She's Gone


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"How have you been living here for two weeks without using your charge card?"

She spent a long time not speaking until she finally offered up, "I have been staying at his place."

"So you know where he lives?"

"Of course."

"And you have a key?"

She just nodded.

"How long have you had a key to his place?"

She just shrugged and looked at the floor.

I knew that once I made the accusation there was going to be hell to pay if I was wrong. Still, two fucking weeks is more than any man should be expected to wait in the dark for answers! "How long, Marie?"

She didn't answer.

"How long has the affair been going on?"

She didn't answer the question or deny the accusation. The mind goes numb at a time like that. There would be time later for more questions and more pain.

"Okay, I think at least you own me a look at his place. I want you to take me to where you've been staying."

She looked at me in horror as the panic overtook her. Eventually, she surrendered and just nodded. She gathered her coat and we headed for my car. "I'll drive." I said, "and then I'll bring you back." She seemed surprised by that, but she accepted.

I guess by then the detectives decided it was a personal matter. With one last warning not to do anything stupid, they left.

Marie was silent for most of the drive except when she needed to give me directions. At one point she barely whispered, "They said we may be required to reimburse the police for their time."

I wanted to ask, "Who is this 'we' you speak of?", but I let it drop.

God only knows what my pulse and blood pressure were like. I was barely keeping it together. When we pulled into a short driveway in front of a townhouse, I knew I'd likely find the answers to my questions inside. Marie let us in and as I walked through the living room, I immediately spotted a pair of my wife's shoes on the floor by the sofa. There was a scarf she liked draped over a chair. I wandered down the hallway as Marie called out, "James, please, don't go there!" If ever there were words from a wife that had the opposite effect, those were the words. I entered the master bedroom. Marie's clothing was scattered on the unmade bed and chair, and her makeup and such were on the dresser. It wasn't until I opened the walk-in closet and saw familiar dresses hanging there that the last shred of doubt left me. There was a blue dress that was her favorite, but I knew for a fact that it was hanging in her closet at home. This was a duplicate. And there were a few pair of shoes that appeared to be her size in styles she liked. This wasn't anything she had packed for the trip. These were things that she kept here. There was no doubt left in me now and I knew that if I opened some drawers, I would find her underwear and such.

The room seemed arranged not so much for living as for the occasional overnight visit, a night out for dinner and dancing followed by intimacy and time to sleep in a lover's arms.

I walked back to the living room feeling like a broken man where I found Marie sitting quietly on the edge of a chair, staring aimlessly at the floor. "So, is there anything you need to tell me?"

She just shook her head slowly.

"How long, Marie? It's obvious that this isn't a plutonic relationship. How long?"

She just shrugged as if she didn't know the answer, but obviously she knew and didn't want to say.

"Who is he to you?"

She was quiet for a long time, and then in a weak voice she said, "He was my first. We were together when we were in school."

I wondered if she meant high school or college, but both were sufficiently long ago that I decided it didn't matter.

"How long have you been seeing him behind my back?"

That got a sudden jerk of her head, but she couldn't deny it. She wanted to deny it. She wanted it to be untrue, but we both knew it wasn't.

"We reconnected about seven years ago. It was just lunch at first, then dinner. We went dancing one night while you were out of town. It was a year before we... before we..." She trailed off.

"Before you had sex?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"So, you've been having sex with him behind my back for six years? How do you do it? Do you come here? Does he come to our place?"

That got an immediate response from Marie. Her head jerked up. "I've never had him back to our home! I swear it! I wouldn't do that to you."

I nodded and I was feeling mean. "So, you'll fuck him, but you won't entertain him in our home. I'm glad to hear you draw the line somewhere."

She was mad, but she couldn't deny any of it.

After a long, quiet time she said, "I never stopped loving you. He never took anything from you. I swear it. It was just a few nights every year and you had me forever."

It was a lie taken from the cheater's playbook, and I thought, "What was the point of arguing?" Well, there was a point! "He took at least some of the love you said you had for me. You kept a part of your heart for him. Because of him, you lied to me repeatedly. You took vows with me, but you gave him a part of yourself that you said was only for me. Don't tell me he never took anything from me. He took it all even if you don't think so."

