Shifting Perspectives


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Kyle nodded slowly as that made sense to him. "A symbol, then."

"Exactly so," the older man said with a smile. Then he leaned in to whisper to Kyle. "I can't believe how excited I am to be doing this tomorrow. I'm glad you'll be the one driving!"

Kyle grinned at the man and threw him a salute. "Looking forward to it as well, sir!" he said crisply.

The others cheered, and Francis walked up to hug her husband. "You may need to purchase this uniform to add it to your wardrobe," she said softly for her husband's ears alone, but Kyle was too close to not hear her as well.

Reginald looked very pleased.

Kyle wandered closer to Helen and posed for her with a coy smile on his lips.

"Louise was right. Very yummy! You get to wear that home tonight, right?"

Kyle chuckled, but then he saw Helen wasn't joking. He saw Louise watching him with a faraway look in her eyes and a subtle smile on her lips.

One of the staff stepped in and spoke to Francis before stepping away. She turned to Helen and Louise. "Your children have left. Something about heading back to Byron's condo for a nightcap, and Skye will find her own way home tomorrow. Likely Byron will drive her there."

Helen and Louise shared smiles.

"What time should I arrive tomorrow morning?" Kyle asked Reginald.

"Why don't you both come over for breakfast? Seven-thirty?" he said, and Francis nodded.

The party was breaking up, so Jeremy said his goodbyes first and promised to record their debut tomorrow.

The scoundrels said they'd return at eight to get on the road for the parade. With waves, they headed out.

Apparently, Louise was staying at her brother's mansion, so Helen and Kyle said good night to her, Reginald and Francis, then Helen got them on the road home. Kyle was still carrying the clothes he'd arrived in.

He caught Helen stealing glances over at him as they drove. Perhaps she wanted to enjoy a little roleplaying? He grinned. He could do that.

When they made it back to her condo, she parked in her spot, and he slipped out of the car to open her door for her. She looked up at him as he held out a hand to her. He'd put on the hat to complete the image, and her smile was priceless.

"You look so dashing!" she purred.

As he slid his fingers of his right hand through her hair, he brought his face to hers to take a kiss. When he pulled back, he could see her eyelids fluttering. "Your beauty takes my breath away."

Her eyes widened with pleasure at his words, and he offered his arm to her.

They walked together into the building and stepped into the elevator. She couldn't stop smiling. He leaned her back against the wall and kissed her once more.

A loud gasp from three throats let them know they'd arrived on their floor. They turned their heads and saw Helen's neighbor Margaret standing in the hall with two other ladies who were equally wide-eyed and frozen. The door began to close again, and Margaret's hand shot out to slam against it, to push it open once more. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

Kyle stepped back and gathered Helen in his arm to guide her out past the three gawking women. He tucked his hat under his arm and nodded to them with his best seductive smile. "Good evening, ladies."

They mumbled a greeting back to him as he walked away and slid his hand down Helen's hip to caress her ass. He heard her breath gust out as a shock wave coursed through her body.

He got them into the dimly lit condo with Helen's key and locked the door.

Helen immediately dropped to her knees before him and ran her fingers over the front of his pants, feeling his straining erection. She sighed happily. As he removed his overcoat, jacket, tie, and shirt, she made quick work of his belt, button, and zipper, and her fingers wrapped around his cock.

"Mmm! I've been thinking about this all day!" she purred.

Kyle smiled at her. "All day?"

She pressed her lips against the head and smiled as Kyle gasped lightly. "Well, maybe since the afternoon."

"Right about the time you were telling the ladies all about the fun we've been having?" Kyle asked, and her eyes looked up at his face cautiously.

"I might have disclosed a little more than I should have. They were most persistent in their interrogation, and I do like them so much," she said between kisses along his shaft, her eyes begging to be forgiven. "You aren't angry with me, are you?" She slipped the head of his cock into her mouth, and he sucked in a sharp breath.

"It's difficult to remain annoyed with someone who does that so well!" he sighed.

She drove him deep into her mouth, and his eyes closed in bliss. She really was becoming quite good at this.

Kyle looked down to watch Helen enjoying herself. Her face was quite flushed as she might have been touching herself as she sucked him into her mouth. He didn't want her to wear herself out before they got to the main event, so he reached down and lifted her to her feet. She looked at him in surprise as he spun her around and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Bra, slip, and panties came off quickly, and Helen gasped and sighed as each article was removed.

