Sister/Genie Ch. 01


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"You should be chipped or scratched or something," Jaya commented aloud, looking at all sides of the bottle.

"It cannot be destroyed by mortals."

Jaya nearly dropped the bottle again as she shouted and spun. A girl sat on the edge of one of the tables not covered by artifacts. Jaya thought "girl" because she looked young, even to the 23 year old Jaya, but she was clearly old enough to be a woman. The only thing Jaya could equate her outfit to was a belly dancer's costume; it had a crop top with full sleeves, but the fabric was all gauzy, translucent pink fabric. The girl's large breasts were held in place and mostly covered by a gold corset of sorts that also formed a band around her ribs. Her midriff, smooth and shapely but not muscly, was completely bare down to just below her hips where a decorative gold belt that matched the corset sat, with more pink gauze draping down to form two loose pant legs. There was enough material at the top of the pants that nothing was on display, but Jaya could make out very well formed legs. Intricate leather and gold sandals were on the woman's feet. Another matching gold choker covered a lot of the woman's neck, leading up to her sharp features; thin pointed chin, prominent cheek bones, and wide, very dark eyes; her eyes were so dark it almost looked like she didn't have irises. On top of her head was a very thick, full head of wavy blonde hair that reminded Jaya of the one time her sister had dyed her hair blonde, however her sister didn't have skin anywhere near as pale as this girl's; she looked like she'd barely ever seen the sun, much less bathed in it.

"Who are you?" Jaya demanded, "You're not supposed to be in this part of the museum."

"If I should not be here then why did you summon me?" the girl asked.

"I didn't summon you!" Jaya insisted.

"Are you a concubine?" the woman asked.

Jaya's mouth dropped open but she honestly couldn't form a response to that question.

"Sometimes I know concubines have been left to clean or tend their master's quarters and do not understand. If you take me to your master I believe we can fix this. I will do what I can to make sure you are not punished," the girl said with a reassuring tone.

"I am not a concubine!" Jaya nearly yelled, "And I sure as hell don't have a master!"

"Apologies," the girl said, dropping from the floor and moving to a prostrate bow so fluidly Jaya wondered if she floated there. She was also distracted by the thin gauze now pulling tightly across the full rounded posterior the girl displayed, "I will accept whatever punishment you deem fit. I am...confused. I assumed you were a concubine; you are pleasing to the eye, though those clothes are not enhancing your look; I assumed it was to keep other servants' eyes from wandering."

Jaya just stood and shook her head as she tried to process everything the woman was saying. When she looked back down the girl had risen slightly from her bow, sitting on her heels and leaning forward now, which meant her breasts had started spilling over the metal confines of the corset and only enhanced her cleavage. Between that and the compliment about her looking nice, which wasn't something Jaya heard often, she was too flustered to think clearly about what was going on.

" there a party upstairs? I didn't think there was, it's September. Way too early for Halloween parties. This is a prank, though, right? Did Lincoln put you up to this? Maybe my sister thought it would be funny to cheer me up?"

Jaya had been talking mostly to herself but the girl responded anyway, "I can assure you I was not sent by your sister or this 'Lincoln.' Please, miss, could I humbly ask you to do something? I believe it will help with both our confusion."

"Okay," Jaya said cautiously, expecting whatever happened next would be the punchline of the joke.

"Wish for your body to be clean," the girl said.

"I'm sorry?"

"Just...articulate that desire. Make sure to include 'wish'," the girl reiterated, looking almost desperate.

Jaya sighed, disappointed with herself for going through with the obvious prank. "I wish I was cleaned up," she said.

Jaya thought she must have brain damage because she could swear the girl's eyes flashed, but either way her face suddenly split in a wide grin and she leaped to her feet clapping. Suddenly Jaya felt...different. She couldn't put her finger on it until she moved. All the stickiness from her armpits and...thighs...was gone. Her hands had totally lost the dry, dusty, cracked feeling from handling the artifacts and straw. Her hair felt...better than it ever had when Jaya ran a hand through it. She'd spent extreme amounts of money at salons and not come back with her hair looking or feeling this good, even though it was still laser straight and not styled at all.

"Excellent!" the girl said, "You are my new master!...or mistress? This is still new to me, what would you prefer?"

