Shanghai'd Ch. 01: Taken

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Two Asian women are kidnapped and used on the high seas.
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Disclaimer: The following story contains themes related WMAF raceplay. If this offends you, do not read on. All content below is a fantasy.

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Cecilia was surprised when she saw Jason's latest Instagram picture. He left their company suddenly a year ago, a welcome relief for Cecilia. He was an obnoxious flirt. Borderline harassment if you asked her. She knew Jason had yellow fever. The only other Asian girl in the firm had told Cecilia he was constantly hitting on her as well.

But seeing him on Insta showing off his new yacht in the south of France.... She was intrigued. She made just over 200k, and having been her colleague there was no way he could have made enough in a year to be able to afford a multimillion dollar yacht. Corporate lawyers got paid well, but not that well. Was Jason from a rich family? Did he marry a sugar momma? No ring on his finger...

She double tapped on the image, put her phone down, and got back to work.


That night after she wrapped up work, she took the subway home. As she stood mindlessly waiting for her stop, Jason popped back into her mind. How did a second year associate at a law firm who went to a state school end up with a yacht in the Côte d'Azur? How did he go from getting reported to HR to being rich? In a year...

When she got home she turned the key, and was welcomed by her roommate, Sarah, with a glass of wine. It was Love is Blind night. Their guilty pleasure. Sarah was another FOB grad that she met in their time at NYU. They both came from relatively rich families in China, so they hit it off pretty quickly.

Sarah worked for a different law firm. A bit more prestigious than Cecilia's. A fact that always made her a bit jealous.

Neither of the 26-year-olds made a ton of money, at least by NYC standards, so they decided to stay roommates after they graduated. Plus, both of their parents would worry less knowing their daughters were living with another Chinese girl in the big city.

"Hey, you remember that guy Jason I used to work with? I think you met him once when you crashed our firm's happy hour." Cecilia asked her friend before they started their reality TV binge.

"First of all, I didn't crash that happy hour. You asked me to come. And second, isn't that the guy you were always saying was hitting on you? The one with a thing for Asian girls?" Her friend responded as Cecilia sipped her wine.

"That's the one. Take a look at this."

Cecilia pulled up Instagram and showed Sarah the photos.

"How the hell does a second year associate buy a French Yacht?" Sarah asked grabbing the phone. "He has to be lying. Maybe it is a friend's. Or maybe he just chartered it for a day or two. Lots of guys do that. Snap a few photos living it up for their Tinder bio."

"Maybe you're right. Anyway, lets get the show started. I have some documents to proof later tonight." Cecilia suggested.

They settled in on the couch and pressed play.


A half hour or so into their binge, Cecilia's phone buzzed. It was Jason.

'I saw you liked my photo, you like my new yacht?'

Cecilia had to admit, he was confident. Borderline cocky.

'How does a second year law associate afford a yacht?' Cecilia took the bait.

'Let's just say I came into some money.'

'That sounds sketchy. What? Did you rob a bank?'

'Nothing illegal. Just wanted to say hi and see how my favorite Asian lawyer is doing. Feel free to hit me up if you ever want to go on a cruise. I wouldn't mind having some oriental eye candy on board.'

"What a prick," Cecilia thought to herself.

'Hah, you wish.'

He reacted to her comment with a laughing emoji, but otherwise didn't respond. Cecilia put her phone away and got back to the show.


Saturday night and Sarah and Cecilia were at a cocktail bar with a few guys from Sarah's work. Cecilia was a few drinks in and feeling pretty tipsy. Well, more than a little tipsy. She was a bit of a lightweight. She excused herself to use the ladies room. Sarah offered to join her.

While fixing her makeup in the mirror, Sarah started her interrogation.

"So what's going on, Cici? I know for a fact that Matt is your type, but you've been pretty much ignoring him all night. Not to mention ignoring me."

"Oh nothing, I guess I was just thinking of that Jason guy and his stupid yacht."

"What about him?"

"Well, he jokingly invited me to join him for a cruise..."

"You're joking... You aren't really considering it, are you? A creep like him gets a yacht and now you want to go for a ride? You know he will try to fuck you right?"

"Come one Sarah, just because it's his yacht doesn't mean I have to fuck him. And I've been busting my ass for two years. I deserve a vacation. Why does he get the good life and I don't?"

"That's not all, is it?" Sarah pried.

"Well, you're right... There is one other thing.... He is a creep. And well, I was hoping that, maybe, you would go with me?"

