Shaking It Off


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"I imagine your roommate's not home," I said distantly, mostly just looking for something to say.

"Imagine not." She glanced quickly over at me, eyebrows arched. "Why? Would you flee again?" The card swept over the reader, and the Schindler doors began a complicated series of clicks and rattles. "Would you run into the night?"


"Because it's not likely I'd run after you." She wrenched the door open and held it for me.

"I ran after you," I pointed out, passing inside. A blower started up, gusting hot air over my chilled body.

"Yeah," she agreed, waiting for me to hold the inner door for her. "That's why I said not likely. Not impossible." She walked by me, her head regal atop her neck, and I smiled to myself once she'd passed.

The elevator ride was quiet, Nicole leaning pensively against the back, but at least she didn't object when I leaned in right beside her. The tension lasted from the third floor to the ninth, at which point she finally sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe you did that," she murmured.

"Did what?" Tenth floor. "Passed up sex with an absolute goddess?"

"Yes." She nodded, vanilla against my neck. "And?"

"Sprinted into the night with no underwear?"

"Go on." Eleventh floor.

"Faced down an angry Veev and her Mace?"

"It's a knife, Keith. She keeps a knife in there." The elevator pinged. "I can't believe you did all that for me," she finished quietly, and then she was launching herself into the dusty hallway as the doors slithered open.

Her room was cold and dark when she kicked the door open, her hand sweeping along the wall unconsciously to flick the far switch. A bedside lamp came on with a dull yellowy glow, the big fluorescents on the ceiling staying mercifully off. "Come on in." She tossed her pocketbook onto Leah's bed, still a bare mattress with no signs of occupancy. A thick stack of mail lay on her side of the desk. "Go wash your face, cutie. And do a good job."

"I know how to wash my face, Nicole." There was a sink in the corner, with a big slanted mirror.

"I hope so." She sniffed. "I like Alex, but I don't want to lick her pussy off your face." She glanced critically at me as I leaned over the sink. "Might as well take your shirt off, too. Unless you're planning on leaving soon."

I reached for the top two buttons of my shirt, only to realize they were already gone. Plus the bottom one. I turned to face her, perching my butt on her tiny counter. "You'd need to kick me out."

"Good." I threw my shirt on the floor, Nicole watching silently, then turned away to wash my face. With soap, the frothy kind out of a bottle marked Asian Bamboo. Which it didn't really smell like. I glanced into the mirror to see Nicole in the room behind me, leaning over another hand mirror and disassembling her hair. "I'm not planning on kicking you out, by the way," she called, not looking at me, but by that time I was rinsing Alex out of my mouth and squeaking my finger across my teeth.

"That's nice to hear." Nicole's towel smelled like her as I buffed my face with it, turning to face her again. "I think I'm good."

"Of course you do." She finshed with her hair, mussing it carelessly as she flung away the last of her bobby pins. "You always think you're good, Keith. The best part, of course, is that you have no idea how attractive that can be." She stepped up to me, her eyes flashing, and laid a hand on my bare chest, the fingers prodding. "You said your nipples were hard," she accused.

"They were." I moved my arms around her waist, the silk sliding along my wrists as my fingers met at the top of her pert ass. She looked at them, then shook her head.

"Lies." Then she tipped her head toward mine, stretching, her lips parting, and I won't go so far as to say I heard choirs of angels ringing triumphantly through my head, but I was pretty fucking exultant when I realized she wanted a kiss. Our mouths met warmly, without any kind of shame or tentativeness, Nicole's tongue gliding easily across mine just as it had before.

It felt right.

Her body found mine, fitting me perfectly, her heat spreading along my cold arms and my damp face, and just as I was making up my mind to reach down and cup her ass, she pulled away and leaned back. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment; hers were big and shiny, a red flush faint on her cheeks. Her mouth opened again. "Not good enough. You still taste like pussy. Maybe ass, too, but I'd rather not know." She backed out of my arms, slapping lightly at my chest. "Wash some more. And brush your fucking teeth." She nodded toward her sink. "Might as well use my toothbrush."

"Might as well," I agreed, and then she was spinning in front of me, and for the second time that night a young lady bent her head and gathered her hair before me.

"Unzip," she ordered, and I was happy to comply; it stuck a little, maybe halfway down, but I handled it. "Thanks." She stepped away, leaving me to my ablutions, and this time when I glanced at her in the mirror she was undressing with confident, smooth ease. Not a hint of self-consciousness, her body soon unpeeled in what looked to me like a fairly expensive matching bra-and-thong set. I was squirting toothpaste onto a practical pink toothbrush I'd found when I turned calmly around.