He marched her across the condo to face the floor-to-ceiling windows. They hadn't turned on any lights inside yet, so they were mostly invisible as they stood behind the thin curtains. Down below, they could see people walking along the riverside path as they passed under the lights.

Kyle pressed his naked body against Helen's back as he moved his lips to her ear. "If we open these curtains and step closer, they'll be able to see your sexy body. Your naughty, sexy tits and your hot wet pussy." He forced his erection between her thighs to rub against her wet lips and heard her suck in a shuddering breath. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her breasts, holding her nipples between his fingers while she gasped and drove her hips back to rub his cock against her pussy lips.

She reached out and threw the sheer curtains wide as she gasped excitedly.

He knew they were still fairly hidden by the darkness in the condo, but they could see the path below quite clearly. If the possibility of being seen did it for Helen, he wouldn't ruin that fantasy for her. Besides, it would likely take binoculars to see any detail at this distance.

He bent his knees and repositioned his cock against her lower lips.

"Oh! Yes, Kyle! Do it!" she cried.

He drove himself up into her, and his pelvis slapped her ass. Her mouth dropped open, but she made no sound. She reached out and placed her hands against the glass, bracing herself as he began to stroke in and out of her body. He moved his left hand down to rub her clit as his other hand massaged her breast.

"Oh, god! Yes! Yes!" she panted as the sensations washed over her.

Kyle squeezed her tight against his body as his hips took over short-stroking his cock into her, slapping her ass with his body on each thrust.

"You're so fucking sexy," he whispered into her ear, then ran kisses across her cheek and down her neck. She turned her face, and he kissed her.

As they faced the window once more, Kyle's release was rapidly approaching, and Helen's was on the precipice.

She suddenly went into a frenzy, her body clamping down on Kyle's cock as she reached over her shoulder to pull his face to hers for another deep kiss. He moaned into her mouth as the pressure was too much, and he came hard, bouncing her a few times to drive himself even deeper.

When she pulled back from the kiss, she held his head next to hers and made him look down at the walking path again.

Margaret was there, lit by one of the path lights as she watched them with binoculars.

"H-how did she get downstairs so fast... and why does she own binoculars?" Kyle asked in shock.

"Birder..." Helen sighed quietly as her body shook through an aftershock.

They saw Margaret suddenly lower the binoculars as she jerked to her right. A foot patrol police officer was approaching her cautiously. They watched Margaret try to make a run for it and only get three steps before the man caught her. She appeared to be screaming and thrashing, trying to point up to their window.

Kyle quickly stepped back, carrying Helen back into the shadows of the condo. He lifted her from his softening erection, and she purred happily as she turned to hug him.

"That was incredible!" she sighed blissfully, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

Kyle frowned in concern. "I'm a little worried about your neighbor." He felt oddly responsible... somehow.

Helen pulled back to smile sweetly at him. "You are a sweet man! That's one of the things I like most about you." She gave him a tender kiss.

As Kyle still looked worried, she took his face between her hands. "Margaret acts like a good person, a truly devout Christian, but in reality, she's just a bully. Nothing that happens to her now is undeserved, but I won't be the one to list her sins."

Kyle saw the honest conviction in Helen's eyes and felt better. He gave her a small smile. "Shall we continue in your bedroom?"

Helen's eyes widened excitedly. "Continue?"

He gave her a sly look as he slipped the air force cap on his head. "You didn't think once would be enough for a flyboy heading off on an important mission in the morning, did you?"

Helen rushed down the hall to her bedroom giggling happily, with Kyle on her six.

Chapter 7

Kyle drove down the lovely country lane, which followed the rolling contours of the fields. Secure and comfortably warm in the sidecar, Reginald grinned like a schoolboy playing hooky. Behind them rumbled the engines of their riding companions.

Truthfully, every one of them was grinning with delight as they made their way toward the staging grounds the parade would launch from. Kyle listened to the blending roar of their engines and thought it sounded like a squadron of Hurricane fighter jets.

At breakfast this morning, Reginald presented Kyle with his official Vintage Vehicles Restoration Club pin, which was currently shining happily on the lapel of his overcoat.

