Sister Hot, Wife Not


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And the pain.


I'd made reservations at two places so as to give Jess a choice. The Italian, she said. It was walking distance from the bar and we strolled there holding hands, laughing and joking, generally enjoying being with each other. "Hope you're hungry," I asked her, as we neared our destination. "Famished!" she replied. The prospect of eating reminded me of the morning's breakfast scenario "So, how did you enjoy your scrambled eggs in bed this morning, darling?"

"You know about that, do you?" she smiled.

"Was my idea for Jan to do it, actually. Told me she felt awful about being such a misery guts when she found out about you and I both being out tonight."

"Yes, so I gather. Guilt is a terrible thing, Mark, isn't it?"

"It sure is."

"So it was your idea, sugar, was it?"

"Yeah. Thought you'd enjoy it."

"And I did, darling, I really did! Jeez, it was funny. There I am lying in bed, just woken up, thinking disgraceful thoughts about you and me, and next thing there's a knock on the door and in comes wifey with this breakfast tray. Told her I didn't remember ordering room service. She gives me this sheepish look and says she's really sorry about how she behaved last night, that she wants to make it up to me, that it's totally cool for me to go on a date tonight or any night."

"And did you forgive her?"

"Eventually. The way she goes on and on, I can tell she's pretty desperate for me to say 'it's ok, don't worry,' and so I don't say that. I keep her squirming for a while. I sit up in bed and get comfortable and I eat this yummy breakfast she's brought me, eating very slowly, and I let her bang on. She ends up almost begging for forgiveness, poor cow. I can tell she's getting anxious about the time, late for work is what I'm guessing, so I make her stand there until I've completely finished before I finally relent and I tell her that ok, it's all fine now ... just so long as she's realised she was being stupid and totally unreasonable."

"Which she was, Jess, right?" I snickered.

Jessica laughed and squeezed my hand. "Yeah, damn right. Anyway, listen to this, when she gets home after work I decide to torture the poor thing a bit more. I chat for a while about how much I'm looking forward to my hot date with a hot guy, then I take her to my room and I ask her advice on what to wear. She says she's not sure, says it's a long time since she went on a hot date. So I help her out. What I do is I pull a selection of things from my wardrobe and I try them on, model them for her, ask her which one she thinks is best for a hot date with a hot guy, which one does she think he'll like the most. It's such a scream! These outfits I've picked out, I know I look really good in all of them, and they're the sort of clothes that Jan'd love to wear but she can't because she hasn't got the figure for it."

"What, being too short and a bit dumpy and having mediocre tits? That what you mean, Jess?" I was starting to enjoy making derogatory remarks to Jessica about her sister. Enjoy it almost as much as Jess loved hearing them. "Pretty much," she smirked, slipping her arm around my waist and snuggling into me as we walked. I could see the restaurant now. Jessica was giggling. "So funny, sweetie, don't you think? She helps me choose my hot little dress and then she stands there and waves me off, wishes me luck, as I swan off on a date with her husband. Poor sis!"

"Poor sis indeed," I chuckled, squeezing Jess's shoulder, pulling her into me. I want to stop and kiss her - kiss her hard - but we've arrived at the restaurant.

It's a great place (very expensive so it ought to be) and dinner is delicious. We forget about Janet (although Jess sends her a text halfway through pudding saying she's having a wonderful time and can't wait to tell her about it later), talk instead about ourselves and how fabulous our 'affair' (Jess's description, which I like) is going to be. Jess is bubbly, exuberant, flirts shamelessly with the waiters who fawn all over her. I don't mind, I know she's just playing, having fun. Any case, the guy she's mainly flirting with (all through the meal and very heavily) is me. By the time I settle the bill (eye-watering!) and we leave, I've progressed from infatuation to utterly besotted.

Where I'm parked isn't far and half an hour later we're driving home. We'd had a long snog first, sitting in the car, and I can still feel and smell her all over me. I'm in heaven. Just savouring what Jessica says (and I agree) is the 'proper start of our affair'. Jess decides to give my cock some attention as I'm driving. She toys with me through my trousers and she soon has me grunting and groaning. She giggles and steps it up, gets me harder and harder. "Jess, I'm gonna cum if you're not careful!"

She really IS giggling now. "Oh really? So, should I be careful then?" She's still doing it - we're only maybe a couple of minutes away from home.

"Oh shit, I dunno!" I want her to stop but even more than that I want her not to. Want her to finish me off.

"Because I quite like making guys come in their pants. Just ask some of the boys I went to school with."

