Sherry's Test Ch. 24

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Punished in front of her protege.
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Part 26 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/26/2009
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This is a continuation of the Sherry's Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it's own.

This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family as well as work environment. It does NOT contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males.

This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance to any real person.

Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated.

All copyrights for the series reserved.

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The dreaded 3 PM arrived again on Monday and Sherry walked into the staff lounge with trepidation. After a lull in the school spankings, Roberts had resumed the sessions again. Things seemed normal until the Principal stepped out of his office followed by a young lady.

"Staff, this is Tammy. She filled in as a temp teacher today and I was impressed with her work. When we have an opening in the future, I look forward to extending her an offer," he announced.

Sherry squirmed because she knew Tammy. She had a sinking suspicion that Roberts planned to humiliate her in front of her.

"And of course you know Sherry already, don't you?" inquired Roberts.

"Oh yes! Sherry was my mentor in college. I really looked up to her. Oh I am so happy to see you," said Tammy as she went over and hugged Sherry.

Sherry looked at Roberts pleadingly but by his devilish grin, she knew that pleading would be to no avail.

"So Sherry was a good role model for you?" inquired Roberts.

"Oh yes. She was! We were all so confused back then and Sherry was a pillar of strength and good sense. I could always rely on her for non-judgmental listening and sound advice," gushed Tammy.

"Well she is going to again prove to be an example today," said Roberts.

"Oh yeah? In what way?" asked Tammy eagerly.

"Tell her, Sherry," instructed Roberts.

Sherry squirmed uncomfortably but couldn't help marveling at how Roberts kept devising new ways of humiliating her. A part of her knew that she relished the humiliation as much as some other parts hated it, creating an incredibly erotic tension.
A part of her also knew she had a choice and could refuse to go along at any point but that part was kept hidden for it was far more convenient to think of herself as a helpless victim of circumstances.

Tammy and the rest waited while Sherry thought things over and looked at Matt. Matt's eyes looked like they were going to pop at the prospect of seeing her in this new embarrassing situation and she couldn't help smiling inwardly at his fetish. A few months ago she had thought of him as a boring straight arrow and he was anything but that.

"And kneel when you confess," said Roberts, wanting to make her pay for her hesitation.

Sherry thought of protesting but felt a rush of excitement course through her body at the prospect of experiencing this new humiliating situation.

She knelt before the wide-eyed Tammy and said, "Tammy I am sorry but you are going to be disappointed in me. I was caught leaking a test sometime back and agreed to be punished instead of being fired."

"Good lord! Sherry! I would never have thought you would end up in a situation like this! What kind of punishment?" asked Tammy.

"Public Corporal Punishment, I am afraid," said Sherry in a matter-of-fact manner.

"In public? Isn't that illegal?' asked the wide-eyed Tammy.

"It is illegal only for students. Moreover, I agreed," said Sherry, shrugging her shoulders as Tammy looked at her hero incredulously.

"Oh no! Poor Sherry! I am so sorry to hear that," said Tammy.

"Well you will do more than hear. You are going to witness it. As I said, she is going to serve as an example to you all over again," said Roberts.

"Oh no! I can't do that. It will be very embarrassing for me. Plus it will be embarrassing for poor Sherry," exclaimed Tammy at the outrageous suggestion.

"Well embarrassment is a big part of her punishment. Ask her," said the Principal.

"Yes, Tammy. Embarrassment is a big part of my punishment. I would like you to stay. I am sorry for letting you down but having you stay and witness my punishment should hopefully help make amends for that," said Sherry, her face now burning with shame as she knelt before her protégé with her hands clasped behind her head. And yet she could sense the familiar feelings of arousal welling up inside her.

"Oh Sherry. If you insist!" said Tammy, embarrassed which only served to increase Sherry's discomfiture.

"All right! Assume the position," said the Principal and Sherry went over and knelt on the familiar punishment chair in front of the mirror.

"Harvey , will you prepare her?" asked Roberts and Harvey jumped out of his chair and went over to his adversary.

Sherry had stood up to Harvey and mocked him despite her predicament during the previous Friday's session and Harvey was going to relish humiliating her by being the one to undress her.