Marie wept and I stood silently by. I knew all that I needed to know. I thought about trashing his home, smashing anything breakable, but he wasn't coming home. Eventually, I just gave up. "Come on, Marie. I'll take you back to your lover's bedside." That brought on a new round of tears, but my heart was broken, and I had no comfort to give her.

I drove her back to the hospital and as she got out of the car, she pleaded with me. "James, please, just give me a little time. He has no one. I can't let him die alone. I'll be home soon." That last bit brought a brief sob. "I'll be home soon, and we can get back to our life together. Please! I do love you! I swear it."

I just nodded and dismissed her by telling her he'd be waiting. I think by then she knew we were done. I drove a slow four hours home and I can't remember any of it. I was empty. Two weeks of stress and worry, all those friends and family telling me not to give up hope, and now I find she was with her lover the entire time. I was drained both physically and emotionally.

I did little more than stumble into the house and dropped onto my favorite chair. I don't know how much time passed before the first call came. It was her parents and they wanted to know where I'd been and if I'd learned anything. That was when I realized that I'd run off two-hundred miles without telling a soul. I briefly considered saving Marie the embarrassment, but I guess that I had spent the last vestige of my husbandly love for a woman who had betrayed me for years, so I told Henry and Margaret everything. They didn't want to believe it until I described what I'd found at his townhouse. At this point, it didn't matter if they believed me or not, my marriage was over. I knew that without needing to think about it. It was a fact that welled up from the inner reaches of my soul, crushed my heart, and consumed me. Marie and I were done. She loved another man and I'm not the sort to share. What was worse, she had spent years lying to me, sneaking around behind my back, and giving herself to him. That wasn't a mistake; it was a life of betrayal, and we weren't coming back from that.

I called friends to tell them the news and I spared nothing. I contained my anger as best I could, but I did not lie for her. After using them for practice, I called our kids and tried to tell them in a gentle, but honest way, that I'd found their mother, and that she was with her lover who was dying in his hospital bed. They didn't want to believe it, so I told them about the townhouse. When they asked if I could forgive her, I said, "Maybe someday, but I'll never trust her again." I apologized to them both, but I told them that I was divorcing their mother. Then I forgot that they still had no way of reaching her, and I told them not to tell her. I said she needed whatever time was left to see him off and her rushing home wouldn't change anything. They argued with me, but in the end they understood.

Two weeks later he was dead, and Marie returned home, but I was gone. She was served divorce papers a week after her return. I never left town, I didn't leave my job, and I never hid from her. I just moved to an apartment until I eventually found a place that suited me. I would be close enough to the old house that the kids could visit us both. Marie tried to change my mind; I'll give her that. She would show up at my office or my apartment and beg me to reconsider, but my mind was made up. She would cry and threaten, but it made no difference. It was six years of betrayal, and seven if you count lunches, dinners, and dancing. In the end, it was the lies at least as much as the sex that killed our marriage. When I learned how well and how easily she had lied to me, lying right to my face with a smile, I knew that she didn't view me with the same commitment that I held for her.

It's now been two years since the divorce was final. I don't ask, but the kids tell me that their mother just goes to work and then home. She isn't going out, or so they think. It saddens me that she's suffering so, but I can't help her. To this day I can't tell you whether she mourns for the loss of her first love or for the marriage she betrayed. I'm not doing that well myself. I've not healed, but the pain is slowly lessening. I'm not dating, either, but I have started to notice other women and I suspect that in time I'll dip my toe in the dating pool. I'm a long way from trusting another woman outside a professional setting.

I'll never know why she betrayed me, what she needed that I wasn't providing, or how she rationalized her own behavior. I suppose I could ask, but what would be the point? It was her decision and somehow, she made peace with it at the time.

I've never told anyone this before because I doubt that they would believe me even now, but I never did learn his name. There was a man lying in his deathbed and a townhouse where my wife played house when they were together. That was enough for me. You can't take revenge on a dead man, and I have learned that I can't forgive a wife who betrays me.

