She & He: The Initation


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"You are welcome, of course, my love. Now, are you still sure about this? You looked a little shaky for a bit, there."

"I'm just as sure as I've ever been...maybe somewhat less enthused, though. Now that it's actually real and happening, it's not as exciting as I had imagined," she admitted.

"Truth?" he asked, employing their long standing agreement to always ask first when in doubt as to the wisdom of offering up one's opinion in that particular moment.

"Truth," she nodded.

"You seemed to be more irritated than eager. Are you sure your period..." he clamped his mouth shut as hers flew open...

"NO! It is NOT time for my period! And, FUCK YOU very much for asking!" she practically spit at him, then instantly burst into tears.

Closing the few steps between them, he gathered her now weeping body in his arms. "Shhhhhh! It's OK, sweet heart! Awwww...come on,'ll ruin your makeup," he clumsily attempted as she clung to him, sniffling. "Look," he continued..."we really don't have to go through with this, if you don't want to and it's still totally OK with me if you do, but no matter what, I don't want to fight and I certainly don't want you to cry!"

"Oh god, honey," wiping at her face she managed a tiny smile, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just tense, I think, as in "new situation, new experience" tense...not pre-menstrual tense."Gently extricating herself from his arms she crossed to the mirror to inspect the damage. "Damned eye-lash!" she muttered.

"Yeah, you really don't seem to be feeling all of those shots you've put back," he ventured as she busily ministered to the once again way-ward wing. "I would have thought they would loosen you up. And, no need for an apology, my love, I've been wanting to "fuck you very much" all evening long," he added impishly, surprising her with his easy use of the expletive. She had heard him say a total of maybe six fluorescent words in the whole time she had known him and one of those was "frickin", which she didn't even consider to be a curse word. Where-as she, well, she knew them all and they did have a tendency to spew forth from her mouth from time to time, but mostly under dire circumstances such as dropping a heavy knife on her toe or some such.

"Awwww..." she grinned a come-hither grim at his reflected image. Running a hand over her half-exposed breast she cupped and offered it to him, "You like?" she devilishly inquired.

"No, I love," he said. "I love your outfit. I love your hair. I love your body. I love your YOU. ALL of you. Not just now, but all the time. Every single bit of You. I. Love."

Gazing into his mirrored eyes, her lips put to words what her heart was asking, "Even my weird and quite possibly perverted mind?"

Now nuzzling her neck, he mouthed his reply directly upon her skin, "Most especially your weird and quite probably perverted mind."

Turning, she met and kissed into his opening lips a whispered "I love you," followed by, "OK?! Let's do this!"

The door of room 112 seemed to bulge outward to the bass line of the music that emanated from within. To knock would be one inside would possibly hear, so with one last questioning look answered by her affirmative nod, he turned the knob and they stepped in. There was, indeed, a party going on and this particular party's theme seemed to be "Fun & Games." In one corner a group of folks gathered around a table in various states of undress, obviously involved in an advanced game of strip poker. One poor guy was down to one sock, which he had draped coquettishly over his limp penis. The far end of the room housed a rousing game of naked Twister and directly before them another group occupied the two double beds playing some sort of drinking game. As more people entered from behind, they shuffled closer to the action and were able to hear the players' shouted dialogue. "Shock, Shot or Shuck?" they voiced in unison as the next participant's turn began. She stood up and, smiling seductively, reached up under her short skirt and slowly rolled one stocking down her leg. The crowd cheered raucously at her choice of "shuck"and several saluted with and then slammed back shots of approval. Taking his turn, a middle-agish man stood and with a mixture of pride and embarrassment, confided loudly to the group that he had once, when he was seventeen years old, sneaked into his parent's bedroom in the middle of the night and had spent almost ten glorious minutes sucking on his mother's toes. His "shock" was received with even more noise, fanfare and celebratory toasts.

The open connecting door to the next room stood partially blocked by two lip-locked women so deeply involved they didn't respond to their repeated "Excuse me's." Finally, he took her hand and led the way, inching past the undulating bodies. Entering the darkened room they were immediately hit with the distinct and pungent smell of burning marijuana. ("Rules, my ass," she thought.) As her eyes adjusted in the dimness, she recognized a figure lying prone on the nearest bed. "Mrs. Pass-Out!" she murmured into his ear. Mrs. P-O did, indeed, look to be passed out.

