Sleeping with Friend's Mom Ch. 07


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Audrey then places his hand on her stomach.

"Before this little one is born," Audrey continued softly, "we also need to think about names too."

"Whatever you pick is what I'll agree with Audrey," Ben said.

"So then you don't mind Benjamin jr if it is a boy?" Audrey asked.

"What if is a girl?" Ben asked back.

"If it's a girl," Audrey stated with a hint of a smile on her lips, "I think Evelyn is a pretty name for her."

"I hope it's a girl then," Ben teased.

Audrey playfully punches his shoulder. They then shared a long passionate kiss as they were driven to the school prom.


Meanwhile at Helen's house, she and Pete were sitting at the table eating the home cooked meal she made for them. A bottle of wine was placed between them as they ate.

It was the first time that Pete ever tasted alcohol and was sorta pleased with how flavorful it was.

It was also making him a bit tipsy, which Helen noticed right away and took away his glass. Draining it in one gulp as she smiled wickedly at him.

"You know you don't have to go back home tonight," Helen stated as she ran her finger along the back of his hand.

"Won't...Kim freak out if she saw me coming out of your room the next morning?" Pete asked.

"Who cares what that daughter of mine thinks!" Helen scoffed, "You're MY boyfriend and I WANT you to stay here tonight."

She then scoots next to him and leans in close. The perfume she was wearing was intoxicating to Pete as he gulped.

"Besides I want her to hear us," Helen stated, "to really set it in, that yes we are together and fucking in my bedroom."

She then drapes one leg over his lap. Taking his hand afterwards and placing it on her thigh.

"How about we have some fun in the living room love?" Helen asked huskily, "I'm dying to feel you inside me and filling me up with that cream of yours afterwards."

She then takes his hand and leads him to her living room, where they began making out on her expensive leather couch. Clothes being discarded as their kissing got more intense. The last thing to come off, was her lacey black thong. The one she bought just earlier this week. It landed on the tv and fell over a picture of her daughter.

Sounds of passion slowly began filling the house as they began to have sex. Helen riding him steadily as the couch creaked under them.


Ben and Audrey made it to the school prom, just as it was starting. She looked out the tinted window and saw all the cute teenage couples walking into the gymnasium.

Her heart was racing in her chest. "This was it" she thought, "my first prom experience."

She then glances at Ben as he opened the car door and took her hand. She blushes as she stepped out of the limousine and into the cool evening air. A few heads turned as they began walking towards the entrance.

Was it that big of a deal that Ben was taking a woman his mother's age to prom?

"People are staring at me," Audrey whispered to Ben as they waited in line.

"They're just jealous of how sexy you are tonight," Ben said reassuring her.

She takes a deep breath and calms her nerves. It was just the jitters due to it being her first real prom experience.

The girl at the entrance stamped his ticket and looked Audrey up and down.

"You his mom or something?" she asked.

Audrey felt her cheeks flush.

"Girlfriend," Ben said, "College student to be precise."

"Ah okay," the girl said, "enjoy the event!"

They then stepped into gymnasium and found a empty table. Ben went to the punch bowl and scooped out two drinks for them. He then walks back to the table and hands Audrey a cup.

:Thanks hun," she said as she sipped from the cup.

"Nervous?" Ben asked.

"A little," Audrey said, "okay more than a little. A lot."

He squeezes her hand.

"I'm going to make sure you have a wonderful time tonight," Ben said.

"Oh are you now?" Audrey said, "Because I was thinking the same sorta thing myself."

She squeezes his hand back.

A slow slow started playing and a few couples were dancing slowly together. Ben took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. Hundreds if not thousands of eyes were on them as they danced together.


Ben opened the limousine door as they stepped back inside a few hours later. They had literally spent the last two hours dancing.

"That...was so much fun," Audrey said smiling.

"Glad you liked it," Ben said as he loosened his necktie.

"What happens now?" Audrey asked with obvious longing in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Home?" Ben asked.

"Pete won't be home tonight," Audrey whispered.

Ben tapped on the window and told the driver to take them to Audrey's house. The driver nods and began driving to Audrey's house.

Once they were there, Ben took her hand and lead her up the steps to her house. No...their house. It was Ben's home too. That is after graduation and he moved in.

"So what next?" Audrey asked again.

Ben picked her up and bridal carried her to her bedroom. Closing the door behind them as he placed her on their bed and began making out with her.

"Make me sore," Audrey whispered huskily, "I want you to really fuck me tonight."

He wasted no time with removing their clothes and climbing between her legs. His tip pushes slightly into her opening and Audrey closes her eyes in anticipation. Feeling every inch as his cock slammed into her. She lets out a loud moan as Ben began to pick up speed.

Her breasts swaying as he fucked her.

Audrey's bed creaking under their combined movements. She was glad Pete was at Helen's place tonight. Because she planned on fucking Ben all night.