>>> >>> >>>

That's the story. No fancy gadgets, no revenge to plan, and no cure for the hurt except time. That's what really happens when your spouse betrays you. There's no steel pipe to the knees and no one gets sold to a Mexican whorehouse. There is just pain and doubt and the feeling that somehow you have failed.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

It's interesting that in the real world, the majority of bigamists are men that have jobs that require alot of travelling. Even then I'm still amazed at how they manage it and do the holidays without arising suspicion. But it turns out many manage it for decades. So I guess it takes a partner that is so self absorbed in their own life they just don't notice or care enough to notice.

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Can't complain about the writing, but I'm not sure that at 50+ you're ever going to find another woman that you'll know as well, that fits into your life and that you can guarantee is trustworthy and has never lied or cheated.

There's a reason why a woman is single and available in her 50's and unless she's a widow... and even then it's still questionable.

LechemanLecheman15 days ago

Wow! That was depressing.

And 7 years of infidelity and the wife thinks she can return, totally deluded.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

PLEASE explain to me how people who supposedly read the whole story can't understand how the husband (who didn't have all that info) was supposed to glean it from thin air? If you think the husband was stupid - LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Words provided the . . .well, words - please read them before rushing to type your comments. Thanks for your story!

somewhere east of Omaha

FaShUnPhOtOgFaShUnPhOtOg19 days ago

Another story stolen and monetized by unethical youtubers? The main characters names were changed, possibly in an attempt to hide the fact the the story was used without permission.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Definitely NO forgiveness or staying with her.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Three stars for an Average story. There was little character development and it comprised mainly narration. The tale was quite vanilla. Average at best.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

She must have a teleporter to commute between two households without arousing suspicion.

Dennis26Dennis262 months ago

I enjoyed this very much. A sad story that sucks you in. excellent writing 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow. Sad and harsh. Clearly she had mental issues with her living a double life. But -1 star as there is no explanation of how she was able to make the time. She said at one point it was only a few nights a year, but thr state of the townhouse suggests otherwise, mor did the MC believe her. So how did she get away so much playing wife to a second man? 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well written, but incomplete. No explanation on how she hid that time, not like the husband was gone for periods of time and all that, apparently . No addressing the issue of the kids, probably not even his if she had that kind of relationship then, likely she had one before. And if she's that good a liar, she's probably been doing it for much longer than that - are coming a conscience would take much more practice than that, she must have been lying and probably having a reason to lie much before that. Takes a while to develop the twisted mind, comes from the selfishness of the heart and grows.

You let the so-called wife off way too easy. As a writer, take a stand against the adultery and the infidelity, take a stand for people who need supporting, don't promote the female dogs running around loose, encouraging them to cheat and assume they won't have any consequences. That's what you've done here. A divorce for a woman who is already so selfish and uncommitted and deceitful is not a significant penalty.

No retribution, no justice.

No justice, no peace.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What a gut-wrenching story. Brilliantly told with emotion and so much pain. Marie really isn't a nice person and that must have hurt him to realise that. Stunningly good story. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She was a horrible person. Even if he could possibly forgive her he would never know if her crying was because her boyfriend died . She deserve to lose her sons and husband. Well written though, so convining I find myself thinking, what a bitch.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

I think 200+ miles away is too far for an affair without a cessna to shuttle you back and forth, especially for 7 years. I'd edit it down to a more believable 40 miles or so. Also it's a bit implausible that an inveterate liar (which I think a 7 year affair points to) would come up with a mysterious letter instead of a sanitized version of the truth - after all, the main character did not know this man at all. so merely saying like "my good friend and former boyfriend from high school" would have probably been fine. The only way the crazy letter makes sense is if the wife has a reason to conceal her lovers identity, which means that the main character needs to not only know who he is, but also what he represents (a prurient threat to the marriage, or a nemesis, or some other undesirable that he would be enraged at his wife visiting on their deathbed). Like, just make it something like - a former boss of hers that she had an affair with early on in their marriage (and he forgave her for) or the man that broke them up in college until he ran away for some reason. That gives the wife some reason to conceal what she's doing in such a mysterious way. I mean, it's a good story dude, but if you just change a few sentences you can spackle up plot holes a bit.

