She Wolf Ch. 02


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Kyra was graduating at the top of her class, and Nina was so proud. She and BJ rode to the local high school together to view her accomplishments. Celia worked in Shreveport, Louisiana and could not come to the graduation. BJ was a police officer and now a newly elected pack Beta. All four family members had gained great respect from the Loess pack and several members of the pack attended the graduation.

Nina stood, filled with pride as she watched her youngest march in with her fellow graduates. Her heart overflowed as she recalled the struggles and challenges her baby undergone to survive. Then, the announcer called her name. Nina's heart swelled as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. At the end of the ceremony, the Alpha and Madam Alpha of the Loess pack congratulated Kyra, and issued an invitation to join. Then a strange odor permeated the room.

The wolves went on instant alert, Vampire. A vampire was near and they needed to retreat. Kyra looked up and saw Nicolette standing, before she could move, a young wolf named Malcolm blocked her path. "You will not go near that blood sucker." He growled.

He has some nerves. Kyra thought as she quickly shoved him aside and ran to greet her friend. Javon and Elise stood stunned. The vampire hugged the young she-wolf gently and showed genuine affection for her. Soon both children ran to greet the vampire, as she approached Nina and the Alphas. Nina greeted her friend with a hearty hug and introduced her to them who graciously welcomed her.

The Alphas invited Nicolette to visit the compound and she graciously accepted. She and Nina were so close and really cared for each other. Nina's acceptance of her made it easy for the other wolves to accept her as well. The only one that had a problem was young Malcolm. It wasn't that he disliked Nicolette, but what she represented. He knew Kyra wanted to move to Nashville and attend school there. That was too far away. She's live with the bloodsucker and he'd end up losing his best friend. He knew Kyra was not his mate, but she was very important to him.

Malcolm was not very popular in the pack. He was Omega, so he often bore the brunt of most jokes. Kyra didn't treat him like the others. She was nice to him and accepted him. If she moved away, he would be alone again. Javon noticed the sullen look and demeanor of the young wolf. He was aware of the friendship he'd formed with the young she wolf.

Malcolm, I need to see you in my office. Javon sent to the young man mentally as everyone visited and celebrated with the young graduates.

Yes sir, Alpha he responded.

Elise and the other women were talking with Nina and Nicolette, laughing at exploits the two women shared of their time together.

Malcolm entered his Alpha's office. Head bowed in submission, he waited for the other shoe to drop. "Malcolm, sit. I've asked your father to join us as well." Malcolm's heart began to pound.

"I know Kyra is your friend and you don't want her to leave, but she has to go son. It won't be forever, and who knows maybe she'll change her mind decide to come back sooner. I'm worried about you." Javon explained softly to the young male.

"Alpha, I'm fine. I will miss my friend. That's all." Malcolm retorted.

"Son, I know you will miss her, but remember, we are here for you as well." His father explained.

"Dad, I know. I'll miss her that's all. But, I'll be alright." Malcolm explained.

He embraced his dad with a quick hug from the Alpha and they returned to the dining hall where everyone was talking. Javon and Malcolm's father watched the young man upon his return.

"Hey best friend." Kyra greeted Malcolm the moment she caught him alone. "Let's walk." The two of them walked down Cypress Lane, stopping at a small lake at the end. Malcolm sat on a big rock as Kyra took a deep breath to speak to him.

"Hey, what's going on Malcolm? You haven't said three words to me all day since Nicky came." Kyra asked hurt. She missed joking with her friend.

"You're leaving Kyra. I don't want you to go." Malcolm explained.

"Malcolm, you can come to Nashville to visit. I'll come home often and we can always talk and chat online. Come on, it will be alright." She embraced her friend.

Malcolm held her back. She was his best friend, his only friend. She meant the world to him. Her leaving felt like a knife to his heart. Kyra Daniels was the best, and if she met someone there, he'd lose her forever. That scared him more than anything.

The Alphas extended an invitation to Nicolette to stay at the compound. She refused because she was staying with Nina at her small home. The two friends talked all night. Nicolette agreed to allow Kyra to live with her and attend State College. The next day, Nicolette returned home to make arrangements to receive her young guest. Nicholette also wanted to pop in on Celia. Celia was hiding something. She wasn't sure what, but she'd find out.

For the next two months of summer, Kyra and Malcolm were inseparable. They spent every moment they could together. Often, Kyra would show up just to help Malcolm with his work, so he'd finish early and they could spend the day together.

Their relationship tickled BJ. It was obvious to everyone that looked that they were mates. They didn't realize it yet, but it was clearly obvious. He'd keep an eye on his future brother-in-law for baby sister until she came home and he claimed her.

