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"I think you do too, Slave-Daddy." I was pulling his scrotum tight and his skin grew damp with sweat even as I watched. "They give you bad thoughts, don't they? Make you want to do things to me…"

"Yes Mistress." He had his hands on his knees and he flexed his legs a little, pushing his hips back to ease the tension on his balls.

"Do you want to fuck me, Slave-Daddy?" I squeezed his balls hard, feeling the firm orbs within his sack being compressed in my fist.

"Ooooh…ow…ahhh…" He was breathing hard, but carefully, as if the smallest movement of any part of him only increased the pain.

"It makes you dizzy, doesn't it?" I chuckled. "A little nauseas maybe? I could crush your balls right now, Slave-Daddy. I could make them pop, should I do that?"

I squeezed harder and pulled back a little more so that my father was trembling with a combination of fear and excitement such as he'd never experienced before.

"No…P-Please…Mistress…" He was groaning and I opened my hand slightly, giving him a little relief from the pain. I'd demonstrated my power and he'd accepted it willingly, not fighting me at all, and I was very pleased with my father just then.

"Is your cock still hard, Slave-Daddy?" I asked.

"Yes, Mistress." He swallowed and glanced at me over his back and I could see his face was red and his eyes moist. I'd been squeezing his balls very hard near the end.

"That's good." I let his balls go completely. "You really do love me, don't you?"

"Yessss…I do, Mistress." He nodded.

"A lot of men go soft when they get squeezed like that, even some of the men who like it." I stroked my dad's back gently. "But you're still hard as a rock, Slave-Daddy."

"Yes Mistress." He actually smiled, feeling some small bit of pride I imagine. I hadn't lied about any of that either, it was hard for a man to stay erect when his balls were being crushed.

"So you deserve a reward, I think." I moved around him once more, lifting him slowly so that my dad would stand up straight.

I reached down to grasp his penis, sliding my hand along the heavy shaft. He was hot and hard and thick under my fingers and I felt a perverse thrill touching him that way, even more so than when I'd held his balls. I was excited and while I'd always intended our first scene to be short, it was difficult to imagine letting him go so easily.

"Do you want to cum, Slave-Daddy?" I whispered, looking into his handsome face and seeing nothing but desire there.

"Yes Mistress, God yes." He replied breathlessly.

"Whose cock is this?" I asked him.

"Yours Mistress." He answered without hesitation.

"What about your wife, Slave-Daddy? What about my mother?"

"I don't…" He looked confused, as if he'd forgotten about her and I saw guilt in his soft blue eyes.

"You don't what?" I jerked him off slowly. "Love her? Honor her?"

"No, Mistress…I…Yes, I do, but…"

"But what, Slave-Daddy?" I rubbed the head of his penis with my thumb, feeling the wetness there, his precum spilling from the tip of his glans.

"I want you, Mistress." He closed his eyes.

"Have you fucked other women?" I wanted to know. "Have you cheated on her? Don't lie to me, Slave-Daddy, or I'll know."

"Once." He nodded. "It was…It was a long time ago."

"Does she know?"

"Yes, Mistress." My dad looked smaller as he said that.

"And now you want to do it again." I shook my head. "With your own daughter, no less."

"Yes…Mistress." My father was stiff now, his body rigid as his orgasm grew closer.

"Get down, on your knees…On the floor…" I told him suddenly, pushing my dad down as I released his cock. "On your belly, Slave-Daddy…"

"Yes...Yes…Mistress…" He moved quickly, doing exactly what I was telling him to do. He got on the carpet of his study and I put my left shoe close to his face.

"Lick my shoe; clean it with your filthy tongue." I demanded. "You can fuck the floor…Do it, Slave-Daddy! Make yourself cum while you lick my shoe."

I watched my dad's prone form beneath me. He was lifting his hips, his ass, and pushing his pelvis against the rough carpeting beneath him, humping the floor as I'd instructed. It looked ridiculous and obscene and his body was pink with humiliation, but he kept his mouth on my shoe. His tongue lapping along the leather of my sling and when I lifted my foot off the floor he didn't hesitate to clean the bottom.

"The other one..." I pulled my left foot back and presented him with the right. "If you don't cum before you get this shoe clean I'm going to whip your cock. Do you understand me, Slave-Daddy?"

"Yes…Mistress." He gave me a small nod, grinding his body against the carpet harder now.

He licked my shoe carefully and I didn't know if he enjoyed foot worship or not, but I did. I really had very little to go on with my dad, so far as what he wanted, but I suspected he wanted whatever I was willing to make him do. I was as much his fantasy as any BDSM tricks or treats, so just my presence was making it good for him.

"You'd better cum soon, Slave-Daddy." I teased him. "I think that shoe is almost finished."

