Shaman Chronicles Ch. 02


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"This wasn't the first time you were attacked that way,now was it?" he asked Thorus.

"No, it wasn't" the big man answered, looking at Jarko. Seeing that Thorus wouldn't talk about it on his own he just asked him:

"Well... would you tell me about it?"

Thorus sighed. He didn't want to tell this story, but somehow he knew he'd be stuck with the boy for a while, so he told it anyway. Jarko had a right to know it after all they've been through.

"Ok. But this ain't the nicest of bed-time-stories."

Jarko quickly nodded.

"I was twelve, when my father told me he and my mother couldn't afford me anymore, since my new sibling was on its way. I knew the day would come eventually, but I wasn't prepared for it anyway, mentally that is. So I packed my stuff and joined the army. Of course I was never part of a war ,but I was trained regardless. I learned how to fight, how to ride and especially how to drink. Times were good, but I needed the adventure and I wanted to see the world. So I left the army again and joined a group of soldiers, when I was sixteen. They were usually hired to protect transports of gold or something like this, all of them were good men and they certainly knew how to use a blade." Thorus laughed.

"We've been attacked often before, but those were rather small groups. Until this one time." Thorus stared into the glowing fireplace.

"We were supposed to bring an old relic from Northwind to the Academy. It was night they were eight, we were ten and only three of us awake. I had the first watch and managed to kill two of those fuckers before one of them rammed a dagger in my stomach."

Thorus pulled up his shirt revealing an ugly scar next to his navel.

"Five of my companions, close friends, died that night, two died from their wounds later and one of them can't walk anymore. I was lucky since no vital organs were damaged and we were very close to the Academy. I was brought to one of the Magaes, who healed the wound, but I wasn't saved yet. I lied in this god damn room for about three weeks, not able to walk or eat . I had to be fed with a goddamn spoon by one of the kitchen-maidens." Thorus smiled like an idiot.

"That's how I met my wife. She fed me for three fucking weeks and all I could do was watch her,and let it happen." looking at Jarko he continued "she was quite the looker back then, hell she still is! I think you'll like her. Now I've told enough old stories. You'd better get some sleep now boy, you'll need to be awake when you choose your horse."

With that Thorus left the room, and Jarko quickly fell into a dreamless slumber.


The next day they left the brothel very early, after an unimpressive breakfast. Jarko was still oblivious to the activities of the usual guests of their sleeping place. He and Thorus walked through the city of Arcadia in the early morning. The sun hadn't fully risen, painting the sky in a crimson shade of red. There were few people on the streets and it was almost too quiet. Jarko was still bedazzled by the size of the city. Houses of all sizes stood side by side forming a network of narrow alleys, branching off the main street. The most impressive building for Jarko was the citadel. A (for the farm-boy) giant construction. It stood on a small hill and was the biggest building Jarko had ever seen, at least to this moment. Finally the he and Thorus reached one of the gates and left the city.

They passed some fields which supplied the city with all kinds of goods before they reached one of the outer markets were the horse was supposed to take place. By then it was already high-noon and the marketplace was crowded with people trying to sell or buy horses. As the stable-master of the Academy Thorus surely was an expert on the subject and knew what he was looking for. But before he could make any decision he heard Jarko just say:

"That one!"

Thorus turned around to see the little farm-boy at a black horse, which couldn't be older than three years . Thorus frowned. Of course it definitely looked like an excellent specimen ,he didn't know if he wanted the boy to ride a horse, which obviously had never been ridden before. Hell he didn't even know if the boy could ride good enough for their long journey! But when he looked into the boys eyes, transfixed on the young black stallion he knew that the decision was made. The bearded man sighed and made his way to the owners booth.

"Hello my friends! What's your desire?" the owner asked with a devious smile. Thorus instantly knew that he had to haggle like never before if he wanted a fair price.

"Well hello to you too." he said with a faked smile. "The young black stallion you have there looks quite interesting. What's the price?"

The salesman looked at the horse and pondered a moment, before he proclaimed the insane price of twenty golden emperors. Thorus looked at him like he had just grown horns before he burst out laughing.

"You can't ...*laugh* can't be serious!" Thorus said, wiping tears out of his eyes.

