Sins of the Father

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A young woman is used in a game of revenge against her dad.
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Mark looked at the computer screen with the images he received from his friend Amy. She had looked at his social media profile and saw something about his wife that was unsettling. After clicking on her page, Amy had discovered that Mark's wife was seeing someone else. She couldn't believe she would cheat on her husband and really couldn't believe she would be dumb enough to post it on a public platform.

The images of the two cuddled up together made Mark's blood boil. How could she? They had dated each other for three years, having gotten married just six months earlier. It was a betrayal of the worst kind. What made it worse was he was halfway around the world and felt hopeless.

He had given her everything he possibly could while he was gone. She was living in his place rent free, wasn't paying the utilities and was even given the keys to his truck to drive around town. How did she repay his generosity? By spreading her legs for some dude that was twice her age.

He sent her an email letting her know that he knew about this other guy. To the military, he would be called Jody.

To him, he was simply known as Dean.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't hear back from her until a few weeks later. By that time, Mark had coordinated with his first sergeant to get her out of his place. He would be damned if he was going to support someone who was running around like a slut and letting her live in his house. The email was short and to the point:

Sorry this happened. I would have tried working it out with you but I'm pregnant.


Mark just stared at the email. He was at a loss for words. Opening up another browser, he reached out to a law firm back home. There was only one thing left for him to do; he filed for divorce. After filling out the necessary information, he closed the browser and went for a run. He ran for two hours. His mind processing thought after thought of what had just happened. He stopped and looked around. Facing a setting sun that was getting ready to rise back home, he tried to make peace with the newfound revelation.

However, that peace would not come around as quickly as he would have liked.

Four Months Later

He sat in his truck staring at the bar where he saw Dean go into just a couple of hours earlier. Mark looked down at the handgun gripped in his hand. His phone was buzzing non-stop. He didn't have to look at who was texting and calling him. It was Amy. She was pleading for him to not do anything irrational and to think of the consequences.

Mark had spent the last several weeks home being fueled by anger. He was drinking a lot more and he was losing sleep. His unit ordered him to seek counseling for his mental well-being. He thought he could work his way through the infidelity Mandy had put him through, but coming home to a messy house, cum stains on the bed sheets and the sanctity of his house violated, he had been pushed too far.

Rain began to fall and it was the only sound Mark heard for several minutes. His phone buzzed again. He pressed the magazine release of his Glock and emptied out the chamber. "Fuck it," he thought. He put the truck in drive and went home.

Dean would get his, but it wouldn't be that night.

21 Years Later

The sun was shining brightly and the summer day was very pleasant as Mark had finished scouting a location to shoot his next documentary. Life for him had gotten better post-military and he had found success making independent documentaries related to social issues of the time. He decided to unwind at the Bullpen, a local sports bar that did quite well for itself. The beer was cold, the wings cooked to perfection, televisions everywhere and some of the hottest women one could find in a place.

Mark entered the establishment and made his way to the bar. An attractive young lady was working behind it. "Must be a new employee," Mark thought to himself as he sat down.

She was beautiful. She stood about 5'6" and carried a lean frame. She had long, dirty blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, a sexy midriff and perky breasts. Her ass was a nice round shape as well. She looked like she had no problem filling up the tip jar on a busy night.

"Hey there! What are you drinking?" she asked.

"Let me get a tall Sam Adams," Mark replied.

He watched as the young barmaid expertly poured the drink from the tap. There was something familiar about her, but he couldn't place it. She brought over his drink and caught him strangely looking at her.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yes. Don't take this wrong way, but you look familiar," Mark said.

"Guys say that a lot to me," she replied. "Usually it's a weak attempt to pick me up."

Mark shook his head. "No,'s nothing like that."

The young lady gave him a smile. "No? Pity," she said as she went back to cleaning some glasses behind the bar.

Mark decided to turn his attention to the baseball game in front of him and drink his beer. He knew there was something about her, but he couldn't place it. He wasn't deterred. These kind of things happened to him all the time, but he always found a way to figure them out.