"Yeah?" I croak. I'm right on the edge now and the sexy little bitch knows it. We're on our road, can see the house. "Yeah. So how about I make YOU come in your pants right now?"

"Oh god, baby, yes!"

"Ok, ask me and I will," she giggles.

"Please Jess ... Jessica ... please make me come in my pants!"

She does. She gives my bulging erection an extra firm squeeze and pushes me over. I explode just as we reach the house. I miss the turn into the gate (for obvious reasons) and have to do a U turn up the road. "Hey, wifey's left the gate open for us. That's considerate of her, sweetie, isn't it?" grins Jessica. "Yeah, good old Jan," I sneer.

By the time I've parked in the drive I'm just about under control. We go into the house and find Janet dozing on the sofa, the remnants of a TV dinner on the coffee table. She'd left most of it, by the looks of it. She'd wanted to wait up for us, obviously, but had gotten tired (it IS quite late by now -- well after midnight). She woke up shortly after we walked into the lounge (I managed to stop squeezing Jessica's ass just a moment before my wife opened her eyes). Christ, she looked a mess, I thought, cursing that I have to sleep with her tonight when what I really want to do is go to bed with her sexy sister.

"Hey, guys!" said Janet, sitting up, rubbing her eyes, making an effort. "Hi, Hun," I said, then announced I was straight off for a shower. I needed to do a few things before I got close to her, deal with the physical evidence of what's gone on between me and Jessica in the car. Jess was stood there smiling sweetly. "Goodnight, Mark. Thanks again for the lift!" Janet made as if to rise and go up with me (she clearly wants to, she's very tired) but I head it off. "Hun, why don't you chat to your sister for a few minutes?" Then I left them and went up. I learn later that Jess kept poor Jan up for over an hour, telling her about her date, how yummy the food was, how dishy and charming 'James' was, how she was definitely going to see him again, that she might even bring him round to the house sometime. She really layed it on.

By the time Janet came to bed I was fast asleep.


Saturday, Jan and I woke late. It was only a week since the fateful phone call from Hong Kong but it seemed longer. I think because life was so different now. The call seemed to separate two eras -- pre-Jess and post. I preferred post. Don't think Janet did, though. Saturday mornings had tended to be a time when my wife and I made love (back when we did that sort of thing) and she was feeling amorous on this particular occasion, tried quite hard to interest me. I firmly rebuffed her, however, and she eventually got the message, albeit not without protest. "Mark, this isn't good," she complained, sounding a bit sulky. I shrugged. "Sorry, Hun, guess I'm still tired from last night."

"I have needs, you know." This was a first, her telling me she NEEDED a fuck. Jessica had clearly been correct about her sister feeling sexually frustrated and I made a mental note to tell her this when I got the chance. As for Janet, I made it clear the subject was closed by getting up and going to the bathroom. "So how did it go with Jessica?" I asked on my return. "You know, breakfast and your best sincerest apology?"

Janet smiled. "Oh yes. Fine. She WAS put out, you were right, but I managed to smooth the waters. It was a good idea of yours actually, Hun, the scrambled eggs. Said she loves scrambled eggs."

"That's good then, Jan. So you're out of her bad books now?" (Clearly I was out of Jan's bad books too. Not that I'd been worried: my wife never stayed sulky for long, it wasn't in her nature.)

"Think so, yes. I guess I'd better treat her especially well from now on, though, while she's here. Just to be sure."

"Yeah, Hun, really spoil her. I think you should." Made a mental note to tell Jess this too. She'd crack up.

Jess got up even later than us and we settled into a lazy Saturday. When Jan was out of ear-shot, I whispered to Jess about the two things from earlier (Jan being upset about no sex, and her plans to treat Jess like a bit of a VIP from now on) and, yes, she DID start giggling herself silly. "Right, no more of me helping out around the house then," she grinned. "Definitely not, babe," I said.

"Hey, and that means you too."


"Yes, Mr Taylor, you. I've noticed how you chip in with the chores around here and I don't like it. I don't like seeing men do that sort of thing. Specially guys I'm romantically involved with. Plus you're married, honey, aren't you? Got wifey to do all of that drudge stuff - so let her do it, ok?"

Fine by me.

