Sister In Law Pt. 03

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Wayne goes out to a party with his sister in law.
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/07/2019
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Well, that happened. Desiree and I were finally over, not on paper, but mentally I was already on the way out the door. Hope had tried to set things right but failed, while Gary loved every minute of it. The day before they left, he told me that I could take the pickup, he had already signed it over to me. Passing the papers across the table like it was the best gift he had ever given someone.

I had already started looking at apartments around the area. I had no plans to move back home. There was nothing there for me now. I had a good job that paid me very well. With a new start, maybe I would be back on my feet in no time.

"You leaving?" Hope said as I tried to sneak out of the house.

"Yeah," I said as I turned around. 'Why did she have to look so good?' I thought to myself.

"Where are you heading to?" Hope asked, standing in front of me in an olive green crop top that barely covered her enormous tits, leaving her stomach exposed. A pair of skin-tight jeans and white sneakers.

"Well," I was going to lie, but I thought what the hell. "The bar," I said as I shrugged. "I don't feel like being sober tonight."

"If you want, there is a party I was going to go to later," Hope said as she leaned against the wall in the hallway. "Most of the people are high rollers looking to spend money on real estate. Others will be sellers, and you could probably drum up some business."

I nodded. It was a good idea. We could use all the business we could get our hands-on. Theodore had made me his partner, even though I had less experience than most of the other workers he knew I would work harder than most of them.

"It is in two hours," Hope said as she turned around. "You should get changed."

"I can't..."

"No!" Hope replied as she was already down the hallway.

"Great," I said as I went back up the stairs.

It took me over an hour to pick out something to wear. I wasn't always this indecisive, but trying to think of what to wear when most of the people in the room were filthy rich was not something I was used to doing.

"Are you ready?" Hope asked as she peeked her head into my bedroom.

"What do you think?" I asked as I stood in what I thought would make the best fit for the occasion.

"Very handsome," Hope said as she entered the room.

"Holy fuck!" I said as the words escaped my mouth.

"What?" Hope said as she jumped to look behind her.

"I mean, wow," I said, looking at her. The little black dress had nothing on what she was wearing. They should change it to the little pink dress.

"You like?" Hope said as she did a little turnaround.

"Who wouldn't?" I asked. I wasn't making any pretense this time; she was stunning.

"You don't think it is too much, do you?" Hope asked.

To describe the dress could take two words, second skin. It literally hugged every single inch of her body, well the parts that it covered anyway. There was a long line of cleavage, and her ass was, well, it was very noticeable. Under that dress, it was apparent she was wearing a thong as I could see the outline. Match that with knee-high white boots, and the picture was complete. Her blonde hair came down to her mid-back. She pulled on white gloves and hoop earrings.

Damn, she looked like a total slut or streetwalker.

"Let's go," Hope said as she took the lead.

We went down to the garage, and I walked towards her car. "You know what?" Hope smiled as she walked towards Gary's pride and joy.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You can't!"

"Why not?" Hope asked as she punched the number in the keypad to open the lock for the keys. "He didn't change the code, so he obviously wants us to take it."

"It's..." I said, looking at the marvelous machine. I could be angry at Gary all I wanted, but I would never take it out on such a perfect vehicle.

"It's a car," Hope smiled. "A car I have never driven, but I am sure I can get the hang of it."

"No!" I shouted as I sped towards her. "If we are taking it, then I will drive."

I got in the car and started the engine. It purred like the machine it was meant to be. "Where to?" I asked as I slowly maneuvered it out of the garage.

"Doesn't this thing have GPS?" Hope laughed.

"No, it doesn't," I shook my head.

"I was joking," Hope smiled back at me. "I will tell you where to go."

The car drove like a dream. It handled corners like it was glued to the road. When we pulled up to the large building, one of the valets came up to us. "Wow," he said. "This is.." he started to say before his boss came up to him.

"Too expensive for you to park," the man said as he took the keys.

"Thank you," I said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The party was just as I had expected filled with people with way too much money, and just needing something to spend it on. Now I knew why Hope had dressed the way she had. The vultures were out. Most of the sellers had women working with them that were scantily clad, and they were flirting and holding onto the rich old men like they were ready to get every single dime out of them.

"Horrible, isn't it?" a man said, joining me at the bar.

