All Comments on 'She Wasn't Mine Anymore'

by delayedaction

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  • 158 Comments (Page 2)
WellplayedsirWellplayedsirabout 3 years ago

Something bad needs to happen to his ex wife, you can only screw over someone so many times.

KarnevilKarnevilalmost 3 years ago

I didn't finish this story so I didn't think I had the right to mark it, had I finished and if it continued in the same vein I would have given a big fat 1*.

There was a lot of utter crap here: for a start the incessant boring talk about the military, there's a place for everything but endless references to the army don't belong on a site supposedly meant for erotica. Next, please, please when will writers realise that the person whose name is on the contract and only that person can cancel a phone and sole credit card. Try it? You'll find the company won't even speak to you. Incidentally, if he did manage to cancel her phone how in gods name did she make a quick phone call when she arrived home and why did he give her cancelled number to his lawyer?

Do I need to mention the utterly rediculous way he gained access to her hotel room? Staff happy to give confidential information to absolute strangers, security leaving private access doors unlocked and master keys laying around, please do me a favour!

I tried, fighting against the tide but eventually had to admit defeat and stop reading after the farcical courtroom scene and the introduction of the beautiful female major, one cliche too many I'm afraid.

The writing and grammar were good but sadly ruined by boring action, bad research and more holes than a fishing net

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh poor little Major gets upset when a cheating bitch tells her a little story. God help the army if their officers fall apart at the first sign of trouble.

TheGreyWolf81TheGreyWolf81almost 3 years ago

@Karnevil Try the nearest hentai website if you want stories without any story building. Erotica is a story like any other story, just where levels of explicit sexual content may be present.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Very weak writing with foolish plot full of holes, the Hawaii nonsense is truly ridiculous as Karnevil pointed out

The rebound stuff is even more ridiculous, the guy that was hit with miscommunications and aware of that puts his nose high up and does miscommunications nonsense immediately. Two pages for really boring and plotless predictable rebound part of your story is really not worth much.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


You knew what was going to happen but it didn't matter. Another chapter would show revenge against the ex-cunt wife and I would like that, but it really isn't necessary. A happily ever after is always great.

Five Stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

PISSED. Just another buttheaded, opinionated, selfserving skank who deserves to be alone.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Huh, i must have read a different story than the commenters below. I thought it was well executed

jazzharpjazzharpover 2 years ago

Still great! Just reread it. Didn't remember why I made it a favorite, now I do.

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

Yes, finally, yes. A female character I can like who isn't a cardboard cut out of the secretly sociopathic moron that some nice guy married and then is shocked, shocked I tell you, when she turns out to care about nothing but her own gratification. I like Major Bradley; she made a mistake, was hurt, then made it right or was at least in the process of doing so. Yes, finally, a real non sociopath moron woman in one of these. Well done.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago

No wishy-washy opinions among these commenters. Congrats to Mr. delayed for stirring the pot so effectively.

Well written and I enjoyed it.

Keep 'em comin'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’m surprised that he went back.

If he has that reaction every time something comes up during their marriage, he’s in for another divorce.

Hopefully she’s good enough in bed to make up for it all.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A small but growing club of those of us that are fed-up with foul rantings of dark2donut2. I also give the author five stars as I think his stories are STELLAR. Hope he keeps writing. LP

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wondering if there are more stories coming up than these 6...I hope so!

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

You are a very good writer sir. The endings are rather abrupt...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5 Stars on a good Story . I hope that You write many more as you have a true Gift for Writing

not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestover 2 years ago

It's an okay story, i guess. He wasn't particularly a sympathetic character and i've noticed with your other stories, the first wife always seems to mysteriously become a slut for no reason whatsoever. Must be a lot of Martians running around in your world.

eh9198eh9198about 2 years ago

Good story for sure, thank you. But if a Chekov’s gun mistake though (unless I missed it). We never heard the “why” as to why Lois cheated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If someone who was suppose to love me took the word of another person she barely knew without any proof whatsoever and then wouldn't talk to me about it afterwards, she would never hear from me again... what kind of relationship could they have if she shut down every time she suspected something that wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This author just writes the same story over and over and changes the names of the characters. Oh yeah, and the MOS of the cheated on hubby.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So I guess we're just going to gloss over her not even bothering to ask him if any of the shit his ex said was true? She just believed it.. no proof needed. Yeah, that's someone I'd want to be in a relationship with🙄🙄🙄

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I did the military thing (USAF) and the woman I married was a little church goer.

