Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 29


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She smiled and ran off to locate Tiger.

The apprentices reappeared and laid their blankets on the floor as did he, "Sleep in your clothes and armor. You will most of the time while we are on the road. You need to get comfortable with it now. You will learn how to change your clothes under a cloak. Armor will always be on top. Throws off the fact that you are a caster. Keep your bows with an arrow nocked unless you are doing sword practice."

They nodded. He rolled onto his back and got some rest. He awoke early. His spells were already prepared so he went out and fed and watered T'suras. He got the barding and saddle on when young Moon Ray came out.

Eldar looked at her, "You will be an adult much faster than Strong Oak. Eventually, love is going to find you. I will tell you to ensure they are fertile and embrace it. Even if you are still in training. A Moon Blade has to have an heir to go to so that will become a priority for you sooner rather than later because of the window you have. Trust me I am married to 2 Elf-blooded women."

She chuckled and he looked at her. "I have never heard of one of these blades in a human's hands. If your children are human, I do not know if the sword will accept them or kill them. You are better with a full elf or another Elf-blooded. To ensure the heirs will be acceptable to the sword."

She nodded, "Good to know, Grand Master. Thank you for talking to me like an adult."

Eldar nodded, "You both are not by age. Once you have seen or been in a battle or two you will be older much faster."

She nodded and got her horse ready. He went back inside and woke Strong Oak, "Clear your mind to prepare your spells and burn your old book. Then get your horse ready to go once you are packed. I will be outside waiting. He nodded as he was half asleep. Eldar rolled up his bedroll and finished with his pack and headed out to see how Moon Ray was doing.

He looked at her, "Clear your mind, prepare your spells, and burn your old spellbook. I will be waiting out here for the others who should be along shortly."

Captain Blaze rode in on his horse a few minutes later. He smiled as he saw Eldar up on T'sarus with his bow in hand.

Eldar looked at him, "The troops geared and ready? You got another Lieutenant riding with you right?"

Blaze nodded, "They all got geared yesterday. Charlemagne said it would be a couple of days before she starts doing more as she wants to pull in some of the other larger caches first."

Eldar nodded, "Makes sense." His two apprentices were out of the house within the hour. He looked at them. "Just the spells I have told you correct?"

They both nodded, He started riding out and they followed until they got to the crossroads.

Eldar looked at them, "Column of 3. I want my apprentices behind me. We will ride the left column Captain center column with the men left from the one battle-tested squad. I want the lieutenant to ride right side with his squad behind him."

Eldar started riding out and they fell in line. They kept that formation for 3 days at normal speed with no shortcut in the ride. Even though they had no wagons with them. They encountered no issues and he met up with Captain New Moon who was at the border with his troops. Eldar looked at him, "Any more attacks?"

He shook his head, "The humans have encountered a squad here and there but they put them down easily enough. Rumor is they are infighting."

Eldar nodded, "Once they are done expect another incursion. Keep 4 squads patrolling the area from the battle back to here. I will be working on getting you more troops. In fact, set one of your Lieutenants to take over and come with us."

Eldar smiled as they crossed the border into dwarven lands and moved his column into the center. They rode through the first set of settlements on the surface with only a curious look or two as they approached the major Dwarven Conclave known as Thunder Rock. They encounter their first set of dwarven troops. The lead officer held up a hand.

Eldar yelled out to his troops, "Halt here, captains are with me."

They nodded and the 3 of them rode forward as several dwarves on warhorses approached them.

Eldar yelled over, "Good day to you."

The leader looked at Eldar, "That is a lot of troops riding with you."

Eldar shook his head, "I am Duke Silvertree, Commanding General of the Gray Blade cross-border mercenary company. The officer to my left is Captain Goldeagle of the Gray Blades and the nephew of the Queen of the Elven Kingdom. For diplomatic escorts, we are well below what some would bring. We are visiting allies and most of my troops are watching the border after the last incursion."

He reached in and handed him his diplomatic letter and he looked it over and handed it back. "Follow us, we can take you up to the main city."

