Slave Girl Pt. 02 Ch. 26-36


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Branches are hewn and gathered up onto the cart before I turn to the tree proper. I cringe at the loud cleaving whacks echoing through my verdant surroundings as steel bites wood. More than once I give silent prayers of apology to Rosa's new patron god as if he were personally watching me. It is with relief that I hear the creaking and cracking of the trunk giving way. The muted crash as the tree strikes down upon the mossy earth is swiftly swallowed again by the quiet of the wood. Happy to be done I haul the lumber back through the bushy verge and onto the path.

I heave the log the rest of the way out of the shrubs and set it down. Right there I set to work chopping the trunk into manageable logs and piling them onto the cart as well. Working up a sweat as I chop I chastise myself for not picking up a saw blade while I was getting supplies. It would have made this task much easier. On the bright side the overcast sky and the shade of the trees made the summer heat much more bearable, and peeling out of my tunic to let the sweat wick from my skin makes it downright pleasant.

"Need a hand with that?"

"Huh?" I look down the path to see Cassie approaching me with a pitcher and mug. "Nah. I'm fine." I hoist the log I'd just cut up onto my shoulder and carry it to the cart. Out of the corner of my eye I notice my buxom neighbor following my gleaming torso with her eyes. She takes note of the pink recently healed scar at my side. She makes no comment thankfully. Cassie comes to me and pours the mug full of diluted wine and offers it to me. Wiping my damp brow I accept it gratefully. "Um...thanks."

"You're welcome."

I look down at the mug then back up to her again. "I appreciate this and I know we said we make our own rules here don't have to do what she tells you."

"Neither do you."

"Mmm. Fair enough." I take a few big chugs of the drink and wipe my lips. "Ahhh."

"She's a fascinating woman. Isn't she?"


"And such a mystery! I cannot figure how she is a follower of wild Silvanus." Cassie shakes her head. "She is so innocent of our country ways."

"She's learning quick." I say. "And you might say the god chose her, not the other way around."

"As it ought to be I suppose." Cassie smiles. "She sang for me. It was like something from a dream."

"You should hear her play the flute."

"She has so many talents. She talks about things that I've never heard anybody around here talk about. Fine things. Beautiful things. Forbidden things." Cassie looks back toward the villa for a long moment. "And she carries herself so differently. Not even like those noble ladies of the city. Even finer than that somehow. More...I don't know, womanly? Like I imagine Helen of Troy, had she been a demon."

I knew exactly what Cassie was talking about. Though similar to the practiced mannerisms of the wealthy Rosa's poise and elegance seemed to flow from her as naturally as the Aciris through this mountain valley. It was that effortless class of hers that made her impish playfulness all the more enchanting.

"She's...she's well traveled." I say, wanting to keep her origins obscured. "And she's a lot older than she looks."


"Nearly as old as both of us together."

"I could sense that somehow." She whispers. After I drain my mug Cassie refills it again without being asked. "Master Quintus..."

"Please, just Quin."

"Quin." She corrects herself. "Would you be upset if I came to visit Rosa?"

"Of course not."

"Often I mean."

"How often?"

"I thought, maybe, while you work the harvest I could come and...keep an eye on things for you."

My brows raise in surprise. "Won't your family need you for the harvest?"

Cassie bows her head, her cheeks suddenly darkening with blush. "If they believe you are a serious suitor..."


"If they think you are courting me for marriage they will give me leave." She pushes through despite my interruption. "You can work the fields without worry as you will have someone here to watch Rosa. It's a good arrangement. Don't you think?"

"Cas already offered Rosa a place in your house while I work."

"Where she will be worked as a slave." She says right back. "Rosa would be happier here. Learning her home. Having time for prayer. I left her praying just now with that funny fox of hers. She believes it is very important to pray."

I look out toward the woods. "It is important. She has a lot on her mind right now. She's been through a lot that slave of mine. You wouldn't know it the way she smiles."

"Exactly. She couldn't do this working for my Mom."

"And when we don't marry?" I ask firmly.

Her head bows lower. "Am I really so unattractive to you Quin?"

"That's...that's not how I meant it."

"I know." She says softly then lets out a long sigh. "My family will understand. You are not the first man to turn me away."

"Cassie. You are a lovely woman and you will make a fine wife but my heart belongs to another. And it always will."

"I know. You two...deserve each other." Swallowing hard Cassie works herself up to ask. "W-When you said that here...on your land...I could be myself...that you wouldn't judge me...did you really mean it Quin?"

