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Panic raced into her mind. He'd figured out she was their access into his mind, and he clearly wasn't too happy about that. Terrified, Claire tried to focus her out mind again to find his path, but his thoughts had gone blank. Rage and desire had rendered his thought process useless. He was running on pure instinct now, which left her blind to his intentions.

"Claire where's he going!" Darrow called out.

She shook her head. "I don't know. He's pissed, so he's lost all control of his mind."

"Damn it." Thaltos growled. "Silthos, prepare to move her out of the way. If she can't hear his thoughts, we're fighting blind on this one."

"Trust me, she's not going anywhere with that thing," Silthos growled.

Claire lay in his arms, clinging to him out of sheer terror. Without the knowledge of where Tarrin was going to move, they were practically open targets. Acting on instinct in a last-ditch effort to help her lovers, Claire closed her eyes and imagined herself as the mist. She imagined, if she knew her plans had been discovered and began to act on pure rage, how she would react. How she would move, where she would go, what she would attack first...

"Darrow! Move! I think it's going after you!" Claire cried out to him, hoping she'd guessed correctly.

Luck was with her. Tarrin charged at Darrow, lunging at him just late enough to give her lover time to dodge and deal another blow to his shoulders. Another roar of rage signaled Tarrin's immediate turn toward Silthos, a move she hadn't expected. Silthos began to back up, his eyes always searching for an escape route. Thaltos rushed forward, anticipating Tarrin's next attack, but moved too late. The mindless demon raced towards Silthos, turning his body sideways to deliver a devastating blow with his spiked shoulder.

Claire was knocked from his grasp, tumbling to the ground and landing near the window. Dazed but still aware, she struggled to her feet to watch the ensuing fight. Tarrin was still fighting the others, but curiously made no move towards her. She was out of the protective arms of her lover, yet his focus remained elsewhere. Why wouldn't he...

She stopped, understanding the complicated plan that had been set in motion. The mist was only using Tarrin as a distraction. It had no intention of using him to collect her or kill her here and now. All it needed was her away from her lovers and near the window.

As if on cue, a soft hiss whispered behind her. A chill ran up her spine as her stomach turned to cement. She knew what was coming; she'd seen her fate in Tarrin's mind the instant before it went blank. She inhaled deeply, never resigning to her fate but questioning what move she could make that might change the future. There was nothing she could do or say that might change the mist's plans or break Tarrin from his spell.

A sense of melancholy settled over Claire as her mind's eye watched the threads of mist creep through the window and inch closer to her. All this fighting and bloodshed was over her. Nothing more than jealous desire and a lust for power and control. A wave of despair and self-loathing rushed into her veins, rendering her immobile. Perhaps, if she just went into the mist willingly, this whole escapade would end and her lovers would be safe.

A crushing blow thrown to Darrow knocked her out of her pity party. Tarrin had dealt a rough uppercut to her lover's jaw, knocking him backwards and leaving sprawled across the floor. A thin trickle of blood dripped from his mouth as he pushed himself up. He shook his head to clear it, still stunned from the blow.

The sight of her most passionate lover being pummeled to the ground sent a new wave of emotion through Claire. Anger, hot and heavy, roared through her veins. Her resolve hardened once again, this time turning to steel. She would change her fate if she could, making any move necessary if it mean those she cared for remained safe. She whipped her head around, searching for something to assist her demons. Spying a heavy brass candlestick that burned fiercely on the table, Claire rushed over and gripped the thick hunk of metal in her hands, the gears in her mind spinning so fast sparks nearly shot from her ears.

Weapon in hand, she turned and raced back over to the window. Thin strands of silvery mist seeped in from the small cut-out in the wall, sliding across the floor towards Darrow. The stands crawled toward him hungrily, small snakes inching towards their stunned prey.

"No! You can't have him!" she cried out. "He's mine!"

The tendrils were only inches away from Darrow now, their small squeals of excitement making her skin crawl. Darrow's own ebony eyes widened as they crawled closer, a mix of fear and fury in his eyes.

Stopping just short of the tendrils, Claire raised the heavy candlestick above her head and took aim.

If the mist controls Tarrin, then wounding the mist should slow him down.

"I said he's mine!"