Hugo also let them know he'd registered them with the parade organizers at the last minute. They'd be the last group in the convoy of vehicles, but Kyle saw they were thrilled to have that position.

"The best for last!" Reginald cheered, and his friends joined in. Francis just smiled and shook her head, enjoying her husband's excitement but sharing a look with Kyle, comforted by the younger man's calm nod.

Helen had been glowing this morning throughout breakfast, and Kyle spotted her whispering to Louise and Francis. It seemed the kiss and tell restriction only applied to gentlemen.

Reginald had been too excited to notice, but Kyle got curious looks from at least two of the scoundrels. As he was a gentleman, the story wouldn't be shared from his lips.

Kyle saw an open gate ahead with two older men standing sentinel with clipboards. He slowed and saw they were wearing uniforms as well. He moved his goggles to his helmet, then saluted them with a smile. This brought smiles to their lips.

"General Reginald Dunsfield and the Scoundrels of the Vintage Vehicles Restoration Club reporting for duty!" Kyle announced crisply.

This made the men chuckle, and Kyle stole a look at his passenger. The General was delighted!

"Right! You're the last-minute add-on!" one of the men said, gesturing to his checklist. He glanced back at the line of vehicles waiting to move. "The field's pretty muddy. Why don't you wait off to the side and slip in behind the last group as it passes by?" He gestured to a nice paved pad to the right of the entrance.

"Much obliged! That would be perfect! Have a lovely day!" Kyle said and threw them both another sharp salute.

He dropped the bike into gear and led the others to their waiting spot, where they all shut off their engines.

Kyle helped Reginald out of the sidecar, and the man turned to his group. "Did you hear how Kyle introduced us at the gate?"

Heads shook as smiles were aimed at Kyle. "The Scoundrels of the Vintage Vehicles Restoration Club!" he said, and they laughed.

"Scoundrels! I love it," Gregory chuckled.

"To be fair, that's how he introduced you to me," Kyle admitted with a grin.

There was a whistle, and the first vehicles far to their right began to move. Some of these vintage machines were ancient tractors and didn't move very quickly, so the parade would move at the speed of the slowest. Luckily, this field was just on the outskirts of the town they'd be passing through.

Kyle stood with his group, watching the passing line of mostly wartime cars and trucks but some tractors and utility vehicles. Surprisingly, there were no other motorcycles represented.

"Are we in a class of our own?" Kyle asked.

Reginald smiled and nodded. "Nice way of describing us."

A British Austin Tilly WWII utility vehicle passed, followed by a German SdKfz 222 WWII Armored Car and a shiny Triumph roadster. They slowed as the driver of the first truck stared at them in shock.

"The man with the open mouth is Dennis Prentice, and these three restorations were done by his club. He brings them every year," Reginald said to Kyle as he smiled at the now scowling driver.

The Triumph wasn't quite so shiny as the mud from the field streaked its fenders.

"Coasting on past glories?" Kyle asked and got a grin and a nod from the man. They could see the end of the convoy, so they got back on their bikes and rolled in behind the last ones. They gave themselves a little room as the mud was dropping off the tires of the cars and trucks unfortunate enough to have driven through it. They made sure their motorcycles remained clean.

Soon enough, they were cruising through the town's streets towards the center's main square.

The spectators in the outer streets had been few and far between, but as they got closer to the center, the sidewalks filled.

Kyle and Reginald led the way for their group, and Kyle noted the excitement on the faces of the watchers of all ages as the motorcycles rumbled their throaty purrs.

He glanced at Reginald and saw the pride on his face. The man was in heaven.

Kyle saw news camera crews stopping selected vehicles in the parade for quick soundbites as they entered the square. He saw Dennis was chatting with someone from the BBC. Sending a quick grin to his passenger, Kyle squeezed the clutch and revved the bike's engine, drowning out Dennis' words.

The reporter frowned and turned to face the source of the noise as the cameraman pointed the lens their way.

Dennis forgotten, the now smiling BBC reporter rushed away from Dennis to intercept Kyle and Reginald as the rest of their group pulled in close. As there were no others behind them, they pulled up next to each other, spanning the street.

The reporter moved in to speak to the General as the camera focused on his smiling face.

