Sharks Bite

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Lori Greiner. This sharks bite ain't so bad.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/18/2023
Created 03/03/2023
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind.

This story depicts lesbian sex and was a request by one of my readers. I already have their feedback and hope you similarly enjoy it, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions.


Paige was shaking her head and tapping her foot in frustration. She was stood at the airline information desk and slowly losing her immense patience. The tall slim conservative 3rd grade teacher was hoping for a straightforward return home. After 25 years of active campaigning in service to getting the children of her district on the straight and conscientious path to the early years learning she had been presented with the prestigious John Adams award for her stand out service in education.

When the invite arrived, she had been excited at the prospect of travelling to Boston to receive the award. Her outward journey had been untroubled and the award committee had ensured she was treated like royalty from the moment the sole of her right shoe containing her slender manicured foot had touched the tarmac at Logan airport. It had all gone so swimmingly; she had even allowed herself a glass of champagne and after diner wine to celebrate -- even though she knew how situations with her got out of hand way too quickly after too many glasses of wines -- two were her limit.

The doubts started on her return journey to the airport; it had been snowing heavily while she had been cosseted in the award ceremony and knowing how bad the weather could be in Boston had made her apprehensively the longer the taxi journey was taking. She had only moments before wheeled her case into the terminal when the 'Delayed' messages started popping up. Paige's heart sank further when her destination was added to the list; it wasn't the first time she had suffered a delay flying but it was the first with such ominous weather.

Paige was thankful that she had taken the trip as a suitable opportunity to test out her new lingerie prototypes -- after all she doubted, she would ever meet again anyone that crossed her path today. After 25 years in education Paige had taken the fateful decision to pursue her dream of being a clothing designer; more specifically, lingerie designer. She and her husband Jim, both liked it when she dressed in lingerie and she had amassed quite a collection of her own over the years albeit her collection was far from practical. Her colleagues, her friends, even her family had absolutely no idea that she and Jim liked to play -- a lot. Sat surrounding by a sea of people she would never know; she squirmed in her seat as her pussy moistened at the prospect of getting home to her husband. She may be seen outwardly as Ms Prim and Proper but she would have a couple of wines on the return journey, this would ensure she was suitably buzzed and she was going to get especially freaky with Jim that night.

Paige had studied fashion and design before entering education and had long held a desire to return to her roots, the couple were financially secure enough that Jim had encouraged Paige to pursue her passion. He would do anything to please her because of how she made him feel and this was just another demonstration of that. She had friends from her student days that had stayed in the business and were similarly encouraging her to spread her wings using their facilities and contacts to further Paige's designs. Even now sat in the terminal, her heart was beating faster at the possibilities that could be achieved. An hour sat in the terminal had passed before she eventually went up to the information desk. The staff were doing their best -- sadly they were as much in the dark as the passengers -- but the expression 'chocolate fireguard' kept creeping into her head.

An hour later, it was obvious no more flights were leaving the airport tonight. Paige was disappointed as she had some especially lurid ideas of what she and Jim could get up to but hey, she would just have to delay them until her eventual return. Hotel rooms had been hurriedly arranged by the airport and Paige was stood in the taxi queue waiting to be whisked off to the hotel hurriedly scribbled on the piece of paper in her hand. It was quite gratifying that a couple of the men in front of her encouraged Paige to take their place in the queue until she was one from the front. Each invite was greeted with her stunning but sweet smile. She could have used it the stunning effect over the years and yet she didn't want to abuse her qualities; instead, she freely spread joy to everyone she crossed paths with.

The airport had had to cancel so many flights which meant the hotel Paige had been allocated was a good 25 minute ride from the airport but the driver had been kind enough to usher her into the foyer while he went to extract her case. He similarly was rewarded with one of her mesmerising smiles which sent him away into the foul conditions with a skip in his step. The short walk to reception soon secured a room on the penultimate floor but she forgot to ask if the room had a mini-bar and having seen the queue of people that had arrived after her, Paige decided to go to the bar and treat herself to a bottle of wine to take back to the room for savouring later; she didn't have to consume it all but she was looking forward to kicking off her heels and relaxing on the bed while she massaged her stocking covered legs -- maybe she could also engage in a little self-pleasuring, yes that wine would indeed help.