Eldar nodded and waved his troops forward as they fell in behind the dwarves then led them through Thunder Rock and up to the Dwarven Capital gates into the side of the mountain. Past large and old stone columns depicting the Dwarven Gods Dumathoin and Moradin holding a large Adamantium beam or brace over the entrance into the underground layer.

The troops departed after talking with the City Guards, who seemed to be scurrying around. One of the City Guards came up, "We need you to stable your horses here. My men will escort you down to the royal complex. The royal guards will escort you from there. We just do not have stables in the city for obvious reasons."

Eldar nodded. They stabled the horses and set up the saddles on the wall.

Eldar visited with the stable owner for a moment. He waves them off from paying as Eldar was on a diplomatic mission while Eldar warned him, "The War Horses have a temperament to attack if they feel threatened."

He headed into the city with 6 dwarven guards plus his team and 2 apprentices who had never seen the likes of this before. For that matter neither had Eldar.

They traveled into a large cavernous opening that sloped downward for a while before leveling out. It raised again just before they got to the edge of the royal complex. The guards with them announced who they were. The Royal Guards nodded and the doors opened.

The City Guards left and the Royal Guard beckoned them forward, "You have been expected. The King told us to take you straight to the palace when you arrive."

Eldar nodded, "I get that a lot to tell you the truth."

Captain Goldeagle chuckled at that, "Imagine growing up in the royal family and having guards escort you to a private room to use a chamber pot."

That got the Royal Guard to at least crack a smile. Eldar looked at the escorts, "I am not your typical diplomat or Duke. In fact, I just got that title thrust upon me. I am a military commander of a mercenary group. If I say something you find funny feel free to laugh, my troops do. I am always trying to break the tension."

They simply smiled and nodded at him. He could sense this would be a tough crowd. They made it to the Dwarven Palace and were taken straight to the Throne Room. Several dwarves lined either side.

They walked into the center of the room. Eldar saw the Dwarven King Fire Axe sitting alone on a throne, which had a large indentation from some type of weapon strike, right at head level. Several members of his court sat off to the sides. Likely his advisors and nobles.

Eldar bowed to him, "I am Duke Eldar Silvertree, Commanding General of the Gray Blades. I travel with Captain Goldeagle of the Gray Blades and nephew to the Queen of the Elven Kingdom. It is a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face, Your Majesty"

King Fire Axe chuckled at Eldar, "You go through titles like some drinking water."

Eldar nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty. I have compared some of the events in my life to trying to drink from the bottom of a waterfall."

He smiled, "Your name has been popping up left and right. I was beginning to wonder if there were 2 of you."

Eldar smiled, "No, Your Majesty. There are my twin wives but I have no counterpart."

This got a chuckle and a few murmurs from the crowd. King Fire Axe looked at Eldar, "Let us get down to what you want."

Eldar nodded, "I spoke with one of your stone smiths and explained the fortifications. The garrison and a separate front-line fort, and the watchtowers we want to have built. He told me to get it done I would need 30% of your stone cutters and masons for the next 20 years, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe looks at Eldar, "Building a palace?"

Eldar smiled, "No, a garrison with a Keep in the town. A front-line fort with 40-foot walls 10 feet thick and capable of housing 200 comfortably or 600 on a hot bunk basis. Then there is the line of watchtowers running the edge of the trade route on the southern border.

All the way to the first crossroad at about 10-mile intervals. Those towers will be able to signal an incursion in both directions to ensure maximum troops can be applied by us and any Alliance Army assets that might be in the area.

It also provides a safe haven for your drivers if a caravan is attacked, again. We are sitting at just under 200 and we have the charter to take us to 600 which brings us to trying to find the best way of drumming up volunteers to join the Gray Blades.

Those that wish to protect their own and their allies and to get some battle experience before this next full-blown war occurs. I am also planning a similar trip to the human King in the near future to broach the same subject.

That first incursion cost the lives of a human and 2 elven Gray Blades. The loss of a Dwarven caravan driver and the Army of the Humans lost a squad of 8. Between us, we killed 220 of them in that attack, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe nodded, "You think you can keep war at bay for 20 years?"

