Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 35


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The 2 Crescent Moon sisters looked shocked and then Rachel looked, "How did you fix her?"

Eldar looked at her, "Her clit got dislodged. It would float and sink when she got aroused. It went deeper inside. This also affected her soft spot; it was deeper inside. Of course, she had never tried anal before that night. It was not 'proper' in royal society. I sucked it forward while pushing on it underneath. Pushed it up through the skin tearing it and I kept that in place and going. The ladies poured a healing potion into her.

Made that wound heal up around the damage I caused. Her clit was 5 times the size of normal at that point because of how hard I sucked it. She took the honors and rubbed herself to her first-ever climax and ejaculated all over me. Now the soft spot was way in the back. This helped to move it forward. But it was also smaller. If your soft spot where the size of peach hers was the size of a cherry.

We did a lot of what we did with you on the first night. Her first with a woman was split between the two ladies. Including the double penetration, we did with you. The reason I did that was to show fair-play in the bedroom with all of you. I changed the order of things and I switched up partners on you. IF this is something all of you want to do, I am in charge of the room to ensure fair play.

She knows this. I got her to come in both orifices, orally, and shot off in her mouth. She got it all. Including the LEDGE. There are two in here who do not know what that is yet. When you experience you will understand why we call it that. Any other questions?"

Rachel asked, "Was that number thirty-two? Right?

Eldar nodded, "What I did to Dorothy on her third."

They both grinned big. "We clear the house. I will take the last two ladies to the ledge after I silence it." They both nodded. "I know Annette's answer so she can work on clearing everyone out. Charlemagne nodded and went to help Annette. "It has to be unanimous and this is a rarity. She has been the only one to date."

Astria looked at Eldar, "It would be a one-time thing?"

Eldar smiled, "Unless all parties agree to a repeat it is a one-time thing. Nobody pressures anyone. It is a vote and done. Close your eyes. If you want to do this then nod. If you do not want to do this then shake your head. If you still have questions then do not move your head."

He looked around and told them. "Keep doing it and open your eyes." They were all nodding. He nodded and pulled out the crystal, "Your Majesty?"

She responds, "Just a moment." She went to a side room, "Something wrong?"

Eldar smiled, "No, Your Majesty. I was responding to your request to get to know my wives better after the wedding. I was thinking a week after the wedding the ladies will have to appear before you to receive their paperwork to make them duchesses. That would be a good evening for you to get to know them better.

I must caution we would hope to set aside a 6-7-hour frame of time for this discussion. That way all angles of the discussion can be explored, Your Majesty."

They heard her chuckling on the other end, "The 21st would be a better night. We can do the presentation right before the evening meal and then we can dine together. I will have my handmaiden along to take notes."

Eldar smiled, "We expected that to be the case, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle chuckled, "Thank you for the quick reply."

Annette and Charlemagne came back in. He looked at them, "I will do this the same way we did Rachel and Dorothy. Everyone remains dressed, except you two. You get naked. I will be right back. I am going to magically lock the door."

He secured the door, magically locked it, and stuck a chair under it. He got back upstairs and he looked at Charlemagne, "Get it ready." He smiled at her.

She went into the bag of fun to get one of the red anal fake cock and start to lube it lightly. He looked at the two sisters playfully, "Now who liked anal more?"

Staria smiled and stepped forward. He looked at the sisters, "Here was the issue. Rachel did not believe she needed a man in her life, she had a hard-enough time climaxing and men do not last as long in getting a woman there without help.

I was fairly confident she has a lot of pleasure points in one or both holes. Being a virgin that left me one hole."

He picked up Staria and put her on his shoulder facing toward him. "Now I told them I was not going to stop until they passed out or twenty minutes passed." Her eyes got big. He smiled. "Ready?"

He did not wait for her to respond. lifted her up and stuck my tongue right into her nether-hole.

She screams out, "Oh Gods."

He paused, "Keep count of your orgasms."

She smiled, "One!"

He returned to it and widened her up a bit and Annette hands him the fake cock and he lowered her down and slid the fake cock into Staria and her eyes rolled up and she looked down at him as he slowly moved it into her. And she moaned out several times. Once he had it in place, he looked at her, "Count?"