Sherry bowed her head demurely and waited for the inevitable taunts.

"Ask me to remove your skirt," said Harvey simply.

" Harvey , Sir, will you be kind enough to divest me of my skirt and reveal my pantied behind to my esteemed colleagues?" said Sherry in an earnest voice and the audience guffawed because once again Sherry had refused to be cowed down by the situation and made a mockery of Harvey's instructions.

Harvey gnashed his teeth and stroked her ass before unhooking her navy blue skirt and unzipping it and letting it drop.

"And now the panties." said Harvey .

"Harvey, Sir. Please peel down my panties and expose my naked ass to the whole room," said Sherry simply, but blushed as she realized that her protégé would be seeing her in this shameful predicament.

"Oh my God! Sherry! How shameful!" exclaimed Tammy as Sherry turned another shade of red as she made eye contact with Tammy in the mirror. And yet again, she felt herself getting wetter.

Harvey peeled her panties down, swatted her ass and said, "No smart ass comments this time?"

Sherry shook her head in resignation.

"As the saying goes, if you are going to be a smart ass, your ass is going to smart," said Harvey sneeringly and got a few laughs.

Harvey then called Tammy over and expounded the gentle art of spanking as preached by the good principal.

Sherry waited patiently while Harvey matter-of-factly explained the process to the wide eyed Tammy.

"And to demonstrate," said Harvey spanking her left cheek.

"One thank you, Harvey Sir," said Sherry demurely with the slightest of winces as Tammy looked stunned.

"Two thank you, Harvey Sir," said Sherry as he spanked her right cheek.

"And now you do it," said Harvey to Tammy.

"That's OK. I will pass," said Tammy.

"This is part of her rehab," said Harvey .

Sherry decided not to delay the inevitable and said, "Oh just get it over with, Tammy. I don't want to be kneeling naked here all afternoon."

The audience laughed and Tammy looked at her mentor admiringly for the fortitude she was displaying.

"Oh Sherry, I am sorry," she said as she landed the first spank.

"One thank, you dear Tammy," said Sherry.

"Two thank you, dear Tammy," said Sherry as the second spank landed.

"Matt?" enquired Harvey and Matt came over and gave his sweetheart her two spanks as Tammy looked on incredulous at this surreal scene.

"Now stand up and strip," said Harvey, in a matter of fact manner as Tammy looked incredulous.

"No way!" she exclaimed as Sherry got up from her chair and faced Harvey, Matt and Tammy and started to unbutton her blouse, thankful that she had worn a long blouse that covered her pussy. But it would not be covered for long.

Tammy looked at her mentor with a mix of emotions – embarrassment, excitement and admiration.

Sherry felt her face burn with shame but her nipples hardened at the prospect of this new debasement and she started slowly unbuttoning her blouse. She started from the top and her bra slowly came on view and then her flat tummy after a couple of more buttons, her naked mound slowly came into view as Tammy stared at her transfixed.

She then peeled of her blouse and unhooked her bra slowly peeling off the cups off her breasts while maintaining eye contact with her nemesis, her sweetheart and her protégé. Her face was a mix of embarrassment and defiance.

"Now apologize," said Harvey as Sherry stood obediently naked waiting for the next instruction.

Sherry braced herself for the humiliation of doing this in front of her protégé and commenced her naked squats saying, "I am sorry I was a naughty teacher."

She finished her ten squats, her face burning with shame as well as perverse excitement as Tammy kept saying, "Oh Sherry! I can't believe you are doing this!"

"Now resume the position," said Harvey and Sherry went back and knelt on the punishment chair.

"This time we will do ten spanks," said Harvey and he proceeded to cup her breast while spanking her much to Tammy's amazement.

"So how does it feel to be spanked by me?" asked Harvey as he landed the first spank.

"One, thank you, Sir. I find it humiliating, Sir," said Sherry playing the role again.

"And that too when you are naked," said Harvey as he landed the next spank.

"Two, thank you, Sir. Yes it is embarrassing to be spanked naked," acknowledged Sherry.

"And that too in public," said Harvey as he landed the third spank.

