Shared Love


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"I love you and I love her and I want you to make her as happy as you make me," Eileen whispered into my ear from behind me.

That was it. There's a limit to the control my conscience has over me. I don't think any woman but my girlfriend would have succeeded in enticing me to cheat on her. But with her offering one of my greatest sexual fantasies, I finally surrendered.

Together, we pulled a very nervous Debbie up from where she was sitting on her bed and guided her to the master bedroom. Standing next to the bed, I placed one hand on her neck, the other on her waist and softly pulled her closer for a kiss. As she melted into me, I let go of my doubts. Eileen had instigated this. If it led to the end of our relationship and my hopes to one day marry her and have children, then so be it.

I slid the straps of the nighty off her shoulders and let the flimsy piece of clothing float to the floor. Pulling back, I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the woman offering herself to me before expressing that feeling by reengaging in the sensual kiss. After a few minutes of softly caressing her back and her sides, I guided her to lay down and lowered myself on the side of the bed. I took her hand in mine and brought it up to my lips. I started by kissing her fingers before slowly moving to her palm, up her underarm, past her elbows and towards her shoulder. She was revelling in the attention I gave her and I had barely started my seduction. I was determined to make it last, to give it everything I got. I wasn't sure how much, if at all, my girlfriend wanted to be involved but I would just let her decide on her own.

By the time my caresses reached Debbie's neck, she was vibrating. When I moved on to nibble on her earlobes, I was quite certain that she had a small orgasm. I brushed over her lips, giving her a hint of a kiss, before continuing to the front of her neck. I repeatedly roamed along the top of her breasts without actually touching them. At some point, I stretched out alongside Debbie and, for the first time since I started, I registered my girlfriend. She had done the same already on her other side. Eileen didn't touch her friend but made sure that her presence was felt.

I leaned over Debbie and again connected our lips to a kiss. She allowed herself to express her need and groaned into my mouth as our tongues touched. I propped my body on my right elbow and let my left go on a research expedition. I softly kneaded her breasts, stroked her sides, her flat tummy, the closely cropped pubic hair, and her thighs. I didn't make it long in that position though as I wanted to continue tasting her body.

Soon I kissed her nipples, hard and pointed as they were, while my hand had given in to Debbie's desperate attempts to steer it towards her smouldering centre. She was already dripping wet and I knew I shouldn't keep this up too long. I had planned to spend some time magnifying her lust with my tongue but as I tried to react to her body language, I knew that it wouldn't be the right thing to do. If I went down on her, I would follow a script instead of interacting with my sex partner and anticipate her needs. Caress, kiss, finger, lick, fuck. That would demean and thereby neglect the entire effort. I could almost hear her womanhood screaming for my erection to invade it. If this was what she wanted, why should I do anything else?

That meant, appreciating her as a person and a woman, not applying a porn scenario to her. I pulled the two fingers I had in her pussy out and brought them to my face, inhaling her scent, groaning my appreciation of her fragrance.

I moved my body above her and reconnected our lips as I drew my erection over her wetness. I could feel her breathing stop as she realised what was about to happen. When I placed the tip of my cock at her entrance, I waited just a moment to allow us to savour the intimacy of the imminent event. She opened her eyes and looked straight into mine.

"I love you, Sam," she whispered before looking at my girlfriend, "and I love you, Eileen. I love you both so much."

My girlfriend replied in my place as she knew I couldn't reply to that in kind.

"And we love you, Debbie."

As soon as she had finished her declaration, I gave a little pressure and slowly entered her slick sheath. I hadn't bottomed out yet when I felt her walls start to quiver and contract as she experienced her first big orgasm of the night.

After I made slow and sensual love to Debbie in the missionary position, coming in her pussy on my girlfriend's insistence, we had just continued making out. Eileen and Debbie didn't do much together. They expressed a lot of love for each other, they exchanged a lot of affection, but all they did was above the waistline. They kissed a little, they caressed, but neither touched the other in an overly sexual way.

I had no reason at all to show such demureness. After the first session with Debbie, I had turned my attention to Eileen, making sure she felt at least as loved as her friend. Being in bed with these two wonderful and sensual women, kept me in a constant state of arousal and whenever I had cum, it didn't take long for them to get me going again. It's astonishing what a double blowjob can do to a man's confidence and his will to perform. I made love repeatedly to both of them.

We all lay in bed, covered in sweat, utterly satisfied. I was on the left, Debbie happened to be in the middle and Eileen lay on the other side of her. I was slowly succumbing to the tiredness, wondering if I might find the strength to go and clean up a little beforehand.

I felt Debbie starting to get up but my girlfriend stopped her quickly.

"Don't. Stay here tonight. The sleeping together after the act is just as important as the act itself. Let Sam hold you and give you comfort during the night."

I still didn't know whether or not this episode would backfire on Eileen's and my relationship. She had been heavily involved in all steps of this craziness and if she wanted me to follow through to the end, then I would do so. There was just so much potential for feelings getting hurt in this set-up.

Quickly, I succumbed to sleep and I can only assume that the women were not far behind.