"I'll give you five silverlings, I feel generous today." Thorus told the guy, who looked quite pissed. After that it was a back and forth of offers, both trying to negotiate the best price for their purse. Finally they settled on one golden emperor and seventy silverlings, sealing the deal with an handshake. After that, Thorus and Jarko sought for a horse, that could carry the bearded giant and some horse tack. Thorus finally found himself a ten year old, brown war horse. They led their new horses outside of the small village before they mounted them. Thorus was surprised at how well Jarko's stallion behaved and he could clearly see how good the choice was, his little friend made.

"Let's ride boy! I wanna make up for some lost time before sunset." Thorus yelled and with that both of them spurred on their horses leaving Arcadia behind them.


When night settled in the horses and their riders were pretty exhausted. Thorus and Jarko really tried to make it a short trip, but everyone has his limits. Eventually they gave up trying to find a tavern and set up a camp under a tree in a small clearing. Thorus let the horses loose so they could grass, while Jarko sought for some fire-wood. The boy had never ridden a whole day, thus he was completely sore. And hungry! Luckily they had bought some dried meat and some apples and Thorus pulled out a wineskin filled with water. They settled down next to the improvised fireplace and ate. Thorus chewed on some meat when Jarko looked at him and asked:

"So you've been in the army, huh?"

"Hmm." the exhausted giant answered.

"Sooo, you know how to wield a sword?"

"Yes." Thorus said carefully , not knowing what the boy was up to.


"Of course"


"Why not?"

"And how about a dagger?"

"Ha!" Thorus thought. "That's what he wants"

"You want me to teach you how to use that little toothpick on your belt, don't ya?"

"Yes." Jarko said quietly.


"Well if I have one I could at least know how to hold it right, don't I?"

"Last time I saw you ,you used it pretty well." Thorus said dryly. He didn't want to teach the boy how to kill. He was nine years old for fucks sake!

"That was different." Jarko whispered.

He was sad. Now Thorus felt like shit for his comment, immediately regretting it.

"The boy is right" he thought "even if I don't wanna teach him , somebody has to."

"Ok" Thorus said.

"I am gonna show you how to do it. But you'd better always remember what I told you back then."

Jarko nodded. Of course he'd remember! Thorus sighed.

"I miscalculated ,we need at least two more days until we reach the Academy. Until then every morning before we start and every night before we go to sleep we are going to train starting tomorrow. And when you're an apprentice, you will come down to my house every evening. I think you'll have a tight schedule so we won't have more time than that."

Jarko nodded. He was so happy Thorus complied his request.

"Don't be so giddy about it. Because I won't treat you like a kid. You'll learn how to use deadly weapons, which means I'll treat you like a man. It'll hurt. YOU will hurt. And I won't stop your training when you want me to. All... or nothin'. Do you understand?"

Jarko nodded but not as enthusiastic as before.

"Do you still want me to train you?"

Jarko nodded again.

"Say it!"


"Yes ,what?"

"Yes I want you to train me... Sir?"

Thorus smiled. The boy knew what he wanted, he had to give him that.

"Alright sleep tight Jarko, tomorrow will be a looooong day."

With that he laid down and Jarko quickly followed his example. It didn't took them long to fall asleep.



Jarko sat upright. He looked up to see Thorus standing above him.Topless, the rising sun right behind him, his long pony tail waving in the wind. Jarko swallowed he had never seen the big man without his shirt. Now he saw that his friend wasn't fat or even chubby. He looked like he was chiseled. No ounce of fat at all, only muscles.

"Get up and pull on your trousers!" with that Thorus turned around and walked to the middle of the clearing. Jarko complied nearly frightened by his companion. He took his dagger and ran after this titan of a man. Suddenly a thought struck.

"What did you say, you were doing at the Academy?"

Thorus turned around. His face like stone.

"I am the stable-master. Why do you ask?"

"Why are you lying?" Jarko countered looking teacher dead in the eye.

They stared at each other for a while, the horses still grassing behind them.

"Damn it! The boy is smart." Thorus thought breaking his stare.

"You're right.I am not the stable master. I am the armourer. I train the guard." he said.

"Why would the Academy of magic need a guard? And why would they send the armourer to get one new recruit?" Jarko asked, not able to believe what the man in front of him said.

"Well because there are many noble children and sometimes even the emperors first born son. And I was sent to you because the head-master told me to." Thorus answered. Jarko was dumbstruck. Eventually he broke out of it and stated smiling.

