Shadows of Desire Ch. 10


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"Find them." The Queen growled. "I want that prisoner caught and brought to me."

"Perhaps, my Queen..." Evander felt bile rise up his throat even calling her that. "It would be more pertinent to attend to the Princess first. The people will want to know what happened and..."

Caroline held up a hand. "There is nothing I can do for her now. Her killer is dead. There is no one else to blame. The priest will attend her. My more pressing issue is to recapture my captive. He will burn before the night is done. He and any who aide him. I want them all found and brought before me for judgement. Get the word out to all. Man every point of entry, search the entire Kingdom if you have to. I will not allow treason among my men to go unpunished. Not even the Captain."

Evander bowed as he backed away. "As you wish, your Majesty." His words dripped with venom as he turned his back on the Queen and left to carry out her orders. He would find the prisoner and those who helped him but, he had no intention of delivering them to the Queen. If his actions meant treason then so be it. He'd rather burn with those who defied Caroline then follow a false Queen.


After Greagor had agreed to help Rowan escape, he informed the two guards that there was a change in plan. Greagor was certain that his men would aide them. He was their Captain after all, and they had each pledged their loyalty to the crown. As far as Greagor was concerned that meant Rowan. Rowan was the rightful heir, omega or not, he had more claim to the throne than Caroline did. Greagor's men, unfortunately, did not feel the same. They refused to help, and even attempted to detain them. Their own Captain! They thought they could detain their Captain and betray him by dragging him before that bitch on the throne.

Greagor was having none of that. He'd trained these men. He knew their strengths and their weaknesses. They soon found out that they were no match for their Captain, a man hundreds of years their elder, and more powerful in every way. Greagor attempted to reason with them, get them to see things from his perspective but, when that failed, he was left with limited options. Rather than fight, and possibly kill the two men, Greagor elected to instead knock them both unconscious.

With a quick snap of the neck, both men went down. Such an injury would have killed a human but these men were not human. They were vampires. The injuries to their necks would heal but the process would be slow, giving Greagor and Rowan the time they needed to escape. Rowan looked to Greagor, confusion written across his young face. "They're good men." Greagor explained. "They don't deserve to die."

"But, they serve Caroline." Rowan pointed out.

"They serve Basmorte." Greagor corrected. "And when you reclaim the throne, they will serve you."

"You really think so?" Rowan asked, a bit skeptical.

Greagor nodded. "I know so. I trained them."

That was all Rowan needed to hear. He trusted Greagor. He'd always trusted the man. Even when Desmond was still alive. Greagor had always been kind to Rowan. He'd turned a blind eye when Rowan had been in a part of the castle that he wasn't permitted to be in or, when he was playing instead of doing his studies. He'd even found Rowan outside the Palace walls once and promptly returned him to the Palace. Rowan had thought for sure that Greagor would have reported him to his father but he did not.

Rowan wasn't sure if it was sympathy or pity, but Greagor had always treated Rowan with gentle kindness. Rowan considered him a true friend. Even when Rowan had thought that Greagor had betrayed him. He still thought of the man as a friend. Maybe he'd just lost his way for a time but in the end, Greagor had come through for him, as he always had.

Leaving the two guards in the corridor at the top of the stairs, Greagor and Rowan had escaped down the corridor, towards the guard house. Rowan didn't know where they were going. He had never known these tunnels even existed but, he trusted that Greagor knew the way out. It seemed as though they had been running for hours. Greagor didn't seem the least bit tired. It seemed that the man could have gone on for hours with no need to stop and rest but Rowan was exhausted. His legs hurt, his back ached, and his arms felt like they were made of jelly. One more step and he was certain that he'd pass out from the effort.

Besides his physical exhaustion, Rowan realized that he was hungry. No, starving. He hadn't eaten anything since leaving Pickaway village and hadn't fed since passing out in the forest. The Shee side of him didn't need blood to survive but the vampire side did and he was starting to feel the effects of going too long without it. Still, he tried to stay strong. He could go on if he just pushed himself a little harder. He could feed once he was safely away from the Palace. Once he'd found Thaden. His desire to be reunited with husband was stronger than anything and he was determined to be in his arms once more, feeling his arms protectively wrapped around him.