She manipulated and deceived me for many years.

I finally found some information to her deception-s.

Her action-s info has keep growing and growing after divorced at 40 years old and now I'm 80

I really don't understand women; If you do you must be exceptional, cause I don't feel they understand them selves for very long.

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 1 year ago

Stories are too systematic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

LOL. So the ex-husband gave her an STD, the MC doesn't even baulk at doing her, even though she never stated it was gone, nor what it was.

I would have pushed her away straight away till she showed me a clean bill of health. Then she freaks out over something his ex-wife said without clarifying it with him. How many major RED FLAGS is that? Run dude. RUN!!!

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

Great Story!! loved It!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story is a typical romance story, but very well done. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the (USAF) guy in the comments.

I've been there done that. My ex doesn't even know if my son is mine

or maybe an a-hole named Jake USAF.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Everyone has some baggage

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Anon LOL

You should consider the likelihood you’re a dumbass

remb95remb95about 1 year ago

kinda vanilla but my first time to read one of your stories and I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really liked this one, wish the author was still contributing here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I've never been in the military and have no point of reference, but the lack of respect to a superior officer (Bradley), even if she is a bitch and not directly in one's own chain of command, seems strange to me.

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

You have the same habit many writers have on this site: you can't FTDS!!!! Yes, I can use my imagination and think they got married and lived HEA. And that he got real payback on his slut of an ex-wife. But that would infringe on YOUR story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow. Lois was a flaming bitch.

Lois: "Because I know you. And it's been eating at you not knowing why your perfectly sweet, innocent, loving wife, fucked another man. Not once. Not twice, but at least a dozen times and enjoyed it every time.".

===> so spiteful. And them messing with Major Bradley. What an utter bitch. Regardless of why she thought she cheated, the real reason is simple. She did it because she could and/or she got a thrill out of it. This explains her email comment to the Doctor that if her husband Lea es again for time overseas by himself, she will find someone else. This was the first time in Korea and she decided she liked to play. And would do so again. An irredeemable bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Liked it very much. Leading a military life is hard enough but trying to maintain a family just invites chaos.

Weii done .

Sumnut96Sumnut9610 months ago

5 stars. Apparently, you served. I'm assuming that because you did NOT fuck up the jargon. Well written and paced. Thank you for your time and talent. DMW aka

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yeah like a guy trying to disguise himself in a resort lobby wearing a fucking hoodie wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb! He probably was in military intelligence.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just average. Pretty much a cut and paste job from his other stories

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You didn't burn Lois. That is why you failed.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

On page one. Nobody notices a man wearing a hoodie, indoors even, in Hawaii, big sunglasses or no, a HOODIE? Back to the story...



AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

To sumnut96… on a military base, the local grocery store is called a commissary… I didn’t serve but even I know that. Giving a 5* to blasé stories because you think serving earns extra cred is as dumb as people believing a single word out of Trump’s mouth. Respect to those who did serve. I couldn’t due to a c3,c4 fracture as a teen. Not that that matters. To the author… 4* burning the ex would have help get the last illusive *. You chose not to btb, in a btb story?? Um wants the point of that?

photogman18photogman188 months ago

You should have thrown in some comments about the Rocker and Rocker II. I spent 6 1/2 years at Knox in various units between the 1 ATB, 194th AR Bde and the NCO Academy..., and 3 years in 8th Army near the DMZ. The story took me home. Thanks.

RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago

“She wasn’t mine anymore… But I traded up.“

That sentence, to me, reveals everything that is wrong with the main character, and the story. The main character doesn’t see the woman he’s married to as a person, he sees her as an object, an accessory. He doesn’t have a relationship with a wife, he has a possession, that he can trade for a better one. Nothing unique, just another pussy. With that kind of attitude, it shouldn’t be any surprise that the relationship is transactional.

He doesn’t have a relationship with a woman who cheated, he just has a wife thing with a dirty pussy. No discussion, no exploration of their relationship. Was there anything in the marriage besides sex? Guess not. All she is to him is a pussy, and it’s become used and filthy.

Now he wants a fresh pussy. One that’s never had a cock in it. I guess it’s time to start cruising playgrounds and junior high schools.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Seems silly to say the issue is he thought of her as a possession. My wife is mine and I am hers till we are not. Good story stubborn people are a little frustrating. I only remember miser, agony, and heartbreak at fort knox so the story seems appropriate.