"What exactly?" I asked.

"How the flow of money works," he said, turning to face me. "We make it. Then if we make too little of it, we try to make more, by other means, then when it is too much, we find stupid things to spend it on."

"Well, you can't take it with you," I said as sipped on my drink.

"True, very true, but you can leave it to family, or even better donate it," the man said.

"Very true," I nodded.

"Michael Hurns," the man said as he introduced himself.

"Wayne Burrows," I replied.

"So, where do you play in all of this?" Michael asked.

"Sister in law," I nodded over to Hope.

"Hope Chase is your sister in law?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," I said as I took another sip of my drink.

"That must make life very," Michael stopped as Hope bent over a table. Her shapely legs and tight thighs were visible to all that was behind her as well as the short skirt that threatened to show all if she bent just a bit more. Hope knew precisely what she was doing. "Interesting." Michael finished as if he was holding his breath.

"To say the least," I said, shaking my head.

Hope was the ultimate cock tease. Her huge boobs outclassed every woman in the building, even though most of them were scantily clad or outright revealing. Hope had them beat in class. Yes, what she was wearing made her look like a blonde bimbo, but she was only going to the high rollers that were here to buy large amounts of real estate, she bi passed all the window shoppers.

"You?" I asked as I watched Hope at work.

"Husband," Michael nodded over to a large man. He was muscularly built with solid tan.

"Ah," I nodded.

"The fourth house," Michael shook his head. "Like we need more."

I laughed as Michael ordered a drink. "So what do you do?" he asked as he looked at me.

I told him about my job and my new partnership.

"You're kidding?" Michael said, with a broad smile on his face. "Our contractor had a heart attack last month. We have been trying to find a new one."

I immediately sat upright. "Well, we could definitely help in that matter."

"Seems like we could help each other," Michael smiled as we started to talk.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I'm sorry," Hope said as we walked out of the party.

"It's okay," I said as I held her close to me, my arm wrapped around her waist.

"I don't know what came over me," Hope slurred her speech as she talked.

"I think someone spiked your drink," Michael said. He had volunteered to walk out with me.

Hope was in the middle of talking to someone when she abruptly fell to the floor. I immediately ran over to her.

"Wouldn't surprise me, the jackals were circling her the moment she fell," Michael's husband said.

Gary's car pulled up to the stairs as we walked down towards it.

"Thank you, both of you," I said as I lifted Hope into the car.

"The seat feels good," Hope said as I buckled the seat belt.

"Yes, it does," I said as I closed the door.

"We will talk more about the contracts and what else needs to be signed," Michael said.

"Most definitely," I nodded.

I couldn't wait to tell my partner that we could sign such a lucrative deal. If all went well, we could be independent and well on our way to financial freedom from the banks and loan sharks within a few months.

Michael and his husband owned property all over the town, as well as some in other parts of the state.

I got in the car and started heading home. "If you feel like," I began to say, but when I looked over at Hope, she was fast asleep. I opened her window a little just in case she felt the need to throw up.

I turned my navigation to take me home and followed the directions. It was a beautiful drive, and the cold air coming through the windows made it even better.

"Thank you," Hope said as she sat up.

"You're alive," I joked.

"Barely," Hope replied.

"I think someone spiked your drink," I said as Hope rubbed her eyes.

"Feels like it," Hope nodded. "I can't seem to focus clearly," she looked out at her surroundings. "No," she shook her head.

"I thought this was the way home," I turned to look at her.

"It is, but I wanted to show you something," Hope held her head as if she was trying to concentrate. "Here," she said as she handed me her purse. "Grab my phone, the last address in there."

After she said that, she was out like a light again. If I met the person that did that to her drink, I would surely go to jail. I got her phone out and unlocked it. Luckily she had shown me her pattern before tonight. I hit the last address and turned mine off.

I had to get on the highway, something I didn't want to do in this car, as I would be tempted to see what it could do.

I kept to a few miles over the speed limit when a car raced passed me, then another. They both hit the brakes as the red lights behind them indicated. "No," I said as I caught up to them.

"Want to go?" one of the guys said.

"No," I shook my head out the window. "I don't want a speeding ticket."

"It's three in the morning, most of the pigs are sleeping," the guy said.

"Or eating their morning donuts," the guy on my right added.

