheerleaders, talking about how they are all going to see Endgame tomorrow the next night. None of them have seen it yet. Nick tries to sneak past them, not wanting to talk to the blonde bitch who ruined his life.

Unfortunately, Mia spots him. The blonde bombshell walks over to Nick and he stiffens. No, not down there, silly. He might have gotten hard when they were together but now she is a complete turn off to him. "Hey, loser," she greets Nick, who glares at her. "Aw, why the long face? Did you spend too much time jerking off to me last night?" Her friends snicker at this and she high fives each of them, before turning back around to look at him. "Go on. Say it. I know that's what you were doing. In fact, if you pay me $20 I'll even send you a video of someone fucking my brains out and cumming inside me, something I never let you do. You didn't even get to touch my cunt with your fingers."

"I won't touch it because you holes are probably full of STDs by now. And no, I did not jerk off to you last night. I went to Endgame. I know you didn't so I'll tell you this now. Iron Man and Black Widow died." Then Nick walks away as the girls stare at his back, gaping in shock. Even he is shocked and he's the one who said all that. It just came to him on the spur of the moment that this is the best way to get back at her. To spoil the biggest cinematic event of the year for her and her equally bitchy friends. And it is certainly working well from how loud they are gasping right now. It's the first time he has ever deliberately spoiled a movie for someone and the result is looking pretty good so far.

Finally, Mia gets over her shock and launches herself at him. "You son of a bitch!" she screeches as she tries to clobber him with her fists but failing as he moves out of the way in time. "How the fuck could you spoil it for me like that? I'm going to kill you!" He easily shoves her away when she lunges at him though, knocking her back and then walking away again, looking and feeling more suave than he ever felt before in his entire life. It's great to see her being pissed for a change. Plus, a lot of their classmates are now going to start seeing her as the neurotic bitch that she's always secretly been. Gosh, revenge can be such fun when done right, he thinks to himself.

He moves through the corridor with the grace of a swan, for once in his life feeling full of himself and smiling like a cocky bastard. Nick is pleased with himself for getting revenge on his cheating ex in the best way possible and it shows on his face. He has never swaggered like this but isn't planning on stopping anytime soon. From now on he'll be cool and not let anyone bully him anymore. He won't be weak like he used to be. Nick has had more than enough of being pushed around already. No more putting up with that sort of shit from other people. No more cowering as they make fun of him and humiliate him for getting cuckolded, with his girlfriend losing her virginity to someone else.

Suddenly the boy accidentally bumps into someone. The other person groans slightly and he quickly drops down to help her pick her stuff up from the floor. "I'm so sorry! I should have watched where I was going," Nick says before looking up at the person he bumped into. "Sorry, but are you a new student?" he asks the black Amazon. That's the only way to describe her, really. The ebony has a gorgeous face and muscular yet still feminine body. "I've never seen you around before. I could give you a tour if you want?" For some reason, she looks really bemused by his words. "You must be transferring here in your senior year, or else you're really tall for your age."

She suddenly bursts out giggling. Nick looks at her, feeling confused. "I'm sorry but you're wrong," she says. "I'm not a new student. I'm a 34 years old history teacher." This makes Nick gape like an idiot. Great. This is really great! "I've got to say, that was the first time anyone ever mistook me for a student. My name is Tiana Mason, by the way. You can call me Ms Mason." She is still lightly chuckling at the mistake he made, making him blush some more. Just after he did a really cool thing he's embarrassed himself again. This time it is not as humiliating as the getting cuckolded thing though, since Ms. Mason isn't laughing at him in a malicious way or anything like that.

"Wow, I'm really sorry," he says in a trembling voice. "I mean, it's just that you look really young so I presumed that you're a new senior, and that's why I asked that, and please..." Nick is about to just ramble on and on when she places one finger on his lips. Her other hand reaches down and then snakes up to cup the teenage boy's balls. "Um, Ms. Mason, could you please let go of my balls? This is making me feel a bit weird" The boy blushes as he says this, feeling uncomfortable from being groped in public by a stranger, who also happens to be a teacher, whilst he himself is a student.