"How drunk are you?" Sarah teased.

"Think about it. We could have a girls trip. A week on a yacht in the Côte d'Azur. And all it will cost us is having to ignore Jason ogling us every once in a while..." Cecilia winked at her friend. "Anyway, just think about it. Now let's get back to the guys. I'll try to pay more attention to Matt. And you of course."


The next day Cecilia woke up in her bed. She didn't remember coming home last night. The last thing she remembered was doing a shot of tequila with Matt, Sarah and the other guys.

She stumbled out of bed, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She checked her phone, and saw that she had a text from Matt. Apparently she gave him her number last night.

'Text me when you get home.'

He was a nice guy. Clearly checking on her to make sure she made it home safe. And she clearly forgot to respond in her inebriated state. She was glad he didn't take advantage of her when she was drunk. That's green flag, she thought.

Cecilia went and knocked on Sarah's door. No response. She opened the door and Sarah wasn't there.

'Where are you? Did you go home with someone last night?' She sent her roomie a quick text.

She sat down and turned on Netflix. She put on Reruns of the Partner Track. As an Asian lawyer in New York City, she loved the show. It was like a woke version of Suits. Too bad it was cancelled after just one season.

About an hour later, just as she was starting to bounce back from the hangover, the door opened and Sarah walked in. Her hair was a bit disheveled, and she was carrying her heels. Clearly on a walk of shame.

"Looks like you had a fun night." Cecilia teased.

"Yah, yah, yah." Sarah responded, "I went home with Jeff, if you must know. One of us has to get laid once in a while."

Sarah slept around more than Cecilia. And she almost always slept with white guys. Cecilia honestly couldn't remember Sarah ever hooking up with an Asian guy. Unlike Sarah, she usually followed the three date rule. But she broke it occasionally.

Cecilia dated another Chinese student her freshman year. But even she had to accept that when it came to the bedroom, white men were simply better. The only advantage to an Asian boyfriend was that it made her parents happy. But she was an independent woman, so she dated who she pleased. Mostly white guys. Guys like Matt.

"What about you and Matt?" Sarah prodded as she headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower. Shouting over the running water. "You two seemed to hit it off."

"Yah, he seemed cool. Good job, respectful, and fun." Cecilia shouted back. "Handsome too."

Sarah showered quickly, then came out in a towel. Her long legs and cleavage on full display. Her body was curvier than most Asian women. Bigger breasts, wider hips, and a fuller ass. Cecilia was more of you typical Asian with small, perky breasts, and a petite ass. Nevertheless, her long, slender legs and flat, toned stomach were more than enough to get a guy's attention.

"So, are you going to see him again?"

"I don't know. Maybe if he asks me out." Cecilia seemed unsure.

"Don't tell me you are still thinking about that yellow fever yacht guy..." Sarah quipped.

"I'm not thinking of dating him... Just.... Maybe going on a vacation. Have you thought about our conversation at the bar last night?"

"You mean where you want us to spend a week on some pervs yacht?" Sarah teased.

"Oh come on... Remember our trip to Italy for spring break in college? It could be like that. And that boat is big enough that we would probably have our own room."

Sarah was not convinced. She still thought Cecilia was going through some phase.

"I'll tell you what, if you go out with Matt again, I'll consider it." Sarah challenged. Cecilia knew Sarah thought she needed to get out more.

"You drive a hard bargain... Deal."

Sarah finished drying off and went to her room. A few minutes later she returned, wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater, her long hair still damp.

"By the way, I have some news. I'm transferring to another firm. One that has a bigger China practice."

"Wait, so you will be working with all those international clients and traveling all the time?"

"Yup. It's a great opportunity. My first assignment will be a three month stint in Hong Kong."

"Wow! Sounds like you are really moving up the ladder."

"Yah, well, anyway, you know what they say. When a door closes, a window opens. It will be a great experience. I am a bit bummed to be leaving New York for a few months though. Who will help you pick out cute dresses and take Insta pictures?"

"Very funny. You mean who will pressure me to go on dates every weekend."

"Ha! Anyway, I will have a couple weeks off work in between jobs. So if you really wanted to go to France, that would be a good time. And if the guy is a creep, we can just get an Airbnb by the sea. Could be good to spend some time together before I start traveling all the time."

"Really? That sounds awesome!"