Just_WordsJust_Words6 months agoAuthor

@ Anonymous from minutes ago: I love the idea that the dying man had another GF on the side. Unfortunately, I was trying to focus on the pain and struggle of the husband. Retribution of just payback rarely figures into real life. Thanks for the ideas, though. I do believe that cheaters make their own justice and too often are blind to see it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I guess I'm a suckered for 'wife disappears' stories, but I enjoyed it. While there are many valid points brought out in comments, they are easily fixed in plot rewrite. She had a burner phone hidden in her car. He trusted her and she just had to go out of town for work, or to visit a friend. Young kids have a overnight sleepover at a friend's house while dads away on a business trip and mom is off playing house. Trusting husband and it happens at wide, random intervals. Etc. Any serious reader of LW stories can backfill it to plausibility easily. Unfortunately, probably too many readers have had similar, though less drastic and dramatic.

If I had a wish, I could wish that she found out that he had another woman on the side who didn't know about HER, to tide him through the times he couldn't play house with her, and she showed up at the hospital and in the cat fight that followed he died due to their smashing his life support accidently. Then she finds out the other woman gets everything. THEN she gets home and BEGS her husband to forgive her as she didn't know what kind of guy he REALLY was (as if any guy knowingly carrying on with a married woman could be anything other than Pure Evil.). And he divorces her.

Having the judge read her the riot act during the divorce hearing would be a worthwhile scene! He should eviscerate and exfoliate her!!!

Actually it is possible that she developed a dual personality disorder that made her believe in two separate lives (there are male and female bigamists that get away with this for years in the real world.). To a lesser extent there are many professions that cause such behavior because the behavior required by one is opposite the behavior required by the other... loving, kind, gentle family men who go off to fight evil or sit in a launch control center ready to fire missiles (or fight drug cartels or be in drug cartels).

Still a very well written and enjoyable story.

Thank you.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter6 months ago

It sounded like truth. so many of the stories here are so very over the top, so extreme, with either wives who are indiscriminate sluts, or husbands who are navy Seals and exact violent vengeance, that they are ridiculous. This was a sad but believable tale, filled with sorrow and pain. That is what an unfaithful spouse so often results in. Been there, done that, and no I didn’t get a tee shirt either. Just disbelief, followed by pain, doubts, and sorrow.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A very powerful, low-key description of the death of a marriage. Thank you

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x6 months ago

She hasn't taken anything from him? What about these last few weeks with no contact?


When did she find the time? It's a 3-4 hour drive, each way, plus the time they spent together, they'd need at least the better part of two days.


"He has no one. I can't let him die alone." - IF she hadn't been having a 6/7 year affair with him, and TOLD James about an old "friend" who was dying, he'd probably have been open to her spending some time by his bedside.


I don't really see trust as a big issue, unless she's got some other old lovers out there that might be dying. I could MAYBE forgive the affair that he apparently never suspected, but the abandonment to be by the lover's deathbed is TOTALLY unforgivable.


Didn't this guy have any other love life? It must have been hard for her to find the time to get away, with her husband not noticing that she's spending the night elsewhere! They's be lucky if she could do it more than 3/4 times a year unless James travels a lot on business.


I wonder if Lover Boy left her anything, since he had nobody else!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

I thought that was great. The husband character was good. He did all he could, he wasn't weak, he wasn't vicious, he was normal.

sure I'd like more answers and trying to get the wife to realize that she did deny love from her husband, sentences of the wife talking. sentences of remorse, guilt and consequences. her getting help and realizing what she's done, discussions with parents, their children and friends questioning how she could be so cruel and evil to her husband... maybe with some of them that knew the man when they dated in school to give us a picture of why she chose him over her marriage.

should have been some pictures of the cheaters in the townhouse along with the clothes. should have been some questioning parentage, out of spite or to shock her into responding when she was near catatonic.

But it's fine the way it was.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

At least he should have stayed in the house and kept full custody of the kids. After all she did abandon the marriage and that would have been enough for the Courts to give him most everything. That's the part that ruined it for me.

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