The girl had moved much closer to Jaya now and she took a step back in surprise. "Whoa! What you do mean 'master'? Are you kidding me? Slavery is illegal!"

"That...may be a problem, depending on the terms of slavery in your empire," the girl asked, "I do always like to think of myself more as a servant than slave, but-"

"No! No, okay, stop! Cut this out, it isn't funny anymore. It wasn't funny to begin with. This joke is stupid!"

"I'm not joking Mistress," the girl repeated, "I am still confused about your attitude though. Do you not want me?"

"I don't even know what that means!" Jaya insisted.

" summoned me, from the bottle. I'm your-" and then the girl said a word or series of words Jaya didn't know.

"My what?"

"I aplogize, your language seems to lack a good word. I do not have a lot of information from our initial bonding, though if you were not expecting or doing it on purpose that makes sense," the girl said, looking thoughtful, "Forgive my impertinence, Mistress, but how are you so surprised by this after following the instructions?"

"What instructions? There's a manual or something?"

"On the bottle," the girl insisted, gesturing toward the bottle Jaya still clutched in her hands, mostly for the sense of something to hold at this point.

Jaya looked at the bottle closer. Other than the colors there wasn't anything that stood out about it, but then Jaya started examining the etchings. She'd thought they were decorative swirls but now she realized they were writing, albeit very non-standard writing and in a language she couldn't read.

"I don't know what it says," she said.

"The closest I can get is 'The evidence of passion unlocks the passionate. Present the fruits of Anahita's rituals, then enjoy them beyond measure.'" The girl said.

Jaya wracked her brain trying to remember "Anahita." She knew by the sound it was probably Middle-Eastern. "Rituals" probably meant "god." Soon things were clicking in her brain.

"Anahita...she was a goddess of war. I didn't fight anyone for this! Well...not directly anyway."

"Was it not given to you as a gift or reward then?" the girl asked.

"No! It's a fake! It came in with all these artifacts!" Jaya said, sweeping her arm toward the tables of items.

"I...assure you I am not fake, Mistress. I apologize, I am still uninformed. It would probably help if we communed and I could learn more from you."

"Communed?" Jaya asked and then gasped as she saw the girl somehow loosening her corset. It was slowly lowering from her chest. Jaya caught a brief glimpse of the edges of the girl's aureole before she ran over and put her hands on the corset to stop her. The girl smiled up at her mischievously.

"Well it gladdens me to see you are at least eager for this aspect of things, Mistress. But I can assure you it will be even better if you let me disrobe."

"No! What!? No! I'm not...I don't...why are you taking off your clothes? You said I was going to help you learn."

The girl raised her hand and cupped Jaya's cheek. Jaya almost instinctively leaned into it; the girl's hand was warm and softer than anyone she'd ever felt.

"Mistress, we are both confused. It is forbidden for me to take charge unless asked, but I feel I must guide you in this. Please let me. Please trust me."

"I can't," Jaya said, nearly whimpering. She didn't know how but the hand on her face was slightly moving, pushing, and caressing her face and neck and the results it had were incredible. Jaya felt like her muscles, her body, was slowly turning into pudding. She relaxed into the girl's embrace (she now had her other hand rubbing slowly around Jaya's back.) This close, she realized the girl was at least three inches shorter, but they were close enough in height that certain things fit together nicely. Her breasts pressed against the girl's much larger ones, and Jaya realized despite her early protests, the girl had removed her top. The hand on her neck drew her down and then their lips touched.

Jaya felt like it was her first kiss; the experience was so different from any kiss she'd ever had. It had the perfect mix of the softness and gentle movements of a woman's mouth combined with the extra force and need one usually got from a man's kiss. Jaya moaned into it and her mouth opened almost automatically. A gentle tongue slipped past her lips and went exploring, probing and licking in her mouth. It touched sensitive spots she didn't even know were there, all the while still caressing Jaya's own tongue.

Jaya could have stayed in that kiss forever, but the girl pulled back. Jaya moaned in protest and reached out instinctively before she snapped back to reality.

"What...we can't do this here. We shouldn't do this at all!"

"Why not?" the girl asked.

"I...I don't know you, I'm at work, it's dirty in here," Jaya rambled.

"Where would be better?" the girl asked.

"I...home maybe? My bedroom?"