"Okay," I nodded.

"To the third exit ramp," the other guy smiled.

They both had high-end sports cars. Each of them had gone for the elite packages for their vehicles. We slowed to a crawl, then off we went.

"Damn," I said as the one on the right took off ahead of me. The one on the left was behind us with no chance of catching up.

I shifted again and was quickly pulling beside him. Shift again, and I began pulling away. Shift and I left them both in the dust. "Damn, you're fast." I smiled as I talked to the car. I looked back and only saw their headlights way in the distance.

I slowed as I passed the third exit.

"Holy fuck!" the guy said as we parked on the side of the road.

"No shit," the other said as we stood together. "I had heard, this thing was fast, but holy shit! Blew the doors right off of me."

"Bet this thing can beat those superbikes," one of them said. "I come close, and you blew me out of the water."

"Well," I said as I shook hands.

"Yeah," they both said in unison.

"Thanks for the run, definitely worth seeing this thing in action," one of them said as they walked backed to their cars.

"Had fun," Hope said as I entered the car.

"Sorry, I..." I started to say, but Hope was shaking her head.

"Seeing that smile on your face is worth anything Gary will say to me," Hope said as she drifted back to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hope," I said as I nudged her. "We are here," I said, looking at a large gate in the middle of nowhere. We had left the city and was in the country.

"Oh," Hope said as she sat up. "I am going to kill the person that did this to me."

"Sorry, I should have been watching," I apologized.

"No," Hope said as she took a remote from her purse. "I know better than to leave my drink alone at one of those things."

The large gate slowly opened, and I drove in. "Wow," I said, looking at the large house in front of me. "It's huge!"

"Wait until you see inside," Hope smiled.

"You trying to sell it to one of those big shots?" I asked as I pulled up to the door.

"Nope," Hope said as she reached for the door. "It's mine."

"What?" I said in shock as I got out of the car.

"Pull the car into the garage, and I will tell you," Hope said as she tried to walk.

"How about you sit down on the steps, and I will come back for you," I said as I got back in the car.

The garage was in the back, and with the remote Hope had left in the car, I managed to get the car inside. Making sure it locked behind me. I walked back to the front of the house.

Hope was half sitting on the floor, and the other half was lying down on the stairs. "Come on, you," I said as I bent down and picked her up.

"I ruined your night," Hope said as she laid her head on my chest.

"No," I said as I carried her in my arms. She was very light considering.

"Dylon," she said out loud. But there was no response. "Dylon," Hope repeated this time louder.

"Yes, Ms. Chase," the house answered.

"I am home, open the front door, and rearm after I enter," Hope said.

"I am detecting a guest," the house said.

"Verify voice with Sheila's contacts," Hope said.

"Wayne," I said out loud.

"Voice match complete," Dylon said.

The door opened, and I walked her inside. A few seconds later, the door locked, and I heard the alarm reset.

"Lights," I said as the lights in the hallway lit up.

"I am detecting a shallow heart rate in Ms. Chase," Dylon said. "Shall I call for the paramedics?"

"Give us two hours, and if her situation doesn't change, then yes," I said, shaking my head. "Damn smart houses."

"I will try not to be offended," Dylon said.

"It's an updated model," Hope smiled. "One of the developers let me burrow one of the prototypes."

"Burrow is such a harsh word; lend would be the adequate wording," Dylon said.

"Dylon sleep mode, only monitor," I said as I set Hope down on one of the sofas.

"I am fine," Hope said, sitting up. "It will pass through my system."

"I don't want to take chances," I said as I looked at her.

Even with her hair a mess and her eyes dilated, and her lips chapped, she looked stunning. "Well, I don't feel like I am going to puke anymore," Hope said as she looked at me. "I can also see your face and not just a blur, so things are looking up."

"Try standing," I said as I slowly stood her up.

Her knees wobbled a bit, but she stood up straight. "I am going to get out of these clothes, and take a shower, that might help."

"Dylon, lights to the master bedroom, please," Hope said as the lights in the hallway and up the stairs turned on. "Oh, and lights to secondary master."

Lights lit up the other way. "I took some clothes from your bedroom, for you," Hope said as she slowly walked to the stairs.