By the seventh inning stretch and the end of his fourth beer, Mark glanced over and saw the young barmaid posed in a manner that he had seen before. "Fuck me, Mandy did that same thing!" he thought. He nearly fell out of his seat after processing what he had just witnessed.

Everything from his past came flooding back to him. This girl was nearly a dead-ringer for Mandy. She was shorter than Mandy but as skinny as her; her breasts were bigger and her legs thicker. The only real difference was the hair color. Mandy was a dark redhead with really small breasts.

"Excuse me," Mark said as he motioned her over to him.

The young lady walked over and smiled. "Another one?" she asked taking his glass.

"Yes, please. Also, I am curious. Is your last name Hildenbrook?"

She stepped away a bit startled by this stranger calling her by her last name. "Yes....yes it is. How did you know?" she asked.

Mark looked at her closely, getting a read on her facial expressions and body language. He knew she was feeling a bit uneasy.

"Your mom's name is Mandy, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes. How did you know?" It was obvious the girl was a bit flustered with being caught off-guard by someone who was a complete stranger to her.

Mark extended his hand out to her. "I'm Mark. I knew your mom a long time ago."

The young lady accepted it. "Hi, I'm Erica," she said sheepishly.

Erica went to pour him another drink. When she brought it to him, she asked, "When was the last time you saw my mother?"

Mark sat there looking pensive. He looked up at her. "It's been well over 20 years," he said.

Erica's eyes became wide. "Oh, it was before I was born."

Mark nodded as he blankly stared at his beer. He was thinking. It was a good bet that her father was the same man that had turned everything upside down for him two decades ago. He hadn't thought about it in a long time, until now.

His train of thought was interrupted by Erica. "Did you know my dad, too?" she asked.

Mark decided to verify his suspicions. "I'm assuming you mean Dean?" he started. He watched as Erica nodded her head. He studied her face before speaking. "No. I never met him."

Erica returned to her duties behind the bar. "You're not missing much. He was never really around. Too many broken promises and no shows growing up."

The information grabbed at Mark. Perhaps an opportunity was being presented to him, but he needed to tread carefully.

"Of course, my mom and I had a falling out five years ago. I ran away from home and came to live with my dad. The courts sided with me given my age," Erica explained.

Mark nodded as he listened. He wanted to know more about her. "When do you get off work?" he asked.

"Very soon," she replied. "Why?"

Mark decided to go all in. "I was wondering if you would like to chat some more and get to know each other."

The young woman stood there thinking over the proposition. "Sure, but on the condition we go somewhere else for drinks."

The stipulation was amendable to him and he finished his beer, paid his tab and waited for her to clock out. They went to a nearby pub that always had a cozy atmosphere to it. The regulars were mostly people Mark's age but the weekends would have the younger crowd show up and partake in the festivities.

They found a small table and found themselves engrossed in a long conversation. Mark told her what he did for a living and what it all entailed. Erica sat there, taken in by this older gentleman who was more interested in just talking as opposed to trying to pick her up. When Mark finished talking about his documentary career, he shifted the focus onto her. This was an immense turn-on for her as she was not used to having a guy show this level of interest in her.

For her, it was small talk and some drinks. Depending on her mood, she may invite whatever guy she was with back to her place for sex. Even then, it was not her place. She stayed in her father's home despite the two of them seldom interacting with one another. It was not without her dad trying, but his health was not as good as it was and he felt a need to make amends for being an absent father.

Erica had little interest in reciprocating her father's attention.

She even told Mark this during their conversation. Erica was freely providing information about her life and that of her father that Mark felt a little bad knowing he would be using it to his advantage down the road. However, he was being given his one opportunity at retribution and he was determined to make it count.

The key was continuing to make a strong impression on Erica. He had not slept with a woman that was no more than five years younger than him since he turned 30. He was very popular with the younger crowd, especially when he was doing his documentary on fraternity and sorority hazings on college campuses. Some of the girls he interviewed were not shy about making a pass at him.