" she?" she wondered. For being so blotto, the Mrs. seemed to be quite carefully..."arranged" was the word that came to mind. Her arms artfully extended above her head, obscuring her face, one hand resting delicately upon the other. Instead of a drunken slump, her spine arched in an unnatural fashion, causing her hips to rise along with her skirt, revealing an "Ummm...yes, QUIVERING" and quite naked ass.

"Hmmmmm...interesting!" Answering the perceived invitation, she stepped forward. Reaching out, she tentatively stroked her hand down Mrs. PO's back. The buttocks absolutely shimmied! "Do I dare?" Breathing deeply, she grasped one globe in each hand and gave a gentle squeeze and was rewarded with an immediate groan of pleasure. Looking up, she questioned her husband with her eyes, "Do you want to join in?" but he just smiled and motioned that he was good. He did look to be enjoying himself, as verified by the volume in the front of his jeans.

Becoming immersed in her ministrations, at first she didn't register the new presence at her side until the waft of weed hit her nose. Accepting the offered joint waved in front of her face, ("in for a penny, in for a pound," she mused) she turned to behold..."The Golden Girl!" she spluttered out loud, coughing at the unaccustomed harshness of the herb.

TGG grinned and laughed her agreement, comically self checking her beautifully tanned arms loaded with gilded bangles and giving them a jangling shake. For the next short while they kneeled in silent companionship, passing the joint back and forth as they proceeded to "make love? Where did THAT come from," her mind startled. "This isn't love!?! Is it?!?" Shaking her head, "Wow! I am SO high!" she gave the Mrs. one last fondle, "Fondle! What a wonderful word! Fond! Le! Oh my GOODNESS I am high!" and stood, intending to rejoin her husband.

Instead, somehow, she found herself embraced in the warm, welcoming arms of The Golden Girl. They were just there...wrapping them heart to heart and then their lips met and something simply broke loose inside of her.

Later, trying to recall the experience and adequately relate it to her husband, she found herself at a loss for words. "Breath," she kept repeating. "It was like she was breath."

"You really were high, weren't you?" was his observation. "Yeah...but it wasn't just that. It was...I don't a FORCE, or something," she offered, thoughtful.

Whatever it was, it overtook her like a tsunami. One moment she was pretty much fully aware of her surroundings, her husband standing there with a bemused look on his face, other some bodies milling around, the music no longer banging but beckoning from the next room, smoke hazing the air. The next moment, and who knows how many more, she was..."I think I was in Heaven," she shared.

"High as a kite!" he teased. "Or, you are just now discovering that you are, in reality, a lesbian and will, in short order, leave me for a younger woman."

"Hardly, my Dearling," she replied. "And, after our own little private after party last night, how could you possibly doubt my heterosexuality? And even more so, my love?"

"Last night was..." he searched for the correct word...

"Ineffable?" she offered.

"Yep...pretty much that. Ineffable. Great word. Thanks, sweetheart."

Returning his attention to the road leading them back home, he grasped her knee and squeezing repeated "Ineffable! In-F-Able! In-Fuckin-Able!" and chuckled, shaking his head in wonder.

Gazing sightlessly down the highway, she found herself back in that moment when...

"When I came alive!" the awed realization came to her.

The Golden Girl's mouth was warm and sweet. Her tongue danced and dipped its way past her parted lips and then, gently suckling, the kiss really commenced. "The kiss that began and ended eternity," the cryptic notion popped into her head.

He had told her they stayed like that for literally hours. Three, to be exact. Lip to lip, thigh to thigh, breast to breast, "Heart to heart," she said aloud.

"Hmmmm?" he tried to follow her silent thoughts. "Just thinking," she said, "Trying to remember. It all seems like a dream to me now. I remember the kissing, the cuddling, the laughter and giggling. I remember her caressing me and even tickles. What I mostly remember is...I don't even know if I can explain the ENERGY. It was like I was enveloped in this, I don't know...cocoon? Of...I can't even describe it...this LOVE? Yes, LOVE! And, not just enveloped, but immersed! Totally immersed. So much so that I was it, too..."she trailed off, finding words once again inadequate. "I don't know, honey. It sounds crazy, doesn't it?"