I couldn't believe the bathroom. It was huge with what could be a small pool for the bathtub and what some would consider a small bedroom for the walk-in shower. "She's got a lot of explaining to do," I said as I took a shower and got dressed.

I sat back down on the couch and waited. Hope came back down the stairs looking much better than before. "How do you feel?" I asked as she sat down.

"Much better," Hope smiled as she pulled her legs under her. She was dressed in boy shorts and a white crop top.

"So," I said, looking at her.

"Oh," Hope nodded. "The house?"

I nodded.

"I bought it," Hope smiled. "I make a lot more money than Gary thinks I do."

"It would seem like it's a lot more," I said.

"Well," Hope said as she moved toward me. "Let's just say, I make nearly double more than what he thinks I make."

"You're joking?" I laughed.

"Nope," Hope said, shaking her head. "Through most of the retail work, the books the television show as well as the online workshops and the how-to seminars. It nearly comes to double."

"I thought the show was a flop?" I asked.

Hope shook her head. "It was a huge success, it was just that I didn't want to do it anymore, it is still going, and they still use some of the ideas as well as the name of my license, so I get paid some royalties for each show."

"So, this is your getaway?" I asked, looking around.

"Yes, and no," Hope nodded. "It is my get out of dodge card, in case things went south, I wanted a place of my own."

"Smart," I nodded.

"Now you can live here," Hope said. I started to open my mouth. "I won't take no for an answer."

I knew the look on Hope's face; it was the don't test me look. I nodded my defeat.

"So what did you think of the dark-haired woman that stood next to me," Hope asked.

"The one with the see-through mesh top?" I asked.

"So you did notice," Hope smiled.

"She was okay," I shrugged.

"That was the assistant, Gary slept with," Hope smiled.

"Wow, she was very young," I nodded.

"And very well put together," Hope said.

"Not really," I shook my head. "Yes, she is young, but I noticed she was going back and forth through everyone, you had a plan."

"Well, thank you," Hope nodded.

"Did it pay off?" I asked.

"Dressing up as a cheap hooker?" Hope laughed. "Yes, I got a few deals and will be signing three new contracts as well as selling four of my highest priced houses."

"Check you out!" I said.

"If I had put the pigtails in my hair as I wanted, I might have gotten more," Hope said with a grin.

"You mean handlebars," I added.

"Oh, sweetie, if I am going down on you, the last thing you will need is handlebars," Hope said with a straight face.

She left me speechless.

"Okay," Hope said as she moved even closer. "It's your turn."

"For what?" I asked.

"You know a lot about me sexually," Hope said as she looked at me.

"Your turn."

"I just know that you wanted to get them for tit fucking," I shrugged.

"And," Hope said.

"That you like to give blow jobs," I said.

"No, blow jobs are for the women that don't like to suck a dick," Hope shook her head. "For us that do, it's called deep throating, because I don't stop until it's down my throat and shooting its load."

My dick throbbed as I stared at her neck and imagining my dick down her throat.

"So, your turn," Hope said, putting an arm on the back of the sofa and resting her head against it.

"Well, you already know I like boobs," I said as I looked at her. She nodded. "So, I like to tit fuck."

"Something my sister probably hates, even though she probably could," Hope added.

"She hates it," I said, shaking my head.

"Prude," Hope said, shaking her head.

"I like pulling on hair while giving it from the back," I said.

"Is there any other way?" Hope smiled.

"I bet Gary likes to do that," I said.

"Gary likes it when he is in control, and he doesn't like seeing my boobs or hear me tell him what I want," Hope said, shaking her head. "He hasn't pulled my hair or slapped my ass in years."

"And you are sure he isn't gay?" I smiled.

"As sure as you are that my sister isn't a lesbian," Hope responded.

"Well," I smiled as I looked at her.

"After what I saw at the house the other day, I don't know how she doesn't have that down her throat or inside her twenty-four hours of the day," Hope said, staring down at my tented pants.

I was floored and speechless. "You..."

Hope nodded. "Why do you think I kept talking, it seemed the more I talked the eager you got and I didn't want to stop you."

I didn't know what to say. "Say something," Hope smiled.

"You caught me off guard," I smiled. "I thought you might have seen, but you acted like you didn't."

"What should I have said?" Hope said. "I saw my brother in law's big black cock, and I loved it?"