"Yeah." I say. "I meant it."

"Have you heard of the poet Sappho?"

"Can't say that I have."

"She was a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos." Cassie says. "I'm not surprised you've not heard of her. She is not popular here in the West. I have a...scroll of some of her work hidden away. I bought it from a traveling merchant."

"What's that got to do with you being yourself?" Squirming in place Cassie's courage begins to falter. I ask in a softer tone "I've read Ovid and other poets. There is no shame in liking literature. What is her poetry about Cassie?"

"You should ask Rosa." Cassie says. "She...she knows all of her works. Or much more than is on my scroll. She recited one to me. I didn't even ask her to. After she sang I laughed and said, 'Gods I love thee girl.', a quote from the poet, and Rosa replied with an entire poem from her that I had never heard."

"She is well read." I say. "Cassie, what are you getting at? You can tell me."

After another long breath. "Sappho writes about love of a different sort." Licking her full lips she swallows again. "The love of a woman for both men...and women."

"Oh!" While the desire of man for man was seen as weak, effeminate and 'Greek' the desire of woman for woman was downright taboo. Even the usually flowery Ovid found the idea 'freakish'. What Cassie was confessing to me right now could make her a local pariah. Though, as I thought about it, what she already knew about Rosa and I would do the same if it got out. This shared vulnerability was why she felt confident enough to open up like this. "You like women?"

Cassie nods. "Men too. I do wish to have a husband but..."

I hold my hand up. "It's okay. You don't have explain yourself."

She lets out a great breath, her tense shoulder relaxing. "I do not wish to steal Rosa from you." She laughs. "Not that I ever could. I am sure you know this but, she worships you Quin. In every sense you are her hero."

"Ahem. Yeah, I know she loves me."

"I just...I just want to be around her. I wish to be near her. I wish to bask in her beauty, and yours, even if I cannot touch." Cassie says. "She makes me feel at ease. She makes me feel...unashamed of my desires. And so do you Quin. I really do feel like I might find myself here. I cannot tell you what that means to me."

"You have no reason to be ashamed Cassie." I say as I reflect on my own secrets of submissiveness and bondage and how free and wonderful I felt when Rosa allowed me to express that side of me. I knew exactly where Cassie was coming from. She and I really were so alike, both of us just average farm kids who had each somehow grown into adults with nontraditional desires. I started to wonder if maybe people like us weren't as rare as we were lead to believe. I also wondered if Rosa and I might be able to introduce Cassie to a wider community that might accept her as she was through Lydia and her husband.

"I have so much to learn from her." Cassie continues. "Poetry, etiquette, how to be fetching to a man, and so much more. And I could teach her a thing or two as well. I promise to make myself useful Quin."

I don't have to think about it long. There was a tiny glimmer of jealousy but it is quickly extinguished. Rosa loved me. She would never hurt me like that.

After draining my second mug I wipe my lips and pass it back. "Agreed. I'll be your 'suitor' and you can watch my villa while I work. We'll figure out what to tell your family after harvest." With warmth I add. "You are always welcome here, friend."

Cassie's blue eyes are shining as she takes the mug. "Really?"

Taking my axe I ready myself to return to work. "Just tell those two crazy brothers of yours to take it easy on me, huh?"

She laughs. "I will. I will. Oh thank you Quin."

"You've got my blessing." I shoot her a wink. "But you really ought to clear it with the boss first."

"The bo...? Ohhh." She giggles. "Gotcha. I will."

Both of us left with smiles on our faces Cassie returns to the house as I finish transforming the tree into firewood.


Chapter 33

As I toil through the hours I spot Rosa, Cassie and Danae a couple of times in passing and cannot help but laugh. Cassie, the free woman, followed after my slave like a fawning younger sister on the elder's wedding day. I don't know what they were talking about but she hung on Rosa's every word, the simple farm girl thirsting to hear ever more from her wise and worldly new friend. She futzed and doted and sprang to help at the smallest need. Meanwhile the frisky fox dashed and bounded and played in a chaotic orbit around the other two. And in the center of the trio walked my beautiful blind demon gently smiling and calm.

Firewood is split and neatly piled inside of the woodshed. The jumbled mound of broken furniture that I'd pulled from the house is hewn and added as well with the bits I couldn't use burned and disposed of. And I even get the area in front of villa tidied up including Mercury and his fountain. Just past the midpoint and I had already done a good day's work, just like back on the farm. Dusting off my hands I give a nod of satisfaction at what I'd accomplished. I'd more than earned a break and a lunch this day.

