Silver Moon: A Change Ch. 08


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She couldn't help but let a smile play across her face. Julia moved forward and put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him backwards and crawled up his body looked down at him. She reached behind her head and untied her long hair before leaning down and gave him a very passionate burning kiss. "Is that answer enough my lord Alpha?"

Dan growled at her when she said that though he knew she was teasing him. "Uppity woman, just for that..." His hands slid up her back and then back down and goosed her and made her squeal. "Every time you tease me I am going to find something to make you squeal..." He jerked her shirt off and tossed it to the side and had to laugh since she didn't have a bra on. She was well endowed and since she was sitting up he reached up and gently stroked the sides and smiled as she purred back at him.

"See something you like? I know I can feel something I might just like." She slid off his lap and pulled the rest of her clothes off as Dan stood up and did the same. One nice thing about being a lycan even if you don't have the world's best body after being changed all the little signs of aging and wear and tear got erased and the little sags faded as well. "So do you want some pretend dominants or are you going to toss me on the bed and ravage me?"

Dan laughed and was pleased. If she can joke like that she knows that it is safe to joke. "Hmm... I think we will decide that as we go along. For now I think I am going to try something slightly different, go lay down on your stomach woman." If she was going to tease him he was going to tease her. Once she was on her stomach he straddled her though he made sure to lightly press his penis into her crack and then leaned forward and started stroking her back. "Someone recently started with a heck of a massage therapy that ended up... Just wow."

His thick fingers were working on her neck and shoulders. They were interspersed with kisses and nips. As he was working his way down he continued the kisses and nips as well as light licks and she wiggled as he hit a few tickly spots and he made sure to work them over. As he was slowly making love to her back he could feel her wiggling and definitely smelled of arousal. When he hit her lower back he continued to slide down nibbled on her bottom and licked the base of her tailbone and then flipped her over.

"Having fun yet? Smells like it." Dan lightly nosed her groin hair and briefly licked the V between her legs before working his way up. He hit his favorite spot and started working her navel. Slow gentle licks around as well as nipping the skin and then he ran his tongue through it and she giggled. "Dan I think you are having too much fun."

Now he slid up and squatted over her hips and he deliberately pressed his thick penis right on top of her crease and then leaned forward so that it was pressed into it. That made her start to lift her hips and get some friction. As she started doing that he leaned forward and stared at the large nipples and slowly leaned over and slowly blew some air over it and watched it crinkle and chuckled. He leaned forward and sucked gently on them and she started moaning even more.

"Oh god, this is good and it was worth the wait." She was definitely grinding against him but he just wasn't quite in the right position for really good pressure and it was starting to really make her ache. "Dan god, please, anything." The slow build was something she hadn't experienced since her mate had been killed by the former Alpha and it had been a long time. When he started sucking on one nipple while his hand was gently stroked and massaged her other breast it was just enough with the pressure of his penis she thrust up hard and growled. For whatever reason she tended to growl and not scream.

Dan chuckled at that and then moved back down. The scent from her groin was intoxicating and he nosed it and slowly inhaled the aroma. He finally lowered his lips to hers and separated them with his tongue and slowly ran it the length of her and ended up circling her clit and then back down. He lengthened his tongue and slowly slid it inside her while one hand lowered to the top of her clit and started lightly stroking and smiled when she orgasmed again.

He finally brought her to another orgasm before flipping her back over and after positioning her gently inserted his penis and evenly and slowly pushed it in till he bottomed out. Just be sort of mean he held her hips firmly and wouldn't let her push back. "I decided the dominant is going to run the pace tonight. Later you can play." Once he was in he started stroking and slowly faster and faster. As he was stroking he took the time to nibble and lick her back and even lightly bit down on her neck right before his knot form and he seated fully moments before she orgasmed and then he did.

"Well that was most enjoyable Julia." He settled them on their sides and rested his arm around her waist. "That was very enjoyable and thank you for offering." He licked behind one ear and fell asleep.

She had greatly enjoyed that as well and the feel of his arms around him and his knot inside felt so good. Julia would definitely spend time in his bed as he permitted and as she felt him slip off into sleep she did as well. They would wake soon enough.


Later that night everyone ended up eating outside and Dan and his henchmen were sitting around one of the tables and Dan couldn't help but grin. The pups were wiggling around Mary and some of the other pack members of his old pack and they were looking very confused. He had a feeling they weren't sure how to treat puppies as of yet. "Jeremy she might just bite you if you don't pick her up. She is just saying hello." That got a laugh from everyone

Sheliae leaned over to mutter something in Dan's ear and he froze as her scent drifted past his nose. Oh god, not again. He might just have to swear off sex for a while. "Hey Ben I need to borrow your mate for a few minutes. Just a couple of questions for her and have her back in a minute."

