She Did It For Love Ch. 03-04

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Sam heals - Kim returns
6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 07/07/2008
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Here is part 2 of 3 of my latest offering to the Literotica readership.


Chapter 3 – Kim Tells Her Story

Hi. My name is Sam. I guess you remember me from telling you the first two parts of my life's worst experience. At least I had thought the parts I'd already narrated to you were the worst, but then she showed up at my door.

If you remember, I had come home from a business trip early and found my loving wife, Kimberly, in our bed with a crude animalistic biker.

The biker had beaten me badly, humiliated me with the things he did to Kim, and had her wipe out our bank accounts for him.

Kim dressed as a slut and left with him over ten months ago. The police had found porn videos being sold starring my once proper wife. She had contacted her mother and told her that it had been her choice to leave with the biker. Eddie was his name. She said that she didn't want any contact with her mother or any family. Her exact words were, "Don't try to find me."

I guess I should say almost ex-wife because I'm divorcing her ass for her part in my near death beating and her desertion of the marriage.

It had taken me the ten months since that awful day to heal my physical injuries to the point where I could take care of myself.

I was very depressed because I just wasn't getting well enough to tackle having my little daughter, Angie, move back in. I just wasn't well enough to deal with a five year old.

All was going as good as you could expect when one day my doorbell rang and opening the door I saw my once respectable soon to be ex-wife standing there. She was high on drugs, and dressed in some very dirty clothes that made her look like a complete slut. But the corker was the fact she was at least eight months pregnant.

And so we start the next part of my sad tale with me staring at Kim standing on my doorstep.

I was shocked at seeing Kim standing there. She looked awful. Even standing a few feet apart I could smell her odor. It was that odor that comes from a ten-dollar whore that approaches you on the street. It was that stench of a female body that was filled with cum and not properly cleaned. It was that aroma of a cheap perfume used to cover the whorish stench. It was that smell of a piece of white trash in unwashed clothes who only cared about where her next drug fix was coming from.

Weaving back and forth in her drug induced stupor; Kim had a hard time trying to focus on me. She fell against the doorframe and slurred, "Baby, I'm home. My God, I'm home. It's finally over."

I quickly glanced around and reached for the gun I now kept on the side table next to the front door. Where was that asshole, Eddie? He's probably going to leap out of the bushes and beat me up again.

She saw the look of fear on my face, and even in her stupor, she knew what I was afraid of. She slurred out, "Eddie's not here. He left me. He said he didn't want a pregnant sow."

She started to move to enter the house. I put my hand square in the center of her chest and stopped her. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Inside. Now that this nightmare is over, I'm home."

"This isn't your home any more."

"Not my home? What do you mean?" She seemed to have a hard time grasping the concept that she was not welcome in my house.

"Kimberly, you shit on me and our marriage that day ten months ago. You let your stud biker boyfriend beat me almost to death and then you poured indignations and humiliations on me by fucking and sucking him in front of me. The things you did with him that day are burned in my mind. Plus you stole all of my hard earned money for your own kinky uses with that asshole."

I reached around the doorframe and lay the gun down on the tabletop and opened the table drawer. I reached in and pulled out her rings.

Holding the rings up in front of her face, I waited until her drugged vision could focus on the rings. "See these? You used his cum to grease your finger to get these off. You didn't hesitate to destroy our marriage with that act."

Kim fell to the ground and moaned. She lay in a fetal position and moaned louder. She began to wail as tears streamed down her face as she looked up into my eyes. "Oh my God, it's not what you think! Do you think I did all of that to humiliate you?"

"Yes. What else would cause you to shit on me and your daughter like you did?"

"To protect you! I knew Eddie was mean enough and mentally unstable enough to kill you! I did all of that to divert his attention. If I hadn't done what I did, you would be dead now. And maybe Angie, too! He told me he would kill you if I didn't do what he wanted! I love you and didn't want you dead!"

I was floored. She was trying to sell me on everything she did she did for me? She loves me? Give me a fucking break! What a line of bullshit!