With every ounce of strength in her body, Claire brought the head of the candlestick down on the nearest tendril of mist. It screeched in pain, whipping around and lashing wildly into the air. The other strands instantly pulled away from Darrow, retreating to the edges of the wall to nurse the wound she'd caused.

Out of the corner of her eye, Claire watched as Tarrin's movements slowed. Unharmed by her attack, he was nonetheless clearly affected by the mist's momentary distraction. He stood completely still, his eyes no longer angry and focused. Silthos and Thaltos took advantage of the opportunity and charged at the stunned demon, knocking him to the floor.

Claire lifted the heavy piece of brass again and raced over to Darrow. "It's not getting you," she growled through clenched teeth. "I won't let it have you!"

Renewed by her own fury, Darrow hauled himself to his feet, taking a defensive stance beside her. "And your plan would be?"

"I can't read it, but the mist is what's controlling Tarrin. If we can would it, we should be able to drive it back and gain the upper hand in the fight." Her eyes scanned each tendril of silver, waiting for one of them to move.

"Then I'll stay and help-"

"No!' she barked. She could sense the mist healing itself, knowing that Tarrin had recovered from his own hit and was beginning to fight again. "Help Silthos and Thaltos. They need you more than I do."

She felt his smile before seeing it: a soft, warm, proud smile creeping onto his lips. He was proud of her, proud of how she had changed. No longer a frail, frightened young woman, Claire had become something of a warrior herself. Willing and able to defend those she cared about even at the cost of injury.

Darrow stepped away, carefully inserting himself into the melee behind her. Claire stayed put, gripping the heavy candlestick tightly as she prepared herself for the mist to retaliate. It never moved, staying close to the wall and hiding within the small patches of shadow. The tiny threads of mist squirmed restlessly, as if planning a new route for escape.

She could almost feel the anger and unease pulsing off the small worm-like creatures. The mist was unused to having its plans thwarted by any demon, much lass a young human girl. It raged silently at her, furious that she could both anticipate its movements and do it harm. It must capture her if it was to win, but she was by no means an easy catch. With her ability to see its plans, Claire held the advantage in the fight, something the mist despised.

Behind her, Darrow and the others had finally gained the upper hand against Tarrin, pinning him to the ground as he struggled fiercely. A smile cracked onto her lips, a move that sent a wave of furious screams from the tendrils of mist. Her joy at her lovers being able to subdue its puppet didn't sit well with the mist.

One thin tendril lashed out at her, screeching in rage. Claire swung at the strand, smacking it away and sending it scampering back to the wall. Another crawled towards her, sliding silently across the floor in hopes that she wouldn't notice its silent move. She did, unfortunately, and Claire stuck at that strand as well. The mist curled against the wall, infuriated that its prey was fighting back. It had expected her to be paralyzed by fear and make herself an easy target. Instead, she retaliated and risked her own life to protect her lovers.

Damn girl. I'll break her soon enough.

Defeated and enraged, the mist began its slow retreat. The thin tendrils crawled slowly up the wall, slipping back through the window into the murky pit from whence they were born. The tips still whirled and lashed at her, silent in their fury but all too eager to show it. The last few inches of silver slipped through the window, leaving silence in their wake.

Claire stayed still for a moment, refusing to follow until she was sure they were gone. She'd seen far too many B-rated horror films where the heroine follows her adversary the moment it disappeared only to be capture once she ventured too close. Claire had learned from those oh-so-talented actresses not to fall for that trap. Instead, she inched closer, taking one step at a time, giving herself enough room to maneuver should they come screeching out at her again.

Taking a deep breath, she peered over the edge of the window, staring down into the marsh. The mist remained below, slowly swirling around itself with flashes of crimson and black. It shrieked the moment it noticed her presence, pulling back from the wall below and slipping away into the darkness of the marsh. The scream reminded her of a furious battle cry, a warrior vowing revenge for a humiliating defeat.

Claire smiled to herself and stepped back from the window. Pride overflowed in her veins, mixing with the relief and exhaustion already settling in. Happy but still wary , she turned to watch her three lovers as the last of their own fight finally ended. With the mist gone, Tarrin's mind and body had been released. He lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, completely unconscious. Thaltos, Darrow and Silthos stood around him, panting from the struggle.