"Your toothbrush, Nicole. It's a mess." She was bent over, her ass mouthwateringly bare, rummaging in a lower drawer. "The bristles are all bent."

"Buy me a new one." She came up smirking with a faded t-shirt in her hand, then curled her arms behind her back to work on her bra strap. "Tomorrow, though. I don't want you going back out tonight."

"Mm?" I was brushing, watching as she tossed her bra into the corner, her dark little nipples tempting me again before she threw her shirt over her head.

"Tomorrow, I said." She sank to her bed, her long legs stretched out, and wiggled her toes. "Today is over. We're in for tonight."

I spat, then rinsed. "Good." I leaned once more against the counter and raked her body with my eyes. She left me short of breath, her hair tumbled over her pillow. "Thanks for taking me in, by the way."

"You're welcome." She looked at my chest and smiled. "Your dick will still taste like her, but I'm not going to stand here and watch while you clean it off. I'd rather do that myself."

"Really." I sauntered across the room toward her, my mojo clicking back into place at last. Her shirt gave out just above her navel, showing me the muscles of her stomach slanting down into the black waistband of her thong, and for what seemed like a hundredth time that evening my cock gave its warning lurch. "That's a little bit presumptuous of you, don't you think?"

"No," she snapped at once. "You came back for me. I know exactly what that means," and her smile now was warm. Welcoming. Genuine. She stretched a lazy arm up to me. "Now. Where were we the other day?"

I came closer, tenting my suit pants, drinking her in. "You had your shirt off."

"Oh. Well." She shrugged on the pillow. "That's your job."

"Fine by me." She was looking at my crotch, and all at once I saw no point in having my pants on any longer. I unzipped and then let my trousers fall, once more getting a weird sense of deja-vu; this had been quite a repetitive night. But this was Nicole Rye, not Alex Stepanovich, and for a whole week she'd been giving me a built-in urge to be naked for her. So, as my dick popped out, hard yet again, I enjoyed the way her mouth opened, her tongue running subconsciously over her lip. I knew my pubes were probably all tangled and matted with Alex' saliva, but if Nicole didn't care, I sure didn't.

I stooped to take off my clothes, and on my way back up I reached out to brush her thigh with my fingers. Very very gently, I ran them up along her inner leg, then back up to cross her waistband, then up her curving belly and under her shirt. The bedside lamp showed goosebumps in my wake, and when I felt the ridges of her ribcage and the first swell of her breast, I stopped with my fingers still on her body. She was watching me, still with those glittery eyes, breathing faster, and I let her; the anticipation was killing me. I couldn't imagine what it was doing to her.

She showed me, though, reaching up almost shyly to run her own finger down the side of my penis, then down over my scrotum, and I saw in her face how awed she was that I'd come back to give this to her. I arched my back slightly, and then as her fingers found the back of my balls I at last pushed up further, under her shirt, to find that teasing little nipple once more.

Nicole gasped, her eyes wide, and then smiled dreamily as I started to massage her tit. "Mmm," she hummed, her whole body in motion: out of the corner of my eyes I could see her other hand plucking at her thong, her hips rippling subtly. This woman was primed to fuck, and from the way her hand was moving confidently along my cock, I was in for an amazing time.

She swung her legs sideways, sitting on her bed, and without asking threw her arms high. I pulled her shirt from her body with no resistance, and then she planted her hands firmly on my asscheeks, pulled me close, and swallowed my hard dick in one long, slow movement, my eyes closing briefly with the feel of it before I forced them open. Because I wanted to watch me disappear into her face.

She took me down fully, her head craning forward on her neck, her eyes never once leaving mine, and once my pubes were tickling her nose and her hands tightened on my ass, I threw back my head and sighed. Almost without realizing it I had my palm tight against the back of her head, holding her against me, both of us feeling every pulsing beat of my cock, every little gag as her throat adjusted.

I held on longer, her eyes huge as they stared up, until I saw the first tears form in the corners. But she didn't complain, didn't flinch; she was showing me why I'd been right to leave Alex, as if I didn't already know. Her face was red and blotchy before I pushed her back, her face coming off my dick in a gout of thick, glimmering saliva. She sat, gasping, her hands still caressing my ass and her face resting against my hipbone, her breath huffing quickly across the root of my cock.

She looked up at me again. "There." She kissed my balls, gently, almost like they were precious. "I'd say Alex is out of the picture now."

"She was out of the picture as soon as I left her room," I promised, and her smile proved infectious, me grinning down at her as her lips and tongue caressed my dick, her teeth adding spice; she knew how to graze them, just slightly, the way I had on Alex' clit.