"Garreth Parker, BBC News. I've been attending this parade for years, but I believe this is the first time I've ever seen such a lovely group of vintage motorcycles presented."

Reginald nodded. "This is the first year for the Scoundrels of the Vintage Vehicles Restoration Club. Motorcycles of this age and quality take time to bring back to the peak condition."

Garreth was visibly pleased. "Can you tell us a little about them?"

Kyle watched as each of the men gave concise but glowing descriptions of their rides. He could see their pride and joy at the attention their rides were getting. Each man introduced themselves, and Malcolm worked in a plug for Jeremy for the brilliant uniforms. The camera returned to the General. "And who is your driver?" the reporter asked.

"Kyle MacDenny from Canada is the latest member to join the Scoundrels. His skills with engines ensured our machines were running at peak efficiency!" Reginal boasted.

Kyle smiled and nodded to the man and smiled for the camera as well. He didn't really feel the need to add anything.

The reporter suddenly realized the parade was moving on, so he wrapped up the clip and thanked Reginald and the rest. They started their engine and rolled away smoothly as the camera caught their formation in flight.

Kyle got them back in line, and they followed the parade out of town to an abandoned airport. The organizers had them line up their bikes close to the entrance as no more spots were available down the runway.

Jeremy arrived with a massive grin on his face and a video camera in his hand.

"Bloody brilliant, drowning out that windbag, Prentice! I caught that on camera too! Your bit with the reporter was the longest clip they filmed. I hope they show the entirety on the news tonight!" the man gushed. He looked around at where the motorcycles were all parked in a neat row. "You've got a prime spot as well! Everyone has to pass right by here! That's bound to annoy Prentice too!"

The group chuckled at Jeremy's excitement.

Then the visitors began arriving, and the Scoundrels were on, fielding questions about their beautiful vintage motorcycles. Kyle stepped back to act as a backdrop for the Norton as this attention was really for the owners. Jeremy was next to him, so he thanked the man again for the use of the uniform. The man noticed Kyle was getting some admiring glances from some of the ladies dragged along by their boyfriends and husbands, and mentioned it.

"What can I say? The ladies like a man in uniform," Kyle quipped quietly as he smiled and nodded to the visitors. Some younger women asked him to pose with the motorcycle, and them, for some photos, so he did.

As they walked away, Helen, Louise, and Francis arrived and grinned as they saw the excitement on the men's faces as they showed off their motorcycles. Their eyes turned to Kyle, and he got the definite impression that Helen and Louise were thinking naughty thoughts. He made a mental note to ask Helen later if there was a Mr. Cantington.

Francis gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips, and Reginald smiled happily at her. "Are you enjoying yourself?" she asked.

"This has been wonderful!" he replied. He noted his wife looked a little chilly. "Would you like me to get you a cup of tea?"

She flashed a smile at him. "That would be welcome."

Kyle looked at Helen and Louise. "Tea?" They nodded happily, so he joined Reginald on the trip to the snack bar.

"I can't thank you enough, Kyle, for making this happen this year," the man said to him when they were alone.

He glanced over at the man. "Please, I'm not responsible for making it happen. All I did was help a little to get the bikes tuned up. Everything else was entirely you guys. You restored these beauties to an awesome state. You deserve the praise far more than me," he said with a smile, though he held the man's eye.

Reginald finally nodded with a grin. "Okay, but it certainly feels like your arrival played a key role."

They got in line, and thankfully, it moved quickly. They were soon heading back with the hot teas.

Dennis Prentice was standing in their way with a bigger man by his side, who looked like he'd been used as a hammer for most of his life. He was a broad-shouldered brute with a flattened nose and several missing teeth, which he was currently displaying in a menacing snarl. Kyle caught the German insignia on the brute's uniform, so he likely drove the SdKfz 222. Obviously, Dennis brought him along for his intimidation value.

Kyle immediately saw they weren't going to talk their way out of this situation. They'd pushed Dennis and his team a little too far. Perhaps he was to blame for some of it, too.

Faced with seemingly imminent violence, Kyle felt his father's calm sliding over himself, and he didn't fight it. He took a more comfortable grip on the tray of teas with his right hand as he slipped his hidden left into his pocket while keeping the men in his sight. In his peripheral vision, he noted three more men a distance away with angry looks on their faces, too.