Paige was in such a good mood with how these prototype stockings felt that she fairly sailed into the bar area and was making her way back towards the lift when she overheard the conversation taking place at the reception desk. 'That's the Shark, Lori Greiner, she seems so nice on the TV. Obviously, she got caught in the weather too?' Paige mulled over in her head.

"I'm terribly sorry Ms Greiner but all our rooms have now been taken. Ten rooms are out of action on the ground floor because of a leak in the floor above. I guess the airport haven't received the message" the receptionist was being very apologetic, even going as far as to offer "I can ring around the other hotels in the area to see what's available, obviously with the weather it could take some time but you are welcome to take a seat in the bar area while I ring around."

Lori Greiner looked dejected. She sighed heavily and then made a frustrated growling sound before replying "I know it's not your fault and I appreciate your assistance but I've been on the go all day since leaving Chicago O'Hare at 5am this morning. There's no telling how far out I'll need to go to the next hotel."

Paige's heart went out to the other woman. Jim was more a fan of the program than Paige but she had seen numerous episodes of the show and she always judged Lori as being the most compassionate and encouraging to those looking for the Shark's help. It was this impression that made Paige bolder than she actually felt right now. Stepping up to the reception desk next to Lori Paige asked the receptionist "Excuse me for butting in but is my room 720 a twin bed set up?"

The receptionist looked confused at the question but confirmed "Yes, it is. Why?"

Turning to Lori Paige then suggested "I have a twin room all to myself and seeing as us girls need to stick together as it's probably only one night you are welcome to share with me? I'm sure we can come up with some kind of roster for the bathroom."

The look of relief was evident "Oh would you mind? I would be so very grateful just to have somewhere I can lay my head down right now."

Paige smiled her most stunning smile and replied, "Of course I don't mind, I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it."

The smile had been so broad and warm that Lori had been momentarily lost for words, which for her was an unusual circumstance. It was only just now the slightly shorter blonde was taking in her saviour and a memory popped into her head as she logged Paige's looks; it suddenly dawned on Lori that this pretty dark haired woman with the long shapely legs reminded Lori of her old teacher, Paula. Lori smirked to herself mischievously when she remembered some of the more intimate things, she had in her head about her former mentor back then. Her lesbian fantasies had remained in her head all these years, never admitting them even to her husband, but moments when she was alone in some random hotel, she would spend with her hands in her panties strumming away at her clitoris.

As they waited for the lift to arrive Paige extended her hand and announced "I'm Paige Smith, I know who you are. It's a pleasure to meet you. I can't wait to tell my husband I've met you. He's such a big fan of your show."

Lori was feeling a little mischievous and so, while keeping Paige's hand in hers, asked "Your phrase suggests that you're not?"

Paige looked suitably shocked at causing offence as she gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth as she replied "Ohhhh, no, no, no. What I meant was..."

Lori burst out into a broad smile as she reached over and touched Paige's forearm comfortingly "I'm joking, please don't be alarmed. After a long day I've forgotten to warn you that I have something of a skewed sense of humour."

Paige's relief was evident as she barked out a laugh and put her free hand over Lori's. That amazing smile was as broad as Lori had so far seen and quickened her pulse in response to the hand being placed on hers. Inside Lori was secretly looking forward to seeing what Paige would look like when getting under the bed covers. Don't get me wrong, she liked the look of Paige but would certainly never entertain making an approach. Any activity was restricted to her fertile imagination. 'But that smile' Lori debated internally, making her shake her head to try and shift the image. As a naughty thought popped into Lori's head.

As Paige made small talk "I take you were this way on business, I hope it was suitably successful enough to derail your plans for tonight and probably tomorrow as well."

