Sharkbait Ch. 31-35


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"It's a pleasure to meet you," Brent said. "Thank you for taking good care of our daughter."

"She's a great kid," Hammer said. He sat on the couch with the guys as we got the table ready; I didn't miss how his eyes followed Susan's body as she moved between the kitchen and the dining room table. Naturally, we set him next to Susan at one end of the table, while Brent and Liv took the other. Dinner was a lot of fun, with lots of stories as we lingered over the food and drink. The two relaxed, finding little reasons to touch each other without being obvious.

It was nearly sundown when I realized that they were lost in a bubble together. "Girls, help me clean the table," I said.

"We can help," Susan said.

"Hammer, can I ask you a favor?" I asked. "My parents have never seen a sunset over the Pacific. Do you think you could take them to the beach while we clean up?"

He looked at Susan, who took his hand and nodded at him. "A walk on the beach sounds wonderful after that meal," she said.

"It would be my pleasure," he said. They got up and headed towards the door. "You guys will let them have their time, right?"

I could sense Brent's amusement in his answer. "Oh, we'll just sit on the sand and wait for them to come back," he said.

Amy let out a breath when Hammer's Mustang Convertible left our driveway. "That went well," she said.

"So far, so good. Let's get everything cleaned up. Liv is going to warn us when they are coming back, and we need to be in the hot tub when they walk in. If we can't talk Hammer into a soak, Susan has no excuse to show him that bikini." There was not much left of the food to put in the fridge, and it was almost ten o'clock when I got the warning. "Hot tub time," I said.

Amy and Luke got in the tub with me, leaving plenty of room for our parents. "Come in and relax," Amy told them.

"We'll be right there," Brent said as he led Liv to the bedroom to change.

Susan pulled off the dress, exposing that neon yellow bikini to Hammer's wide eyes. She turned away and folded the dress before leaning over to set it on the table. "Do you need to borrow a suit," she asked.

"I'm good," he stammered before he pulled his shirt off. His cargo shorts were over a swimsuit, so he'd listened when we told him to bring it. He helped Susan get into the hot tub before he sat at her side. "How are your feet doing," he asked as a foot floated over his legs.

"A little sore after the long day," she said. Hammer started rubbing her feet, not stopping when Liv and Brent joined us. Makani stocked the cooler on the deck with ice, beer, and water for us before going back inside to call their parents.

Ten minutes later, Mom was in Brent's lap as he rubbed her neck, and Hammer's massage had moved up Susan's leg to above the knees. "I'm heading to bed," I told them. "Don't forget that Amy is in my room tonight since my Mom and Dad are taking the master."

"I'm going too," Amy said. We said our goodnights and got out, wrapping towels around us before going back inside. Luke went inside to watch a movie with the twins, leaving the 'old people' alone in the hot tub. Amy was able to handle her routine alone, so I took my shower and got into bed. She came in just after I turned the lights out, sliding under the sheets next to me. "It seems like it's working," she whispered to me.

"We have to let them do it alone. Your Mom should talk to Brent about how to handle a human mate. Have her call Terry Foster as well. He just got engaged to Denise Chalmers, and is planning to tell her about us soon."

"I hope it works," Amy said. "Is Terry changing her?"

"He will tell her about the change, but he doesn't want to risk it. Not while her son is young," I said. "You know the odds, and your Mom does too." It was a coin flip to change humans, and there was no predicting who would survive. My Mom's heart stopped during the change, but they got her back. It was safest not to attempt it.

The next morning, the twins took the car to the airport to pick up their parents while I took Amy, Luke, Liv, and Brent out to the beach for our morning workout. Susan was still sleeping when we left; she had gone out for late drinks with Hammer after Brent and Liv went to bed. Luke said she came in about two in the morning and went to sleep right away on the foldout couch, not telling him anything.

She didn't smell like she'd slept with him yet.

I wasn't surprised to find Hammer waiting for us at the beach; as a SEAL, he was used to operating on little sleep. He was in a good mood, but he wasn't a man to kiss and tell. Instead, he turned north and set a punishing pace for the rest of us. Brent and Liv decided halfway through that they'd prefer a walk on the beach instead, and they didn't catch up again until our calisthenics finished. "Hammer, can I ask you a favor?"

"You can always ask," he said with a smirk.

"We only have one car, and not enough room for everyone who wants to watch us at the dojo to fit," I said. "Makani and Noelani's parents flew in this morning, and Luke wants to watch too. If a few of us could ride there and back with you, Susan wouldn't have to stay home." That got me a flash of a smile.