Throwing her hands up, Claire's smile returned in full force. "We won!"

"For now," Thaltos' voice was steady, unchanged by the outcome of the fight. "The mist is not accustomed to losing anything, least of all a fight. It will be back eventually, with more power and fury than before."

Tossing the candlestick aside, she walked casually over to the group of demons. Reaching up, she looped her arms around Thaltos' neck, pressing her chest to his back and her cheek to his neck. "We won this time. We've show that disgusting cloud we're nothing to be laughed at. Be happy, please?"

He smiled in spite of the truth and turned his head to kiss her. She returned his kiss passionately, finding warmth and security in his touch. Despite knowing the mist would be back to claim her, Claire felt safe and protected here. For now, she could relax.

"So, what do with do with sleeping beauty?" Silthos gently nudged the unconscious Tarrin with his foot.

She pulled away from Thaltos, looking down at the sleeping demon. "I suppose we turn him into the Counsil."

"You sure?" He looked at her worriedly.

Claire shrugged, staring pityingly at Tarrin. "What else could we do with him? We can't leave him here. Once he wakes up, who knows what he'll do?"

Darrow sighed. "She's right. There's no point in keeping him here. We'll call the guards and have them haul him out." He paused, his eyes focused yet pained. "I guess...I suppose we could put in a small good word for him. After all this, he doesn't deserve execution just yet."

Claire stared at him, thunderstruck. The entire time she'd know Darrow, all he'd ever done for Tarrin was rant about how he'd been screwed over by a former friend he now wished dead. For him to have a change of heart like this was stunning. Although, she reasoned, friendships that ran as deep as Darrow and Tarrin's don't die easily.

There must be some remainder of the friendship still in his mind. Pissed as he is, I'm not sure I could condemn my best friend after watching them suffer like that.

She sighed and let go of Thaltos, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine. Should we wait until he wakes up to let him down easy?"

"Probably not," Silthos reasoned. "He'll just come out of his nap swinging. It's best that we alert the guards now."

She nodded, turning to Thaltos. "I think Darrow and I can handle him. Could you go grab the guards and tell them what happened?"

The enormous demon smiled down at her and bowed his head. "My pleasure."

She reached out and gripped his arm gently. "Thaltos, tell them everything. We cant have them throwing Tarrin under the bus when he wasn't in control."

His smile never wavered. "They'll know every detail."

"Good." She stood on her tiptoes and leaned in, attempting a second kiss.

"Darrow..." Tarrin's raspy voice broke through her veil of happiness.

Claire turned to see the same blood red eyes staring fearfully at her feet. One clawed had pointed at the wall behind her.

"Darrow, watch your girl. She's-"

An ear-shattering hiss flooded the room. An instant too late, Claire felt an icy chill wrap around her ankle and pull her to the ground. It pulled her across the floor at a frightening speed, jerking her to the side seconds before she would have smashed into pieces of furniture.

"Thaltos!" She screamed and clawed at the floor, trying to slow her flight.

"Claire!" Darrow's roar of fear and rage nearly shattered her heart. He knew now what Thaltos had known all along: the mist had come back and was hell-bent on claiming its prize. Darrow nearly knocked Silthos over as he lunged for her, the rage and fear melding into one ear-spilling roar.

I'm going to lose them.

That thought alone broke her heart. She sobbed quietly, dreading her fate and apologizing for her pain she'd caused them. Tears welled in Claire's eyes as the mist dragged her closer to the window, tears of despair as she was pulled away from the three people who honestly cared for her and fought for her.

Darrow's clawed hand reached out to grasp hers, his thick fingers wrapping tightly around her wrist. Seizing the opportunity, Claire grabbed his wrist and held on, a tiny flicker of hope starting to burn in her heart.

She looked fearfully into his coal-black eyes. "Don't let go."

His gaze hardened. "Never."

She sobbed again. "I don't want to leave you."

"You're not going anywhere," he growled. "I won't allow that."

A strained smile flashed across her face. Of all of them, Darrow would be the last to give her up. He'd fight tooth and nail for her life, even if that meant sacrificing his own. He loved her as much as she loved him.

A thin strand of mist lashed out, slicing the back of Darrow's hand wide open. He winced but kept his grip on her, never letting the pain overtake his need to protect her. Another strand whipped out, followed by a third, all three slicing and lashing his hands, hoping to break his grip.