Ben pretended to scowl at Dan and then waived a rib bone he was working on at him. "Stay in sight at all times mind you but I can handle it." He took another bite and grinned. He knew Dan's views on mates, don't come between them or you will die.

Dan drew her off to one side and gave her a lopsided grin. "I hate to tell you this but Giani is right. You are going to have another kit and you are about two months pregnant." His grin might be lopsided but he was ready to scream. What the fuck was going on. He really didn't remember her being in heat thought they did screw their brains out when the pups weren't in the room.

She rolled her eyes at him. "I am a spirit healer and know. I also know I am going to have twin daughters and one is a pup and one a kit and I have been thinking about how to explain this to both of you or simply tell him the other man is no longer in my life." For some odd reason she simply hadn't realized she was in heat while down there. None of the other foxes had noticed so she assumed the spirits were involved.

Dan sighed. *Ben come here for a moment and bring Alysson with since this deals with her as well.* "Ben and Alysson will be here in a moment and let me deal with Ben. I know how he thinks, well usually. Never had to tell him I had intimate relations with his future mate before."

As they were walking over Alysson couldn't help raise an eyebrow at Dan's expressions and when close enough his scent. He was worried about something and was mixed between resignation and pride. Since Ben was there as well she figured it had something to do with Ben and Sheliae.

"Ben I have something to tell you and you are not going to be happy but it is over and done." Dan met his eyes and locked them with his. "Well before we had any indication that you would be coming over Geoff and a retinue came down to my place. As Sheliae was helping heal my spirit we did have a short affair and I just discovered she is pregnant with my pups."

Alysson's jaw dropped and almost laughed but managed not to laugh at his expression and then glanced at Sheliae and frowned. *We will talk later.*

Sheliae nodded slightly to her clan leader. *I have been trying to figure out how to mention it to you and Dan but the spirits told me to wait.* Thank god she could show her that. It would keep from getting a tail chewed off.

That was not something Ben had been expecting and shock and rage came to the fore and his eyes changed to an amber blue as his wolf surged forward. A low growl emanated from his mouth and if Dan hadn't been his alpha and been upfront about it he probably would have launched himself at Dan. "Mine don't go near her again."

Dan nodded. "It is over Ben, after the healing she did something that completely turned any attraction off. She is a beautiful and wonderful woman but that is all now. You needed to know and you know I will not lie to you. Take your mate and go back to the table or your room or where ever you would like." That wasn't totally true but now that Ben was going to be her mate it was over and he would move on.

Ben did that since right now he needed to talk to his mate and discuss a few things. That left Dan and Alysson standing there and neither were looking at the other. Finally she spoke. "So any other kids out there? You seem to be pretty fertile and stay away from any of my other females... I don't need any more headaches."

He almost growled and then an evil idea came to his mind. "Well there is Gettie last night and one of your daughters was..." His face was straight and serious. Oh god Alysson was going to kill him. Her oldest girl had been staring at him and sort of indicated interest but she was way too young for him.

For half a moment Alysson considered striking him down till she sampled his spirits and then snarled at him. "Not funny about Allie. Stay away from her." She had to take a slow deep breath and then growled at him again. "I should smite you down just for that joke."

Dan snickered and then groaned. "Personal population explosion and so far twins run in the family it seems and I think I am going to join a monastery and vasectomy's are out of the question since they don't work." If Julia ended up pregnant he would shit a brick but it was between heats so that just wouldn't happen. From what he had learned when he had picked Mari's brain they could only get pregnant during heat and as far as she knew it had never happened. "Sorry Alysson, my sense of humor gets beyond bad when I get stressed."

Mari had seen him groan and walked over and leaned against him. "Is something wrong oh my alpha?" It was obvious she was laughing at him and when Alysson started snickering then Mari did as well. She had a pretty good idea what they were talking about since she had noticed the change in Sheliae's scent as well just the other day.

He growled at her and gently stood her up and stalked off looking rather offended. Some of the others glanced at him and moved back a bit to let him through. At the moment he was grumpy enough that it would be a good idea to go and relax some. The hot springs sounded good so he headed in that direction and stripped down and slid into a private one.

Mari gave her clan leader a wry smile before starting to follow her pack leader. *Geoff I am going to be with Dan for a while. He got a bit of upsetting news. He is my alpha as much as your mother is my Clan leader and you are my mate.*

Geoff mentally frowned and sensed that Dan was feeling very grumpy which was not good for anyone around a grumpy Alpha since they tended to react and not think. *What was the news? Assuming you can tell me.*

Mari smirked. *Well it seems that he is going to be having another set of twins...* She left it at that and waited for her mate to respond.

*Huh? Who? As far as I have been able to tell is that he was with you and...* For a moment the link almost went blank and then Geoff fell into a chair he started laughing so hard. *Oh god that must have been an awkward conversation. 'Um, Ben, um, your mate is having my kits'* He was laughing so hard the connection sort of fuzzed out and everyone was staring hard at him. All he could do was sort of wave ineffectually at them and he even had tears of laughter rolling down.

