Siblings with Benefits Ch. 33


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I walked back over to his side of the desk, and after slipping my heels back on looked over to see Mark was sitting back down in his chair and smiling tiredly at me.

"Damn that was something." He said, still sounding out of breath.

Leaning over, I put my arms around him and kissed his cheek. I could feel my heart pounding again, but this time from nerves not excitement.

"Well I figured it would be a proper send off no?" I asked.

"Seeing we'd never done it here I guess so." Mark answered.

"Not your office Mark," I said, turning his face towards me and kissing him softly on the lips. "I meant you."


"Of course you!" I exclaimed pulling away from him and stepping back from the chair. "What kind of big sister would I be if I didn't come here and give my beautiful little brother a proper goodbye?"

The smile left Mark's face.


"Yeah Mark I have to leave in a few hours."

"You have too..." Mark paused, shook his head and asked. "What?"

"Royce called me last night little brother, Walsh wants to see me tonight he's even sending a plane to pick me up at Green." I shrugged. "I would have called you last night but you were..." I smirked at him. "Proving your point."

"Wait a minute," Mark said. "You're leaving tonight?"

I laughed.

"Wow Mark you must have really be tired, I said that twice already."

As Mark stared at me I quickly leaned forward, kissed his cheek and turning, walked around to the other side of his desk.

"Anyway Mark I have to get going I'll call you when I land."

Mark started to open his mouth then stopped. I could practically see the wheels spinning behind his eyes. Raising his hand, Mark started to point at me then bringing it to his face rubbed at his eyes.

"Well wish me luck Mark, I'm..."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?!"

I jumped, as when he yelled Mark had brought his hand down slapping the desk hard. Despite the fact he had startled me I felt a sense of satisfaction; Mark was rattled and already off his game.

"Calm down Mark." I told him. "You're getting really loud and..."

Right on cue Mark's phone buzzed. Stabbing the speaker button savagely with his finger Mark snapped;


"Ummm Mark is everything okay in there? I thought I heard..."

"Mind your business and hold my fucking calls until my sister leaves!" Mark growled into the phone then hit the button before Paula could respond.

"Hey Mark it's not her fault your mad," I began, doing my best to sound calm. "I mean..."

"Let me get this straight," Mark began his voice trembling as he struggled to keep his voice down. "We were supposed to talk tonight and you make plans to hop a plane and go make money instead?"

"No Mark if..."

"I have people coming in here at two and it's..." Mark glanced at the screen on his lap top. "One o'clock." He put his hands up. "A lousy fucking hour Meg? Is that all I'm worth to you?"

I flinched as he hit the desk again.

"So this is why you came in like this? Fuck me get me all relaxed then tell me that I have a time limit to have the biggest conversation of our lives?"

Looking him in the eye I said;

"We don't even need the hour Mark," I shrugged. "I already have my answer."

"Your answer?" Mark looked at me incredulously. "Your answer? I'm the one who's supposed to be getting a fucking answer!"

"And you did." I said simply.

"I did? I...." Mark paused then frowning blurted out; "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"See I don't have to answer Mark because you answered for us." I said forcing my voice to remain steady despite the pounding in my chest.

"What the hell does that mean?" Mark demanded.

"It's simple Mark; I asked you a question, a very important one. You don't think I'm worth an answer. Therefore you're not answering is my answer."


Mark stopped and narrowing his eyes appeared to be thinking, for the first time in longer than I could remember Mark looked totally confused.

"You never answered me." he said finally.

"Right Mark, like I said you answered it." I couldn't resist a smirk. "Sound familiar?"

"I... wait." Mark stopped then looking at me his eyes widening said;

"Are you talking about Doug and I?"

"Yes Mark I am." I nodded. "You don't think I'm worth telling the truth to so why should I think I'm worth anything to you?"

"Bullshit!!" Mark snarled. "That's fucking bullshit!! That has nothing to do with us Megan, nothing!!"