Lunch (which Janet fixed and we had in the kitchen at about 1:30): soon as we finished eating, Jessica and I got up and went through to the lounge, leaving my wife to clear the table and do the dishes. Poor Jan hadn't even quite finished herself. Still, what could she do? Didn't want to piss Jessica off again, did she? And hadn't we just agreed that her sister was going to be royalty around here for the rest of her stay? Ok, so I was doing the right thing keeping Jess company rather helping Janet, wasn't I? Exactly right. When she'd cleared up, Janet popped her head round and asked if we wanted coffee. I didn't but Jessica said she'd love one. "Coming right up!" Janet chirped and disappeared again, came back with Jessica's coffee. "Thanks," Jess grunted, not bothering to look up. "Hey, Hun, maybe a beer for me?" Janet looked daggers at me, appeared about to say something, but then simply nodded and trotted off again. "And a glass, babe, yeah?" I called after her. Jessica giggled at that. "Nice having a servant around, Marky, isn't it?" she whispered, and she took the opportunity of Jan's further short absence to nibble my earlobe.

Janet brought me my beer, poured it for me, and settled herself in an armchair with a book. Had to be a chair since her sister and I were on the sofa, sitting pretty close, not quite touching but almost. It was like WE were the couple of the house and Jan was the outsider (not completely wrong, if you think about it). Janet had put her reading glasses on and this, combined with the rather shapeless 'smocky' type dress she was wearing, was making her look particularly frumpy and unattractive. The contrast with Jessica (impossibly sexy in short skirt plus rather tantalising top) was bordering on ludicrous. I kept ogling Jess as she sat next to me flicking through a magazine (some fashion thing) and remembering what she'd told me on our date the previous evening, I didn't even try to be subtle about it. It was a relief to be able to lech at Jessica whenever I wanted and not have to try and hide it from my wife. Also quite funny to watch Janet, sitting opposite, staring fixedly down at her book, desperately pretending to be unaware of how I'm constantly eyeing up her sister. She noticed alright - in the space of twenty minutes she turned maybe three pages (and Jan's a fast reader usually). I had a strong urge to put my hand on Jess's thigh. The way she's sitting in her hot little skirt, lovely bare legs crossed in my direction, nearly touching me, it's like she's inviting it. But I don't. Against the rules. Jessica and I have agreed that if her sister is in eye-shot I can ogle as much as I like (and the more the better), but no smooching or anything like that. We want Janet suffering in silence, not exploding in rage.

For the next couple of hours or so we just chat and joke around together. Or rather Jess and I do. Janet, we pretty much ignore except for throwing the odd comment her way (and not really listening to the reply). Oh and a couple of times when we want something - she fixes us all a snack at one point and she gets me another beer. The beer actually takes two trips because she brings mine, sits down, and then a minute later Jessica says she fancies one too. Each time Janet departs for the kitchen I fondle Jess's sexy legs. Don't even wait for my wife to disappear from view, my hand snakes up her sister's skirt soon as Janet's walking away from us towards the door.

I'm thoroughly enjoying all of this (and so is Jessica) but what's occupying my grey matter is how to engineer an opportunity for us to fuck. She's been taunting me about it every time Janet's out of ear-shot ("So, when are you and I gonna bang our brains out, baby?") and she keeps reminding me about the deal. Has to be here at home and it has to be without Janet knowing. It's not easy. Particularly since the afternoon is almost over and I'd decided it needed to happen that day. Sure, Jess had said by end of Sunday (my 'challenge') but I saw no reason to delay. I was gonna fuck Jessica today, Saturday, and that was that. But how?

I had a brainwave. What triggered it was my musing about this new regime whereby Janet gets to do all the household chores. Yes, I reckoned my idea would work. Something about my wife's passive acceptance of the slightly superior and offhand way that Jessica and I had been treating her since lunchtime told me that I'd get away with it.

Let's roll.

"What's for dinner tonight, Hun?" I enquired. Janet looked up from her book. She appeared slightly startled but pleased to be asked (guess it was better than being ignored). "I was thinking of doing chicken casserole. Is that ok with you guys?"

I looked at Jess. "What do you think? Jan's famous chicken casserole tonight?"

"Depends, I guess. Is it nice, Jan's famous chicken casserole?"

I nodded vigorously. "Damn right it is. One of her specialities. Right, Hun?"

"I suppose it is," Janet beamed. Her spirits seemed to be picking up. "Well ok then!" said Jessica. Janet settled back in her chair (she'd leant eagerly forward during the exchange), considering the matter of dinner settled. "Just thinking, though, Hun," I mused. "It's Jess's first Saturday night here and she missed out on your fish stew yesterday, didn't she?"

"Not sure going to a five star restaurant with her dishy new man counts as missing out, Hun," laughed Jan, throwing her sister a conspiratorial look. Jess smirked and giggled.