When I woke, I was alone in bed. In the light of the day, the entire night since coming home had a surreal feeling to it. Had I really had a threesome with my girlfriend and her best friend? The way my dick felt, I must have. Despite having an urgent need to pee, it was only on half-mast. As I rose, I surveyed the room. This was definitely not Eileen's negligee. I clearly remembered admiring the décolleté Debbie had presented in it.

After relieving myself, I slipped into shorts and a t-shirt and made my way to the kitchen where I found the two women sipping coffee and chatting. Unsure of how to act, I decided to play it safe. I approached my girlfriend, gave her our standard squeeze and kiss, before advancing to the coffee machine.

"Not giving the woman you made love to last night a hug is devaluing what happened. It turns a wonderful experience into a cheap fuck."

I moved quickly.

"I'm sorry, Debbie. That definitely wasn't my intention," I stated softly as I laid my arm around her shoulders and squeezed her. I topped it off with a kiss on her temple.

She leaned into me and I gained the impression that I wasn't by any means 'out of her system'. For the next week though, it seemed as if things had returned to normal. There was no indication that either of the women had a problem with what had happened or wanted a repeat of it.

The movie night a week later was suspiciously unremarkable. An action flick, a drama, and a romance. Both women cuddled up to me during the two latter films. Nothing we hadn't been doing for months by now. Afterwards, Eileen and I went to our room, Debbie to hers. My girlfriend and I made sweet love that night. Not a word was said about inviting our friend to our bed again so my worries were, maybe not put to rest, but lulled.

Due to family obligations, date night was deferred by a week. Eileen and I wanted to visit her parents and as Debbie also knew them very well, she accompanied us. They didn't even blink at the news that their daughter's best friend was still living with us. Irene looked at me a little suspiciously when Debbie lightly swatted my arm in a rather intimate gesture at one occasion but with Eileen sitting right next to me, it was obvious that there was nothing secret going on behind her back. The only real worry Irene had was when we would start giving her grandchildren to spoil.

We made up for the missed date night a week later and upon returning home, the remaining suspicions I had were fully confirmed. Neither Eileen nor Debbie cared to ask for my assent. They just set out to seduce me as soon as we entered the house. I put up some token resistance, but I certainly didn't play hard to get.

The next morning, I was smarter than a couple of weeks earlier. After hugging my girlfriend, I proceeded directly to Debbie and showed her my appreciation for the night before. From then on, things slowly started to change. The daily exchange of endearments became more... well, simply more. Debbie would welcome me at home with a soft peck on my lips, just like my girlfriend did. She'd give my butt a light squeeze when walking past me. She didn't act behind Eileen's back who in turn showed no signs of dissent. Rather the opposite. My girlfriend started to tease me at every opportunity.

'Wouldn't you just love a piece of that?' she asked me, pointing to Debbie's ass while she was stretched, trying to reach something on a high shelf.

'If I was a man, I'd sure shove my cock into her right now', as Debbie was bent over, pulling something out of a low drawer.

'I certainly wouldn't be able to resist that if I was into women' when Debbie was walking in her underwear from the laundry room to her bedroom.

The next thing to change was that we also shared the bed after movie night. This went on until Christmas. Stay at home watching movies one week, go out dancing the next. Each was followed up with lovemaking, and my original girlfriend teasing me relentlessly in between. During the week, Debbie slept in her own room but on Saturdays, we all spent the night together.

Both Eileen and I were atheists and came from non-religious families but celebrating Christmas was a tradition in both. We spent the twenty-fourth with my parents and the twenty-fifth at hers. Debbie flew out to visit her own family a few days prior and it wasn't until lunch on the twenty-six that we were all back home. We exchanged our gifts after dinner. I got a new iPad from Eileen while Debbie had bought me a marvellous new suit.

Figuring out the gifts for my two partners, that's how I thought of them by now, had taken a long time. It was sometime in November when I had realised I was falling in love with Debbie. At first, I was confused and feared for the relationship with Eileen until I understood a couple of things.

First. To make love to somebody - and that's what we did, we weren't just having recreational sex - you have to love that person at least a little and every time you connect, you will fall in love a bit more. Second. Eileen knew that. And thirdly, the love for one didn't diminish my love for the other in the slightest. I simply loved them both and was dreading the day Debbie would move out and on.

However, I got Debbie a pearl necklace. A real, not the metaphorical one. She didn't understand the meaning of it until later but Eileen picked up on it immediately. It was almost the same as the first piece of jewellery I had ever given to her. That was a statement I made and the gift for my other girlfriend needed to show she wasn't in danger of being replaced. It had taken several days to sort through our photo collection to find pictures that showed how much I loved her. I had made a picture book for her which started with the earliest photo of us together, a selfie from our first official date, and ended with a picture I had taken recently when she was coming down the stairs for a night out. It was a celebration of our relationship and a statement of the love I felt for her. Probably the most important part though was that there were lots of empty pages at the end, each with a year printed on it, symbolising the years that I wanted her to be around for more pictures.

We kept chatting a little after the exchange and Eileen took the opportunity to retrieve her own necklace and explain to Debbie what my gift meant. I had really tried to find something meaningful for her but was still a little surprised when she started crying. Of course, I took her in my arms and it wasn't long until Eileen joined for a group hug.

