Sleeping Tricks

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Husband has friends enjoy wife but she finds out.
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It started with some midnight sex and a few casual comments.

Kim and Roger had been married for eighteen years. She was thirty-eight and he was forty-one. They had one child who was away at college for her first year. Both Roger and Kim had successful and lucrative careers and they lived comfortably in a nice two-story suburban home. Kim had a reasonably nice figure. Her hips were sexy and she had nice tits that jiggled when she moved. Kim and Roger enjoyed having sex, but only a few times per month.

Kim had trouble sleeping, so each night, she would take a sleeping pill. She took a full pill on Friday and Saturday nights when she could sleep in, but had reduced to half a pill during the week so she wasn't groggy in the morning. She also wore a sleeping mask so the morning light wouldn't wake her. Roger could turn on the lights in the room and make noise and she wouldn't know it.

One Saturday night, Roger stayed up late watching a porno movie and came to bed horny. He screwed Kim from behind while she was asleep. With the sleeping pill, she did not wake up and had no memory of having been screwed. She did notice the wet spot on the sheet and the fluid inside and realized what had happened.

At brunch, she asked Roger "Did you fuck me last night?"

He said, "Yes. Don't you remember? You were out of it."

She said, "Wow. Those pills really knock me out. How was I?"

He said, "You were fine."

She said, "I just laid there, like normal, right?"

"Well, you did get wet once I started. Must've been an involuntary thing." He said.

She said, "As out of it as I was, it could've been anyone who fucked me." (An idea was born)

"Now that you mention it." And he laughed.

"You could've had one of your friends fuck me and I wouldn't have known." She laughed.

He kept it going, "Yeah, maybe I could have someone slip into bed with you, fuck you, and leave."

They had joked before about fooling around with other people, Kim in particular, but they never had done anything. Kim had let her boss get her topless at one of the Christmas parties and Roger had observed his friend Jake feeling his wife's tits on two occasions. The idea of Kim fucking another guy was a fantasy that they shared but never intended to put into practice. However, Roger was now thinking about it.

"What would you do if I did something like that? Would you be pissed?" he asked.

She laughed, "Well, I wouldn't even know it, would I?"

The conversation ended, but they both would remember it. He was thinking of actually doing it while she was just having a nice daydream about it.

Roger made a point to screw Kim late at night on Friday or Saturday to see if she would wake up. She never did. Their typical conversations the next morning would start with her asking "Was it you who fucked me last night, or one of your friends?"

Roger decided to give it a try. He spoke to his good friend Jake. Jake was divorced and wasn't seeing anyone; he had the hots for Kim, so he was the ideal candidate. Roger assured Jake that Kim would sleep through it and he could have sex with her.

Jake asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Roger answered, "Well, just to see if it could be done and it turns me on to think of Kim fucking someone else. I guess it's a fetish or something. Besides, you're my buddy and you've always wanted to get in her pussy."

They set it up for Saturday night. Roger made sure Kim took her pill and he made sure she went to bed in her nightgown with no panties. It was the right time of the month.

Jake parked down the block and came to the door at midnight. Roger went up and got in bed with Kim to make sure she was ready and was knocked out. Jake was waiting in the hall. Roger gave him very specific instructions. He had showered before he came over and used the same deodorant as Roger. Jake had stripped naked in the hall. He was rubbing his prick to make sure it was hard and Roger gave him a little lubricant so he could slip right in.

"You have to do it quickly from behind. Fuck her, come, and then roll off the bed. I'll take your place and come down to see you in fifteen minutes or so."

Roger climbed in bed and pulled Kim's nightgown up over her waist. He carefully rolled over and off the bed. Jake took his place and rolled over behind Kim. He reached between her legs and lifted her thigh slightly to get access to her goodies. He moved forward and poked his dick at her, quickly finding her opening. He slid his cock into her and felt the warmth of her pussy. She was getting a little wet as he pumped back and forth. Her pussy felt good, even better than he had imagined. He was enjoying himself and didn't want it to be over too soon. When Roger poked him in the back to finish, Jake brought himself to climax, shooting his come into her vagina. It was the first come from anyone other than her husband to enter her womb. She did sigh as he finished. Jake rolled over and off the bed. Roger slipped in and moved closer to Kim. She was completely out of it.

After a few minutes, Roger went downstairs to see Jake. Jake was sitting in the living room having a beer. They high-fived and Jake thanked Roger. "That was wonderful. She was tight and warm."