Cecilia was not thrilled that Sarah was going to be gone so much, but it did mean that if she wanted a girls trip to the Côte d'Azur, she better do it sooner rather than later.

"I'm going to start packing." Sarah said heading back to her room.

"I haven't even told Jason we are coming yet!" Cecilia exclaimed.

"Well, I need to figure out what clothes I'm taking. And what lingerie. Maybe you should let the yellow fever guy know." Sarah teased.

"You are so bad!" Cecilia got up and hugged her friend.

She pulled out her phone and typed a quick message.

'I'm in for a cruise. But only if my friend can come too.'

She hesitated a moment before hitting send. Then she did.


A week later, Cecilia had her bag packed too. Sarah and her were on their way to the airport. Jason had questioned her bringing a friend, but as soon as he learned it was Sarah (or as he called her, Cecilia's busty Asian friend) he eagerly agreed.

When they arrived at the airport in Marseille, Jason was already waiting with a private car.

"Welcome Ladies! Welcome to your luxurious French vacation." He boasted as he gave Cecilia a hug. His hand was far enough down her lower back to be inappropriate but not so far as to be obscene.

He opened the trunk and put their luggage in.

"It's a shame you aren't here by yourself Cecilia, but don't worry. There is enough room on the yacht to give your friend her own cabin."

"Oh, Sarah and I will be sharing a room."

Jason was surprised.

"But the boat is big enough. And I think you'll be much happier with your own space. Trust me."

"Sarah and I are used to sharing a room." Cecilia insisted. She didn't want him getting any ideas about sneaking into her room at night. "Anyway, let's get going. I'm dying to see the boat."

"Ship." Jason insisted. Like calling it a boat insulted his fragile male ego.

The three of them piled into the car and Jason took the wheel. He drove them the short distance from the airport to the marina. When they got to the dock, they boarded the 'ship'.

Cecilia was impressed. It was a nice ship. She was still unsure about Jason, but she couldn't deny that it was a gorgeous vessel. She was still dying to know how he got the money to buy it.

"We will be sailing down the coast of France, past Barcelona, Valencia, and Cadiz." The captain informed them as they boarded. "After crossing the Straight of Gibraltar, our final destination will be Lisbon."

"Sounds good!" Sarah chirped. "We can catch a flight back to New York from Lisbon."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Jason asked. "Stay the extra week and enjoy the south of Spain. Or why not go to Morocco? You can fly from Malaga."

"I can't take a full two weeks off work." Cecilia insisted. "And Sarah has a new job to start."

"Suit yourself. Anyway, the captain can show you to your room. I have some work to finish up. I'm a busy man now."

Sarah and Cecilia grabbed their bags and followed the captain down the steps and into the cabin.

"So, what do you think?" Cecilia asked her friend.

"I have to admit, this is pretty sweet. Maybe a little too sweet for a pervert like Jason, don't you think?"

"Maybe he came into some family money or something."

"Yah, maybe." Sarah didn't seem convinced.

The captain showed them to their room. There was a king size bed and a small bathroom with a shower. It was a little cramped, but hey that is boat life. Plus, they intended to spend most of their time in the sun up on deck, enjoying the views.

They unpacked their bags and freshened up. They changed into bikinis. Sarah wore a light blue thong bikini. It contrasted perfectly with her dark skin. The bottoms covered just enough of her big round butt, but didn't leave anything to the imagination. The top didn't cover much either, and her ample breasts looked ready to burst out.

Cecilia's bathing suit was more conservative. A black, high cut one piece that left a sliver of midriff exposed. She also put on a sheer sarong.

They went upstairs and found Jason waiting for them.

"Ladies, welcome. Let's get started."

Jason was wearing a pair of board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. He looked more like tourist than a multimillionaire.

"These are my friends, David and Lucas. They will be joining us as well."

Two tall white guys were boarding the ship as well. Both were handsome, and well built.

"Hello ladies, welcome aboard." One of them said, giving them a wink.

"We are so glad you decided to join us." The other chimed in. Clearly they had been on board before.

"Thank you." Sarah and Cecilia both replied. Cecilia was glad there were other guys there. Plus, they were pretty hot. She caught Sarah checking them out. All her previous concerns seemed to vanish.

"Champagne?" Jason offered.

"Oh, thank you." Cecilia took a glass.

"Thanks. We are glad you invited us." Sarah said as she also accepted a glass.

"I'll let the chef know we are ready." Jason suggested.

"You have a chef?" Cecilia was shocked.