"No Mark it has everything to do with us! I deserve an answer!"

"You deserve an answer? I fucking asked you first!! I..."

"You asked me first?" I said in a mocking tone. "What are you ten Mark?"

Before he could start up again I put my hands up in a calming gesture and began speaking softly;

"Mark the other night you opened your heart to me and you want me to do the same to you right? You want us to talk about starting a life together no?"

"I..." Mark took a deep breath and forcing his voice to stay calm whispered; "Yes."

"Okay, you want that, but yet you don't trust me enough to tell me what's going on."

"Oh please Megan you know I trust you and..."

"Then prove it to me." I told him.

"Prove? You want me to prove something to you?" Mark pointed his finger at me and I saw his hand was shaking. "I think I have more than proven myself to you over the years!"

"I have been through hell and back with you Megan, hell Saturday night you were sitting in my lap crying and telling me how much you appreciate me never giving up on you and always being there when no one else was." He laughed harshly. "But I don't answer one fucking question and now I have to prove myself to you? Please."

"Yes Mark you do have to prove something to me you have to prove that..."

"And you know something Meg? Why the fuck should I? You already have a flight scheduled. Even if I did answer you, you taking off." He shook his head.

"Megan if you don't want me fucking say it. Don't use Doug as an excuse, you were leaving tonight anyway. Walsh is more important to you then I am and..."

"Oh now who has the poor fucking me's?" I snapped. "You know what Mark? How does it feel? How does it feel to be on the other end of one of your little fucking games?"

"This isn't the time for games Megan, this is about..."

"When Royce called me last night Mark I told him I would leave tonight otherwise I might lose Walsh. I told myself last night that I would leave the decision up to you. If you told me about you and dad, showed me you trusted me ,I would cancel the flight and Walsh could wait a couple of days."

Mark rolled his eyes, but I ignored him and continued.

"And you know what Mark? If Walsh lost interest, then oh well."

Walking up to the desk I leaned over and put my hand over his.

"Mark you're the most important person in the world to me and I would forget about Walsh in a heartbeat, but..." I removed my hand and stepped back again.

"If you aren't going to talk, if you don't think enough of me to tell me what the big secret is then guess what?" I put my hands up in an 'oh well' gesture. "I'm going to go meet Walsh and make one hell of a name for myself."

I sighed and shaking my head said;

"It was in your hands Mark, you decided not to tell me and..."

"You don't need to fucking know!!" Mark shouted. "I asked you about the rest of our lives and you're busting my balls because I won't talk about...."

"You used to tell me everything Mark!" I yelled back at him. "We never had secrets! Hell Mark you even told me about your condition, now you won't tell me this!"

"One thing Megan, one fucking thing!" Mark said. He paused then continued in a softer voice "Why does it matter why he hates me? Why can't you..."

"It's more than just the story Mark it's the point."

Walking back over to the desk I sat down in one of the chairs across from him.

"Mark if you want us to be everything to each other then you can't expect me to start out with you keeping secrets from me."

"Megan something's are better left alone." He shook his head in frustration. "Why can't you trust me?"

"I do trust you Mark. That's all the more reason I want to know why you won't tell me."

"Let sleeping dogs lie sis." Mark said softly. "Please."

"Mark what the hell could be so..."

"Megan, Doug told you it happened a long time ago. Why wake up old pain?"

"Because it obviously needs to be dealt with and..."

"Meg, all those years you were messed up part of the reason was guilt. The pain you felt you caused kept driving you back to the drugs." Mark sighed. "You're better now Megan why would you want to drag up old shit? Don't you blame yourself for enough for the past? Why add more?"

"Mark, the more you talk the more I need to know." I told him. "Stop trying to make me sound like I ..."

"Christ Megan," Mark cut in. "Even Doug doesn't think you should know, that's both of us. Why can't you just..."

"Mark for years what stopped me from even thinking about us was that I wasn't your equal. I was a mess. But Mark I have been straight for years now, I have my own life, and it's a good one, but you not telling me means you don't think I'm your equal Mark, that you think I'm..."