Flipping my tunic up over my shoulder I head into the house in search of a satisfying meal. My search is a short one as I find a plate and drink already waiting for me in the kitchen, along with three lovely gals. Danae sat on the window sill bright eyed and bushy tailed watching the other two finish up their lunch.

"We started without you Master." Rosa says, swiftly coming to receive a hug. "I wasn't sure how long you'd be."

I kiss her and, of course, hug her. "I'm glad you did."

She smiles as she feels the warm sweaty flesh of my torso. "You tease me working bare-chested Master!"

"It's hot out there."

"It's hot in here." Rosa fans herself as Cassie chuckles.

I wash my hands and scrub my face then return to pull up a stool and dig into the meal they'd prepared for me. It was a sumptuous mix of the food we'd bought and some of the gifts Cassie had brought us from the surrounding community.

"So?" I ask. "How are things going?"

"Excellent." Says Rosa. "Cassie here has agreed to help us settle in and aid me with my condition. She is such a sweet girl."

Cassie seems to grow before my eyes as her shoulders lift and her chest rises. "I am just happy to help."

Cassie and I smile at each other. "I'm glad it's all worked out." I say. As I eat I listen as the others begin to say their goodbyes. Rosa had some private things she wished to do on her own and Cassie said that she really ought to be getting back home, though I could tell she really didn't want to. On a whim I throw my neighbor a line. "I was thinking about butchering that lamb today." I nod toward the cold storage. "I could use a hand with that if I can steal a bit more of your time."

"Oh! Yes." She nods eagerly. "I could do that Quin."

"Just let me finish my lunch."

"Sure, you bet. I could also show you the beds Rosa wants cleared in the garden."

"Hm? Oh, sure."

"A-And I could..."

Rosa reaches across to touch Cassie's hand. "That's enough Cassie. That's more than enough for now."

Cassie blushes at the contact and stammers. "Y-yes Ma'am." My eyebrows raise at Cassie's addressing of a slave like that. "I mean...Rosa. Sorry."

Rosa takes the comment in stride and pats the woman's hand. "Atta girl." As Rosa gets to her feet it was Danae's turn to perk up. It yips and spins in a circle before bounding out the window and scampering off toward the forest. "I'll be there soon." Rosa calls to the fox as if it might understand her. With careful steps she finds her way back to me. Feeling my face she brings a finger across my lips before kissing them. "Don't work too hard Master." She licks her lips, tasting the oil and wine she'd lifted from my lips, then whispers. "Save some energy for me."

"I will." I whisper back happily. "Where are you going?"

"To pray."


"Yes. This time without interruption."

I suspect she was referring to the well meaning Cassie. "You're going into the forest?"

"Of course Master. Where else?"

" you have a place?"

"Yes Master. Cassie found me a cypress not far from the garden. Not so far from our Venus actually."

"Good." Hearing this sets my mind at ease as she would be a good distance from that strange discovery I'd made this morning. Not that I thought it was dangerous or anything but I would prefer to warn Rosa about it when I had the chance rather than her stumbling upon it on her own. "I hope you find your answer."

"I will baby." She kisses me again. "I think I already have."

Rosa stands tall, orients herself, then begins to walk for the exit with her arms out in front of her.

"Let me help..." Both Cassie and I say and start to rise as one.

"You are both as bad as the other." Rosa laughs. "As I said, to both of you, let me struggle. I will call for help if I need it."

"Just be careful." I say. "Okay?"

"Danae will be with me." She says as if that was supposed to assuage my worries.

"And don't wander. Just pray and stay close."

She gives me a deep, dramatic bow. "I hear and I obey my mighty Lord."

I roll my eyes. "Off with you, slave."

Cassie laughs. "I could watch you two all day."

"You should see us at night." Rosa quips, leaving both Cassie and I blushing yet again. With a giggle and a wink she is gone.

The afternoon is much like morning as I throw myself into the work that needed done. With Cassie's help I butcher the lamb and wrap a shoulder roast for her and family despite her protestations. We wash from that then set straight into the garden. She shows me the beds that she and Rosa had figured would be the best for vegetables and herbs, assuming no Spring flooding, then she helps with clearing the paths and cleaning the benches and central fountain.