"Of course. Only the best for my favorite oriental lawyers." Jason laughed.

"Please, stop calling me oriental. You know I hate that."

"My apologies. Only the best for my favorite 'Asian' lawyers." He joked, clearly not worried about offending anyone.

He led them to the table on the deck.

"Please have a seat."

The table was set with a full spread. Cheeses, wine, shrimp, oysters, and plenty of other snacks.

"So, do you girls like to party?" David asked.

"We definitely like to have fun." Cecilia replied. "I don't know about partying."

"That's not true. You like to party." Sarah interjected. "Maybe not like frat boys or something, but you like to have a good time."

"That's the spirit. Tonight we are going to have a great time."


That night they all go to know each other over a few cocktails on the yacht. Jason made a few mildly offensive off-handed comments but was otherwise fairly well behaved. And both Cecilia and Sarah were getting to know David and Lucas. Sarah even had a quick makeout session with Lucas on one of the sofas inside.

The next few days were just what Cecilia needed. Sun, water and cocktails. All while enjoying the views of southern France.

They stopped in Valencia to refuel and take on some more supplies. The girls said goodbye to Jason and the boys as they went off to explore. They had been told it would be a couple hours until the boat was ready to leave the marina.

The two of them enjoyed wandering the streets. The weather was perfect, as it had been the whole trip so far. The Mediterranean was amazing. Warm, blue skies and gentle breezes.

They wandered the streets, with no real destination in mind. They didn't want to wander too far from the marina. After an hour or so they stopped at a little cafe with tables along the edge of a small plaza. A cute little church across from them. They ordered two glasses of Rioja and enjoyed their tapas. A slice of Spanish Tortilla and a small plate of seafood paella.

But after just two hours, their brief Spanish visit was over. It was back to the sea, and more fun under the sun.

By now Sarah had hooked up with Lucas. Cecilia even made out with David when she was drunk one night, which Jason didn't seem too happy about. But that isn't her problem. He was lucky to have two Asian girls in bikinis (and sometimes less, gotta avoid tan lines after all) aboard for him to gawk at all day.

Over the next few days, they passed Cadiz, and crossed the straight of Gibraltar. But little did the girls know, their itinerary had changed...


The next morning, the girls were a bit hungover. They had all gotten a bit too drunk the night before.

Cecilia woke up alone in her bed. Where was Sarah? She guessed correctly that Sarah had ended up in bed with Lucas. As she stumbled up the stairs to get above deck, she looked around, squinting in the sunlight. She was surprised to see that for the first time, she couldn't see the shoreline. They should be along the coast of Portugal heading to Lisbon.

She pulled out her phone, and noticed there was no service. Before, their sim cards could usually get a signal, but now they were in a total dead zone. And the ship had no Wi-Fi.

She climbed another staircase to the captains deck.

"Morning Captain! Why are we so far off shore?" She inquired.

"Not to worry, Miss. There were strong winds coming in from the Atlantic. When they mix with the winds from the shore, it causes a lot of chop and swell in the seas. Much more comfortable to stay a bit offshore where things are more stable. But don't worry, this ship was made to handle the open ocean. And anything the sea can throw at us."

"Okay, thanks for the nautical lesson..." Cecilia said as she returned to the sundeck to get a drink. As she sat down, she noted that there was almost no wind. And the seas were calm. How odd...

But moments later Sarah came up with Lucas. Looks like someone had fun last night.

"Morning Cici!" She was greeted by her friend. "Some party last night, huh?"

"Sure was. Hey Lucas, can you go below deck and grab some sunscreen? I forgot ours in our cabin."

Lucas obliged, giving Cecilia and Sarah some alone time. Which was Cecilia's real motive for asking him to go below deck.

"Hey Sarah, something's not right. Look around, what do you see?"

Sarah looked around, not understanding what Cecilia was getting at.

"Nothing, why?"

"Exactly, we are offshore in the middle of the Atlantic. Why are we not following the coast like we did in the Mediterranean?"

"There must be some explanation." Sarah was not as worried as Cecilia.

"I asked Captain Todd about it a moment ago. He said it was to avoid rough seas caused by the wind from the ocean meeting the winds coming off Portugal." Cecilia began.

"See? I knew there was a reason."

"But look around, Sarah. There is almost no wind. And the waves seem very calm." Cecilia continued. "The waves are a bit bigger, but surely not rough enough for a ship this size to not be able to handle comfortably."