Looking down at her, I said in the coldest voice I could, "So you were protecting me from him? Based on what I saw and heard that day, it was not the first time he screwed you. I'm going to ask you one question. Did you really think you could fuck that guy and not expose us, your husband and daughter, to his sick and twisted actions?"

She hiccupped from the hard crying she had been doing. Sniffling she said, "I'm so sorry, Sam. Yes. I had sex with him a lot before you came home and found us in bed. I – I met him that first night I went bar hopping with the girls. He must have slipped something in my drink because I got all disoriented and horny. He had two friends with him that must have done something similar to my two girlfriends, because a little later that night the six of us were in a hotel room having group sex. I had to lick Mary's pussy while Eddie fucked me doggie style. She had one of Eddie's friend's cock buried in her mouth most of the time I was doing it."

"We drank a lot of alcohol and I think Eddie brought out some pot. That part is not real clear to me. It must have been around eight o'clock when Eddie ordered me to call my mom and tell her Mary had been in an automobile accident and was in the hospital. He said he wanted to do me all night and that I needed to make sure my mom didn't get worried when I failed to come to pick up Angie before daylight."

She stopped and her voice quivered again, "Oh, Sam, I'm sorry, but I was so hot and horny and so messed up on those drugs Eddie gave me that I wanted to stay and get laid. I'm so sorry I was so weak. I did everything Eddie ordered me to after that phone call to mom."

She continued, "When I woke up in the morning, I felt like crap. Eddie's cum was drying all over me. Mary and I were wrapped together in each other's arms. The guy that had been screwing her mouth was snoring and still had his dick inside her ass. I panicked and yelled waking up Mary. Eddie was nowhere around, so Mary and I grabbed our clothes, dressed, and got the hell out of there. The other friend of Eddie's was in the room banging Trish, our other girlfriend. She was single and said she was enjoying the sex and would get her own way home later."

Kim's body trembled as she continued her story, "I got home and tried to shower the regret and guilt away with the dirt from the evening of debauchery. But, I couldn't. I was so ashamed that I didn't want to talk to you for fear you would know something had happened.

"Eddie's other friend took a lot of pictures of us that night and the next day Eddie showed up at our door with a dozen pictures of us doing all kinds of perverted things. I never thought I could do such things."

She trembled again, "He told me I was his now. He would fuck me when and where he wanted or you, my mom, and our friends would all get copies of those pictures. He also said he would kill you if I didn't do what he said. And I knew he meant it.

"So, for all of those days and nights from that first evening until you found us in our bed, I was with him at cheap hotels, back rooms of smelly bars, even the front porch of Mary's house. Oh yes, Mary was drawn into it, too. She was threatened the same way and was as scared as I was."

I stopped her and asked, "Did you ever think of telling me all this and asking for help in dealing with the guy?"

"No, I couldn't. He would have killed you. He almost did anyway. I did everything I could that day to keep his attention focused on using me. I was hoping he would leave you alone. I was dying inside from knowing you were seeing your loving wife acting as a whore for him. It killed me to do it. But, can't you see, I had no choice?"

This is either the best thought out bunch of bullshit I ever heard or she really believes that she was in a no-win situation with me possibly being killed. Does her story make any difference now? Can I believe that is what happened? Does she expect me to raise his bastard child? These and other thoughts swirled through my mind.

I finally made a decision and taking a deep breath. I reached down and helped her to her feet. Not so much to help her as to try to get her moving away from the house. It was now getting to be an embarrassment to have the neighbors possibly seeing me talking to my whore ex-wife.

I said to her, "Stay right here for a second. I have to get something from the kitchen." I closed the door on her and went to get the bundle of papers that we had never been able to serve on her.

I opened the door and shoved the papers into her hands. "These are your divorce papers. There is also a temporary retraining order that you are not to approach within five hundred feet of this house nor Angie or me."

She stared down at the papers in her hand and said nothing.

I continued, "There is nothing of yours left in this house. Your clothes, your computer, and all of your personal stuff are in a storage facility. Your mother has the key."