I became aware that she'd removed one hand from my butt, the other one still exploring deep between my legs and behind my balls as she sucked and kissed gently along my cock. I looked down, past the glistening veins and scraggled, wet pubes, to glimpse her other hand plunged down the front of her thong, masturbating in a very serious and focused way; I stood a moment, mesmerized by the shape the back of her knuckles made in the satiny fabric of her underwear, and slowly it dawned on me that I should do something about that.

"Lie down." It wasn't a request, a flirtation: it was a deep-voiced bark from way down in my chest, and she looked up one more time with her eyes very wide. "Now." She saw what I meant, that I was in no mood to wait. That we'd spent time enough this week playing, beating around the bush, hinting. That it was time to fuck.

She knew it too, her hand whickering out of her thong with shiny fingers, scooting her body onto her creaking mattress with her throat bobbing and her eyes huge. I swiped her thong almost negligently off her hips as she moved, bunching the waistband in one hand and jerking them halfway to her knees with one dragging tug. I wasn't a bit surprised to find that she was waxed bare, her wet slit already spread wide for me; she seemed like the hairless type. She began bicycling her legs, struggling to get her underwear off as I laid a knee on the narrow bed.

We both breathed fast and shallow, her face reddened, serious; I can only assume I looked just as focused, kneeling over her as she prepared herself, fisting my dick with a casual intensity. I knew I should ask about protection, about pills and condoms and all that shit, but I'd gotten to know Nicole well in a short time; I had no doubt that she'd leave me in no uncertainty, when the time came, about where she wanted my semen.

Goddamn, I marveled to myself as she kicked her wispy thong across the room, then settled her legs. I was about to fuck her. Such a sexy little bitch, and she was spread so wide for me, her eyes riveted to my cock, willing it into her tight wet hole.

I gripped her cocked knee and moved around it, kneeling right between her legs, then sank down toward her chest. She was strong and tight beneath me, her arms going around my waist at once, the fingers running up and down my back; she was nodding, out of control, her mouth open, and I stuck my tongue into it without even thinking. I grunted against her lips when I felt my cockhead graze her belly, her body surging rhythmically, and then her hand was grappling down between us.

I kissed on down her neck, to her shoulder, hearing the whistle of her breath panting in my ear, then a whimper as she got me positioned at the hot, sticky slit between her lips. I angled my hips down at once, driving into her, halfway in before I'd even thought about it. She gasped, her feet rising up my sides, wide open as I sank into her sweet pussy.

She gripped me, tight and hot, pulsing along every part of my invading dick; I slid the rest of the way easily, both of us groaning when I couldn't go any further. When I gave her collarbone one last lick and raised my head to stare into Nicole's eyes, her face was alive, vibrant, euphoric, her lips already expecting my kiss, and I gave it to her as our bodies began to move.

"Fuck," she managed, a slow hiss while I slid into her again, my cock needing the feel of her clutching pussy, and I felt both her hands alongside my face, twisting my head until it faced hers squarely, both of us breathing the same humid sex-scented air. Her eyes filled mine. "I..." She swallowed. "My god, Keith."

I felt sweat drop from my head onto hers, my hips churning, her nipples moving in mesmerizing circles under the force of my thrusts. I felt like a machine, able to go on for hours, even days, endlessly filling her. She was amazing, sturdy, able to take everything I could give her, and I knew I was pushing harder into her than I ever had before, into anyone. I curled my hands under her armpits, holding her close up around her shoulders, seeking more leverage as I took her. Her ankles locked above my ass as we both bore down, the rickety bedsprings a crazy counterpoint to Nicole's strangled whining breaths.

I changed my motion, not rolling my hips so much, driving straight down past her clit instead of up toward her cervix, and Nicole responded at once; teeth snapped beside my ear as she stifled a scream, and when I glanced at her face her eyes were shut tight. I kept fucking her with long, distinct strokes, my own orgasm lurking just over the hill, and my voice was a snarl in her ear. "Cum, Nicole. Cum with me."

"Jesus," she wailed, her eyelids snapping open, glaring over at me. "I already am, you fucking shithead!" It trailed off into a whine, her whole body trembling, and my ass fell twice more, hard and deep between her straining legs, driving my cock as deep as I could push it even as my mouth found hers, our lips devouring each other. I knew she wanted me to let go.