"I never said you weren't my equal."

"But I felt that way. Now, I'm finally in a place that I don't anymore and you want to treat me like I'm not.

"Drop it Megan," Mark said. "I know what's b..."

"Best for me?" I asked my voice raising. "Is that what you were going to say?"

"Yes," Mark said. "I know you Megan, and you don't need to know about..."

"I am not my mother!!!" I screamed at Mark the anger and frustration finally getting the better of me.

Jumping out of the chair I pointed at Mark and started yelling at him.

"My father never told my mother anything he didn't think she could handle, and I am not her! I will not go through life next to a man who thinks he is going to fucking pick and choose what I can and can't handle!"

"Megan listen..."

"No Mark you listen! I am not the weak willed needy little basket case that needed her brother to take care of her! I am a strong independent woman and I will not be treated like one of your pets!"

"Oh come on Meg..."

"What do you fucking think Mark? I'm going to get upset and go running for a bottle? Like I said yesterday; glad you think so highly of me!"

"I'm just trying to protect you," Mark said quietly. "I..."

"I don't need to be protected! You want to be part of my life, but you want to keep part of yours secret? Well that isn't how it fucking works Mark! It's not all cuddling up and great sex and fun, it's about bullshit too and dealing with it together. We always stuck together Mark, always! Now when you want it all, you want to share nothing!"

I stopped yelling and stood there breathing hard and taken aback at how upset I had gotten. Mark also appeared to be surprised and was sitting there quietly staring down at his desk.

"Tell you what Mark," I said softly. "I'll give you one more shot. Tell me about you and dad and right in front of you I will call Royce and tell him to cancel the flight."

To my dismay, Mark suddenly smiled as if he had just solved a puzzle.

"One more chance?" He asked. "Or the chance you planned all along."

Sitting back in his chair Mark looked me in the eye and said;

"Fine Meg, I'll call your bluff." Shaking his head, he added. "I'm not telling you sis. It's not worth..."

"It's not worth me apparently!" I snapped at him. "Guess you can't want me that bad if you think this is a fucking contest."

I turned to leave then feeling the anger rising again, spun back around to face him.

"You arrogant little bastard," I hissed "You really think this is one of your games? You think you can win something?"

I grunted and shook my head.

"Well guess what Mark? This time you lose, well no actually we both lose."

I wanted to say more but stopped as I felt myself choking up. Taking a deep breath I continued;

"All these years and in the end we were over before we started." I waved my hand disgustedly at him. "You win Mark you keep your precious secret."

"Oh like you..." Mark started but I cut him off.

"Good luck in LA Mark I'm sure you'll take whatever you want out there." I could feel the tears beginning to flow down my cheeks as I finished; "Maybe someday you'll figure out that hearts can't be taken they have to be given."

Without waiting for a reply I turned and started to walk towards the door, as I did I spoke loud enough so that he could hear me.

"I'll call you tomorrow and let you know about Walsh. If you don't care you don't have to answer."

I reached the door when Mark said;

"Megan, stop."

I stood in front of the door and without turning around asked;

"Why Mark? You have a new game to play?"

"You were the one playing today Megan and you know it." Mark said.

Even though I knew he was right I shook my head disgustedly and put my hand on the doorknob, but stopped short of turning it as he finished;

"But you win."

I paused for a moment, then turning around slowly walked back over to the desk.

"You're going to tell..." I started, but Mark cut in.

"Megan, just like you asked me I am going to ask you; will you please trust me and let this go?"

Looking him in the eye I immediately answered;

"No Mark, and stop being so dramatic, this isn't the courthouse I can handle it."

"Okay Megan," Mark said softly. "Okay, you want to prove you're a big girl and think you know best then sit down."