"You're really adorable," the black woman says to the white boy. "I think I'm going to have loads of fun with you, cutie pie."

Nick stands there on his trembling legs as she squeezes his nuts, rubbing them gently in her fingers. He could feel his cock rising, straining up against his pants. She knows what she is doing, having had several lovers in the past while he is still a virgin. Yes, his ex girlfriend gave him some handjobs when she felt like it, but those couldn't compare to what Ms. Mason is giving to him right now, and she's only touching his balls through his trousers. "People could see," he hisses, making her smirk as she continues to fondle him lewdly, biting her lower lip. God, why does he have to be so turned on by that?

"Okay, baby. But I'm definitely playing with you some more later," she says and starts walking towards a nearby classroom. When she stops at the door, the older woman looks back at him over her shoulder in surprise. "Do you take history?" she asks. He quickly nods, making her smirk. "Well, well. Looks like I just groped one of my own students. Step inside, honey. It might make it easier for me to get in your pants if you have to spend a lot of time with me." Nick can't believe how she is talking about fucking him so casually when she is his teacher and he is her student. It's just so.... taboo. Forbidden. Thinking of this in such a way only increases his level of arousal.

He is so shaken that he could barely walk to his seat and sit down, but manages to do so, only after a lot of effort. Ms. Mason gives him a mischievous smirk as she sets her stuff down on her table and other students file into the classroom. She keeps her gaze fixed on him though and he gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. It makes him so nervous to be eyed by this very pretty, chocolate skin older woman. Not even Mia made him this flustered at the pinnacle of his devotion to her. Oh, he blushed for her. Yes, he definitely blushed for Mia back then. But not as much as he is blushing for his new history teacher right now. The sheer confidence that she is radiating is just too much to handle.

"Good morning everyone," she greets them. "I'm your new teacher, Ms. Mason. Can someone please tell me where you guys got up to last lesson?" She looks around the room. Everyone is silent, ignoring her. Nick is also quiet too. Usually, he'd answer questions like this without any problem, but right now, he is very nervous around her. The boy doesn't trust his voice to work properly when he opens his mouth. That's when her eyes land on him yet again and she gives him a tiny little smirk, one that he barely notices. "Nick, why don't you tell me where you got up to last lesson? I'm sure a good boy like you would remember," she says in a flirty tone.

Nick looks like a deer caught in headlights. The sexually experienced ebony smirks at his cute reaction, feeling her thong grow very moist. Her black pussy is on fire right now, very wet from arousal. He is the most adorable boy she has ever seen. It's not the way he looks but the way he acts. Something about his shyness just turns her on like crazy. "Page 341, Ms. Mason," he manages to say in a weak voice. At least he didn't stutter. That's what he would have done back in the day when he was even more socially awkward than he is now. His trembling voice only adds oil to the flames of her desire. She really wants to jump his bones right now but she knows she can't do that.

Ms Mason grins at her shy student. "Thank you, Nick," she says, then flips to that page. She then begins to read out some key information and write up on the board. After five minutes of this, the ebony teacher gives her students ten minutes to read some pages. Once the ten minutes are up, she asks some questions. When no one answers, she picks Nick again and he blushes, feeling shy as he is forced to speak to her in front of all his classmates. She calls him a 'good boy' again after he answers correctly and he can feel his face turning as red as a tomato in front of all the other students. He's always secretly been a sub and hearing her call him that is making Nick horny.

Throughout the lesson, Tiana Mason glances at her cute student. It becomes obvious enough for some of the girls to see that she is interested in the shy dork. They can't blame her for it. A few of them are secretly attracted to Nick but have never made a move, since dating a geek could be social suicide for them. They've settled for staring at him when he isn't not looking in their direction. The preppy girls exchange smirks as they watch their black teacher looking at their innocent classmate with interest. This is so going to be the best bit of gossip of the year. They are all going to have so much fun spreading a rumour about this.