This was different. He wanted to sleep with Erica; not only because she was gorgeous but because of who her old man was. She was already making things easy for him and then, she gave him the slam-dunk he needed.

"I've always wanted to be on film," Erica said sipping her margarita.

"I do provide a casting service for filmmakers in Hollywood," Mark said knowing it was bold-faced lie. "It's not mainstream, but it can find its way to producers. If they like you, they call you and if you are able to establish yourself in the industry, other opportunities will present themselves." Mark thought on his words as Erica considered his pitch. He was in no way, shape or form associated with anyone in Hollywood.

"If it's not mainstream...," Erica began.

"It's the adult film industry," Mark interrupted. "I do a casting couch promo with you and then cut a scene."

Erica's response would make or break his plans for revenge. He maintained the same expression as he had when he initially presented the lie. He studied her as she took another sip of her drink.

"Let's do it," she enthusiastically said.

Mark did his best to conceal his surprise. The only thing he gave away was an eyebrow raise at her willingness to do an adult film. Despite her consent to appear on film, Mark decided to take a gamble and play it cool.

"Think it over and call me in two days," he said. He pulled out one of his business cards and gave it to her. "Sometimes a prospective actress makes a rushed decision without really thinking it through. I don't want you to have cold feet on a day when I could be out working on another project."

Of course, that was bullshit too. He did have another project, but his window for completion was three months away and he was already ahead of schedule. He just wanted to come across as being very professional.

Erica finished her drink and stood up. "I'll be in touch," she said.

Mark watched as she walked out the door. A sinister smile broke out across his face. If things worked out, his plan would be a lot better than the one he tried to execute over two decades ago. He felt a little guilty about putting Erica in the middle of all this, but when he looked at her, he saw both his lying ex-wife and the asshole that ruined a possible future for him.

Three days had passed and Mark was wondering if Erica thought better of the idea of performing on film and decided against it. He had just finished lunch when he received a text from her saying she was still interested. He responded with a synopsis of what the scene would look like and what she needed to be wearing. Erica told him she had everything needed for her costume.

The last detail for the scene involved the location. Mark wanted to film it in her father's place. He looked around the room as the thought of an excuse. He texted Erica another message saying that the studio was being treated for pests and it would be unavailable for a few days. Almost instantly, she texted him back saying he the scene could be shot at her place. The same place she shared with her dad.

Everything was falling into place perfectly. However, he needed to make sure that her old man wasn't going to be home. He sent another text inquiring about her dad's whereabouts for the day of filming; a date he had scheduled for the upcoming Saturday afternoon. Erica assured him he would be gone through the weekend. The stage had been set for his plan.

When Saturday arrived, Mark made some last minute notes and loaded his equipment into the truck. He got cleaned up and dressed himself in a pair of black slacks with a light blue buttoned-down shirt. He put on a pair of dress shoes before picking up his gym bag with a change of clothes for after the shoot.

He drove the address Erica had given him. The home was modest. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't lacking in room either. Erica answered the door wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts. She showed him around the house and he took notes while she gave him a tour.

The came to the kitchen where Erica made a suggestion about filming the scene in her room. Mark feigned interest, but he had made up his mind where he was shooting it.

"I think in the interest of authenticity, we should film in your father's room," he said.

Erica protested to no avail. Finally, she relented and agreed to his terms. The first part would take place in the living room where she would be interviewed on the couch. Then, the scene would shift to her father's room where she would act out the lines from the fake script Mark had given her.

"Go get changed while I set up," he told her.

He watched as Erica went to her room. He unloaded his equipment and set up in both the living room and Dean's bedroom. Mark had made the final adjustments on his camera when Erica entered the room in her costume. She had on a skimpy white blouse that was tied together barely covering her breasts and showing off her midriff, a short pink plaid skirt that left nothing to the imagination and black shoes with little white "fuck me" socks under them. To add to the ensemble, she had pulled her hair back into two pigtails and was wearing a pair of round-framed glasses.