"I suppose I could find room in my car for Susan, Brent, and Luke," he said. "The four of you could bring the girl's parents in your car." He looked over at where my parents were watching. "I'll bring them home. You five, run."

"Yes, Sensei," I said with a horrible salute and a laugh. By the time we got home, everyone was sitting around the table eating breakfast. I greeted Kaia and Jack warmly, not having seen them since the week we moved in. With all the parents, there was no room left at the table. I grabbed a big bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and raisings, scrambled eggs with cheese, and fruit and took it out on the back patio to the 'kid's table.'

When we arrived at the dojo, I smiled as I saw Hammer holding Susan's hand as they walked towards the door. We changed and lined up as the other students came in. Hammer spent most of the session teaching takedowns and reversals, rotating partners until we were well-acquainted with the mat. The twins each challenged up at the end of the training session. Makani moved up two spots with a submission, while Noelani fought to a draw. When we finished, Hammer drove them home before returning to the dojo for his afternoon classes.

Dad ordered pizza for when we got home, and all too soon, it was time for us to leave.

Ch. 35

We were flying out early to Boston for my Bodyglove appearance, and then my parents would drop me off at the research boat for the documentary. Alpha Leo was worried about how long it had been since I had spent time in my fur since I'd be confined to a small boat with no other werewolves for two weeks. His solution was for the three of us to visit Luna Adrienne's old Pack in northern Maine for a few days. Oh, and Anthony and Pamela would be hosting a party in our honor, with lots of young, single males from Northeast packs.

Makani dropped us off at the airport, my parents each with a carry-on bag. I was wheeling a carryon and a big suitcase packed with my diving gear and the outfits I'd need. We were flying business class, which was a pain in comparison to the private planes I'd used. I spent most of the flight going over the information I had on the expedition while talking over the link with my parents. I was glad Brent spent some time talking with Susan before we left.

I loved the Baxter Pack's lands, and I ran my wolf ragged for two days. Their Pack lands were extensive and bordered the immense Baxter State Park. We could run for hours in any direction, and there were lots of streams and lakes around. In certain places, you could see Mount Katahdin in the distance. We didn't have mountains like this in Minnesota. At almost a mile in elevation at the top, it was the tallest in Maine.

I didn't find a second chance mate on Friday night, but the party was epic. Instead of the stuffy, formal affairs that the Council put on, the Baxter Pack had a cookout on the sand beach of their private lake. The single males all came up and introduced themselves, moving on when there was nothing from our wolves. No one harassed me or was anything but friendly, and I could relax and have fun.

Saturday morning, I was up early, rafting the river with others my age. The rapids were fun, but the water fights in the calm river between them? More fun. My underwater swimming ability came in handy in the 'dunk wars.' The game was to steal people from other rafts. The normal was to row close enough to bounce off, then pull people into your raft as you moved away. The other way was more difficult. If you could sneak up and pull them into the water with you, they had to go to your raft until their own was 'eliminated.'. I took out three people, rising from the depths and leaping to grab their shoulders like a Great White hitting an unsuspecting seal.

I loved this Pack, and I felt a pang of regret as we said our goodbyes. Why couldn't my mate have been from a place like THIS? What was Luna thinking?

The Pack lent us a warrior as extra security, and to be our driver. It was a long drive, and it gave me a lot of time to talk to my parents about my future. I let out my frustrations with Luna to my folks, and we talked through everything that had happened over the last few months. "Even Susan got another mate," I complained. "It's like Luna is rubbing these in my face. What did I do to deserve this?"

"Did you do anything to him before he rejected you, Vicki?" Brent asked.

"No. Timothy rejected me first."

"He did, and in the long view, Luna did you a favor by freeing you from that man," Mom told me. "Last year, you told me you didn't want to find a mate right away. You had plans and dreams, you wanted to travel and study sharks, and a mate would just tie you down. Now, you're traveling and studying sharks. Why isn't that enough to make you happy?"

I had to sit back and think about it for a while. What changed in me? I didn't say anything for a few minutes. "Amy changed everything," I said. "She and Kai are so perfect together, so in love, and totally supportive of each other. Seeing their relationship in person shows me that I don't have to give up my dreams if I have a mate like that."

Mom sat back, smiling as me with that 'Mom-always-knows-best' look. "Exactly. When Brent found me, he didn't hold me back from my dreams. He encouraged me to pursue them. Yes, we made sacrifices, but life rarely happens like you expect it will. What is important is that you decide things together." She let that sit for a bit before she continued. "I bet Amy never expected to be attacked or to lose her eyesight, or that she'd be moving to San Diego as a military spouse. Her whole life changed, yet she's so happy she glows. That is what a true mate will do for you, and why you need to wait patiently for Luna to bring you to him."