Roger commented, "It's kind of weird having someone comment on how it felt to be in my wife's pussy."

Jake left and Roger went back to bed.

Kim didn't sense anything unusual when she woke up with semen inside her and on the bed. It seemed like a lot, but it had been a while. She asked who had fucked her and Roger said, "It was Jake."

She said, "Did he like my pussy?"

Roger said he had. Kim didn't seem to have any idea that it really was Jake.

Now Roger had to decide whether to do it again. He would screw Kim every other week or so and between her periods to keep the routine going. She finally began to put a towel under her to soak up the leaking love juices. She would ask after each episode, "Was it you or someone else who fucked me last night."

After a while, Roger would joke that it was various people including his friends, her boss, movie stars and politicians.

Jake wanted to do it again and Roger agreed. It had been two months since the last time. They repeated the same routine. Roger had her ready and Jake slipped into their bed, naked with a hard-on. Again, he slid into Kim and was sliding his prick in and out. When he moved a little, she rolled onto her stomach, so Jake moved up and straddled her hips. He was able to get some good strokes in and fucked her for ten minutes. Kim showed no sign of wakening. Roger took a chance and turned on a few lights and took a couple of photos of Jake fucking his wife.

Once again, they got away with it. When Kim asked who had fucked her the next morning, Roger told her it was Jake. She asked, "Did he enjoy it?"

Jake was a bit worried, but said, "He sure did."

Kim said, "Too bad I missed it."

Guys like to talk, so pretty soon, another of Roger and Jake's friends was in on the secret. Tony, a bachelor, wanted to try Kim. Roger finally agreed. They went through the same routine. Tony slid his prick into Roger's wife's cunt and came inside her. Then, a week later, Jake went again. It was becoming a regular thing and Roger was really horny for Kim after each event. He would typically fuck her the next day, feeling some of his friend's semen inside his wife's pussy. Roger kept taking photos which led to a desire to get as many different guys as he could, but he was worried that the secret would get out.

Roger got to being honest about who had fucked her overnight, Jake, and Tony. She started to get suspicious due to a number of things. One was the amount of semen in her the morning after. Roger had never had such large loads. Then, he usually wanted to fuck her again the day after. Finally, she would see a number of beer cans in the trash the next morning. She decided to see what was going on and reduced her sleeping pill to a half tablet. She would awaken more easily with the lower dose.

It was the second week after she lowered her dose when it happened again. She laid there, making sure to act like she was completely out of it. She was awakened by a cock poking at her pussy. She sensed that it wasn't Roger. It didn't feel like his prick and the rhythm was different. She let whoever it was finish and fell back asleep. The next morning, Roger told her (truthfully) that it had been Tony.

The next week it was Jake. She could hear him whisper and she noticed the flash of Roger's camera. She didn't ask him about it that next day, keeping the conversation on other topics. She knew where Roger kept his camera so later that week when she was home from work early, she got his camera and looked at the pictures he had. She was shocked a bit to see Tony and Jake fucking her, numerous times. She had to reflect that her husband was loaning her out. She was pissed, but she decided to keep quiet. She kind of enjoyed it. Her husband thought he was tricking her but she was the one getting all the sex.

As the night tricks continued, Kim found that she really liked it. Being awakened with some strange man taking her from behind was a real turn-on. It got to be more frequent, subject to her period. Kim pondered whether to confront Roger, but there were two downsides to that. The night adventures might stop and if she acted like she didn't know she retained the image of being virtuous. She decided to keep quiet and enjoy being surprised by a new partner every few weeks.

The guys were drinking one night and Roger showed them the photos on his camera. They joked about adding more guys to the mix, maybe someone complete stranger with a big dick. Tony knew a guy at work, who was nice and seemed like a good candidate. He'd seen his cock in the shower and he said the guy was well hung. The guy's name was Jason. He was separated from his wife. They had drinks with him and Roger thought it was worth a try. They went over the rules with Jason and he was cool with everything. He had not had any woman other than his wife for a long time, so it would be a real treat.

Jason came along to observe when Tony took a turn with Kim. The next weekend, he was ready. He showered and put on the right deodorant. Per the routine, Roger rolled out of bed. Jason was in the hall with a hard-on. When Roger saw how big Jason's cock was, he got worried that Kim might find out. He went ahead anyway. Kim awakened to a large set of hands on her tits. Peeking under her mask, she saw Jason's tattoo on his wrist. Kim was surprised that her husband had loaned her to be fucked by a stranger. Jason's cock was much bigger than anything she had ever experienced. She had to really restrain herself to be quiet and not move with the strange man as he pumped her. When he did finally shoot his big wad of come into her, she came, biting her lip to be quiet, but Jason could feel it on his cock. Jason thanked Roger and mentioned now good his wife's pussy was and that he thought she even came in her sleep.