She started to protest and push her way in the door. I pushed her back with enough force that she fell sprawled on the sidewalk. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and raised her hands toward me as if pleading with me to accept her again.

"Kimberly, if you don't leave at once, I'll call the cops and have them escort you from the property. In fact, I'm calling them anyway because there is still a warrant for your arrest for your part in my beating. I suggest you get ready to be a guest of the state for a few years."

I went back in the house and slammed the front door on her as she lay there like a pathetic pile of human waste.

I fell back against the wall and cried. Why Kimberly? Why? I loved you with all my heart and then you shit on it. Why?

I thought briefly about what she had said. She had done everything to protect me from Eddie killing me.

Could that be true? What if it is? Does it really change anything?

I was torn about what to do. Could it be possible that I still had feelings for her?

I limped back to the kitchen and poured a tall glass of bourbon on the rocks. My lunch was long since cold and I no longer felt like eating. But I did feel like drinking. I carried the drink to the family room and sat down in my recliner.

After ten or fifteen minutes of reviewing what had just happened I decided to make two phones calls. The first was to Kim's mom.


"Hi, it's me, Sam."

"Oh Sam, how are you?"

"Doing as well as you might expect. Look, I have something to tell you. You'd best sit down."

"What is it? Is it about Kim?" She nervously asked.

"Yes, it is. She was just here."

"What? Can I talk to her?"

"No, you can't because I didn't let her in. I gave her the divorce papers and told her you had the key to where her stuff is stored. I think she is probably headed your way now."

"Oh Sam! She's come home!"

"Don't get your hopes up. She looks like a ten-dollar whore, is in late pregnancy and seems to be strung out on drugs."

"My god, what's happened to her? Who has she become?"

I stopped for a moment to consider my answer to that question. "Well, I don't know and I really don't care. I want to let you know that as soon as we hang up from this conversation, I'm calling the cops. Kim still has to face the outstanding warrant for her arrest."

We spoke for another minute or so and then hung up the call.

I picked up the receiver and dialed the police. Whatever happened from here out was none of my concern. Or was it?

Chapter 4 – The Gang's All Here

I pulled the business card from my wallet and reached for the phone. I dialed the number of Detective Johnson who was working my case. He wasn't there but I left a voice message that my wife had just shown up at my door. Then when I wouldn't let her in she left and was probably headed to her mother's house.

Hanging up, I massaged my temples with my fingers and tried not to come unglued over Kim's sudden appearance. Why did she come back here? Does she really think I'm stupid enough to believe her cock and bull story about always loving me and trying to save me?

I saw the look on her face as that asshole screwed her on our marital bed. She loved it. She moaned and groaned like the two-bit whore she is. She didn't hesitate to smear his cum all over the golden wedding band of love and fidelity on her left hand and leave it with her cum covered engagement ring on the bed in front of my battered face.

She'd done everything the asshole had told her to and never hesitated. She had humiliated me and left me dying or for dead. She had stolen all our money. She had entered the porn industry and sold her body to provide money to him. She had become pregnant with his baby. She had left her family behind without a word for ten months after telling her mother not to try to find her.

I took my bourbon to my easy chair and sank into its soft cushions. For the next two hours, I sat and sipped my drink and pondered on just how screwed up life is.

The phone shook me from my reverie. It was detective Johnson. They had arrested Kim at her mother's home. Apparently, Kim had gotten into a fight with her mother. She had demanded to know where Angie was and her mom refused to tell her. Her mom told her she couldn't see Angie until Kim cleaned up and went through rehab. Kim had started calling her mom names and started shaking her. Her mom tried to protect herself by pushing Kim away. Kim had fallen and yelled obscenities at her mom. When she got up she came toward her mom in a threatening manner and her mom had run from the house yelling for help. The neighbors had called the cops who responded quickly and arrested Kim.

Detective Johnson said that Kim was in a state of complete exhaustion and was hysterical. The cops had been forced to restrain her and she was now tied down to a bed at County General Hospital's psych ward. They figured she would be in withdrawal from the drugs for the next week or so. At that time she would be brought before a judge to plead on the charges facing her from my debilitating ordeal with her and her boyfriend.