"Three, thank you, Sir. Yes it is extremely humiliating to be spanked naked by my sworn enemy in public," moaned Sherry as she squeezed her thighs together trying to control her excitement.

"And that too in front of your fiancée," reminded Harvey as he landed the fourth spank.

"Four, thank you, Sir. Yes it is so humiliating to have you spank my naked butt in front of my fiancée," admitted Sherry.

"And in front of your protégé," said Harvey .

"Five, thank you, Sir. It is so degrading to be punished like this in front of my protégé," said Sherry looking at Tammy who made a heart gesture to let her know that she still loved her.

"And in front of your bff," said Harvey as he motioned to Nancy to come join him.

"Six, thank you, Sir. Oh it is sooo embarrassing to be spanked in front of Nancy ," admitted Sherry now hopelessly turned on and squirming.

"And do you like being punished like this in public?" inquired Harvey.

"Seven, thank you, Sir. No I do not like to be punished like this in public," protested Sherry.

"Oh methinks the lady doth protest too much," said Harvey surprising everyone because no one had thought him capable of quoting Shakespeare.

"Eight, thank you, Sir. I DO NOT like to be punished like this," insisted Sherry.

"Then why are you so turned on by this?" asked Harvey .

"Nine, thank you, Sir. I AM NOT turned on by this," lied Sherry.

"And if I stick my fingers in your pussy, I will not find it wet?" inquired Harvey and Tammy frowned and exclaimed "Ohh" at his crude question.

"Ten, thank you, Sir. I cannot help it if my pussy is wet," admitted Sherry blushing uncontrollably as she looked at Tammy's shocked expression.

"Sherry!" exclaimed Tammy as Sherry looked at the ceiling and wished the ground would swallow her up.

Matt of course was delighted. Not so much to see his sweetheart humiliated but he loved her expressions of embarrassment and shame and shyness as she went about her sessions and it made him insanely horny. And Sherry knew how beautiful she was in Matt's eyes even when she was put in these bizarrely humiliating situations and that made it easier. Plus she herself was insanely turned on by these sessions and she admired the diabolical principal as well as her fiancée for their abilities to keep devising new ways of humiliating her rather than just bump up the intensity of the sessions mindlessly.

Her reverie was broken by her fiancée commencing to spank her and he gave her ten spanks lovingly caressing her face and breasts and pausing to give her full-blooded kisses in between that left Sherry hopelessly soaking wet.

After Matt finished his ten spank, it was Nancy's turn and like Harvey, she teased Sherry mercilessly in front of the stunned Tammy.

Finally, it was Tammy's turn and Harvey and Nancy joined forces to tease her relentlessly about being spanked naked by her own protégé.

From Tammy's expressions, it was clear to the audience that Tammy too was getting increasing turned on and some members of the audience were already wondering how Tammy could be lured into this web of humiliation.

"And now for the center spread position," said Harvey as Sherry looked shocked.

"No! Please! Don't make me do that," she pleaded; horrified that she would have to expose herself like that in front of Tammy.

"And now the center spread position," repeated Harvey and Sherry burned with shame and excitement as she turned around and draped her legs around the sides of the chair and pushed her butt out so that it hung over the edge.

"Oh my God! Sherry! That must be soooo humiliating," exclaimed Tammy.

"Yes Tammy. It is very humiliating," wailed Sherry, as her gaping pussy stared at her audience.

"And yet she is horribly turned on," said Harvey as he dipped his finger in Sherry's pussy and showed Tammy how wet his finger was.

"I can't help that automatic response, Tammy," wailed Sherry.

"Yes you keep telling yourself that," said Harvey and Sherry shot daggers at him with her eyes.

"Now everyone will come and give you two spanks," said Harvey as he caressed her splayed pussy before giving her a spank on each cheek.

Others followed Harvey's example and soon Sherry was leaking her juices on the floor.

"Oh Poor Sherry this must be so degrading," Tammy kept exclaiming which only served to heighten her humiliation and erotic excitement.

Sherry was slowly being driven past the point of no return – the point where she had to have her orgasm no matter what. She squirmed and writhed helplessly looking infinitely seductive as she did so, as each of her colleagues came and played with her pussy before spanking her.

