Shooter Girls!


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Janelle pushed her way through the crowd of girls and crossed her arms, "Now, before you say anything, I know this wasn't necessary and I know it probably didn't take you by surprise, but it's the least we could do." She stepped up to the much taller woman and hugged her tightly.

"Daw," Kelly smiled and hugged the blonde back. "Stop, you're gonna get me all in the feels."

Janelle stepped back and wiped her eyes, "I know, I know... sorry. Look, you and the twins leaving on the same day is getting me all messed up. I know you've gotta go, but..." she reached into her blazer pocket and produced a small box, "We all pitched in to get you this."

Kelly took the box and rolled her eyes, "C'mon guys, you're gonna make me cry." She opened it slowly and pulled out a pair of silver earrings that were perfect replicas of the shooter girls logo. "Oh shit," she gawked at them before immediately changing them out for the ones she was already wearing, "I love them!"

Some of the girls were openly crying while others were chattering and shouting, and Kelly scarcely took a step before she was glomped by someone else. "Kimber, help me!"

Kimber stepped back and waved her hand, "You're on your own, girl."

The glomping went on for fifteen minutes at least, but eventually the tall woman with the renowned hair made it to the door. By that time, some of the girls had scattered, but there were still plenty of people standing around wanting to see the newly engaged woman off.

Janelle waved some of the girls off like she was directing traffic and stood in front of Kelly, "I've got one more surprise for you before you leave."

"I can't handle any more surprises!" The woman shook her head and laughed, "Have mercy!"

The blonde in the business suit shook her head, "This is a good surprise, I promise." She stepped away from the exit as the door opened.

"Jermaine!" Kelly shouted shrilly as she leapt forward.

A deeply tanned man in a sharp striped suite stepped into the room and was immediately assaulted by the woman. He was even taller than she was, and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head while he laughed, "Surprise, surprise!"

Cecilia and Mi-na were standing off to the side, and Cecilia whispered, "Hey, who's that?"

Mi-na was wiping a tear from the corner of her eye and smiling widely, "He's Kelly's fiance. Supposedly he was out of country for a business meeting, but I guess he was able to meet her here so they could fly back to France together."

"He looks like a movie star," Cece commented.

"Yeah, for sure," Mi-na agreed. "He's just as gorgeous as she is. What the hell do I gotta do to get a man like that?"

Cecilia blinked, "Let me know when you figure it out."

After Kelly recovered from the initial shock of seeing her fiance, she excitedly took him around to introduce him to everyone. The man had an interesting accent and was obviously well traveled, and his voice was as smooth as his disposition.

"Miss Vette," Jermaine took Janelle's hand and kissed it, "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Your genius is surpassed only by your beauty."

Jannelle smirked as she allowed her hand to be taken, "Not everyone feels the same way about my establishment as you, but thank you very much!"

"How could they not?" Jermaine glanced around, "Look at this place! The energy, the grandeur... all of the beautiful women! Not just pretty women, but intelligent, as well, and so competitive..." he glanced at Kimber and smiled, "From what I hear."

Kimber smiled slowly, "We're not entirely untamable. We just need people that can handle us."

The businessman chuckled knowingly, "I know! All too well," he wrapped his arm around Kelly's waist.

Kelly saw the look on Kimber's face and her eyes widened, "Don't even think about it."

Kimber laughed and took a step back, "Hey now, I'm just making polite conversation. Very nice to meet you, Jermaine," she nodded, "Best of luck to both of you."

"Thanks. Now, where is the other young woman you wanted to introduce me to?" the businessman glanced around as he asked Kelly.

"Oh, Mitzi?" Kelly looked around, "Where is that girl? I at least wanted to say bye to her."

"I think I saw her heading for the door a few minutes ago," Janelle offered, "You know how much she likes to lean against the wall and brood."

Mitzi was leaning against the wall on the outside of the warehouse. She was staring at the parking lot with a blank expression with her arms crossed over her chest, and the only signs of life that were around were a scattering of old cigarette butts.

"I should take up smoking," she thought absently as she realized that she was standing in a perpetually smoke saturated zone. She chuckled a moment later as she took a few steps to the right, "Naw. Too expensive."