"We can go there," the girl suggested.

"No. No," Jaya said more firmly and pulled back more, but couldn't bring herself to pull away. Unfortunately for Jaya, when she moved back it gave her a full look at the girl's breasts.

They were unreal. They sat perfectly on her chest, with quarter-sized aureole and hard pointed nipples forming the perfect centers to the large, rounded breasts, bigger than any she'd seen in person but not comically or freakishly large. They were perfect for the girl's body, and the girl's body seemed near perfect to begin with. Almost unconsciously, Jaya reached for them. She cupped them gently, feeling the softness of the skin and the give as she gently kneaded them, amazed at the perfect response as they followed her fingers through each squeeze. After a second a quiet moan came from the girl's mouth.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," Jaya said and tried to pull her hands away but the girl stopped her.

"Don't stop," she said, the tone and the look in the girl's eyes telling Jaya exactly how she felt about what Jaya was doing.

Jaya felt overwhelmed. This woman was the most beautiful human she'd ever seen, of any gender. Jaya thought she might be bisexual; she'd only ever dated guys, but things that she refused to think about or acknowledge had clued her in years ago that she might be interested in girls too. She'd never acted on it, but this girl had turned her on more in five minutes, just with a caress and a kiss, than some of her boyfriends had with their head between her legs. And she was looking at Jaya with naked lust she'd never seen directed her way before. It was like the girl needed Jaya. Despite all her worries and hesitation about the girl and the situation, she was responding to that. She wanted to respond to that.

"We can't do it here," Jaya said, then corrected herself, "I don't want to do it here."

"Where do you want to do it?"

"I don't know, where do you lose your lesbian virginity? What's the best place?" Jaya said breathlessly, wondering how the girl would react to her lack of experience.

If she had a reaction, Jaya didn't notice. "I find beds are often the best place to lose any virginities," the girl said. At the same time she squeezed one of Jaya's hands over her own breast and lifted the other to her mouth to begin kissing and licking at the palm, making Jaya wonder how a nerve in her hand could be connected directly to her pussy.

"I want you in my bed, then," Jaya said.

"Let this happen mistress. Ignore your inhibitions, ignore your confusion. Wish for it."

"I wish you would take me to my bed and make love to me."

Suddenly Jaya was lying back on a mattress, and it smelled like home. She didn't think about that for long, though, because her partner was on top of her now and wasn't wasting any time. She treated Jaya to the best kiss of her life after the first one, then her mouth moved to start exploring her jaw and neck. Meanwhile at some point Jaya's chest had become exposed, and her own modest breasts pressed against the prefect globes her partner brought. The sensation of their breasts pressed together like that, feeling the other girl's nipples trailing over her chest and rubbing against her own, was amazing. It suddenly felt like every part of her body was connected directly to her clit, and every time the girl did something to her, no matter how simple, a jolt would travel from there straight down between Jaya's legs.

Jaya began thrusting up at the girl, at first hitting nothing, but soon there was a smooth expanse of soft thigh with firm muscles pressing against her slit. Jaya pressed her pubis against that limb as if her life depended on it. Her hands gave up on exploring the exquisite breasts of her partner and gripped her ass. The two cheeks felt like they were made for no other reason than for handholds while fucking. They were firm and taught with enough give that Jaya could sink her fingers into them as she ground her pussy against the girl's leg. Eventually the girl's mouth left Jaya's neck and descended to her breast. Jaya expected more gentle teasing, licking, and exploration, but almost dreaded it; she was so close and she didn't know if she could handle more teasing.

Instead, the girl's mouth immediately found Jaya's nipple and sucked it, hard.

That was all it took. Jaya moaned and it crescendoed into a scream as all the sensations seemed to gather in her pussy and then explode across her whole body. Jaya gripped her blonde lover like a lifeline as her body spasmed, feeling like she'd somehow sink into the bed and drown if she let go. She finally unclenched and remembered to start breathing as the spasms of pleasure subsided.

"Oh my god," she said.

"Mmm, it gets better," the girl said, and slid down.

Apparently done with her neck, the girl now focused all of her attention on Jaya's breasts. Jaya buried her fingers in the girl's hair as her mouth went to work licking and sucking everywhere on her modestly sized mounds while avoiding her nipples entirely. After she didn't know how long Jaya felt like her nipples were going to burst from how hard they'd gotten, and her thighs were even more soaked than after she'd cum earlier that day.