The next morning, Kim asked her usual question. "Who fucked me last night? Was it you or one of your friends?"

Roger joked that it was Sylvester Stallone, one of her favorite stars.

She said, "Letting movie stars have me huh? Well, whoever it was I felt wonderful this morning. It's like you stretched my pussy and I can't believe how much you came (pretending it was Roger's cum inside her). Keep doing whatever you're doing. I like it."

Roger should've sensed that Kim was onto him. Saying she enjoyed it, implied that she knew what was going on. He asked, 'What do you mean you enjoy it? You're sound asleep."

Kim needed a clever answer, "Sometimes I dream that a stranger is taking me and it's a good feeling to wake up with your come in my pussy."

Roger accepted that. He was so far in that he never thought of stopping. In fact, he wanted to get more daring. He didn't want to add any more men to the mix. He feared that rumors might be getting around. He had three different men taking turns with his wife, each sworn to secrecy under threat of losing access to Kim's pussy. They kept Jason in the mix. He really enjoyed fucking Kim's tight cunt. Roger liked the photos of his wife being fucked by someone she had never met.

Roger tried a new technique. Since Kim was dead asleep, why not see if he could turn her on her back and fuck her that way. Seeing her face, tits and her bush would add to the thrill for the guys and would make for much better photos. Roger tried it himself and it worked. Kim had a more difficult time keeping her face unexpressive with her face exposed.

The first guy to try the on-her-back method was Jake. He climbed in and rolled Kim onto her back. He gently spread her thighs apart and lifted her legs to give him better access to her entrance. He easily slid in. Kim let her head fall to the side to hide the enjoyment she was feeling. When Jake came, he backed away and left Roger's bride with her legs spread, showing her just fucked cunt. Tony took a turn with her over the next few weeks with Kim on her back. Roger loved all the photos.

Roger had Jason come over with his huge cock. Roger prepared to get some really good photos of Jason on top of his wife with her tits and pussy showing. Jason arrived and replaced Roger in the bed. Kim could sense his presence by his scent and his large hands fondling her breasts. He rolled her onto her back and had positioned a pillow under her hips to provide better access to her pussy. When Jason slid his huge cock into her pussy, Kim couldn't suppress a gasp. The cock filled her more completely than anything she had ever felt. Jason held her legs apart and leaned forward as he moved his cock in and out of her. Roger took a few photos of Jason on top of his wife. Jason lifted one of Kim's legs to give Roger a view of his big cock inside her cunt.

Roger quietly stepped out of the room to let Jason finish. As Jason pumped her, Kim began to come and couldn't hide it. Jason pulled her mask up, exposing her eyes. She saw him for the first time. "I'm Jason." He whispered.

She replied, "Kim."

He said, "Pleased to meet you." The oddness of two people introducing themselves while fucking made them both laugh. Jason was surprised that Kim was enjoying herself. She put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhh."

He whispered, "How long have you known?"

She said, "For a couple of months." Jason leaned down and kissed her as he released his sperm into her womb.

The next morning, Roger started the conversation. "You were really good last night. It's almost like you subconsciously know when you're being fucked."

She said, "I really don't remember a thing, but I think my body must react because I wake up feeling like I've been fucked really well. What you are doing is nice. I like it." He heard; she likes it.

Over the next few months, the men continued their nightly visits. Jason dropped out saying he was getting back with his wife and needed to stay home. The others got into a rotation and would get to fuck Kim every three or four weeks. Kim liked it better from behind, although she was worried when Tony started sliding his cock around her asshole. Only the fear that she would wake up kept him from going further.

There was a break in the routine when Roger's mother got ill and he had to go visit for a week. Kim needed the change of pace, but she got horny when Roger had to stay over another week. She hadn't realized it, but she had become addicted to the night sex. She decided to see if she could get one of the guys to come over and keep it a secret. She didn't trust Tony or Jake very much. She had good memories from the last time Jason had fucked her so she decided to try to contact him.