I sat down across from him managing to resist the urge to snap at him for that last remark. Mark looked into my eyes for a few seconds then with a sigh stood up. Removing a set of keys from his pocket Mark walked over to the large fire proof filing cabinet against the wall. Unlocking the bottom drawer Mark reached in and removed a black metal box. Walking back over to the desk he sat down placing the metal box in front of him. I felt my heart start to beat faster and my stomach begin to tighten as I watched Mark stare at the box. With an air of resignation he unlocked the it and pulled a large white envelope from it. Pushing the box to the side Mark reached into the envelope and removed a yellow folder.

Mark looked down for a moment, then reaching across the desk handed it to me. Taking the folder from him I opened it then hesitated for a moment as I looked at Mark, who was staring at the envelope in my hand as if he were already regretting handing it to me. Reaching in, I pulled out a stack of papers and looked at the top one. It was a large sheet of yellow notebook paper with handwriting across it.

"Its ten o'clock, do you know where your daughter is?"

I slid the paper to the side and gasped as I saw a full color eight by ten picture of myself bent over a table. On the table was a mirror and I had a straw in my hand. The picture was taken close enough that you could see the lines of cocaine on the mirror. I swallowed hard and immediately thought that this was what had almost beat Mark at the Winthrop trial. A nightmare come true for me; someone using my past to disgrace and blackmail my brother. Mark would never want me to go through that and was ready to let an innocent girl suffer ...

"Keep going." Mark said softly cutting into racing thoughts.

Letting out a long breath, I slid the picture off the stack in my hand and saw another piece of paper.

"Don't worry Mom she's okay, she's with her brother!"

My fingers trembling, I removed the paper. I cried out dropping the stack of papers as if I had been burned. The stack landed face up and I felt the room begin to spin as my eyes refused to tear themselves from the picture. In it I was naked on my hands and knees, and behind me was my brother. Mark was pulling my hair as he fucked me from behind, my eyes were glossy and I was obviously wasted. I was also obviously loving it, as my mouth was wide open in a scream of pleasure.

"Wh... where... did you g...get these? I..."

I stopped finding that I couldn't speak, and finally tearing my eyes from the picture, I looked up at my brother who shaking his head flipped the white envelope across the desk where it landed on the stack of pictures. Looking down I felt my heart skip a beat and a sharp pain in my stomach as I saw the address on the envelope.

"Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hanson."

Author's note:

As always thank you for reading votes and feedback are appreciated.

Seven chapters left


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4chuckssite4chuckssite5 months ago

I guess you will explain all about the surprise soon and if the two actually do go somewhere and tie the knot. It has been fun to read all the interesting situations. Hard to believe that Mark continues to love Megan after all the bullshit she provides. Seven, no six more chapters remain to put a lid on this interesting tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The cliffhangers are amazing, but I am staying up way too late binging on chapter after chapter!!

kaidmankaidmanover 11 years ago

great work as always and don't listen to the anon assholes who cut you down I love your work and even bought the novels to bad I can't get your autograph

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Wish she'd die already...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

...I read your shit because I love reading porn. Period. Visually, you can see only so many variations of the same moves before the visual get old...sometimes. Anyway, harlequins and most stuff on the bookshelves today weren't doing it for me until I found this site. Now, you've written well, very well, on a topic that is so twisted and "out there" that for those of us who are twisted and is great fiction (yeah, I know some twisted bastards are doing it, but let me have my fantasy, ok?). So, knowing we love your work and are giving you props at times we read something that really gets the old keyboards sticky, should have been enough to keep you going. There IS an audience of the twisted, sick and perverted who appreciated your techniques of good characterization, well written action and different settings and a steady attempt at a plot, all in a long ass story like this. Get some balls and just keep writing, whether we speak or got a talent...I just want to read good sex if not GREAT sex, group sex, incest sex, beatialty sex,'re better than Sir Sade...and can almost see the knees of Laura K, shit...keep writing. Kay? Geeze!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Holy Hell!

WOW, and I need a tums.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A beautiful Touch!