"You understand that Debbie will stay with us forever, don't you?"

Looking back over the last couple of months, that was what my girlfriend had been trying to achieve almost since the day Debbie had shown up on our doorstep.


"And you realise that she'll be moving into our bedroom tonight? Not as a guest, not as an add-on, but as an equal partner of a trio?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way."


That was it. The decision was made and we have since shared one bed. When we made love, the women rarely engaged each other beyond some kissing. Eileen and Debbie experimented a little, trying to find something they both found stimulating but it was obvious even to me that neither was really into it and were not turned on by pussy. Once in a blue moon, they performed an erotic lesbian show for me on special occasions like a milestone birthday as they knew it turned me on immensely but those were exceptions and few and far between. While it was not at all uncommon for the other to be in some way involved or at least present, we didn't usually have threesomes, despite the many possibilities even without the women directly engaging each other. But life is not a porn movie and it doesn't revolve around sex, not even in such unconventional circumstances. It's about being there for and supporting each other. The love the two women share is as strong as their love for me and mine for them. They just don't engage in sexual acts with each other.

It was roughly a year later when my girlfriends started throwing hints about legalising our relationship. My argument that polygamy was illegal was rebutted. Obviously, Debbie had found a way to exploit a loophole in the law's wording to give all of us full and equal legal rights without making it a multiple marriage. Don't ask, I'm a mathematician, not a lawyer. For me, one plus one plus one makes three. My pettifogger somehow turned it into three times two.

A month later, we had a small, private ceremony during which we signed the necessary contracts. Our six parents and my wives' siblings were all that attended. We planned a party with our friends and colleagues in a couple of weeks to make sure they all understood how things stood. While there were some reservations, especially from the two fathers, everybody was happy for us. During the dinner, Eileen announced her pregnancy. Debbie's unveiled joy, compared to my stunned surprise, dispelled the last doubts anyone might have had.

Carl James, named after his grandfathers was born six months later. The day Eileen returned from the hospital, Debbie was walking around with the widest grin I had ever seen. She dropped the bomb while we were sitting at the dinner table. Two months pregnant. It turned out to be a girl. We named her Jacqueline Elisabeth.

We get some weird looks and the occasional insult when we all show up at school events but that's a burden I'm more than just willing to carry. All five of us are healthy and happy. To me, that's all that counts. I couldn't care less what some pseudo-religious moralist thinks. It's our lives and nobody but the five of us has to live them.


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PurplefizzPurplefizz9 months ago

Firstly great story despite the inconsistencies. I loved it, secondly the comments section as usual has the agenda-ists going, not as we might think about a thug attacking a woman and hospitalising her or about people finding love and happiness together, but about a single phrase re atheism. If only we could delete all the religion in the world and all the purveyors of it we’d all live in a happier place. Oh and all the thrice damned politicians as well….

Regards Ppfzz

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

For atheists these guys are sure living a biblical lifestyle. Just as Abraham's wife Sarah brought Hagar into their household as a second wife , Eileen brought Debbie into their home and arranged to for Sam to have two spouses. Well told. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another 5 from a writer with keen insight into life.

On the other hand, it seems that the author has a penchant for rejecting the concept of a Creator and has little respect for "pseudo-religious moralists".

If he used his normally super keep insight into human psychology, he would have noted that they are in fact some very keen Bible based moralists who don't think that a government should describe individual's morals. At the same time they believe the Creator, in love, placed in mankind a conscience with basic morals such a making murder unacceptable or the taking of what belongs to another (stealing) a punishable moral offense. The Bible shows the basic union of one man to one woman the basis of marriage, but also presents great and moral leaders who married more than one woman. It also shows the dangers of such marriages.

KappachinoKappachinoover 2 years ago


Nobody cares.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 3 years ago

Schwanze1 nailed it.

Great fiction, scary real life.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - I did not like this story. I won't read any more.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 4 years ago
Fun story

In the real world, enjoy the ride and start hiding money...just in case

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 4 years ago

Really like FMF romances, especially without the FF.

Needs some tweaks as already stated before, but a good, easy to read story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Constructive criticism

I'm just going to say this cause it's not an insult it's just an honest opinion. Your writing style really ignores the "show, don't tell" principle. I can tell youre trying to do stories that have deeper characters and more emphasis on morality, but it fails because your characters speak to each other like robots, and instead of describing their personalities with a behaviour or event that shows us how they behave, you simply describe everything that's going through everyone's heads at all times. This makes your writing boring because all your male protaganists are perfect, ultra-rational, paragons of consideration and maturity, and all your women are in complete hero worship of the male protaganist because of how considerate and mature he is. There's no personality or relateablity that comes through just a moral high-ground, power fantasy. It's impossible to care about characters that speak like they're reciting psychology essays all the time, and show no nuance of personality. I'm encouraging you to try to rework your approach to story-telling

Ces2019Ces2019almost 4 years ago

I liked the story but the ending feels a bit rushed!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Jason or Jonas

The names switched a few time

mammoetmammoetalmost 4 years ago
Loved it

Graat story

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