"And in the meantime, live my life?"

Brent squeezed my hand. "Exactly. Have fun, meet people, do things. Form the friendships and develop the talents that will help you in your life, no matter where it takes you." I leaned into his shoulder, taking comfort in the man who had loved me since I was five. We talked about the opportunities my modeling and charity work had opened up. I was making enough money doing this work that I'd be able to put myself through college and graduate school without having to work other jobs. I wouldn't be dependent on a job or a Pack for the money I needed.

The driver finally arrived at our Boston hotel, arriving late on Saturday night in the big city. We were all tired from the drive and hit the beds right away.

The Bodyglove event was at the downtown Macy's department store. Our driver brought us to the freight entrance, where store security met us and led us to a private room to prepare. The makeup artist and hairstylist got me ready, and I wore one of the new line's dresses and shoes. When we entered the main store, the line stretched as far as I could see. By the time it ended, my hand was tired from signing autographs.

Mercedes took the three of us to Legal Harborside for dinner. We ate lobster and seafood as the boats went by. "We'd like to increase the number of events for you and Amy in the next six months. You're hot, and sales have doubled over the same quarter last year. It's all since we rolled out your ads," Mercedes said. "We are getting to the end of the season here for swimwear. The Paris fashion shows are coming, where we release next year's line, and it's the start of the season in the Southern hemisphere."

"That's a lot of travel," I said.

"It's worth it," she said. "Thirty percent of our sales are south of the equator now. Local markets want to see familiar settings in the promotions; it makes them feel more connected to the product."

"I'm concerned about security," Brent replied. "She'd be a long way from home."

"Each of them could have private security, whether they come along, or we hire local protection. We'd pick up that expense." She reached into her bag and pulled out a paper, pushing it across the table. "I've put together a proposed schedule. I hope you'll look at it and let me know what works for you," she said. "Of course, all expenses will be paid. Under the contract, you get your standard appearance and photoshoot compensation. We will also pay a thousand dollars extra for every day you're out of the country."

I took the paper, glancing it over quickly. "I'll look at it on the trip, and I'll need to talk with Amy and her family as well. Kai's training is intense, and she won't want to be away from him for extended periods. We are both starting college this fall, too."

"I understand most of your classes are online, so your school can fit in around this schedule. When else will you get to dive the Maldives? Australia? Rio de Janeiro? Capetown?" She was right about that. I'd give up a LOT to be able to dive in some of those shark hotspots. "And if this expedition goes well, I think I can get you on a show National Geographic is doing. Wouldn't you like to film off the Great Barrier Reef this winter?"

I couldn't hide my excitement at that. "Let's see how this one goes. Two weeks at sea with a research vessel is different than three days off Catalina Island."

"It's an exciting time," Liv said.

The next morning, the driver took us down to Cape Cod. We stopped for breakfast at a quaint village before he delivered me to the docks at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. I looked around in wonder at a place I'd dreamed of as a kid. "Vicki Carlson," a man in jeans and a pullover sweater with a scraggly beard asked.

"That's me," I said with a smile.

"You're cutting it close. I'm Leonard Wood, the First Mate on the Ocean Explorer. I'll take that to your cabin. Say your goodbyes; the safety brief is in fifteen minutes," he said.

"I guess this is it," I said as I turned to my parents.

"Have fun, but do good work," Mom said. "Anthony will send warriors to pick you up and take you to the airport. Call if you can," she said. "I love you, Vicki."

"I love you, too." Brent hugged me tight, and I could see tears in his eyes as I walked to the gangplank. The Ocean Explorer was a converted fishing trawler that was over a hundred feet long. I could see shark cages, remotely operated vehicles, and racks of tanks and dive gear. I recognized the Captain, the Expedition Leader, and the Producer of the documentary as they looked down at me from the bridge. Stepping aboard, I couldn't wait to get to work.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Again and again and again... Editing. The name changes and extra words. Got a headache here

skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

I get the feeling something is going to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Keep the story going there are so many different elements to it and its a joy to read x

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 4 years ago

"Operation Hunky Stepdad has begun." I'm so fascinated by this.

Spiritually, Military Spec Ops = Wolf Pack. You know it's true.

partwolfpartwolfalmost 4 years agoAuthor
Vicki Lawrence

brain fart snuck through

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