"I just need a moment." Rowan struggled to catch his breath as he spoke. They had reached the chamber beneath the guard house. They were almost there. A moment to rest wouldn't matter at this point. As soon as he ascended the ladder to the guard house, Rowan would be mere feet from the main gate. His freedom was just within reach.

Leaning against the wall, Rowan took in a deep breath, calming his shaking limbs and rubbing at his sore back. He was barely pregnant, could he already be feeling the effects of it or, was it too soon? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that the exhaustion he felt wasn't his imagination. Greagor looked at him, concerned.

"I'm alright." Rowan told him. "I just need to rest a moment then we can go on."

"When is the last time you fed?" Greagor asked him.

Rowan sighed. "Too long." He answered. "And it was only rabbit."

"That's not enough to sustain you." Greagor narrowed his eyes at the young Prince and frowned. "I would have thought by now you would have learned that you need blood to survive. Especially in your current condition."

Rowan looked down at his feet. He ran a hand through his hair and kicked at a few stray stones on the floor. "I do know that I need blood to survive." He told the man. "But, knowing that doesn't make it any less disgusting."

"You can't fight your nature." Greagor told him. "No matter how much you try to deceive yourself, you're still half vampire."

Rowan nodded, knowing that Greagor was right. It was just a half of himself that he'd rather not acknowledge. He couldn't change what he was, couldn't change being a vampire anymore than he could change being an omega. It had never set well with him. Being a vampire, in his mind, meant that he was evil. At least now he knew the truth about who and what his mother was. It helped to know that there was at least a part of him that wasn't a monster.

"We should get moving again." Rowan said, changing the subject.

"Are you sure that you're feeling up to it?" Greagor asked him. "If you need more rest..."

"I'm fine." Rowan said, pushing himself away from the wall. "And it won't be long before Caroline sends someone after us." No sooner had he spoke the words when Rowan stopped, his acute hearing picking up the sounds of movement further down the corridor. Greagor heard it too. He was immediately on his feet, moving Rowan behind him as he held his sword at the ready. They listened to the scuttling of foot steps as they came closer to the chambers entrance.

Rowan held his breath as he waited. His hand rested against his still flat belly, his muscles tense, his guard up. He didn't want to fight but he would if it came down to it. He would do anything to protect his unborn child. Even kill if he had to. The footfalls began to slow as the owner drew closer to the chamber. Rowan could tell now that it was only one person which caused him to exhale in relief. One man or woman would be nothing for them to deal with.

Greagor stepped into full view of the archway now and the figure approaching them stopped when he saw him and, raised his hands to show he was unarmed. Greagor lowered and re-sheathed his sword when he saw the person standing before him. It was just a young squire, no more than eighteen or nineteen. He could have looked young, of course, and been much older but given his status it was obvious he was just a boy. A Knight, or even a guard, would have been much older. At least a century older. This squire had a long way to go before he reached Knighthood.

The squire bowed at the waist upon seeing Greagor. "Captain." He said, respectfully.

Greagor eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" Greagor demanded, his voice sounding gruff and cold.

"The Queen sent me." The boy stammered. Greagor's hand moved once more to the hilt of his sword. The boy must have seen this movement because his eyes went wide and he immediately put his hands up again, as if in surrender. "Please, I don't mean you any harm." The boy explained. "I was just following orders and, when I saw the two guards laid out in the corridor, I thought you might be in trouble."

Greagor chuckled at this. He removed his hand from the sword, instead, laying it gently on the boys forearm. "I'm the Captain, child. It was I who laid those men out. I assure you, I'm fine."

The boy sighed in relief and nodded. "And the prisoner?" The squire asked.

It was then that Rowan stepped out from behind Greagor and looked to the youth. His expression stern, his eyes focused on the squire as he raised a brow. "I am no prisoner." He said, a hint of anger in his words. "I am a Prince of Basmorte and your Queen is an imposter."

It took only a moment for what Rowan had said to register in the boy's mind. He studied Rowan's face in the flickering fire light of the torches mounted on the wall. A look of shock crossed the young man's face to be quickly replaced with alarm. At once the young squire gasped then went down on one knee, bowing his head. His body trembled with fear as he spoke. "F...forgive me, your Highness." His voice was soft but strained. "I...I thought...I mean...I was told you were dead."