Lori smiled her most engaging smile and replied, "Oh yes, one of my companies has recently taken over a smaller niche company and I was trying to explore how to market them." In fairness Lori was still coming to terms with the acquisition, they had acquired a larger group and this company was part of the portfolio. Inwardly Lori hoped Paige wouldn't enquire further and so she decided to take control of the conversation by asking "What about you, were you on business or pleasure?"

As the 'Queen of QVC' Lori prided herself at being able to market any product at an appropriate audience but the reality of this recent acquisition was that one of her subsidiaries now made and sold sex toys. It wasn't unique by any stretch of the imagination but the company founder had a passion for design and had come up with a range based on her personal tastes. After the contract signing Lori had gone to Angela's office so that she could get a read of her new employee and whether to quickly sell the company on or keep hold of it -- she liked to say that she had a talent for reading if something was a hero or a zero.

Angela had thankfully persuaded Lori that the company was a keeper even if the brand association was kept on the quiet. Angela had presented Lori with a paper carrier bag containing a selection of the companies products so she could see for herself how unique their offering was and how her designs made them stand out. Lori had peeked in the top of the bag and returned a required shocked look Angela quietly suggested "I'd suggest stowing them in your checked luggage rather than having to go through the hand baggage scanners."

Paige's smile remained as she replied to Lori "I'm a teacher, third grade, but I'd be given an award and was over here accepting it. He gets back tonight but my husband was away on one of his golfing jaunts, otherwise he would have accompanied me and I wouldn't have been able to step in and offer the other bed."

Again, Lori reached over and gently placed her hand back on Paige's forearm as she stated "Thank goodness for golf then. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness. I can see why you win awards." Paige waved her free hand dismissively.

The two made their way from the lift along the corridor until they reached the room on the far left. Paige flourished the key and wheeled her case into the room until she could stand in the open area near the window. This allowed Lori to follow suit until she could similarly survey the room. Paige asked, "Do you have a preference which bed you take?"

Lori shook her head as she replied "No, it's your room, you decide. We could always do Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

Paige replied "Nah, I'll bag the one nearest the bathroom." The ladies then set about their luggage to extract what they would need for the night. It seems both women were forward planners; Paige's stay had only been planned for last night but having been delayed previously she had always packed extra clothing from then on. Lori mentioned later that she was planning on travelling to her next meeting and so had packed for three days travel anyway. "Now we're set for the evening did you fancy splitting this wine I bought downstairs? I only want a glass or two and the rest would be going waste."

Lori disappeared back into the bathroom and emerged with two plastic beakers saying "I'd love to, this is the best I can come up with to drink from unless you want to use those little fiddly cups over there. Why restrict yourself to a glass, didn't you like the choice downstairs?"

"Those beakers will do fine" started Paige "It's not a case of my liking the selection, on the contrary, there was a lot of nice choices, the restriction is me and too many glasses are a bad combination. I won't go into too much detail but I will say my husband likes it when I drink too much, we have four children after all, but I restrict my consumption in pleasant company."

Now that final statement kicked Lori's thought process into overdrive. The two could now relax and both chose to kick their heels off and lay back on the bed with their backs resting against the headboard. Lori was waxing lyrically on a series of funny stories she had amassed during her travels but she managed to cast a few furtive glances to admire Paige's long slender legs and pretty feet, her painted toes showing through her heel-toe stockings. She guessed Paige was no more than 5 7 or 5 8 but that's still more than her diminutive 5 4 and Paige's legs especially looked slender and curvaceous; she obviously worked out a lot but then as a third grade teacher Lori guessed that was a workout in itself.

Paige was on her second glass/beaker by now -- her fourth for the day -- and Lori could see the alcohol was slurring the teacher's speech slightly as she giggled her confession "When I've finished my research I will be applying to come and appear on your show. I wonder if you'll be there when I do?"

Lori had been pitched so many times on her travels that ordinarily she would have rolled her eyes at another but she was after all spending the night in a hotel room of someone who had come to her rescue and so she played along "What on earth does a teacher need from the Shark's?"