She started to breathe, "6."

He nodded, "Close enough. I am going to flip you over so your head is between my knees and you will interlock your arm around my legs. Once you are set, I will continue."

She nodded and he flipped her over and put her legs back on his shoulders. She was locked. He gave a light lick on her clit and she moans. He started working the toy again at a steady pace for about 5 minutes and he locked his mouth over her cunt without touching her clit. He sucked it in and started flicking across her clit while working the toy.

She got into one long moaning scream that was not the right octave but just as loud as Annette. She started to shake and then passed out. He flipped her into his arms and took the toy out and placed her on the bed. He handed the toy over to Annette who started cleaning it with her mouth.

He grabbed Astria, "Yours is nowhere near that complex, Dorothy has a super sensitive clit. I just do oral on you."

She smiled. He picked her up and put her on his shoulders. He had one hand around each breast, "Hold the back of my head.

When you let go that will let me know you have passed out. Charlemagne will help to bring you down." She nodded. He started pressing upward on her nipples and she moaned a little. He tried a twist and pinch this and got the same kind of response. He started massaging her breasts in general and he got the bigger moan he was looking for. "Count them out loud." He slid his tongue right over her clit.

He drew it slowly back across and she moaned louder. He hit her clit with the tip of his tongue. "Ohoo NE." He kept things up and it took a little longer, "Tuuueee."

Eldar thought he had the timing he needed. When she got ready to say three. He sucked in the surrounding area and kept attacking with the tip of his tongue. She had gone to the yell only a dog could hear. A few seconds later she fell limp.

Eldar laid her down. They waited for them to come around. He stripped out of his clothes and started to wake the two of them up and they saw he was naked now. "We then did a Banshee demo so they could see what I could do with this. This time I am going to show you something different. Charlemagne strip."

Eldar looked at the ladies, "This is how I got Charlemagne to admit she loved me."

Charlemagne looked at him, "Oh Gods."

He smiled, "You do not have to call out all the gods this time. I will not take it that long but this was when we figured out the method for doing the wave."

Charlemagne nodded and got on the bed, He pushed her legs toward her and put one arm under and one over behind her knees, "Count them out."

Charlemagne did her bit. He did his work on her cunt then started on her clit.

She came and he just kept going and when she said "six."

He latched down and took her over the ledge. Charlemagne arched her back clear off the bed but he kept hold of her. She was out cold in about ten seconds. He laid her down. "The first time I asked her to do this I asked her to call out all of the Elven Gods' names, starting with Corellon Larethian and finishing with Sehanine Moon Bow the Lady of Dreams last.

Not my only request. After she did that the next one, she called out the fact that she loved me to the entire camp. Most of the training officers with Tranosa included. Our starting charter had eleven names, two of them humans we recently picked up.

Tiger and Trick-shot. Nine of those ten knew then. Shortly thereafter but before we met our two humans I met Annette, who is not on that charter, and had to do the same thing to both ladies. Then after the wedding, all of them knew, though many already suspected."

The ladies laughed. "It still took Annette a while to warm up to me but my understanding of magic and her talent for psionics had some overlap. I taught what I could think of. I did not know psionics that well. Sex, while connected with empathy, turned on so you feel everything the other is feeling was mind-blowing."

Annette nodded, "It took me some time to realize. I saw what Charlemagne saw in him, no divinity, champion, or knight. This was before it all."

Eldar shook his head, "No divinity that we know of."

She sighed and Charlemagne groaned. The ladies came over and gave her a hand up while He got dressed and looked at everyone, "The date with the Queen is set."

Annette smiled. He headed downstairs. "My two little casters need to meet me downstairs, Dressed!"

Astria and Staria show up, "Here is my entire library of cleared spellbooks. There are 82 books. I have some spells in a special cryptic spellbook. They are extremely rare and guarded spells. I will share a couple of them with you but others I have sworn never to reveal. I needed the spells and they were reluctant to give them to me but the situation called for the spells.