She chuckled again and lowered her eyes to the ground. It struck her as odd that her reasons for not smoking had nothing to do with her health and everything to do with her finances. She was still getting used to the idea of having a regular income, let alone a somewhat disposable one. Between the money she made on matches and her slicklube sponsorship, she was making more than anyone in her family, but she wasn't feeling any happier for it.

She hadn't talked to her mother in months, not since they'd had a fight about her (in her mother's opinion) questionable choice of career. She'd made a move to call a hundred times, but she always chickened out in the end, so she'd resigned herself to brooding.

At first, it wasn't a big deal, but as the weeks went on, she'd been gaining a reputation for being reclusive and stand offish, which of course, made her want to brood even more.

"There you are!"

Mitzi turned her head to see Kelly and some tall dude in a suite approaching her. Her eyes widened somewhat, and she smiled weakly, "Hey."

Kelly walked over the cigarette butts and hugged the girl tightly, effectively pulling her off the wall, "Why you standing around feeling sorry for yourself? I'm taking off and you can't even say goodbye to me?"

Mitzi coughed, "Okay, geez! I'm sorry," she took a step back. "I was gonna, but there were so many people fawning over you, and..."

"So? Plough those bitches over," Kelly giggled as she made a bowling gesture, "You never had a problem doing it before, so why the trepidation now?"

The slightly shorter, younger woman snickered, "Trepidation? Yeah, fine. I'll do that next time." She sighed and smiled, "Look, I really..."

"Hush with the sentimental shit and meet my fiance," Kelly cut the girl off excitedly and nudged the man in the suit.

Mitzi was about to say hi when the man took her hand and lifted it to his lips. She had no idea what was going on, so she let him, and he kissed the back of her hand gently, "Jermaine Rancourt." He spoke his name like it was a brand. "A sublime pleasure to meet you, Miss Mitzi. The camera doesn't do you justice; you're even more beautiful in person."

Mitzi's face flushed. She was usually stoic and coolheaded, but she wasn't used to such lavish compliments, especially from such an attractive man, "O,oh... thanks."

"Jermaine, stop," Kelly laughed. "You're gonna give the poor girl a boner and a heart attack at the same time."

The man chuckled and straightened up, "I could only be so lucky to be the object of such excitement for such a captivating young woman."

Mitzi tried to keep a straight face, but she began to giggle, "God, you're a smooth talker, aren't you? Is that how you got her?"

The man laughed along with her and shrugged, "I'm not sure. Sometimes I say the things that are on my mind without thinking. Often, it works out in my favor, other times..."

Kelly smirked, "I told him to fuck off. He sent me flowers for a week straight until I called him and told him to stop stalking me, then he somehow convinced me to go to dinner with him."

Jermaine looked very pleased with himself, "I've always been of the opinion that a good woman should be able to fight for herself. If a person needs to weaken themselves to be desirable to weaker parties, then they miss out on the glories of embracing their strength... don't you agree, Mitzi?"

She wasn't exactly sure what the man meant, but she nodded, "I guess so."

"Oh, he's all full of philosophy and shit," Kelly waved him off with a smile. "Everybody knows that willful bitches fuck harder; it's common knowledge."

Mitzi laughed loudly, "You calling me a bitch?"

Kelly raised her eyebrow, "You calling me a bitch...bitch?"

Once more, Mitzi tried to hold her laughter in, but was unable to, "I'm sad to see you go," she said as she hugged the woman. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, girl," Kelly hugged her back and tried not to cry. "I gotta get the hell out of here before my makeup runs."

"We're ready!" Rosey hollered as she adjusted one of the cameras slightly. "You really want to try and do it in one take, Mi?"

Mi-na was standing on a short stage in front of a green screen. She was wearing a brightly sparkling, vaudevillian outfit comprised of a leotard, vest and black hose. Her thick, creamy brown thighs were accentuated by tall heels, and her huge bulge was threatening to break free from the leotard crotch.

"Yes, it's very important that we do it in one take!" Mi-na replied excitedly. "Gene Kelly style!"

"Here we go with the Gene Kelly thing again..." Rosey muttered under her breath and grinned. "Okay, we're ready to roll whenever you guys are!"

Four other girls stood around Mi-na, all of them dressed in matching purple leotards.