"Absolutely insane, I agree," he confirmed with a smile, "but in a good way, you know. What's really crazy is what happened later...after your Golden Girl," he lovingly leered.

"She touched me," she said with not a little awe. "Not here," she patted her breast, "or here," she motioned towards her lap. "She touched me here," pointing to her forehead "and here," to the middle of her chest. "And, I don't know how to even say it, but something MOVED in me. Something felt like it literally shifted."

"In a good way, I am assuming," he encouraged her to continue.

"In such a good way I can't ... dammit! I really can't begin to understand it, much less describe it! But, my love, as good as it was, it in no way compares to whatever that was that happened later with you. I know it freaked you out, but what I experienced was absolute...nirvana. That's a pretty good word for it, I I can come up with at the moment, anyway."

Mock bowing his head, he grinned. "You are so very welcome, my dear. It was my greatest pleasure to give you a seizure." They both laughed. Now, in the daylight and hours removed from it, she could see its funny side.

They had lain together, interlocked for what seemed like forever, but what also felt like just a few minutes, if that was possible. TGG had stroked and petted her, cuddled and caressed, hugged, massaged and yes, even tickled her. She had hummed, murmured and even sung softly into her ear, her warm breath stirring something deep inside of her brain, her body. All resistance, all worry, all thinking even, disappeared. She was being..."Loved. She was making love to me." That L word kept pushing its way up and out from deep within. But, it wasn't sex. "At least it didn't feel like sex," she thought, "although I bet it looked just like sex," she remarked out loud.

"You could say that," he agreed, "if you're talking about you and Golden Girl. I mean, you were even sucking on her breast for a while there," he added.

Marveling at how he was able to pick up her unspoken trail of thoughts, she confessed, "I don't remember that part. All I really recall is how I felt, which was like nothing I've ever felt before, or at least not that I can remember. It was, I think, how a beloved infant feels in its mother's arms. Cared for, treasured, adored, safe, satiated...LOVED. Nothing but loved."

"But I remember each and every moment of what happened next," she turned to him with a twinkle.

"You and me, both," he grinned back at her.

He had sat watching his wife and the girl those entire three hours, entranced. His initial, horny excitement had quickly turned to something quite different. What he had thought would be ball-bursting girl-on-girl action which would stretch not only his imagination but his penis as well had definitely not turned out to be. What he had witnessed had been, "Well, ineffable is the perfect word," he thought. "There are no words to describe it."

She...they both...had glowed. Literally glowed. It was as if they had an internal spotlight shining out from the core of their union. He didn't know now if what he had seen had really been there, if anyone else happening by had been able to see it, but he certainly had. Golden Girl was apparently appropriately nick-named because she had emanated just that...a golden aura. When it first appeared to him, he had blinked his eyes and shaken his head, thinking something had come loose, but there it was, encompassing her whole body and even that of his wife's. His wife, on the other hand, was sparking white and purple flames of light from the top of her head and the bottom of her feet and he swore he could hear them sizzle and pop as they licked their way outward.

It was sexy. It was sex. But, it wasn't. Or, it was and was so much more. He didn't know, he didn't understand, but when it was over, he knew he had witnessed something very special. He only hoped that her experience had been as amazing at it had looked.

After Golden Girl had gently extracted herself from their prolonged embrace, she rose from the bed, kissed his wife gently on her forehead and then simply walked out of the room, not even looking back. Moving to her side, he had gathered his wife into his arms, where she clung tenaciously as he helped her up. Bending his head, he heard her soft words, "I am changed."

They stood, locked together, swaying slightly as she gathered her senses.

"What do you mean, changed?" he murmured into her mussed up hair.

"Hmmmm? What? What did you say, honey?" she asked, her voice seeming to come from a distance.

"Nothing, sweet heart," he replied, spying over her shoulder the approaching Mr. Clean, naked and definitely ready for action.

"How about it, you two?" Mr. C grunted at them. "Time for some fun?!" He pulled at his penis, waving it at them as it stiffened. Leering at her he added, "He tells me you think you are ready for two of these and I've got one all ready just for the occasion."