"That was my doing." Rowan explained. "I had to find a way to escape the Palace. To escape my father but, I'm back now. I've seen the horrors of the false Queen and could no longer stand by and watch my people suffer at her hands." Rowan held out a hand to the squire and the boy looked up slowly. He took the offered hand and Rowan helped him to his feet.

"So, squire." Greagor addressed the boy. The tone of his voice caused the boy to shiver under the weight of the Captain's authority. "Now that you know your Prince lives, will remain loyal to the Queen or will you swear fealty to your Prince, the true ruler of Basmorte?"

Without giving it a second thought, the squire brought Rowan's hand to his lips and gently kissed his fingers. "There is no question." He said. "I am a servant to the realm. I was never loyal to the Queen and I swear no allegiance to her now. I swear my loyalty to Prince Rowan. Always."

"What is your name?" Rowan asked him.

"Aidan, your Highness." The squire bowed to him. "And, I am your humble servant."

Rowan smiled. "Then come Aidan. We must find my husband and hope that he can convince the Elven army to fight with us. It is time that we knock this false Queen off her throne."


After finding the two guards passed out in the corridor, the entire Kingdom was suddenly put on high alert. The Queen had ordered that Greagor and the prisoner be captured and brought before her. She was hellbent on the execution of the prisoner but, Greagor's fate remained to be seen. The entire situation didn't sit well with Evander. Greagor was his captain. He'd trained under him and had served him for years. He trusted Greagor. It was the Queen he didn't trust.

If Greagor had escaped with the prisoner, he wouldn't have just waltz out the dungeon doors with him and, they weren't hiding somewhere in the holding cells. Knowing Greagor, there was only one place they could go. Down the tunnel to the guard house. Greagor was trying to reach the main gate where he could easily lead the prisoner out of Basmorte to safety. Easy, that is, if the guards on duty didn't try to stop them first. Honestly, Evander had no idea how the other guards would react. Greagor was their captain but would they be willing to commit treason for him?

If the guards refused to let them pass that could be a problem. Greagor was a formidable man and a great warrior but, even he was no match for the handful of guards he'd find guarding the gate. A skirmish with them could easily turn into a blood bath. Evander had to make it to the main gate himself and intercept the captain and his prisoner before things got out of hand. If there was a fight, at least having Evander on his side might give Greagor a chance.

Evander still had no idea who this prisoner was but, if Greagor were willing to risk everything to protect him, that was good enough for Evander. He had no loyalty to the Queen anyway. Mounting his horse, Evander took off for the main gate as fast as the gelding could manage. He just prayed he'd make it in time.

No one attempted to stop him as he raced through the city though he did get some suspicious looks from the people he passed. Most of the time the guard rode through slowly, doing patrols of the city to make sure all was well within the city walls. They would stop and talk to the people at times or just stop at one point and watch the goings on around them. To see Evander riding through as fast as if the devil were on his heels meant only one thing, something out of the ordinary had happened. The people were curious, of course, but Evander didn't have time to stop and ease their concerns.

"Out of the way!" He shouted to an alarmed looking couple as he sped down the road. The couple immediately moved to the side to let him pass. Evander didn't even give them a second glance.

The rest of the way was fairly unobstructed. He did knock over a cart of apples on the way but that was it. The merchant who owed the cart cursed him as he rode past but Evander paid him little attention. This was a matter of life or death after all and he just did not have the time to deal with pissed off vendors.

It had taken nearly twenty minutes but he'd finally reached his destination. All seemed quiet as he approached. Slowing down as to not cause alarm, he made his way to the guard post near the gate and stopped. There were two guards stationed at the gate, guarding the wicket. Four more were patrolling the top of the wall, all armed with cross bows. Evander could see them walking back and forth, looking out into the darkness towards the forest but they didn't seem as though they were overly concerned. The two guards in the gate house were playing cards. They briefly looked up as Evander approached but seeing who it was, quickly went back to their game.