Eldar nodded, "We are working on making it 40 years as you are aware of the behind the lines raid we did on their leadership, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe smiled, "Yes, that was impressive from all accounts. When war strikes, this is more for my court than you, you will be our Field Marshal over the troops in that area."

Eldar nodded. There were murmurs everywhere at that surprise announcement.

King Fire Axe looks at Eldar, "What kind of troops are you looking for?"

Eldar sighed, "From the dwarves' fighters of all types, scouts, battle clerics, and sappers are at the top of my list. I am hoping to find 150-200 dwarves. I have troops at the border who are patrolling out to the last battle zone and back to the edge of the dwarven border who will handle the evaluation of talented people.

I can have scout trainers available to evaluate within days if needed. I have several clerics. Some are geared as healers and a few are battle clerics. Those who can ride and have horses or some other form of mount would be ideal for patrol work. Caravan security is a different matter.

We can add a fourth wagon to carry support while they switch out with those who are walking. We also have business opportunities for those who are interested in the town we are building, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe looked at him, "The stone cutters and masons we can do. We know the terms of our treaty and from what I hear you have a nice granite deposit to build these structures. As to troops, we can let you talk with our fighter's guild. Drumming up some support from there should be easy enough. Battle clerics, I will send an inquiry. There might be a few but we will see what you get. Why sappers?"

Eldar smiled, "I am a student of history. Human, Dwarven, and Elven. I examine conflicts from each race's perspectives. One thing I have learned about the Dwarves is they are unmatched when it comes to their Sappers. I would like to have them slowly trap the entire valley floor and eventually turn a hill into a crater. That way we'll always have the high ground in the fight."

King Fire Axe chuckled, "They are a peculiar lot."

Eldar laughed, "I am a peculiar elf, Your Majesty."

The King laughed at him, "I have heard of some of your court antics."

Eldar smiled, "Like talking plainly and not dealing with bullshit? Action over lip service? Or the infamous drawing of weapons in open court and sealing the castle because of assassins? I have survived 5 assassination attempts from our common enemy to a wicked stepmother. That is just in the last few months.

There are so many to choose from. But the story I was told you were most fascinated about with my calling a trial by combat against another Grand Master Blade Singer. Then killed him in under 30 seconds. Cutting off both hands and slowly pushing my burning sword through the middle of his head, Your Majesty"

King Fire Axe laughed for several minutes, "The story intrigued me, it is not usual for an Elf to kill one within your order."

Eldar nodded, "We had proof that he had ordered the assassinations of 21 other Blade Singers. One simply because he lost money on betting on them. She failed to beat me in my final tournament at the Academy. I was a 4-time Champion out of the Academy after that and my training flew into the face of standard methods. They did not just get killed outright. Acts so depraved I will not list them in open court.

That made him a Rogue of the Order. The gods stripped him of his abilities as a Blade Singer for violating the Code of Conduct. Dwarves have a long and proud history revolving around honor. I think you would understand my actions, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe nodded to Eldar, "There were a couple of elements in your story that I was not aware of. That sheds new light on your actions. Was there anything else on your list?"

Eldar nodded, "Did you get my request concerning the magical forges as well as the business opportunities that are open to your people, Your Majesty?"

King Fir Axe nodded, "Why the forges?"

Eldar smiled, "Building and maintaining a large force of troops, armies coming in from the Elves, Dwarves, and Humans. Forges are essential in keeping these troops supplied, and their equipment repaired. Homes and businesses built. The amount of wood required to support this effort would be enormous. Magical forges that do not require fuel would keep the forests growing and ensure little to no delay to the troops.

We have not had a Weaponsmith or Armorsmith in our new town as of yet. I want them from human or dwarven smiths. I have the best Eleven Weapon Smith doing consignment work for me out of the Capital. A village in my area has the best bow-smith and another the best Master Leathersmiths in our lands.

I can get Elven equipment fairly easily. But the heavier armor and weapons desired by dwarves and some humans are another matter. Our human counterparts buy gear from both of us. We cater to different markets with only a small area of overlap. As such, dwarven merchants or smiths wishing to set up shop in this town have an opportunity to explore within this area with a measure of security, Your Majesty."

King Fire Axe looked at Eldar, "How many of these forges are you wanting?"