Her body went rigid. Catching her eye he validated her repulsion. Holding her close to him, he shook his head at the man and said, trying to sound pleasant, "Thanks, but I think we're going to call it a night," and reaching for her hand, started to make their way to the door, Mr. Clean a few, unsettling steps behind.

Stopping short, she surprised both herself and her husband by turning to face the bald player. "You know, Mr....(she had forgotten his real name)...Mr...You!" the words spilled out of her mouth, "You really ought to go check on your wife. She loves you and all she wants is for you to pay some attention to her. You haven't even kissed her in more than a year!" Mortified at her boldness and mystified at her clear insight, she turned on her heel, grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.

"What was THAT?" he laughed as they hurried to their room. "I don't know what it was or where it came from but I do know, somehow, that it's true," she exhaled as he turned the lock. "Did you see the look on his face?" She giggled.


"Did you see how fast his dick wilted?" he breathed into her hair as he bent forward slightly to push open the door. "You're a regular ball-breaker, sweet heart." Entering the room ahead of him, she playfully kicked her heel up and backwards at his own package. "It doesn't take much effort to mash a pair of peas," she snickered. "Now, come here and help me out of this thing."

Standing before the bed, she faced him so he could begin to work on the tens of tiny hook and eye closures on the corset. It had a zipper on one side for easy wear, but he didn't know that. Fumbling in the dim light, he found her half bared breast blindly staring him down. Inhaling sharply, a tiny explosion of delight went off in his brain as the unique scent of the two women combined assailed his senses. Hands shaking now, he fumbled at the few remaining hooks as she stroked his hair.

A small moan rose in his throat as the laced leather fell away. He had been holding that moan in for hours, it seemed. Following the path of his tongue as it traced its way down her stomach, the moan broke free of his mouth.

Gently pulling at his hair, she urged him to stand back up. "Go ahead and get undressed, baby, I'll be right back," she promised.


Returning from the bathroom, she spread a towel over her side of the bed. It was their unspoken signal that things were about to get messy...and hot. "Why don't you "shuck" your clothes, honey?" she suggested as she crawled onto the bed. Eagerly, he complied.

"Shucked and reporting for duty," he grinned as he slipped in beside her. "You dweeb," she answered, fondly. "You know, I think I must still be high," she added as she curled up next to his side.

"How so?"

"I thought I saw stars or lights or something floating around my head when I was in the bathroom."

"Were they purple and white?" he asked, his interest perking.

"Yeah! How'd you know?" she playfully pounded his chest with her fist.

"I know all," he intoned in a weird, deep voice. "I know all. I hear all. I see all," he joked, attempting to change her focus. He wasn't quite ready to share with her what he had seen. He needed some more time to process that particular vision.

Gathering her close, he softened his voice and continued, "I do know that you changed your mind about the three-some. Are you OK about that? Was it just that guy or..." Not knowing how to continue, he waited for her to speak.

After a thoughtful pause she began. "I did change my mind. But, it wasn't just my mind. Something else changed in there with that girl. No! I haven't turned into a lesbian," she assured him, seeing his questioning look. "I'm not really sure what it was, or what it is, but I feel...different," she finished lamely, shrugging her shoulders for emphasis.

He stroked her side as she fit her body to his.

"As long as you aren't disappointed," his hand gentled her breast.

"It feels like that was some other woman's fantasy," she strung out the murmured words between breaths, which had become ragged with desire. Hushing the need for any further explanation, he sealed his lips upon hers, which wetly opened, inviting his tongue to enter. Tongue dancing was quickly dispensed when she began to suck on his like a starving infant. Shocked, he almost lost his erection. She had never done this in their entire relationship and it just happened to be one of his own fantasies, albeit a secret one, or so he had thought.

Finally realizing that his dream was coming true, he was instantly stiffer than even before. Pulling his head back, he began to work his mouth down her neck and chest, heading for her other lips, intending to...

"No, no," her moan gently rebuked, "Here, up here. With me...on me."

Poised above, he whispered her name. Her eyes locked into his, she mouthed silently, "In me," and met his thrust with a hissed "Yesssssssss!"