At the end of the class, she dismisses everyone but says "I want you to stay behind, Nick." All the girls who've figured out what is going on burst into laughter as they exit, making the guys look at them in confusion. They all promise to tell them what they're giggling about later, just to get the boys to shut up. Nick approaches his newest teacher carefully, sweat breaking out across his forehead. Tiana locks the door and pulls the drapes down, making sure no one can see inside. "There's no class in this room during the next period," she says as she suddenly yanks her skirt and soaked panties down. Nick gasps in shock as he takes in the sight of the magnificent bush above her cunt. She has the hairiest pussy he's ever seen. Yes, he's only ever seen one pussy in real life before, but still, Ms. Mason's cunt is much hairier than any porn star he's ever watched.

He can't believe that he is staring at the pussy of a woman who is 16 years older than he is. She rakes her fingers through the thick forest of her curly pubic hair, playing with it and giving him a teasing grin. "I got so wet thinking about doing all sorts of dirty things to you," she says. "You might act like the perfect student but I could see the sluttiness in your eyes. You are a slutty boy who wants to be used. You're practically begging me to fuck your brains out with the way you're looking at my cunt right now." Damn it! Why can't he hide how he really feels? It's impossible to tear his gaze away from the dense canopy right above the chocolate pussy.

She starts fingering herself in front of him. The ebony teacher then grabs a thick whiteboard marker and begins to slide the pen inside her pussy. Using it as a makeshift dildo, Ms. Mason starts to thrust it in and out of her cunt as her cute student watches. Nick eventually recovers his voice and asks "Is this really appropriate? You're my teacher. Someone could report to the principal and you could get into trouble, and I don't want that to happen! Please, just wait until I graduate and then we can go out and also do dirty stuff together. Just not now. I don't want to get you into trouble," he says, hoping she would listen to reason and stop doing what she's doing now.

Ms. Mason continues to masturbate as her dumbstruck pupil watches. The tall African American woman loves how it is so easy to control him. Just the sight of her hairy pussy and Nick is now an incoherent mess. "I'll make all of the decisions around here," she exhales with a lustful look on her face. "Now I want you to suck the pen that's just been inside my cunt. Come over here and lick my pussy juices off the pen." Nick is very startled by this and quickly tells her no. "If you don't lick my juices from this pen right now, I'll tell people that you tried to sexually assault me."

He reluctantly agrees to do what she asked him to and watches her remove the pen from inside her cunt. Then he takes it and starts licking up and down the marker. His tongue swipes up all his teacher's womanly juices and he is surprised to find that her bodily fluids actually tastes really good. It is so much more delicious that Nick had expected. She then takes the marker back and slides it back inside her hot cunt again. After that the black woman brings it out of her orifice and slides it up her tight ass. When she tells him she wants him to suck it clean, Nick says "Please don't make me do that."

"If you don't do it then I'll file sexual assault charges against you," Ms Mason replies. She doesn't really intend to do it, but it sure works well as a threat. He doesn't protest anymore and only looks at her as she pumps the marker pen in and out of her black buttocks, fucking her ass with it. Then she takes it out of her black ass and hands it to him, and he sucks the marker pen, licking it till it is clean. He can't believe it but her ass is actually tastier than her pussy. It could also be to do with the dirty part of the act too, now that Nick thinks about it.

Tiana Mason then spins around and spreads her thick asscheeks apart. This gives Nick a clear view of her puckered anal ring. Her brown hole seems to be winking at him, making him sweat in his nervousness. "Bury your tongue in my ass now," she orders him. Afraid of making her angry, Nick quickly follows her order and sticks his tongue inside her. He probes inside her large ass with it and swirls his tongue around in her as she moans in pleasure. "That's it, my little white slut," Ms Mason gasps as she grinds her round buttocks up all over Nick's cute face.

She furiously rubs her engorged clitoris in rhythm with his tongue driving in and out of her rear end. Her derrière is spasming in pleasure as she plays with herself while getting serviced by her own student. This is the most depraved thing she ever did and she has done a lot of dirty stuff since her own teenage years. To corrupt a goody goody like Nick gives her great pleasure. He is just so fucking adorable. She couldn't stop herself from wanting to defile him, and when she wants something, she always takes it, not matter what will happen.