"Yeah, Hun, I'd say it does. Your chicken casserole is great, sure, but your fish stew is the absolute tops. Everyone knows that."

Janet looked pleased but slightly concerned. "Well, sure, but ..."

"And I missed out too, Jan, let's face it. Stuck with that wretched client all evening."

"Yes, but ... oh Hun, look, I'm sorry ... I haven't got the ingredients. Would have bought the fish fresh on Friday but I figured there was no point when I knew you and Jess were both going out." (Of course I knew this.)

"Ah." I turned to Jessica, looking disappointed. She played along, looked disappointed too. "Oh, sis, that's such a shame. I adore fish stew!" Both of us were looking (and smiling) at Janet. Jan looked thoughtful for a moment. Then she sat forward and smiled too. She looked at her watch. "Ok, I guess there's still time. If you guys don't mind being left alone I can pop to the shops and get what I need."

"Hun, you're a star. No, we don't mind being alone for a while, Jessica, do we?"

"Definitely not." She was looking at me as she said this and her eyes told the story. She turned back to her sister. "Sure YOU don't mind, though, sis? About having to go off shopping, I mean?"

Janet shook her head. "No, not at all. It's just the fish and a couple of other things. Take me less than half an hour if I take the car."

Less than half an hour.

"Ah ok. That's not long at all then, is it?" said Jessica. She was talking to Janet but the message was for me. A 'quickie' was not what she had in mind for our first time. Me, I'd have settled for that, but it was more important to please Jessica. I thought on my feet. "Yeah, Hun, take the car. Fact, since you are taking the car, do you wanna maybe get a few more things? You know, get some stuff in for the week."

Janet looked confused. "For the week? But I thought you'd be doing that after work, Monday, Hun. Like normal."

"Sure, Hun, I know. But it's not normal, is it? We've got your sister here with us. Our guest. Besides I'm getting very busy at work these days so I'm not sure me doing shopping and stuff is so appropriate." Janet looked for a second as if she might want to debate this, but she thought better of it. "Guess that means I have to go the mall then."

"Yeah, Hun, guess so," I said. I glanced at my watch. "Look, it's only four thirty. What time do you need to be back and making the dinner?"

"Well, what time do you and Jess want to eat?"

"Jess, what time do we want to be tucking into Jan's fish stew?"

Jessica pondered for a second. "Um, let's see -- about eight thirty?"

"Sounds good to me. Dinner at eight thirty, Hun?"

Janet took a moment to process. "Ok. So I'd better make sure I'm back by half past six. It takes a while to make it properly."

"Great. So that gives you two hours. Hey, traffic might be bad, though, so maybe you ought to get your skates on."

"Ok, Hun." Janet got slowly to her feet and prepared to depart. I'd been right, my wife was starting to realise her place in the scheme of things, accept her reduced status around here. Jessica sensed this too. "Any chance of you picking up a few things for me, sis, if you're going to the mall?"

"Um, sure. What things?"

Jess started in on the things she needed, imperiously ticking each one off with her fingers. "Ok, so I need some tights, I'm running out. Least six pairs. I like the really sheer ones -- three black and three flesh would be perfect. Couple more bras I need too. Black lace. And some sun cream would be good, seeing how this weather is looking over here. Factor ten, ok? ... sorry, Jan, do you wanna write all this down so you don't forget?"

Janet went and got pen and paper. "Ok," Jessica continued. "So what have we done?"

"Um, tights, bras, sun cream," said Jan, pen at the ready to add to the list.

"Right. You'd make a great little secretary, sis."

"Janet IS a secretary, Jess, remember?" I cut in. "Oh yeah, course," giggled Jessica. "Ok, I also need to top up on red lipstick. By red what I mean is crimson, ok? Plus matching nail gloss. Oh and some moisturiser for my legs. Try and get one that's in a tube not a bottle, I like to squeeze it out. Hey, I'll give you guys the money for all this obviously. Just tell me how much, sis, and give me the receipts and I'll do a transfer next time I'm online. Ah yes, that was the other thing, I need a spare battery for my phone. You know which one to get, right?" Janet nodded, scribbled furiously, got it all down. "Ok, Jessica, think I have all that."

"Sorry, sis, quite a lot, isn't it? Do you wanna just read it back to me? That way I'll be sure." Janet looked down at her list and read it back to Jess. "Yeah, sounds good to me, sis," said Jessica, nodding approvingly. "Didn't miss anything, Mark, did she?"