Once again, sitting off to the side and trying to make herself as invisible as possible, sat a petite, glasses wearing young woman. Somehow, Ella had gotten caught up into helping set up for something she had no clue about. She'd actually had fun doing it, and it was nice to have some real work to do that didn't involve her getting partially naked in front of thousands of people online.

She had no idea what to expect from Mi-na's stage production; all she knew was that they were filming some sort of new promotional video for the shooter girls. Between the outfits and the stage, she personally thought it was all a bit much, but from what little she knew of Mi-na, the girl was a bit much with pretty much everything.

"Alright ladies," Rosanna held up her hand, ""

Music began to play from somewhere as Mi-na took a step forward.

"I hear a lot of chatter"

"From the normal girls I see"

"They say that they're enamored"

"Say it must be nice to be me."

"But there's something they should know..."

Mi-na flipped her cane up to her shoulder.

"It ain't easy to throw...this show..."

Ella's eyes widened as the music picked up. The thick brunette could sing! Mi-na's back up dancers sprung forward and began to sway around her, and Mi-na flipped her cane upwards and began to sing loudly.

"Sometimes being a futa ain't all it's cracked up to be!"

"You've got extra parts and plumbing!"

"You've got extra bits to clean!"

The four girls began to sing back up.

("Ooh, and when you've got an emergency, they say you're a medical mystery and everyone stares confusingly at your medical history...ooh")

Mi-na began to kick her legs.

"So if you think that it's all fun and games, I'm here to say, it ain't!"

"Sometimes you get so backed up you feel like you could faint!"

("You're just a normal person, with so much on your plate")

"But all you wanna do is sit at home and masturbate!"

Mi-na began to twirl her cane while the girls twirled around her, and all five of them broke out into a fifteen second dance number. Suddenly, all of them stopped in time, and Mi-na hit the stage with the bottom of her cane while she held it with both hands.

"And don't even get me started on dating!"

Each girl looked at one another ("Ha!")

"The process can be so degrading."

"People are piqued by your novelty"

"They're filled with curiosity"

"Sometimes you feel like you could do without the scrutiny"

Mi-na looked upwards as the five of them began to sway back and forth.


"Most girls only treat you wrong"


"Most guys are fearful of your dong"


"Like everybody else, we're just looking to belong..."

The girls exchanged another look.


"It's not all bad, It has its perks"

("like peeing standing up...")

"Right! And you can wear just what you want like you don't give a..."


"Generally we rarely see a struggle with identity"

"There's not a lot of pressure to fit in socially"

Mi-na took a step forward and smiled as she began to tap her cane.


"If you're feeling lonely, there's a place that you can go."


"A place where you'll fit in... a place where you can throw a show."


"It's difficult to use discretion when you have a huge erection"

"But if jacking off is your profession then use it as an art expression!"

The music came to a crescendo as all of the girls began to stomp in time.

"If you wanna see a community where you get to be what you wanna be"

"If you're tired of being an anomaly and you wanna free your virility"

"If you'd like to see what's it's like to impose your own free will..."

Each of the girls took a deep, dramatic breath.

"Then join the shooter girlssssss!"

"Nailed it! Holy shit, first take!" Rosey pumped her fist as the music ended.

The girls nearly collapsed as Mi-na heaved, "Oh god... really? Tell me you're not joking."

"I'm not joking. Looks like all that practice paid off," Mi-na's producer and roommate laughed.

The Filipina grinned tiredly, "Wazoo! We only practiced it like, two hundred times. Great job everyone!"

The girls sauntered off stage, high fiving each other and talking amongst themselves.

"Well..." Mi-na yawned loudly before wincing, "Oh goodness; it's nap time." She grabbed her crotch and fiddled with the material, "Geebers, Alexander is not happy in there. Gonna have to let this puppy breath a lit..." She stopped talking when she spotted Ella in the corner, "Oh! I didn't know we had company... Rosey," she looked over at her roommate with accusing eyes.

Rosanna nodded as she began to break down some of the equipment, "That's Ella, she's the new..."

"Ella?!" Mi-na squeaked.

Ella was looking down at her phone, and she looked up quickly when she heard her name.

Mi-na's eyes narrowed in on the girl as she jogged up to her. Her generous breasts bounced in her ridiculous outfit, and even her package was bouncing as she leapt forward, "Miss Ella from the land of ports!" She bowed lowly, extending her glittery top hat in an old fashioned greeting, "It's an honor and a privilege to make your acquaintance."