Eldar paused for a second, "I would look for 3. The first is a forge that will be used during the construction phase of the town. Then I would like two others, one at the garrison and one at the Fort. Any weapon-smith or armor-smith would have to work on bringing in their forges specializing in this area and would be under Dwarven control, Your Majesty."

King Fireaxe looks at Eldar, "I will allow you to commission them. But you must pay for them at 80,000 gold pieces each. The forges are not the ones we would use to craft weapons and armor but for what you are wanting they would work."

Eldar nodded, "You have a connection into the Elven bank, Your Majesty?"

He nodded, "We do."

Eldar smiled, "Very well, I will speak with your representative on this. I will pay for all 3 upfront while the first two can begin construction as soon as possible.

The third will require the walls of the fortification on the front line to be in place and we will house over half our Gray Blades out of this area during the construction."

The King looked over, "I will not allow weapon or armor forges to be built outside of dwarven lands. I will allow the merchants the option to decide on setting up a store without a local forge."

Eldar simply nodded, "Was there anything you wished to discuss with me, Your Majesty?"

King Fire Axe chuckled, "I heard you are not one for court. I would ask you, are the rumors circulating about your wedding true? The rumor that your marriage was visited and overseen by a deity?"

This got a few more murmurers from the crowd.

Eldar looked at the King, "Your Majesty, I am the Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian as informed to me by Sehanine Moon Bow, The Lady of Dreams on the night of my wedding. Yes, she did marry me to my wives and in front of both Grand Clerics for Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moon Bow. She sent the images of my entire wedding into the bed Chamber of the Elven King and Queen.

The story continues though. I was also given the ritual to purify and activate Elven Moon Blades. We went from 4 active blades to 10 in one ceremony where Corellon Larethian appeared to not only the blade holders in attendance but to the 11 of the invited guests. The 12th was not invited. We warned off observers. He left the woods with eyes burned out of his skull from attempting to view the ritual. May I show you my Moon Blade?"

The King looked at Eldar and nodded.

Karti'Ros, "Left-hand Moonfire on."

His blade now in his left hand. Eldar caught some of them by surprise.

Karti'Ros, "Right-hand Moonfire off."

"Is there a Dwarven weapon-smith paragon present who would like to visually examine the blade and answer a few questions?"

A Burly dwarf looked over, got out of his chair, and walked up. He looked at the sword.

Eldar asked, "What do you know of Elven Moon Blades?"

The Dwarven Paragon smiled, "They are millennia-old weapons possessing great power. One to a family and they are hereditary. Passing to a new wielder after the old one has passed."

Eldar nodded, "If the wielder is found unworthy by the blade? How do you identify a Moon Blade?"

The Paragon looked at Eldar, "If the person is unworthy the sword kills them. As to identifying them the blades are gray and have a rounded moonstone in the pommel."

Eldar nodded, "Do you know of any that are geared to automatically adjust to the hand the wielder uses? Who can make changes to an active Moon Blade?"

The Paragon laughed, "No, they are not geared to either hand. They are geared to the right hand as most are long swords. As to who can work on an active blade, nobody. It would be too risky in damaging them, let alone killing the smith who tried. If one is broken then it loses all of its abilities and the runes on the blade disappear."

Eldar smiled at him, "Your knowledge in this area is impressive. What I hold in my arms is my family Moon Blade, notice the runes and the color. Notice what is different, the pommel has the Moonstone encases with my House symbol on one side and a holy symbol for Corellon Larethian. You can still see the moonstone. Then there is the grip. Which is designed for either hand use.

Captain New Moon, step forward and display your claimed Moon Blade to the Paragon. It was previously a dead Moon Blade, note the encasing on the pommel, and the fact that the house symbol is on both sides and grip is for either hand. It only has 2 runes not the 12 on my blade. Normally mine would have had only 11 runes and his blade just 1 rune.

Corellon Larethian, through the ritual, added another rune. Each unique to the blade. They can only be discovered by the wielder in combat and cannot be divined by any means. Captain return. Paragon just a few more questions. Do you know anything about the Royal Family's Moon Blade?"