She kept walking till she found the hot spring that Dan was in and walked in. "Hello Dan. Mind if I joined you?" She pulled her clothes off and sat on the edge and urged him to lean back. "Can you hear them? If not you should be able to feel them."

That caught his attention and he leaned his head back and rested it on her belly and smiled. "I can hear them. Oh, by the way if Geoff doesn't stop laughing I am going to rip a tail off." He wasn't nearly as offended as he had been, or well grumpy but he had to do the Alpha thing.

"Silly Alpha, he is just laughing at a joke someone told him." She was running her fingers through his hair and sighed. "I love it here and I am definitely growing to love the clan but I do miss the pack even if I can still feel them though we can't communicate."

"I know exactly which minx told him the joke as well." He closed his eyes and relaxed to both the sounds of the heart beats of all three and her stroking her hair. "I want you to know that I love you Mari, not as a mate but as the one person who held me into this world. The one person who also allowed the pups to sneak into my room at night. I love my little submissive and everything she has done for me. I am glad you found someone who can love you in ways I can't."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Alyson is a manipulative

cun... fox! I don't like her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

it is a good story overall but having him impregnate women and then passing them off to other males is a pointless thing to do. you mention it is to add some drama but no one needs that kind of drama. also who would want a mate like that. how are they your mate if they are mothers to someone else 's kid. this isn't about someone marrying a divorcee with kids, that is understandable but for were creatures that give heavy emphasis to having life mates this shouldnt be that acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Dan is a card carrying gigolo!

Okay...I could go on and on about how Dan likes to find beautiful women, impregnate them, then pass them off to his friends to raise his pups...but I KNOW Dan is not doing it on purpose! LOL! Oh my gosh! That poor guy! But more awkward by FAR is to have his whole entire old pack show up.

How do you explain that?

It's like those people you see on the news having a double know what I mean? The woman who is a mother and a wife to two different families at the same time. Like she works at night for one family and works during the day for the other so she is constantly being the mom for two different families?

Dan is a PACK CHEATER! He is splitting his time between two packs! Okay, he isn't. I just wish there was some way to have a camera to take a picture of his old packs face as he is trying to explain it all.

"Hey Ben...Mary...yeah...Hi! This is my new pack! Sorry I was gone for so long, but that your here...Say hello to your new pack brothers and sisters!" be a fly on the wall watching all that go down. I would sell tickets and popcorn for that event!

Sincerely, Payenbrant

P.S. 5

maxd01maxd01over 10 years agoAuthor

Just submitted it and hope it gets accepted by the end of the week... Also for those who have been reading my second story I just submitted a new chapter for that as well.

NymphWriterNymphWriterover 10 years ago

It was hard not to cry when Dan saw his mate & cubs... but then to learn he's sired more pups was great. I saw that one coming and I too was laughing my ass off. Now Dan needs to realize who is new "mate" is and stop being such a man-whore (jk.) I so love this series.

maxd01maxd01over 10 years agoAuthor
@ Anon

I actually address the pack issue in the next chapter. Beyond that I am not going to directly address it.

Now as far as your comment about his being used as a sperm bank I did make a comment on this. I mentioned Dan not being all there as he is dealing with the loss of his family and pack. There is also drama of both Mari and Sheliae having his pup/kits.

Also if you look back you will see that he has actually had sex with three people at this time of which only two are pregnant. There was Mari, Sheliae, and Angie. I will give a hit that he might end up with Gettie but that is a maybe or maybe not.

One last thing, like animals spirit animals/lycan's only go into heat twice a year so for the rest of the year they can play all they want. If single they are very active, at least lycan's are since they don't have to worry about getting pregnant. I hope this answers some of your questions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

so if the old pack is to stay on kitsune land how are they still dan's?? also, how is it fair that these women keep treating him like their own personal sperm donor? i realize it was "accidental" but he doesn't get to have his own kids. just seems incredibly fucked up to me.

darkphoenixrisingdarkphoenixrisingover 10 years ago

@redlion - we've already met his new mate, she's a woman in the local town where the pack's based

MSBLING59MSBLING59over 10 years ago


friend40friend40over 10 years ago
this is getting interesting

I like that you are opening it up to so many possibilities and directions.

redlion75redlion75over 10 years ago

been waiting for gianni to be aged so we can find out she is dans new mate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Love this,so many new developments.How did his old pack get there? Where are they?How is he going to integrate the old and new packs?What is his purpose for being there and what new changes are going to happen? How many children will he have? Who will be his new mate? Looking forward to these questions being answered in upcoming chapters. I love the uniqueness of this story,the plot and characters are very good.Lol Dan sure is fertile. I wonder if he's going to breed everyone he has sex with,that's funny. Thanks for sharing this story,good job.

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