Mark felt himself getting aroused. It was time to for payback.


A week later, Dean returned home. He knew Erica wasn't home as her car was not in the driveway when he pulled up. After closing the door, he stood in the foyer and looked around. Something was off. He went to his room to drop his luggage. His bedroom was a mess.

"What the fuck happened here?" he muttered to himself.

As he surveyed the room, he found a pair of panties on the floor and a white blouse hanging off the foot of the bed. The comforter and sheets were everywhere. Then, he saw several white stains splattered on the comforter.

Dean was not pleased.

He went over to his dresser where he found a disc with a note attached.

"PLAY ME", it read.

After being on the road all day, he was not in the mood, but maybe he would have an understanding of what had been going on while he was away. He thought maybe Erica had put together a video apologizing for the mess and that it would be cleaned up when she got home.

He went downstairs to his office and inserted the disc into his computer. He sat back in his chair and undid his cuff links as the video loaded.

Dean nearly fell backwards when he saw Erica pop onscreen in the skimpy outfit she was wearing for the film. She was smiling as she was asked a series of questions from a man off camera.

Unknown voice: "Hi there. What's your name?"

Erica giggled at the question, but regained her composure. "I'm Erica," she said.

Unknown voice: "What are you doing here today?"

Erica continued smiling, nervously shifting her body around on the couch. "I'm auditioning for a movie," she answered.

Unknown voice: "Is this your first time in front of the camera?"

Erica nodded her head energetically. "Uh huh! It's my very first time."

Unknown voice: "How old are you?"

"I'm 21," she answered looking away from the camera.

Unknown voice: "What is your motivation for being here?"

Erica looked at the camera and with a provocative wiggle of her tongue replied, "I've been a bad girl and need to be punished."

Unknown voice: "How about you stand up and show off your body?"

Erica stood up and did a sexy little striptease for the camera. She lifted up her skirt to show off her panties. After that she popped out her breasts from the blouse and jiggled them as she leaned forward.

Dean began seeing red. The anger was swelling inside of him and he was starting to feel tightness in his chest. He thought about turning it off but a morbid curiosity prompted him to keep watching. He wanted to know who was this person talking to his daughter and parading her on camera like a porn star.

He watched as the interview part of the film concluded and went to black. Then, he saw the screen transition to his bedroom where an unfamiliar male was standing by his dresser. "Who the fuck is that guy?" he thought to himself. Another angle saw Erica knock and enter the bedroom. Dean watched and began seething.


Erica entered the bedroom after being granted permission. A faux frown adorned her face with her lower lip protruding in an exaggerated pouty-face manner. She slowly walked towards Mark, holding a piece of paper that was representing a letter.

"Daddy....," she started.

"What is it?" Mark asked in a stern voice.

Erica handed him the paper. He looked at it before refocusing his attention on her.

"You got suspended from college?" he asked in feigned disbelief. "You're better than this. What happened?"

Erica shifted her gaze to the floor as if she was looking for an answer. For an amateur, she was selling the role convincingly. "I've done some really naughty stuff," she said quietly.

Mark shook his head as he offered his own take on the kayfabe situation. "You've been distracted by all those boys," he said. "What did I tell you about them? They are nothing but trouble; and you were caught as a result and suspended."

"I'm sorry, daddy," Erica said on cue. "I deserve to be punished."

"Yes, you do," he said. "Bend over my lap."

Erica slowly walked over to him and spread herself over Mark's lap. Her panties were easily visible and looked very inviting. She was breathing heavily in nervous anticipation. He could feel her breasts on his right leg as her pose began to turn him on.

Mark raised his hand and gave Erica's ass a good spank. "Oww...," she cried out.

Two more spanks followed before he left his hand firmly grasped her her right butt-cheek. He began massaging the thin fabric that separated his palm from her bare skin.