The Principal stimulated her clit and Sherry's pussy tried to hump his finger in order to get her much needed release but Roberts expertly did not let that happen.

She knew that if was futile to try and use her own fingers because Harvey or the Principal would intervene and tie her hands up.

She pleaded looking at her hated rival and said, "Please."

"Please what?" inquired Harvey as Tammy looked wide-eyed. Tammy intuited what Sherry was asking for but did not want to believe it.

"Please let me come, Harvey, Sir," pleaded the hapless Sherry.

"You want to orgasm in public in front of all of us?"? asked Harvey .

"Yes!! Damnit!" exclaimed Sherry.

"You want to have a shameless public orgasm in front of your protégé. The one who looked up to you as a model of rectitude?" asked Harvey.

"Yes!! I am sorry, Tammy!" said Sherry.

"It is Ok sweetie," said Tammy coming over to her and stroking her head lovingly.

"Beg," said Harvey.

"Harvey, my nemesis, my hated rival, I beg you to let me come," exclaimed Sherry not recognizing the words that came out of her mouth.

"You don't care if you orgasm in front of your fiancée?" asked Harvey .

"I don't give a damn!" yelled Sherry.

"Admit you are a shameless slut," said Harvey.

Sherry sniffed and looked close to tears but the need to have an orgasm was the only thing that mattered and screamed, "Yes Harvey. I am a shameless slut. Please sir, let me come?"

"Tell Tammy," said Harvey.

"Tammy, sweetheart, I am sorry but truth is I am a shameless slut!" yelled Sherry as Tammy looked on astonished.

"Are you sorry you said you made all those smart ass comments about me?" asked Harvey .

Sherry looked defiant and Roberts stepped in for he like others admired Sherry's defiance and did not want it broken. Not like this.

" Harvey you moron. How many times have I told you that you have that to earn that apology. Nothing you have done entitles you to it," he admonished as Harvey looked chastised.

"Sherry sweetheart. You have earned your release but I would like Tammy to help you," said the diabolical Principal.

Just when Sherry had felt relieved that the Principal would defend her and let her climax in peace, he had devised a new humiliating experience for her.

"Fine!" she shouted.

"Tammy sweetheart. Will you bring me off?' asked Sherry to the stunned and frozen Tammy.

Matt nudged her and Tammy knelt in front of Sherry and used her fingers to expertly manipulate her clit until Sherry screamed with abandon and had a mind-blowing orgasm.

Matt brought over tissues and helped her dry herself.

The Principal had one more humiliating task left for Sherry to do.

She was made to stand in front of Tammy and apologize for not being a good role model.

With all the erotic and sexual tension that had masked her humiliating predicament dissipated, all Sherry was left with was the shame.

And yet it was a very familiar sensation and she stood red faced and red assed in front of her protégé and commenced her squats saying, "I am sorry I was a bad role model."

"Oh Sherry. You are still my role model. Nothing that happened today will change that," said Tammy reassuringly as she hugged her mentor as soon as she finished her ten squats.

"You know, Tammy, this happens every week and we do accept guest volunteers to take Sherry's place from time to time. It helps give her a break. If you are ever interested ...." said Roberts.

Tammy looked at him puzzled and then the realization slowly dawned on her.

She looked at the exquisitely beautiful Sherry and wondered how she would look in a similar situation.

"I I believe I will be here next Monday?" said Tammy not recognizing the words that had jumped out of her mouth.

"And so you shall. So you shall," confirmed Roberts as he led Tammy out the door, his eyes undressing her in advance.

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End of episode.
Votes, Comments, Feedback greatly appreciated.
The series will be continued.

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spankfunforspankfunforalmost 8 years ago
Waiting For Tammy!

Sherry is One of THE Best Humiliated Women Ever to Grace Literotica! Can Tammy Handle Everyone? Hope Not!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
great storyline


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I can't wait until we are blessed with the bridge club or poker games.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
At last!

I was beginning to fear there might be no more episodes coming, I'm glad my fears were misplaced. Can't wait for the next one(s).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great series

I look forward to each part. Does she have any 18 year old students?

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