LoneandlevelLoneandlevel7 months ago

Oh Ruttweiler, I hope you're very young. If you've gotten to middle age and still know so little about relationships, I'm sorry.

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago

Funny hole, the fridge we don't live food in house when we go. Especially when there ample warning.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman6 months ago

Good, interesting. Kind of a rushed ending, as in, no marriage, troubles being posted to same bases, etc.

6King6King6 months ago


knoxhardknoxhard6 months ago

I liked it. Good effort. After finishing all this I find myself most curious about why his wife could end up being such a horrible person. Did he have any clue that she had so much bitch in her? Did she have so little self-awareness?

I know from personal experience over far too many decades that women are very capable of hiding a lot of their true nature when it is in their interests to do so. Doing so over years of marriage like in this story, however, without revealing some serious narcissistic self-centeredness is difficult to pull off (although a man in love is very capable of missing red flags, even some pretty obvious ones).

It's just a story and pretty well done. You write what you want. I just wanted to say that as a reader, certain questions arise. If lots of your readers had the same questions and you feel you have some answers, perhaps take the plot in that direction.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

Great story again. I still have an intense hatred for the cheating spouses of deployed military. There is no acceptable excuse ever for that type, any type really, cheating. I especially enjoy the stories where the returning soldier terminates the cheater’s lover with extreme prejudice. Just divorcing doesn’t seem like enough revenge.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

@Loneandlevel - that commenter (ruttweiler) based on their commenting history is a man hating idiot, who never saw a cheating lying bitch he (or more likely she) didn't defend and raise up, and never saw a cheating victim husband he didn't hate, unless the hsuband agreed to be a cuck of course, then ruttie tolerates them and is happy.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

3 stars, due to several problems.


- first, he didn't exactly "trade up" - he just found someone who wasn't an obvious cheating asshole and had lower risk of cheating being a cheating victim. But she has major psychological issues - AND KNOWING THAT didn't bother going to therapy. As a result she not only hurt the guy she claimed to "love" but also - even worse - allowed his ex-wife to hurt him.


The term "Trading up" - especially in LW context - usually implies finding someone MUCH BETTER, and not just "she didn't cheat on me yet". Moreover, USUALLY the implication is that even the ex is forced to acknowledge the fact of trading up, at least for superficial reasons, which here obviously doesn't apply.


- Second, and also related to "not trading up", they mostly seem to be "relationship based on sex". There's not much indication in the story that they are otherwise compatible as a couple, especially long term.


-Lastly, there was literally ZERO punishment to ex wife, even for the cheating - never mind later problems she caused.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

@anon below. A Major, even if it is just an Army one, is definitely a trade up from a mere make up saleswoman.

Therapy is for weak mindless individuals that need to be told or require validation for how they want to be or are.

As for the ex, that she had to try to poison his relationship says more than enough about the damage she suffered. He'll be living rent free in her mind for years if not decades to come. It's funny how you'd suggest therapy is needed while at the same time ignoring the very real psychological trauma the ex must be going through. Though I guess some ppl can't get past the need for the physical.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This wasn't a story about trading up, because he didn't, just got with someone else. But we don't know how far it went beyond sex. Did they marry?

The ex-wife, nothing on what her life's about. That she did to his new woman was several layers below an unmitigated cunt. As such, there was no retaliation against her.

Retaliation - there's nothing against the 1st lover outside of his divorce, or the other officers that fucked her while still married.

That he didn't confront her in the room while she's having sex in Hawaii, even tho he did take a bunch of her & his personal items. At least, upon leaving, a call when leaving to ask her how the sex was.

Too many missing parts tho the writing was good.

Suggestion for the author: ask if everything's covered- the what happened, some history of the why, & what happens after the story's believed to finished. 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ex cheated ans sabataged his future? Not enough pain for the cunt.

Rbtctrl1957Rbtctrl1957about 2 months ago

At best; meh! At worst; lame!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

An Anon. commented,

“A Major, even if it is just an Army one…” made me laugh. And made me wonder what kind of Major would be the better, or the best, choice.

Pretty good story, DA, thanks for sharing it here.

TajfaTajfa5 days ago

This felt like two stories. Why did the cheating wife tell his new girl the lies about him? She was the cheater.

Half the story was about his wife then nothing.

I still enjoyed the story. So 4 stars.

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