His email was in the contacts list that she and Roger shared so she sent him a text. "Jason, Roger is away for the week and I'm lonely. I miss seeing you. Would you like to some over? Maybe stay the night." She was really bold with the message and sent it before she had time to reconsider. Jason answered a few minutes later. "I'm not doing anything special tonight. I can be there in an hour." It was Friday night with the entire weekend ahead. Jason came over and they sat in the living room getting to know each other. Unlike most relationships, they had fucked before they got to know each other.

After a bit of wine and some snacks, Kim went upstairs and came back down in a white negligee. Her areolas were visible and her bush could be seen under her white panties. She knelt in front of Jason and he unbuckled his pants and pushed them to his ankles. Kim took off his shoes and socks and pulled his pants off of his feet. She took his cock in her mouth and proceeded to give it a treat. She licked the underside, popped the big head in her mouth and then put her mouth on the shaft as much as she could. Jason was in heaven as he received what he thought was the best blow-job ever. She sucked on him for a long time. His hard penis was wet and shiny with her saliva.

Jason took off his shirt and asked if she wanted to go to the bedroom. Kim said she wanted him to fuck her right there in the living room where her husband sat and plotted to have men fuck her without her knowing it. Jason pulled her panties off and proceeded to eat her pussy. He had a long tongue and was patient and persistent as he rubbed his hands over her legs and stomach. He moved up and sucked on her tits, biting gently on her nipples. They were hard, reflecting her excitement. She wriggled her hips as he used his tongue on her clit and swirled it around her cunt hole.

Jason was ready and moved up to mount her. She felt his manhood slide inside her. He was filling her and she was able to freely enjoy him without having to conceal her feelings. She gasped and moaned as he moved in and out of her. She felt his prick along its length as it fit snuggly into the channel of her cunt. She was coming almost immediately and asked him to fuck her until she was exhausted. Jason enjoyed her pussy. Kim was divine and knew how to fuck. They controlled their urges in order to prolong the experience, but finally they peaked together and she felt the warm flood of his juices inside her. She used the muscles in her cunt to squeeze the last bit of come out of Jason's rigid prick. They had a real connection. They spent the weekend fucking. It was wonderful. She had never felt so well fucked and fulfilled. They didn't leave the house until Jason finally went home on Sunday afternoon.

The neighbors may have noticed the strange car outside Kim and Roger's home. Jake happened to ride by and thought of stopping in. When he saw Jason's car there, he knew that things had changed. He didn't know whether to tell Roger or not. He decided not, so he could continue to share Kim's pussy. During his next night visit, he whispered to her that he knew she was awake and had seen Jason's car outside while her husband was away. She swore him to secrecy and if he told anyone, he wouldn't get any more of her. She promised to call him the next time Roger went out of town. Jake spent a weekend with Kim but then dropped out of the secret visits.

For Roger, the novelty had worn off. The frequency had diminished and soon stopped.

Eventually, Kim told Roger she'd known and he said he had suspected she did. He could finally show her the photos that she had been peeking at when Roger was away. She chided him for tricking her, but he mentioned that she had been fooling him by pretending to be asleep while she enjoyed getting fucked by different guys.

She had been tricking him into thinking that he was still tricking her.

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MorevinilaMorevinila3 months ago

Not as steamy as what I read before - the story lie was good but I believe too much repetition and not enough steamy description let it down. Pity.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey21109 months ago

Oh Boo! Mutual deceit and trickery. Where’s the fun in that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree with one of the comments. It seemed to be going somewhere when Jake found out about Jason... and then he just disappeared? What happened there? We could have gotten so much more story. Also, I doubt she'd just cut off Jason once Roger decided the thrill for him was gone. Where's the story there? Does she cut him out? Will she admit to cheating on Roger? As a short story to read, this was pretty fun. 4/5 stars. As far as a writing project? This was a good proof-of-concept, but is missing a lot of meat. Both the journey and the destination fell a bit flat from its high starting point. 2.5/5 stars. Still a good read and does spark the imagination, so I'll round up to give it a 4/5.

lorishub791lorishub791over 1 year ago

my wife always wakes up. I could never trick her like that, but would like to try

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

4 Stars. Interesting story, a little farfetched though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice idea, but somehow it seemed to lose its way before petering out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very nice story, at least they were mature enough to treat it as just an adventure and not destroy their marriage. There’s a big difference between love and sex.

Thanks for sharing, Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

WOW!!! What a Hot sexy story 5 Stars

I think I'll try this with my Girlfriend Pat I know she will love it I'll let her read this story.

Thanks bud. Enjoy your little naughty wife

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