Evander wasn't sure how many were in the guard house as it was located a fair distance from the gate but, from where he was sitting, perched on his mount, he could see candle lights burning in the windows on all three floors of the building. He tensed as he looked the building over. Greagor and the prisoner would be coming up through the ground floor. From there they would most likely exit through the west side door and then cross the grounds to the gate where they would try to leave through the wicket. If they were quiet enough, they could make it to the gate without alerting the other guards. The two in the gate house would be easy to get past, as long as they didn't sound the alarm.

Evander thought of trying to distract them but, he knew these men well. They wouldn't be easily distracted from their duty to guard the gate. He considered talking to them. He could explain the situation and hope that they were of the same mind as him. Many of the guards disliked the Queen but would they really be willing to betray her? False Queen or not, she was the current monarch on the throne and each and every guard had pledged their loyalty to the crown.

Evander just didn't know what to do. What would be the best way to handle this situation? Whatever he decided to do had to be done fast, time was running out. Greagor and the prisoner must, by now, have made it to the underground chamber. It was only a matter of time before they emerged.

Evander climbed down from his horse. The guards in the gate house were still engaged in their game but both glanced up as he approached them.

"What are you doing here, Evander? Weren't you assigned to the court yard this evening?" The guard closest to the opened doorway asked, his eyes still glued to the cards he held in his hands.

"I was, Munro. There's a...situation though. The Queen sent me to alert the guard of a possible escape attempt."

Both guards abandoned their game and stood up, walking immediately to where Evander was standing in the doorway. Once they looked up and really had a look at him both men grimaced at the sight of his face. "What the hell happened to ya, Lad?" The second and considerably younger guard asked. "Did the escaped prisoner do this to ya?"

Evander averted his eyes as a look of shame washed over his face. "No, Hamish." He answered, finding no reason to lie to these men. Especially if he wanted their help. "It was the Queen."

"The Queen?" Monro raised an eyebrow though he didn't sound surprised by the news. "Why would she do this? Did you offend her in some way?"

"I merely reported to her what I was told. The Princess was murdered, Lord Killian took his own life, and the Captain helped the prisoner escape the dungeon. She did not appreciate the news and so did this in her anger." He pointed to his eye and the faded scar that ran across his otherwise unblemished face.

"Dear Gods." Hamish gasped as Evander told the story.

Monro nodded. "She will burn in the fires of hell for what she's done." He growled.

"Monro!" Hamish stared at the older man, eyes wide with fright. "Tis treason to speak ill of the Queen."

"Is there any here who will tell her?" Monro bellowed as he puffed out his chest and stared down at the younger man.

Hamish was quick to shake his head. "Not I." He said.

"Nor I." Evander added. "As far as I'm concerned, the Queen can go fuck herself."

The three men chuckled at the idea. They walked back inside the gate house to further discuss the situation and figure out what they were going to do about the Captain and the escaped prisoner.


Greagor was the first to climb the ladder into the upper level of the guard house which was, in fact, the ground floor. Rowan followed and Aidan, the squire, brought up the rear. Greagor wasn't sure what they would find when they reached the guard house so he insisted on going first. Aidan followed after Rowan just in case they were attacked from the tunnels. This way, Rowan was sandwiched between them and better protected from any Knights or Guards that might attempt to stop them.

Greagor wasn't sure what good the squire would be in a fight. He would have had some combat training but he carried no weapons. Neither did Rowan as his dagger had been taken from him when he was arrested. Still, both were vampires, well Rowan was half, but at least that gave them a slight advantage. If it came down to it, they had their claws and fangs to fight with. Greagor just hoped that it didn't come down to a fight. If it did, they would be seriously out matched. The Captain could hold his own but with a scrawny, barely adult, squire and a pregnant omega Prince to worry about, it put Greagor in a precarious position. He couldn't fight and protect both of them at the same time.

Greagor was relieved to see the ground floor completely empty. He had expected it under normal circumstances. The guards usually gathered in the upper levels where they had a higher vantage point in case of attackers. The highest level also led to the wall which was patrolled both night and day. He wasn't sure though if there would be any soldiers waiting for him and Rowan. The fact that they were not though, told Greagor that the guards had not yet been alerted to their escape.