I have 2 more cryptic ciphers on each one of those. Then there are another dozen or so spellbooks I have yet to find time to review. I put these before you because Goldeagle told you your spellbooks need additional spells. He gave you a list of them. You do not find them in there then find me. Here are two blank spellbooks, quills, and ink. So I want to add two spells to your list.

One is this version of mirror image. The other teleportation circle, and while you are at, the spell for silencing an area called private sanctum. Also useful for blocking teleport and divination.

I believe there is a spell in there that lets you listen to long-distance locations. Staria needs that one. You are going to create them so we can monitor children's rooms when we have our room silenced. Enchanting project!

The same goes for the silence of the room, an enchanting project. As soon as you can Staria I want you to cast a teleportation circle from this village to house Silvertree. Every day for a year and it is permanent. Enchanting Project!"

They laughed at him, "Seriously I want you to succeed at what you want to do. Victria will want to get with you about closing out of your house after the wedding.

Any debt or business assets we will square it all away. We got even more gold coming in over the next couple of months. Most of our big expenses have already happened. Annette, I want you to go to town. You have a bedroom to add a bed too, you need to find out where in the hell the furniture is at. I want you to go after another 500 laborers to get more of these homes started.

Charlemagne, you got troops to check on. Captain Walder, Get with Commander Tranosa, and get introduced to your 2 dwarven lieutenants. One is a sapper unit which should hopefully be back with some information from the front on how to blow up a valley. Captain Walder, Dorothy you need to meet me out front and get your horse ready to ride. We got some work to do today with the protection forces."

He got out front and got on T'suras. He rode down to his apprentices and Moon Ray was just leaving the house, "Apprentice is your room ready?"

She turned and nodded. He pointed a hand back to the house. He went to her room and he heard moans coming from the room.

He knocked on the door, "Captain, there will be people, Annette for sure, who will need a trip into the city with horses. Keep at it Tiger, You got 45 minutes and I got rooms to inspect."

He walked in and everything looked to be in order. He even looked under the bed. He nodded to her, "Take your horse and get to swimming. She nodded and headed out of the house and while she saddled the horse, He walked up to her, "I noticed you turning red at the conversation this morning." She turned red again.

"I wanted you to know that I noticed it. Not that it is bad. Strong Oak will figure these things out in his own time. I told you that you would mature faster than him. I have had some visions dealing with you. I do not know his name or when he will enter your life, but your future husband is a Moon Elf Gray Blade. After you leave my training the two of you will leave together for another adventure.

They may not even be a part of the unit yet. This war is not your destiny. That lies somewhere else and I will help you and your husband find it. You are destined to have four children, three of whom will carry the Moon Ray name because once you take on the sword it is up to you not to let it die.

Which means keeping your name and your children keeping your name. Your third pregnancy will be another male for your husband to claim into his house. I just wanted you to know this."

She looked at him and nodded. He smiled, "No fear, just respect the blade, I know it is worrying you. But you will do fine."

She hugged him without a word. Eldar hugged her back. "I have work to do as do you. When you get to the Silent Falls acrobatic flip off the horse at full speed."

He left her to her horse and Dorothy was coming toward him, "What happened to waiting?"

He smiled, "You were not close to getting her to climax when I left. I went to check on my Apprentice."

He heard Moon Ray giggle behind him. He walked over and knocked on the door and the Elder answered this morning. "Good morning what brings you by?"

Eldar looked at him, "Two updates we killed two and captured 4 poachers. Based on some journals they have been declared enemies of the Crown and Kingdom. They will not be returned to us. They will likely never see sunlight again except when they are taken out to be executed.

Second, we recovered a ton of skins and that means more material for the Master Leathersmith. Also, one request, I want one full squad of your militia including the lieutenant of that squad to be at the wedding ceremony. Leaving from here of course. I want them cleaned up and inspection ready. We are entertaining a Goddess."

He nodded, "Thank you for the information. I will get you that squad. You pull one from the other village?"

Eldar nodded. "I want a squad of Archers from them, the same deal. I am pulling four squads in from the Gray Blades. Another Squad from the Centaurs."

Eldar walked over to the Leathersmith. "T'suras Unta."