Summer ended and the two friends shared a tearful good bye the night before she left. The next day, Nicolette drove up to pick Kyra up, and as she left Malcolm was nowhere in sight. She looked around, searching frantically for him. Soon, it was time to leave. As Nicky drove away, Kyra saw Malcolm hiding slightly behind some trees. She asked Nicky to stop and had to chase her friend. He ran, for he didn't want her to see his tears.

Malcolm please come, talk to me. You're my best friend, and I don't want to leave like this, she sent to him mentally. He heard her. She had never spoken mentally to him before. How could she now. They weren't mates and she wasn't pack. "Wait, Kyra, how?" he asked confused.

She had caught up with him, at their spot by the lake. She cupped his face and kissed him gently, tears cascading down her cheeks. "You know." smiling she continued, "I'll be back. Wait for me." She kissed him once more and rushed back to Nicky's car.

Nina shed a few tears as her baby left home for college. Her son, BJ, came over and sat with her. He knew his sister leaving would be hard on her. He'd miss Kyra, but this was a fantastic opportunity for her.

For a moment, he thought about Celia. BJ often thought of his oldest sister. She was so strong, brave, but she wouldn't come home. He missed her. He wanted to see her, and he would head to Shreveport when he had another leave from work. Maybe mom could go with him.

He hugged his Mom and promised her Kyra would be fine. Nicky wouldn't let anything happen to her. Nina hugged her baby boy back. BJ was always there for her. She was so proud of him, all three of them really.

But now she had to deal with her past, face the demons she buried for so long. Nina was now alone. She remembered that the pack welcomed her, but now that her kids were grown, she needed to move on. Over the years, the women often asked her about her potential mate, but she didn't deserve a new mate. As she finished that thought, her eyes landed on the one man that had the ability to shatter her resolve.

Nina turned from him quickly, and decided to finally grieve for the life that she'd lost. So the following Monday, she resigned her post at the school. No one really questioned her at first, except one person. He ran straight to the Alpha and asked him to intervene. Javon called her to the compound to amend his edict from years earlier and told her she didn't have to leave. Graciously, Nina accepted his words but wanted time alone. She needed time; time to come to terms with all of the things she'd gone through. So she asked if they could give her time and they agreed.

Grateful to the Loess pack, Nina moved to a private retreat that the pack owned to contemplate. Nina remembered being part of a pack. Now more than ever, she missed her mate, Benson. Not a day passed that she didn't relive the nightmare that was his death. She had no time to truly grieve because her three small pups were depending on her. As their only parent and sole protector, she focused on making sure the four of them survived. For years, she buried the memories. As she worked to raise the kids, she pushed her wolf down subjugated her because to let her be free endangered her kids. But now, alone in the hills she could remember. She could recall every agonizing moment in clear detail.

Benson was the most loving of mates. When her wolf saw him, she claimed him immediately. He wasn't what most women called ideal, a bit scrawny and pale, but to her he was the most handsome man. He was a little less than six feet tall and wiry. He worked hard and kept his body in shape. His wolf was just as impressive to her. When he shifted, his thick gray-black fur shimmered. He was the sleekest and fastest amongst his kind. Her heart burst with pride when he asked her to mate with him. Her parents who were also Omegas felt it was a good match. The young couple went to their Alpha and he blessed them.

The first night he made love to her was magical. It was the first snow and they went up to the mountains to mate for the first time. Benson ushered her into the lonely log cabin and built a fire to warm them. Then they snuggled next to the fire and admired the snowfall through the boxed windows in the front of the cabin.

Nina felt she was pretty enough. Even in her human form, she was considered truly lovely. She was not very tall barely reaching five feet, but her frame was compact. With long deep auburn hair, surrounding a heart-shaped faced, Benson could stare at her for hours. She kept her body in shape and had a perfectly lean-sculpted frame. Benson loved watching her whether in wolf form, or human form, her beauty astounded him. In wolf form, her sleek auburn covered body was a sight to behold, and Benson thanked Luna for blessing him with such a divine mate.

Benson knew she was frightened, so he let her set the pace. He kissed her and didn't proceed without making sure she was comfortable. He loved her thoroughly. No man she'd ever been with had ever been so gentle.

Finally they were ready to mate completely, and they shifted. Benson mounted her driving his long stiff member deep inside. They both howled at the joining because it was so intense. Benson then lay claim on her body, and loved her with great passion. Nina whimpered reveling in the feel of him dominating her. Pistoning in and out of her body, Benson stiffened and howled. Leaning forward, he bit her, effectively marking her as his mate. She had to bite him to complete the ritual, but they still had time as he released his seed deep inside his new mate.

As they held each other, Benson promised Nina that he'd love and protect her for the rest of their lives. Nina kissed him, and they made love once more. Nina then loved him and claimed her mate with the mating bite, sealing their bond. They stayed at the cabin for a few more days before returning home. In the end, they were mated and both served as Omegas in the pack for ten years. For years, Nina failed to conceive, but after their tenth wedding anniversary, Nina went into estrus. Four weeks later as Benson loved her thoroughly, he lay across her stomach and he heard the sweetest sound. He heard the faint heartbeats of their child.