Kim sighs as she gets out of her friends car and walks up the driveway to her house. The car behind her peels off down the street and disappears from view.

When she stepped inside the house, Kim froze in her tracks. There on the living room, was her mother and former boyfriend Pete. The fireplace glowed in the background. Both were naked and resting in each other's arms. Their clothes tossed all over the room.

Feeling disgusted, Kim slinks off to her room and packs a few clothes. Along with her laptop and her phone. She then calls up one of her friends and asks if she can stay over for a few days.

She then gave her sleeping mother and former boyfriend the finger and slammed the front door behind her.


The next morning, Ben laid on his back as Audrey gave him a morning blowjob. The sheets clinging to her head as she worked her mouth up and down his shaft.

"UH!" Ben grunted out a few minutes later.

Audrey moaned as hot sticky cum shot into her mouth and down her throat. After swallowing the last bit, she kisses up his torso, before giving him a long passionate kiss on his lips.

"Best way to wake up?" she giggled afterwards.

"Most definitely the best way," Ben agreed.

She lays on her back next to him now. Trailing a hand down between her legs and touching her swollen clit.

"Fuck," she said, "still tender down there after the pounding you gave me last night babe."

"Well you did say for me to fuck you hard," Ben said smirking, "so I did just that."

"Will you do the same thing on our honeymoon when we get married?" Audrey asked leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Might," Ben said as he patted her head.

She kisses his lips, before sighing contently and slowly getting up out of bed. Her naked body covered in red marks from where Ben smacked her as she rode him. Dried cum sticks to the inside of her thighs and on her chest.

"Want to take a shower with me before I cook us some lunch love?" Audrey asked as she slipped into her bathrobe and tied it loosely around her waist.

Ben gets out of bed without saying anything and walks with her into the hallway bathroom. Once instead, she turns on the shower and grabs his hand. They stepped inside together and took turns cleaning each other off. Once they were both clean, Audrey steps out and unashamedly began drying herself off. Ben came out a few seconds later and kisses the side of her neck.

Audrey moans as he does. Feeling his hands touch her waist and hold her close to him.

"This felt nice," she thought, "this is was true passion and romance is like."

"I love you," she said tenderly.

"I love you," Ben replied back.

They then shared another long passionate kiss before finally pulling apart and getting dressed.

"Just think that we could do this all the time once you finally move in with us," Audrey said as they left the bathroom.

"And don't worry about Pete," she continued, "I already am planning on telling him once he gets back from Helen's."

"Should I be here when you do?" Ben asked.

"Of course silly," Audrey said and flicks his forehead, "you're the man of the house now and should be present when I tell him."

She places his hand on her stomach.

"I need to also tell him about this too," she added softly, "that pretty soon he'll have a new baby brother or sister."

Ben smiled as he carried her back into "their" bedroom and shuts the door behind him.


Helen dropped off Pete at his house awhile later. She gives him a kiss, and tells him how great of a evening she had.

Pete thinks back to last night. They had sex right after the meal she made. Sure he was also tipsy from the wine he drank, but it was a great night for them. They had slept in the living room under the warm glow of her fireplace.

"I'll call you later," Helen said as she pulled out of his driveway.

He waves a goodbye and heads inside the house.


Audrey and Ben were just finishing up their brunch, when Pete came in through the front door.

"Well afternoon stranger!" Audrey calls out to her son, "Did you have a good time last night?"

Pete's face turned beet red.

"Well it looks like he did!" Ben laughed, "Kim was looking for you the entire time we were there at prom."

Audrey then looked at Ben and gave a half smile.

"Okay this is it!" she told herself, "Tell Pete about Ben moving in with you."

"And about the pregnancy," she quickly added.

Audrey took a deep breath and calmed herself.

"Pete sit down," she said, "we need to tell you something."

"We?" Pete asked.

"Just sit down please," Audrey stated.

Pete sat at the table.

It took a bit for her to speak.

" remember when I told you after prom ended all three of us needed to have a serious talk?" Audrey said.

Pete nods his head.

"Well we're having that talk now," Audrey stated.

Pete gulped hard.

She took another deep breath and looked at Ben for support. He places his hand on hers and smiles.

"Me and Ben decided that he will be moving in with us after graduation," Audrey said.

"Pete stared straight ahead.

"It's what we both want," Audrey continued.

Pete continued to stare straight ahead.

"There's also something else too," Audrey continued nervously.

"I'm also pregnant," she said, "only found out recently."

Pete without saying a word, gets up from the table and headed to his room. Slamming the door behind him.

Audrey buries her face in Ben's shoulder and weeps.


Audrey helped Ben move the rest of his boxes into her bedroom a month later. Her stomach had began to swell up now. A noticeable little bump.

After telling Pete, she made time to tell her parents and Ben's parents about her pregnancy.

"When's the due date?" her mom asked.

"Still a ways off mom," Audrey giggled.