The pair of us aren't exactly chatty but neither are we distant. We just kind of flowed with each other. We spoke the same language, had the same values, and our skill sets meshed seamlessly. She knew everything that a rural lady her age was supposed to know while I had a good grasp on everything a rural fellow ought to know, the two halves making the time tested whole of the farming way of life. Not long ago I would have been paralyzed with nerves being around a pretty woman my own age, especially with my shirt off, but Rosa had gone a long way to easing those old insecurities. Cassie was...comfortable, and a true pleasure to be around. And it was such a joy to watch her slowly open up as the day went on to reveal occasional peeks of the woman she had, until now, had to keep hidden away. This budding new friendship of ours just felt right.

As I shovel and she sweeps to clean one section of paved pathway I venture to ask. "So how did you know you that liked women too?"

A wistful smile passes over her comely face. She hesitates, unaccustomed to be being able to speak of such things freely, but when she does speak she does so boldly. "Not how, but who." She says. "Her name was Rhea. Rhea. She's married now and lives nearby. She's got three children already." Knocking the dust from the broom she turns and starts sweeping back the other way. "She was older than me and so..." She glances back to me and with a breath of liberation says proudly. "...she was so beautiful!" Her words are the waters of a bursting dam. "You should have seen her then. Her skin was like buttermilk. Her eyes like chestnuts. Her...her breasts like ripe pears and her ass like two round loaves of rising bread."

"Wow. She sounds delicious!"

"Ha ha ha! Yes!" Cassie laughs freely. "Yes she was Quin, yes she was. Delicious."

"Did you tell her?"

Her smiles fades. "No. I dare not." She says. "My family is one of the more modern thinking in the area, but even they have their limits. It would have killed Granny if it came out. And it would have come out."

"I'm sorry Cassie."

"It's okay. I did have my fun with Rhea though."


Her grin brightens once more. "I would sneak gifts to her. Flowers. Delectables. Baubles. He he he. Erotic poetry."


"Yes. She liked it too." She says. "I hid and watched her read one once. She...let's just say she liked it. He he he. She really liked it."

"You are naughty." I chuckle.

She nods and hides her face with a hand. "I even sculpted a...ahem...a phallus for her."

"NO! Ha ha ha!"

"Yes!" She chortles, her buxom body bouncing to the laughter. "Nobody could figure out who her secret suitor was or how he was sneaking in without anybody seeing him." She says. "Nobody expected her little sister's friend. I would bring them in right under everyone's noses."

"What did she do with the phallus? Erm, if you don't mind me asking."

"I don't know." She says. "Neither does anybody else. She never spoke of it that I know of." Her eyes drift off to the North. "She might still have it to this day."

"Ha! I bet she does too."

"The way I used to hang around there. I was such a nuisance." She remember back. "Everyone thought I was interested in her brother, and I cannot deny that I desired him as well, but it was her. She was the one who captured my naive young heart." With a sigh she says. "I hope I don't become a nuisance here."

"I highly doubt that's likely." I assure her.

Closing her eyes she stands and takes a deep breath then lets it all out at once. "It feels so good to speak of this Quin."

I approach and rest my hand on her shoulder. "One should always be free to express the truth inside of their heart Cassie."

"How about you express your heart a few steps back there lover boy." A barking voice startles the both of us.

My hand snaps back from Cassie's shoulder. "Lucas!"

"Nobody answered at the door." He grumbles angrily as he marches up to his sister, his scowling eyes never leaving mine. He takes her hand. "Dad wants you home. We were wondering what was taking you so long. Now I see."

"Lucas you dunce." Cassie wraps him on the knot I'd left on his head.

"OW!" He howls and rubs the sore bump.

With her brother huffing and puffing behind her she faces me and says with a curtsy. "Thank you for a most wonderful day Master Quin."

I bow. "And thank you for the company Milady Cassie. And all of your help."

"Come on!" Lucas gripes, only to get another whack to the dome. "OWWW!!! Gods! Stop it!"

"I'll see you soon." Cassie says without so much as a glance toward her swearing sibling.

"I look forward to it."

"Say goodbye to Rosa for me?"

"I will."

Prying her arm from her brother's grip she turns and takes her leave on her own terms. Lucas pauses a moment and gives me a glare that could have curdled milk. He backs away the first few steps then points at me, letting me know that our business was not done, before finally turning to catch up with his sister. As I watch Cassie leave, and admire the way her wide hips and full buttocks sway with her unhurried gait, I find myself thinking ahead to the evening. Taking up my shovel I return to my work, but slower than before. I'd been told that I needed to conserve some energy for my slave after all.