Paige smiled at her guest and replied "Well I'm hoping to retire soon and start up a new business that I've wanted to start for some years but I'm not ready to pitch you just yet. I still have some wrinkles to iron out yet so you can rest easy and enjoy a night off from the hustle and bustle of business life."

"Ah, you are so sweet to think of me" returned Lori. "For what it is worth I'm really enjoying my first long interaction with a teacher since I went into business. Without wanting to sound condescending, it's nice hearing how someone that's not in my circle lives their lives. So come on pitch me, what else am I going to do other than watch QVC on the TV? I have been known to say 'Don't live out your fears, live your dreams' and I'd say this could be a turning point for you."

Paige squirmed where she sat as she replied "Well, I've not even thought about my pitch yet, there are still a one too many wrinkles to sort out." Secretly she hoped that would derail the conversation, someone who inhabited the world of big business intimidated the teacher and yet she would still insist that Lori wasn't that type that would purposely intimidate anyone let alone her.

Lori was intrigued by this conversation and so swing herself round to face Paige while remaining seated "Okay, talk to me about the product and we can come up with some suggestions for a pitch so you are ready once your wrinkles are ironed. This is after all the least I can do for someone who gave up the privacy of her room and took me in. So, what is the product?"

Paige did give a little sigh of frustration but similarly swung herself so she was sat facing the slightly older blonde woman "It's lingerie" she started with. Lori's expression perked at the subject and Paige continued "Now I know that is not a new concept, anyone can go to 'Secrets in Lace' or anyone of a thousand other sites that are resellers."

Lori was still looking interested and so Paige decided to paint the picture as best she could. "As a third grade Teacher I have to be very active; and I mean VERY active, but I like to wear lingerie for myself -- my husband loves it but I'm talking about myself now, I especially get a kick out of wearing stockings knowing only I know I'm wearing them. I used to study fashion and design before going into teaching; it was the only job I could get at the time. This lingerie has been specifically designed for people like me who lead active lives but still want the feel of lace and silk. Thankfully I have friends who continued in the industry, one works in hosiery and is helping me with that side on the promise of a few pennies per sale once it's launched. Another friend went into lingerie design and is hoping to join forces with me once I'm nearer to launch and is using her contacts to trial and source the right suspender. I already have that patented and these suppliers have signed non-disclosures to ensure my design doesn't get out until I'm ready."

Paige now paused as she chose her words "This is where I don't know how I will demonstrate to the Sharks as in my head I need to demonstrate standing up, bending over, bending down and so on but covered in a dress or similar won't get the full effect. I figured I can work that out nearer the time."

Lori asked, "Are you wearing your samples now?" Paige nodded yes and so the blonde added "Well, it's just the two of us, why not demonstrate now?" Paige was very much wrong footed at this and her reluctance was evident on her face. Lori sighed heavily and suggested "Look we're going to have to see each other in less clothing when we get in bed, would it make you feel better if I was to remove my dress as well, that way I'll similarly be down to my lingerie?" Paige would have preferred more time to clear her wine addled mind but Lori jumped to her feet, quickly pulled the side zipper down and was wriggling out of her tight dress until it sat in a crumpled heap at her feet.

Paige's automatic reaction was to say "Oh that is a pretty set you have there. Do you wear this type often?"

Lori smiled back at her new friend "Why thank you, yes, I insist on the best and wear similar every day. Now take your dress off so you can best demonstrate the movements that need to be catered for." Paige was slow to rise to her feet as Lori took her seat once more but she did add "Oh yes very nice." Paige's slim and slender body was shown off to perfection; her breasts weren't big but Lori considered them perfectly proportioned with the rest of her. Paige's stomach was annoyingly flat, her butt nice and pert but it was her long slender legs that drew Lori's attention downwards. Paige was wearing seamed full fashioned stockings and Lori insisted "Would you mind putting your shoe's back on so that I can get the full effect." Paige was loving the encouragement Lori was offering, she felt she could confess her innermost thoughts to the blonde without fearing any judging looks.