"Yesss…yes Mistress…" He was moving faster and his fingers were digging into the carpet around me.

He was prostrate before me, on his belly, working his cock towards orgasm just for me and I pulled my foot away, standing there with my arms crossed. I wanted to touch myself, to rub my slit and play with my hard little clit. There was an orgasm of my own lurking in the humid folds of my sex, but I waited. I had a lot of patience. A lot of self-discipline; as much as I'd ever expected from one of my bottoms, and it was one reason I was so good at what I did.

"Ohhh! Mistresss…." My father reached his orgasm finally, gasping as he thrust his cock against the rough fabric beneath him and I knew he was shooting his sperm uselessly onto the floor.

"Good, Slave-Daddy, very good." I smiled down at him, into his sweating red face. "I'm leaving you now, going to my room and into my bed alone."

"Yes Mistress." He nodded.

"In the morning, I want you to tell your wife what we did tonight."


"You'll tell her everything, do you understand me, Slave-Daddy?"

"Mistress…I…We can't…"

"You'll tell her that you had a dream, and in that dream this is what happened." I stared down at him. "If you don't do it, Slave-Daddy, I will."

"Yes Mistress." He rubbed his forehead, plainly worried.

"Except I won't tell her it was a just dream." I nodded seriously. "And if that happens, we'll never do this again. Tell me you understand me."

"I…I understand, Mistress." My father nodded with me.

"Good." I smiled tightly. "Now clean up your mess. I'll be waiting for you here this same time tomorrow."

"Yes, Mistress…I'll be here…" My dad promised needlessly as I walked to the door and left him there on his stomach.


"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again." My mother smiled at me.

"Yeah." I smiled back. "I was gone too long, mom. I'm sorry about that."

We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions and told mom about his dream. I very much hoped so as we sat there together and I tried to think of some way to ask her, but of course I couldn't.

"Well, I know how busy you are with your new career." My mom nodded and she looked so pretty sitting there.

She was older, yeah, but mom had always been an attractive woman and she was of a type suited to graceful maturity. While I drew a lot of attention for my youth and beauty, I wasn't alone. My mom was definitely noticed by men of all ages and she knew it. She was pleased by it, as a woman should be. I found myself wondering if she'd ever taken a lover, or perhaps even had one currently. I wouldn't have put it past her, based only on her appearance, but I doubted it, only because she was in love with my dad, as I well knew.

"It isn't too bad." I shrugged. "The hours are flexible at least."

"I understand." She nodded.

We paused our conversation so we could order our lunch. The waiter gave us both warm smiles and he was cute, enough so that he captured our attention for a long pleasant moment. When he left I rolled my eyes and my mom giggled, a sound which might have seemed strange coming from a woman of her age, but it wasn't. The sound suited her perfectly.

"I also...Mmmm…" My mom gave me a funny smile, obviously wanting to say something important, or personal perhaps, but hesitating as we returned to our conversation.

"What?" I asked her.

"I know what you do, Susan." She reached out and patted my hand.

"Uhhh…" I licked my lips. "What do you mean?"

"I mean your website, your…Business." Mom was looking into my eyes and her sweet voice was a whisper. "Should I..." She blushed. "...May I call you Mistress Susan?"

She was smiling too, a very real smile of the sort I saw on the faces of persons visiting my dungeons for the first time. Nervous and eager and just a little overwhelmed by the thought that their deepest fantasies were coming true. It was unmistakable. My mother was hitting on me.

"Mom, I don't think…"

"It's alright, I understand you might be…Confused." She squeezed my fingers in her hand. "I've dreamt of you, of being…Dominated by my own daughter…" She giggled nervously. "...For so long, you have no idea."

I blinked at her and then I looked around quickly, but we were alone.

"I want to be dominated by you, Mistress…" She bit her bottom lip, looking ten years younger suddenly and I felt my body flash hotly. "…May I serve you?"

"But…" I was so confused. "Daddy…Uh, his computer…He found my website and he told you?"

"What?" My mom laughed at that. "You're father can barely turn the thing on! He just uses it to read your emails. I found your website."

"You found it." I swallowed hard.

"Of course, I bought a platinum membership." She leaned forward and her voice was very soft. "I love the girl you use, that Katrina. She's so perfect, you both are, so perfect for each other."

"Yeah…" I sat back, reaching for my water and drinking it quickly.

"Do you hate me?" My mom suddenly asked.

"What?" I stared at her.

"Are you angry with me because I..." She shrugged. "…I've wanted to serve you since you were a teenager, Susan. My Mistress Susan…You don't know how often I've wished you were someone else's daughter, just so I could call you that."

"I'm not angry, no…I'm just…" I didn't know what it was I was feeling.