Thaltos and Silthos rushed over to their friend's side, each grabbing hold of her hand. They held onto her, the added strength of two demons holding her steady against the grip of the mist. The tiny flame of hope in her heart grew a bit. They could save her, haul her back into the room and keep her safe. They could wipe away this nightmare from her memory and replace it with thoughts of love and passion. One more pull and they could do all of it.

The tiny flicker of optimism died almost instantly. Another handful of tendrils whipped out from the window, some wrapping around her ankles to pull harder, others lashing the hands of her lovers to break their grip. The threads cut deep, releasing rivers of ink-black blood that flowed onto her hands. The blood slicked their skin, making gripping their hands difficult, and Claire began to slide backwards, aided by the ceaseless pull of the mist.

In that moment, she saw her fate and her life flash through her mind. Regardless of their efforts, her lovers' grip would break eventually, sending her tumbling down into the murky haze below. If, by some incredible stroke of luck, their grasp held, the mist would drag them down with her.

Heartbroken and defeated, Claire decided to spare her lovers the fate she was slowly being pulled towards. She would let them go, save them from the awful plans the mist had in mind. She loved them too much to let them suffer like that. They would weep for her, yes, but they would recover and find another that wouldn't cause them so much pain and heartache. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she loosened her grip a bit, letting her hands slide through theirs an inch.

Darrow's eyes widened in panic. "Claire!"

She looked back at him, sorrow and apology in her eyes. "Don't forget me."

"No!" he roared. "Don't you dare!"

"I love you, all of you," she whispered. "Stay safe for me."

With one final smile, Claire released her hands, sliding free of her three lovers. The mist seized the opportunity, jerking her sharply back and hauling her through the window. Time moved slowly as she watched all three demons race to the window. They cried out her name, looks of horror and shame upon their faces. She smiled softly, knowing she'd saved them from an eternity of pain and despair in the clouds of mist.

Stay safe for me.

She finally fell into the soft, cool swirls of the mist below her, feeling the icy coldness sink into her skin. Her fingers went numb first, then her arms and her legs. The mind grew foggy and unfocused as she inhaled a final breath of clean air. The grief-stricken faces of the three demons she'd come to love faded from view as her world shifted to black. She sank down, swallowed into the folds of grey and cobalt, finally separated from her lovers completely.

Silence followed, followed by a screech of triumph emitted from the thick swirls of silvery blue mist.

If you cried during the last part, don't feel embarrassed. I started tearing up while writing it. Don't worry, though. This is only chapter 7. There is still much more of the story to tell.

Stay tuned... "Demonbreaker"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Her demons aren't very evil. It doesn't seem like it to me. A little wussy even. Other than that the story is pretty good :) next chapter !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Ahh, damn gas ball, somebody hit the fan and blow it away. I hope she gets pregnant with all three of their babies, All animals includining the human kind can carrie multiple offspring from different fathers at the same time, plus the daddie's are demons, so it would not really be that surprising . A little demon spawn for each of them so cute. Anyway, down with the ball of fart, yes I hate that nasty thing and see it as just that.

debbie2freedebbie2freealmost 12 years ago
Number the chapters?

I love this storyline but since each chapter has a separate name hard to keep track

estroxforevaestroxforevaalmost 12 years ago
This is amazing!

I never imagined that an erotica that could simultaneously be an emotional and yet so erotic that anyone could get all riled up and stimulated,and cry at the same time!You get an outstanding ovation.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago
It's not over yet!

She won't be defeated that easily!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Very good, but very sad. I never liked mist either. Hmmm, hell's exorcist could kill it, if hell has an exorcist, hey would not be shocked at all if it did. I love your storie's and I am not really sad for long because this seems to just be getting started. Rock on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Ahh, I thought this was about a tabletop game called Shadowrun, dealing with cyberpunk and magic. I mean, it's good and all, but I was a little dissapointed.

SweetGaspsSweetGaspsalmost 12 years ago
Oh. My. Goodness!

My eyes teared up reading the end!!!!!!!!! I check daily for updates on this story and was giddy when I saw the new chapter!!!!

I absolutely loved it. Please please please keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You tease!

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