With tears streaming down his face, he told her of the babe. She'd never seen a more happy or proud wolf. He was the same with all three pregnancies. Celia was born first, and she was so much like her Dad, it was uncanny. Next, she gave birth to her son, BJ, short for Benson, Jr. Finally she had her last little girl, Kyra. All three pups were beautiful and with each birth, Benson was a proud Papa. A few years after Kyra was born, he became moody. He wanted something more than to just be a servant, so he petitioned the Alpha for the position of Theta. A few years passed, and a position opened up. The Alpha had been watching him and appointed him to a new status.

As Theta, his family moved to a larger home and didn't have to work as hard. Nina could have evenings to care for their children, where before she was a servant 16 out of a 24 hour day. Life was good for the family. Then one night, when Benson was on light guard duty, one of the Betas, Isaac, decided to have fun. For months, the Betas waited for Benson to come in and each night they teased, taunted, and abused him mercilessly. Benson endured the abuse. His new position gave his family much more than the position of Omega ever did.

One night, as he sat on guard duty, Isaac came in to continue his nightly torture. Benson fought back. So humiliated to be bested by a Theta, Isaac demanded a match at The Stones. When Benson got home the next morning, he told Nina what happened. She begged him to go to the Alpha and report them. Benson became angry and said she felt he was weak. The next night, he went to The Stones for his match. Nina followed.

Isaac, who was much larger and stronger than Benson wasted no time in besting the smaller wolf. Soon he had him down and pinned. Nina, seeing her mate about to be mortally wounded, charged and knocked the bigger wolf off. Isaac got up and charged her, when Benson moved and placed himself in front of her absorbing a fatal blow, falling on his mate. Nina screamed, because she knew there was no way he would survive. The other Betas stepped in and held Isaac back as Nina held her dying mate promising him that she'd take care of the kids and she loved him.

The Alpha arrived at The Stones and the events were relayed to him and he ordered the Betas to dispose of Benson's remains then glared at Nina. She interfered in a challenge. No one, especially a female, interfered in a challenge. This offense was punishable by death or banishment.

The Alpha ordered her home to wash herself and told the Betas to escort her to his home. She knew that if she died her kids had no one, so she begged for mercy and asked to be allowed to leave. The Alpha agreed and promptly decreed that Nina and her three pups were no longer members of the Thane Pack. They were hereby exiled and ordered to leave the compound post haste. Sadly, she and her three had to leave that night. For months they traveled until they ended up in Pueblo, New Mexico.

She petitioned for asylum and was promptly denied. But once the Alpha Bitch saw that she had a small girl and two small pups, they granted her a small clemency. She had to work for the pack and they'd offer her and her pups some protection. She and her pups were not members of the pack, so they were to be treated accordingly. That was two years of pure hell before she ran and met Nicolette.

Then she remembered her mate. The one man she was put on this earth to love. His loss pained her as if it had just happened yesterday. Nina closed her eyes, because the memories hurt. She missed Benson every day. When she worked so hard to protect her kids, she didn't think of him as much, but she always thought of him. Now Celia was in Louisiana, BJ was in the Loess Falls and Kyra was off to Nashville with Nicolette. She was alone.

Each week she called her kids to make sure they were safe. She'd just talked to Celia, her oldest, and she reassured her that she was fine. But for some reason, Nina felt restless. And tonight she thought of Benson even more. She couldn't call BJ, because he was on duty, so she left a message for him to call her the next day. She called Kyra and left her a voice mail.

Nicolette called her because she felt melancholy flow through their sister bond. She knew Nina had been badly hurt by her home pack, and she never came to terms with what happened. She also knew her friend needed to work through her grief, but feeling her pain and how lonely she was did not make it any easier on the vampirette. She wished she could just go and sit with her to help her through this. And if her thoughts became harmful, she would, but for now she'd give her time.

After talking with Nicolette and learning that Kyra was adjusting fine, Nina decided to lie down. As she was dozing, she heard a menacing sound. A deep growl permeated the air. Nina got out of bed, and walked to the window. Her wolf recognizing the scent wanted out. She'd scented her new mate and she refused to be denied.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You need to learn story telling... Youre not so much telling a story as you're describing what happened... There's a big difference... And this bounces all over the place...


skippersdadskippersdadover 3 years ago

good job I am hooked

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I loved it! Depressing as hell though I kept waiting for them to get a break.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Enjoying your story very much. Please continue.

willerileywillerileyabout 11 years ago

Did you mean vampiress? Or are you consciously creating a new word?

Just asking.


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