Ella blinked and tried not to smile, "Hello... Mi-na?"

"Oh!" Mi-na stood upright and held her hand to her chest, "She knows my name! I'm so flattered."

Ella giggled despite her attempts to remain stone faced, "I think everyone knows your name; you're like the face of the shooter girls."

"Am I?" Mi-na turned to Rosey, "Who'd we put on the last internet ad?!"

"You," Rosey replied from the other side of the room.

"Aha..." Mi-na blushed as she turned back to Ella, "I forgot. I guess you're right."

The petite girl smiled slowly, "That was quite an impressive show. I can't believe you did it in the first take; I felt like I was watching a professional musical back home."

The Filipina bowed once more, "High compliments from a gorgeous woman; thank you!" She righted herself once more and glanced at the stage, "We've been toiling away at that number for several weeks, so it was well earned by all parties. But enough about that..." She took a step closer and gestured to Ella, "You're here! I'm so glad you decided to join; we need more girls with your kind of puissance!"

The girl frowned. She still had no idea why everyone seemed so impressed with her. "People keep saying that kind of stuff to me, but I'm not sure why."

"I saw you shoot in the preliminaries," the darker skinned girl replied surely. "No one, including myself, was expecting you to shoot like that! Handguns don't generally fire high impact incendiary buckshot," she added with a chuckle, "And you my darling, are a force to be reckoned with."

Ella blushed, "Truth be told, I wasn't expecting any more out of myself than anyone else was. I barely remember any of it, but everyone was going nuts after I came, so I just sort of waved and got the hell out of there before I passed out from embarrassment. I know some people get off from being watched, but I'm going to have to learn to disregard the audience.

"God, you are so tsundere, I can barely stand it!" Mi-na clapped once before her eyes widened, "I mean it as a compliment; please don't take offense."

"I don't even know what that means, so you're safe."

Mi-na cleared her throat, "Well, moving on. Do you have everything you need? Got a place locked down and all that jazz?"

Ella tried to lie, but she stuttered once, "Y,yeah... I've got it taken care of."

Mi-na stared at her, "You paused briefly before answering and your 'yeah' sounded forced. You sure?"

The two made direct eye contact for a long moment before Ella sighed heavily, "I had an airbnb, but apparently it fell through. I was going to get a hotel for the night and..."

"A hotel?!" Mi-na shook her head, "In this part of L.A.? Unh uh, no way!" She smacked her cane down onto the ground, "No child of mine will be staying at some roach infested flea bucket next to the train tracks!"

Ella's eyes widened, "It's not that big of a deal, really, I..."

"It is a big deal," Mi-na looked off into the non existent horizon, "A mother hen must protect her new chicks with her very life. Aye, even if the storm's eye grows to reflect the swirling gaze of lucifer..."

Rosey came up behind Mi-na and bumped her, "Is she monologuing?"

Ella's eyes were still wide, "Yeah... I think so."

"Sorry, she does that. You need a place to crash tonight or what? We've got an extra room in our place; it's filled with props and junk, but we can clear it out for you."

"Oh no, seriously, I appreciate it, but..."

"Ella," Mi-na's voice softened, "Please. It's the least we can do for a fellow shooter in training, nay, a fellow fellow. It would be a pleasure, nay, an honor, to house you until you find proper board."

The girl looked down sheepishly and pursed her lips, "You're not going to let me say nay, are you?"

Mi-na smiled, "Survey says: unlikely."

Ella laughed before sighing, "Okay... thanks. I'll take you up on the offer."

"Huzzah! Sleepover!" Mi-na threw her hat up into the air and caught it. "Fair warning, things might get a little weird tonight..."

The petite girl bit her lip nervously, "What um... what do you mean?" "Well, me and Rosey have crazy, raunchy sex every night. I mean, she's a real despot, and she is absolutely bonkers about threesomes..."

"Don't listen to her!" Rosanna was wrapping a cord up in her arm, "I do her laundry and pick up after her. I like guys, she likes guys; we've seen each other naked a thousand times and I've filmed her cumming her brains out just as many times. I think we drunk kissed once; it was weird for both of us. We're platonic friends," she glared at Mi-na, "Stop fucking with the poor girl, she's got enough to deal with."