It had been days since I'd cum, with plenty of stimulation since Kylie had last taken my load in the copy room, and when it streamed out of me to smack the back of Nicole's pussy I gasped into her mouth. I gave a strangled grunt, my cock jerking powerfully as it splashed rope after rope deep into Nicole's heaving body, the two of us gripping each other as tightly as possible on that squeaky bed. Struggling for breath, she was saying something in my ear, but I couldn't catch it as the last of my cum dribbled out. "What?"

"I said," she whispered, "I think I found the right Sweetheart." We kissed solidly, deeply, my cock in no hurry to leave her pussy, both of us as close as we could get. It felt right.

* * *

Later, in the dark, she relaxed after our second fuck. "You're going to have to learn what I'm like when I orgasm," she sighed, her hair sweaty in her eyes.

"With any luck, I'll have another chance." She was curled tightly into my side, her arms and legs wrapped possessively around me. She felt good, even where her hands stroked the deep scratches she'd left all down my back.

"You will," she laughed shortly. She kissed my cheek. "And it won't be luck. You should come visit me this summer. I can introduce you to my parents."

"I'd love to meet them," I murmured surprised that I meant it. I kissed her like I'd been doing it for years. "Fishing and prog-blues with your dad."

She giggled. "In Canada, yes. And?" she teased, fingering my balls, "maybe you can catch up with my sister. I'm sure Angela will be completely stoked to meet my new Valentine."

I held my tongue at that one.

* * *

Thanks for reading! Perceptive readers of a certain age might recognize a slight similarity between the resolution of this story and that of the epic 1987 Howard Deutsch film Some Kind of Wonderful, but it's wholly unintended. And besides, Deutsch's writer, the immortal John Hughes, wasn't the first to use the trope anyway.

But I hope you enjoyed it on its own meager merits. Please read the other entries and vote on your favorites!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great prose, very realistic dialog, very entertaining, and something I absolutely must share with my partner.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved this story. Great female characters. I would love more from this series. Maybe more with the sorority

KarobKarobalmost 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this story, and gave it 5 stars. My only, very minor, criticism: if Veev knows judo, why does she need a knife?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

this story is incredible, wish there was more, thank you

CreativeEdgerCreativeEdgerabout 2 years ago

I felt a bit short-changed, TBH. I was eagerly anticipating hearing about a terrific experience of fucking Nicole, since our hero Keith made her the priority rather than getting to bang BOTH ladies! Giving up a sure fire fuck from one of the hottest women on campus should have led to a better outcome that we can vicariously experience in some detail, and we didn't get that, it was simply blown off.

Worse, Nicole had promised to polish (or slurp!) Alex's pussy off Keith's cock in the morning, and she was kind of not nice about it when he brought it to her, despite the fact that she set it up herself. I would like to have have heard that Nicole was e.g. ready to forgo her weekly standing-69 and athletic fuck with the yoga teacher because she was now going to be taking Keith on constantly, even without the description of the whole night's happy ending. Or whatever.

Thanks to the author, though, for the description of what extreme self-assurance is like in action, though Keith never had to best Veev's knife fighting skills. It's clear that not hesitating to move forward with confidence is preferable, even if you are not always going to be right.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Great erotic story, doesn't quite seem to be a loving Valentine story but there again it's not in the romance category. Would have liked to know the rest of Alex's reaction and whether r not Nicole made it into the house.

5 stars though

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

this is the best and by the most reotic story I have read on Literotica. it is magnificant. thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

of the many i’ve read, this is the only story of yours that strikes me as being tone-deaf and basically sexist in a pointless, unamusing way. usually i’m enthralled by how preternaturally well you write both women’s and men’s perspectives and then shine in creating a genuine and unexpectedly smart interplay between them. maybe you were getting into your characters here, and they’re bigger assholes than i took them to be?

nevertheless, thanks for continuing to post. you’re an entirely fantastic writer, by far my favorite on literotica.

yellowiiyellowiialmost 4 years ago

Could you make the girls pee in the urinal next time?

LeBaron1987LeBaron1987about 4 years ago

Nice girl. Good choice.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 4 years ago
At First

At first I was disgusted that Keith was actually going to have sex with Alex, then I kept reading and was smiling and horny while I finished the story. Great job! Please keep writing, I loved it!!

sandymonroesandymonroeover 4 years ago

Very hot, very sexy!

BenLongBenLongover 4 years ago

Nicely done! A great mix of no strings attached sex and how it becomes meaningless when the right partner comes along. Great memories of my own college sophomore who knocked my socked off for two years, and her sexy sister- who is now my sister in law. Great read. Thanks and good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

In my many decades, I've read a lot of "adult stories", but this is by far the best. You have truly raised the bar. Great work and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hot Damn.

One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Well done.

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