"You certainly have to tell me that story."

Thorus laughed.

"Probably" he said " and I will. I promise. Now loose the dagger."

"What? I thought we agreed that you'd train me."

"Yes, but who said we were going to start with the dagger?"

"Well what are we starting with then?" Jarko asked throwing the dagger next to his clothes.

Thorus took a battlestance with his hands raised.

"Well hand-to-hand combat of course." he smiled.


Jarko hurt. EVERYWHERE. His muscles were aching from training, his butt was sore from riding and his body was covered in bruises. Thorus really didn't go easy on him. Of course if the giant had used everything he had Jarko would have been dead for sure. But he wouldn't give up.

"Well Thorus wouldn't let me anyway ..." he thought with a smirk urging his horse to go faster. He passed Thorus laughing and yelling over his shoulder:

"C'mon old man! I wanna find a tavern before its dark!"

"Old men my ass!" Thorus yelled back and also urged his horse to go faster. They both sped through the forest until the riders and the horses were completely out of breath.

When they ,eventually, reached a tavern they put their horses in the stable and ordered a room and something to eat at the counter. Jarko made his way upstairs, when Thorus pulled him back and carried him out of the building.

"We'll eat when we finished our evening lessons!"

Jarko groaned with frustration. He was hungry enough to eat his horse! They hadn't made a single stop over the whole day. He regretted his decision to ask his friend for training. He wasn't going to give up, but he regretted asking him. Finally Thorus sat the boy down and he took in his stance. Seeing this Jarko did too and soon they began their training.

After they finished the two of them were completely famished. They hurried into the tavern , wolfed down their food and shared a second serving. They said each other good night and went up to their respective rooms to take a really needed nap. It didn't took any of the two long to be sound asleep.


For the next three days the daily routine of our two heroes was composed of sleeping, training, eating, riding, training, sleeping. On the third day they reached the end of the forest. They rode past the last trees and were blinded by the sun. Jarko shielded his eyes from the light and when he could see again in front of him lied the most magnificient sight. Three rings of buildings surrounded by a large wall. They were all built out of the same grey stone. Outside of the wall there stood wooden buildings and there also were some fields.

"Welcome my little friend to the Royal Academy of Magic, were the ways are told and the new ways are born." Thorus said and with that he sped of to leave the completely stunned Jarko behind. He still couldn't believe it. He was going to be a Magus.


Thanks for reading again my dear readers. I hope you enjoyed it so far. I would be delighted ,if you could give me some feedback or some suggestions for the story. This story was a shitload of work and effort, since I am still a newbie to writing. I want to thank A.L. again. You really are the best without you I wouldn't have the compassion and the confidence to continue this little story of mine.

Sincerely WorldWarWalther.

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sailandoarsailandoaralmost 8 years ago

. . good work , suggest as an exercise trying to emulate the style of a great or favorite writer . Your writing is good and your sense of story is very good but great writing is seamless and you seem to be well past the basics and ready for more advanced techniques ......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
More grammar

You used the term:

Oxes should be Oxen

Lied should be Lay, as in the knife lay on the grass

In the past it was normal for a farm boy to be familiar with sex, both animal and human. So the whole brothel sequence is a little out.

Reading was a suprisingly common skill (though not writing) in medieval times as land ownership, wills, marriage contacts and court cases were very important.

P.S. I am using UK English grammar and spelling not US English grammar and spelling.

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 8 years ago
Great second chapter!

I'm really enjoying this story. You're a fantastic writer.

A few quick typos I noticed, though they aren't that big of deal, just thought you might want to know for future reference.

I see you use "of" instead of "off" quite a bit. Just FYI.

Also, it's "eye-to-eye," not "eye in eye."

By "kneepits," did you mean the back of the knee?

Thanks for posting!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

After breakfast ,our


After breakfast, our


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

pissed of look


pissed OFF look

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Jarko peeled of his cloths


Jarko peeled of his CLOTHES

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great job with the story. Characters are developing nicely as well. I think the kid should get ready for the opposite sex soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is fantastic, PLEASE continue.


dinkymacdinkymacover 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well Done

I really couldn't tell that English was your second language. You are writing better than many native speakers write. Here are a couple word usage issues to look for or correct in your future writings: of or off, form or from, man or men, where or were.

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