Dorothy called out, "G'suna Unta"

She smiled as her horse followed her. He looked at her, "Golden Hair?"

She nodded, "Closest thing they had to Blondie. It does sound prettier in Elven."

Eldar walked up to the Master Leathersmith who extends a hand, "You had them drop off a lot of skins last night. I got apprentices going crazy getting them on racks, I take it they will serve a purpose?"

Eldar nodded, "Centaur leather armor, elven leather armor, Elf-blooded, and Human leather armor. Then saddles, packs, sheaths, and anything the troops need. Expect the Captain of the Centaurs to be by. Annette now has authority to pay for the work with the discretionary accounts so she will pull gold to pay for the labor but we brought you most of the material needed."

He smiled, "Understood. If anything, it will keep my guys hopping for a couple of weeks or months. Here are the 4 sheaths, I went ahead and added the other symbols to the short sword sheath she wanted."

He took the sheaths and stored them for now. They mounted up and got to Silent falls.

Eldar called out, "Apprentice Strong Oak, your room ready?"

He nodded. "How was Apprentice Moon Rays dismount?"

He looked at her, "She landed on her feet and stumbled forward a bit but did not fall, Grand Master."

Eldar nodded, "Where is your horse?"

He looked, "In the village, Grand Master."

Eldar looked at him, "You leave the village, you better take your horse with you. Unless I tell you to leave him behind. Your horse is your responsibility. Now run to the village and get him saddled and be ready for room inspection. Apprentice Moon Ray three more laps dry off and meet us in the village. I want you to do another acrobatic dismount."

She nodded and went back to swimming. He looked at Dorothy, "Have to keep them busy and training. I was left to my own a lot working on my craft by myself. I am pushing a lot of other training into that window. I want to keep them alive."

He rode toward the village at full speed and got onto his saddle. He did a double spinning somersault and land next to his apprentice with his blade in his left hand. "T'suras Unta Biatus Evanill Aisiaon."

T'suras came running in his direction at a blinding speed. Eldar extended his right hand and caught his saddle horn.

Then he got his left foot in the stirrup followed by the right and grabbed the reins and went back toward his Apprentice. He leaped into the air with his sword in hand. He flew over him spinning like a top. He shoved his blade into the ground an inch in front of him and tumbled away.

Eldar, "Karti'Ros left hand."

He took the blade and sheathed it. He looked at his apprentice. "The first move is my standard dismount if I am in a crowded field and I just need to get my feet on the ground. The second is the attack maneuver I pulled on the Ogre Magi. You just saw it from his vantage point but he was running and I ran him through the heart by way of the collarbone. The maneuver I used to get back on my horse. I had to call T'suras to do it.

On the field, he will automatically come back for me or help to defend me. That gets me back in the saddle. That was the maneuver I pulled after killing the Ogre Magi to get back to the main fight. They are advanced maneuvers you will build up to. Moon Ray rode in and did a single somersault move and landed square. Eldar looked at her and nodded.

"Every day when you go from one training location to another you will be riding. I want you to work on two different dismounts. Wait here, Captain, you have a full squad of archers to request for the marriage ceremony. Cleaned up and ready for inspection. We have a goddess to be respectful to. Let him know it has already been made of the Blades, the Centaurs, and the other village. Apprentice Strong Oak show me your room."

Dorothy smiled and walked over to do her work. They walked into his Grandmother's home. She smiled and asked, "Here to inspect his room?"

He smiled and nodded. He led me to his room and everything looked to be in order. He looked at him and nodded, "Now give me a different dismount than the one Moon Ray just used." He rushed downstairs.

Eldar smiled at his Grandmother, "Looks like it has a woman's touch."

He smiled at her and she smiled back. He got outside and saw Strong Oak ride in and he did a double flip up and over landing on his feet drawing his sword in the process.

Eldar looked at him. "Points for the landing. Not so much for the room because you had help. You cannot rely on others to do your work."

T'suras unta. He climbed back on board and looked at them, "Mount up swords out. When you ride out here, not the city, you will have your swords out. After an hour you will switch hands. I am working on building muscle strength in their arms and because I am teaching you both to fight with both hands, they will be able to balance that fatigue."