"Please...please..." Jaya begged.

The girl simultaneously returned to sucking one nipple and rolled the other between her fingers. They were so tight Jaya thought she came a little from the contact. It didn't stop and suddenly Jaya took back every negative thing she'd ever said about her breasts as they now became the source of multiple pleasures. The girl expertly licked and kneaded them, touching areas no one had ever bothered exploring, including Jaya herself.

Jaya almost cried when the girl moved away. The only thing stopping her was the girl's trajectory, marked by the kisses she placed every few inches down the center of her stomach. A quick tongue swirl in her navel gave Jaya a cause to giggle and a preview of things to come.

When she got to the fated area, she ran her tongue down one side of Jaya's trimmed landing strip, then back up the other. She did that a few times as Jaya tried to roll her hips to get more contact, but the girl's tongue and lips always danced out of reach. Done teasing her groomed pubic area, the girl's devilish mouth then focused on her lips, licking, nibbling, and sucking on the small flaps between her thighs. Jaya didn't know how she would describe the sounds she made now but they were clearly desperate. Despite that, her lover proceeded slowly, now teasing her inner lips with her tongue, always somehow missing her clit and avoiding any real penetration. Jaya thought she was going to explode or pull something from how tense she was.

"Oh if I make a wish will you stop?" Jaya called out, her mind half-gone with desire.

"Do it Mistress," the girl replied, her voice almost a challenge.

"I wish you'd make me fucking cum!"

Suddenly the girl's mouth was all over Jaya's pussy. Her tongue turned into a wild snake, lapping and flicking against her clit before delving deep into her pussy, so deep that Jaya couldn't believe it was just the girl's tongue, but both her hands stayed on Jaya's thighs. In almost no time, Jaya was grinding herself against the girl's head muttering nonsense words and promises, anything if she could just cum. She could feel it rising in her body, but it was moving much slower than she wanted.

Then the girl upped the ante. Her lips moved to cover Jaya's clit and sucked hard. Jaya's eyes snapped open and focused sightlessly on the ceiling as she ground out a loud moan through her teeth between every breath. The girl somehow kept up constant suction on the little nub for a long time as if she were trying to pull Jaya's orgasm out with her mouth. Then her tongue started flicking and it was all over.

Jaya's entire sense of self evaporated as her body became nothing but pleasure. She thought she heard someone down the street screaming, then her throat started to feel sore and she realized the screams came from her. She didn't care though because every part of her body felt like pure ecstasy. Every now and then a soft, wet object would pass between her legs and the pleasure would roll through her again, more subdued, like a gentle wave.

Time was meaningless. She lost count of how many mini-orgasms she had after the big one, and she felt herself drifting off. Before she lost her senses completely, she heard the girl speak distantly.

"Rest, Mistress. We have much to talk about."

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striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Great start to the series!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Ah yes, I am in agreement with earlier commenter, Marquis_J, I too am both confused and anxiously anticipating which way this story may go, ... but with your warnings and apologies at the chapters beginning, I assume some form of magic induced incest or worse is about to happen, ... not sure, but then all Genie tales should delve into humans' most basic desires, ... as in power corrupts, and absolute power (well, you know), ... and what puts the brakes on a magical Genie with an out of control master/mistress? ;-) TTFN

Marquis_JMarquis_Jalmost 2 years ago

I am returning to comment, at this point I was wondering which way this was going to go: “my sister and my genie” or “my genie becomes my sister “

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years ago

Okay, color me pleasantly surprised! I somehow stumbled upon this one when I was browsing through the Polyamory tag. I had become extremely disgusted with the results because of the plethora of MFM stories and those are totally not my kink. 😒

Bisexual females however are straight up my alley!!! 👌

So in the immortal words of Lieutenant Toomey as he is surveilling the home of Angelo "Snaps" Provolone, "Get out the coffee and the sinkers boys! I think I'll stick around for a while!" 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don’t have the words to describe how erotic and hot that scene was aside from Fucking Incredible!

Bronco56Bronco56about 2 years ago

Excellent story. Loved the interaction between Jaya and the genie. Very hot. Looking forward to more chapters. 5⭐

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