As far as I know, nobody went to visit her while she was in detox. Her mother was terrified of her at this point and I certainly had no use for her.

Detective Johnson stopped by my house on the eighth day after her arrest to let me know that she would be entering her plea in court the next morning. I stood by the kitchen sink making dinner and asked if I should be there. He simply shrugged and said, "That's up to you. There is no legal reason you need to be there."

As he turned to leave, he stopped and turned back. He looked me square in the eye and said, "Look. It's none of my business, but I think you should eventually talk to her. The story she has told us pretty much checks out. I think it's quite possible that she was caught in something from which she saw no way out. I really think she thought her actions would protect you and your daughter from harm."

"What differences does it make?" I asked him. "What she did to me was reprehensible. What she did in walking away from our little girl without a word was beyond reprehensible. She became a whore for that guy. She degraded herself and is having his baby. What possible difference would the original reason for her actions make to me at this point?"

He shook his head, "I guess no difference. She is one fucked up woman right now. Plus I think you are still pretty screwed up over what happened. I just thought both of you might heal faster if you talked it out."

"I've got nothing to talk to her about, detective." I replied in hoarse voice. "We're finished."

I saw Johnson out and returned to making my dinner. I took all of the preparations and stuffed them back in the refrigerator. I'd lost my appetite.

I slept fitfully that night. I kept thinking about the last thing she had said to me that day when Eddie had all but killed me. As she was leaving with him she had bent over my head and whispered, "I do this for love. Goodbye, my husband. I will always adore you."

I had tossed and turned as questions ran through my head. Did she mean that she had done it for her love of Eddie? Or did she mean me? Why would she say she would always adore me? Why did she call me 'my husband'? She had to know that screwing him in front of me and participating in the acts of humiliation Eddie had heaped on me would end our marriage? Was there any truth to that story she told me about Eddie drugging her? And that crap she said about Eddie's buddy taking pictures and blackmailing her and Mary. Was there any truth in that?

I sat up on the edge of the bed and glanced at the clock. The clock's amber digits indicted it was five in the morning. I rested my elbows on my knees and stared at the door of the closet that had contained Kim's clothes.

I made my decision. I'm going to see Mary and see what she knows about Kim's story.

I knew Mary very well. She and her husband, Carl Cramer, were our oldest friends in the neighborhood. They lived across the street from my house. I couldn't believe that she would be any part of this and keep silent all this time.

Getting up from the bed, I showered, and dressed. Having made up my mind to do something had taken a big weight off me. I was ravenous and fixed myself a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast.

I walked into the living room and opened the drapes. I stood at the window with my coffee sipping on the hot liquid as I watched the Cramer's house. Carl came out and got in his car. He was dressed in a suit like most detectives on the local police force wore. He had been on the force for almost ten years.

He drove off to work. I waited a few minutes and then walked across the street to the Cramer's front door. I rang the bell and waited.

I heard her yell, "Hang on Larry! Geez, you're a half hour early! I'll be right there."

Mary answered the door in very nice looking yellow and black sun dress and sandals strapped to her bare feet. She looked surprise to see me standing there. "Sam? What are you doing here?"

She seemed a little nervous as she cut her eyes back and forth looking up and down the block.

I said, "Mary, Kim came home yesterday."

She sucked her breath in and replied, "Kim? Back home? Is she all right? What happened to Eddie?"

I raised my hand to cut her off from more questions. "Mary, can I come in? I've got some things I need to find out from you."

She glanced up and down the street again and looked at her watch. "Okay, come on in. I've got a few minutes."

I could see she was nervous about something. I wondered who Larry was. She had called out his name when I had knocked. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples stuck straight out in the cooler air of the home's interior. Hmmm, maybe little Mary is still playing with Eddie's friend.

She sat down demurely on the couch and placed her hands into her lap. She looked over at me waiting for me to say something.