My father hadn't known a thing and I'd played a little scene with him last night. I'd made him confess his desires and lick my shoes and he'd never had a clue about the real me. It was my mother all along, wanting to be dominated by her own daughter. It made me dizzy and I had to catch my breath before I knew for certain what I had to do.

"Are you okay?" My mom was asking me.

"Yes." I nodded and then I caught her soft brown eyes with mine. "Take off your panties, right now, and put them on the table next to your plate."

"What?" My mom swallowed hard.

"Shut-up, you'll speak when I ask you question and the first word out of your mouth will be Mistress, do you understand me, Slave-Mommy?" I spoke in normal tones, uncaring who might overhear us, I was commanding her and staring until my mother lowered her eyes obediently.

The fact that she'd brought this subject up here, in a downtown restaurant made me acutely aware of her desire for public humiliation. The first step on our new journey would be to give my mom what she wanted. I could figure everything else out later, I hoped. For now it was enough to slip into the welcome and comforting role of being the Domme in this unexpected scene.

"Mistress, yes, I…I understand." She was blushing now, red and hot all over and it was going to be a long and interesting lunch.

"Then get those panties off, a Slave-Mommy like you doesn't need them." I chuckled. "You'll offer them to the waiter when he brings us our food."

"Mistress...Yes..." She started moving, but stopped as I spoke again.

"Have you cheated on your husband, Slave-Mommy?" I asked, repeating the question I'd posed to my father only a short time before.

"Mistress...I...." She blinked rapidly and looked away.

"Look at me when you speak." I reached over the table and grabbed cheeks painfully, squeezing her mouth. "Have you fucked around on my father?"

"Y-Yes...Mistress, yes." Mom stared at me, afraid of what she might find in my eyes.

"Good." I let her go with a smile. "You're going to be doing a lot of that, Slave-Mommy. Now get those panties off."

"Mistress, thank you!" My mom said softly and she was doing it, working her panties off under her dress and even though her head was down, I knew she was smiling...And I had a plan.



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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman5 months ago

Sorry, didn't read this, but wanted to leave a comment on your 4 part story. That was crazy, or interesting, but everyone ended up happy. You have a great imagination.

SpygmanSpygman9 months ago

Omg, I need more of this story please.

mletroutmletroutover 2 years ago

I like that the narrator goes to great lengths to convince the audience that she's always in control. She's actually convinced of it and even boasts of how she's always one step ahead of the situation, whatever it might be...and then she (and the audience) discovers that she isn't infallible, and she isn't always in control, and she can be taken by surprise. But of course, she recovers very quickly, which is so much fun. I think someone mentioned that the narrator is a borderline sociopath, but I think she's a complete sociopath - by choice. She's deliberately insulated from her emotions, which is something hyper-successful people must do. I think in later chapters, especially in her behavior towards Katrina, we see that she's capable of making a different choice and willing to suffer the consequences, even failure.

I think that's one of the reasons Rachael's stories appeal so much to me, and to a lot of readers, because she's capable of developing interesting and flawed characters that we don't always like or sympathize with, but we are able to recognize in them some portion of ourselves. And she loves to play head games with not only us, but also with herself, and with her own characters. When in some of her stories she breaks down the fourth wall and speaks to us directly, almost always tongue-in-cheek, she usually says something that is very much worth listening to.

For those who don't know, Rachael Ross passed away about 6 or 7 years after this story was posted to Literotica. She was prolific and annoying and beautiful, and she could polarize an audience like nobody else. She has a website on that is very insane and very much worth visiting, if it's still up. I hope it is. This story can be found there as "Family Enslaved" and it has 16 chapters.

She is very much missed.

anastia425anastia425almost 5 years ago

rachaelross what a wonderful start. why did you stop? Making mommy and daddy slaves is very intriguing. You should start the next one with husband and wife meeting their Mistress in the study that night.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Really well written and true to life--ish. Mom is a douchette, daughter a borderline sociopath. Too bad you stopped.

This kind of incest is vile, but WTH, it's in the incest category. New school Dom(me)s often seem almost completely without regard for the long term consequences of their behaviors. Doesn't matter in a stroker like this.

Be interesting to see how she does in LW, a much tougher category.

Thanks again for a well told quickie

funtimesforallfuntimesforallover 8 years ago
Love the twist...

Great ending. Please write another chapter.

LairdKeithLairdKeithover 9 years ago
they are not on rachaelross' s story list

they are not on rachaelross' s story list. does she have a separate site? I need to read more of this.

donaldelliott11donaldelliott11about 10 years ago
Happy I found the following chapters

at the author's website! All 16 of them !!!

Trekkie469Trekkie469over 10 years ago
Your Slave-Daddy

Please be my daughter. I would luv to be your Slave-Daddy! Keep writing, I'm hooked on your story.

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