Although this series is all around excellent, to me, little things are what makes it so special. I want to tell you that Megan's attending of an AA meeting was a perfect touch! I have been in program for years and have felt from the beginning you have done an amazing job of capturing her mindset, and emotions. Even her sometimes selfish behavior is the result of addicts needing to worry about themselves first to a degree. I was wondering at one point if you would do it, but also knew the story takes place mostly in the past and the present has only really been a few days but Megan did what we all do when upset, we go to the place that saved us in the first place. Again wonderful touch.

paheelonepaheelonealmost 13 years ago

damnnnnnnnn now i see it.mark took the blame,just like always.cant wait to see what meg does about this one.

Sunamoon37Sunamoon37almost 13 years ago

wow.. I can honestly say i didn't think that was the answer.. even tho it kinda had to be the obvious answer. Im a little stunned at Megan treating Mark so callously to get what she wanted. It feels as tho she will never own up to her feelings for Mark, to open up and actually feel something real. Wow have left me speechless and we both know that doesnt happen often.. where do the go from here?! Write faster! Excellent Chapter just not near long enough!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This story always leaves me asking for more and never enough to keep me satisfied. Right from the character development to the twists and turns it takes is absolutely fantastic. This one is specially rich in the suspense since there are a lot of things to be answered in coming parts. It is a grueling wait for a few more days before the answer to who sent these pics and how were they taken is revealed.

I do want suggest that the story be written from Mark's POV. Even though Megan is a central character, my sympathies are with Mark since he bears the brunt of bad decisions taken by Megan. Mark is no way an angel, but at least he goes out of his way to help his sister. Megan is selfish, makes bad decisions and takes the easier way out most of the times. Not to mention, some more of Mark's dark voice is closer to reality than the sex-crazy voices by a couple of other authors.

Keep them coming.

LancerInLALancerInLAalmost 13 years ago
You get what you ask for

I have read from the beginning, and to be frank, Megan is deplorable. But written very well. Mark is no saint, but the crap she has brought to the "relationship" far outweighs any good parts. For me, the sex is hot, but I am reading for the story. I love the character development. The longer the better, as long as the story supports it. And this series has.

She asked/begged for this information. She has put Mark through hell, a few times, and then she can not let this one thing go. She is one of the most selfish characters I have read in a while. I am lucky enough not to know anyone like her in real life, but I know they are out there.

Love the story, I will keep going until the end...and even further than that with your other work.



MasterEarlMasterEarlalmost 13 years ago
10 Stars

5 stars are never enough,, another great chapter,, as always the sex between them is the hottest thing on Lit and with each struggling to out do the other only makes it hotter,,,,,

Now that the big secret is out, had thought all along that Alex had done some something like this to get Mark to drop the case, I look forward to seeing how you being this to a conclusion. We all know the only way ether will be happy, is with each other, it they can only put the games away long enough to go about making it happen. WILL THEY????????

CWR2014CWR2014almost 13 years ago
Great Story

As always you did a great job can't wait for the next chapter, Thanks for your time and talent.

VincePVincePalmost 13 years ago
Awww shit!

I hate you for this, what a cliffhanger... Once again, Great chapter! Doug finding out about Mark and Megan was pretty much expected, but not by way of Mark sending photos to Doug and Denise.

Anyways, Its great that you are consistently posting new chapters every few weeks. It brightens up my day to see your updates telling us when to expect a new chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I've been reading this since the beginning and I just want to say: I love it. Being one who lives in this kind of life-style (BDSM not incest ;D), I've enjoyed every second of Megan and Mark's burgeoning relationship, the ups and the downs, and this newest development. With this in mind, I want to mention that -being a follower from the beginning- I DO like the sex that comes with the story. Unlike what the rest of these readers think, I'd like you to know that it doesn't detract from the plot, characters, or theme at all in my eyes (This IS Literotica after all). In fact, you can see how their feelings for each other change and evolve through their physical relationships. Keep it coming. I look forward to further chapters!

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