"Has Pete taken ut well?" her mom asked.

Ben was in her parents living room talking with her dad.

"He won't talk to me," Audrey said sadly, "was it too soon to tell him?"

"You did what you think was best," her mom said sighing, "I can see the way you two look at each other."

Audrey blushes.

"You love him don't you?" she then asked.

Audrey again blushes and nods her head.

"Then say no more about it," her mom chuckled, "Pete will just have to get over it."

"Ben's parents said the exact same thing," Audrey said, "Pete will have to learn that Ben and my relationship isn't going to end anytime soon. That we both love each other deeply.

"Did I just hear my name being called?" Ben asked coming into the kitchen.

He gives Audrey a peck on her lips.

"Just telling mom about the situation with Pete," Audrey sighed.

"He's still not talking to her," Ben said, "or me for that matter."

"We've also been holding back on our...nightly activities," Audrey added softly, "just so he'll get used to the idea of Ben living with us.

"It's been making things....awkward," Ben added placing a hand on Audrey's shoulder.

"Awkward?" Audrey's mom asked.

"He's used to seeing me leave her bedroom during the weekends I stay over," Ben explained, "but since I moved in."

He shrugs.

"We also had to cancel Ben's birthday trip," Audrey stated, "deciding to wait until Pete came around."

"Just don't worry about it," her mom stated, "your relationship is more important than his. Pete needs to know that you two love each other deeply and him. Take him with you on that trip you were talking about."

Audrey blushes.

"That's a great idea mom!" Ben said, "Audrey why don't we invite him with us?"

"You do realize that the trip was to give us time AWAY from family and friends," Audrey pointed out, "not to invite family with us."

Ben looks at the floor. Audrey sighed.

"How much was the hotel?" her mom asked.

"What?" Audrey asked.

"How much was the hotel?" her mom repeated, "for the room and services?"

"For me and Ben it came to $300," Audrey stated, "that's with the room service, the restaurant and the other amenities the hotel provided."

"We'll pay for him," her mom said, "that way he gets his own room away from you two and doesn't have to hear your "nightly activities"."

Audrey's face turns red.

"All I ask in return is that you two show him that your love is real and the decision you two made is final." her mom said, "Eventually he'll come around."


When they got home a few hours later, Audrey sat on the couch as Ben stood behind her massaging her shoulders.

"Isn't now or never Audrey," Ben said encouraging her.

"Pete!" Audrey called out, "Get your ass down here!"

They heard his door open

"What?" he called out from the hallway.

"Get in here," Audrey said, "we need to talk."

Pete stomps into the living room.

"Enough!" Ben said loudly, "Stop stomping on the floor and get your ass in here like your mother said!"

Pete quickly sat across from her on the couch. Avoiding Ben's gaze. Audrey had no idea Ben could be so...forceful. It made her hot.

"Sorry Audrey," Ben said, "I just can't stand him treating you like this."

"Don't apologize babe," Audrey said, "I quite liked that side of you."

Ben blushes.

"What's this about?" Pete asked.

"In three days," Audrey said, "all THREE of us are going on a family trip."

"To where?" Pete asked.

"You'll find out when we leave," Ben said, "now I want you to apologize to your mom for how you've been treating her."

Pete clenches his fists. Ben gives him a stare, which stops Pete from acting out.

"You hurt her feelings when she told you about the pregnancy," Ben stated, "she was crying all day after she told you."

Pete gulped hard.

"I'm...sorry mom," Pete said, "for avoiding you."

"And?" Ben asked.

"And for hurting your feelings," Pete said.

"Much better," Ben said, "now go back to your room."

Pete slinks off to his room. Avoiding Ben's iron like gaze the whole time.

Once Pete was in his room, Audrey pulled Ben to her and kissed him passionately.

"Someone is getting a serious thank you tonight," she said softly.

"I did what a new father figure should do in any situation," Ben said smirking, "he's a unruly child and needed a stern talking too."

"Which I'm grateful for," Audrey said, "every day I'm glad you are NOTHING like my asshole of a ex-husband."

She kisses him again, which grew more heated with every minute. Soon they were full on making out on the couch. Clothes been torn off each other as they began to have sex. Ben thrusts his 10inch cock inside her. Audrey moans in satisfaction. Clinging to Ben's back as his thrusts hit every good spot in her.

She screams his name as she came hard on his cock.

"I love you Ben!" Audrey panted as she straddles Ben's lap.

"I love you too," Ben said.

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louis_adjanilouis_adjani19 days ago

I also think this story needs another part, I’d like to see Audrey having her baby, and them truly becoming a family. And now that Ben is taking this “father figure” role, i want to know how his relationship with Pete changes, since they used to be friends.

AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Please continue this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why just why is pete shoen as a coward? If i was pete and had a mom like audrey and friend like ben i would have deleted ben and left the mom to rot on her own. Why do so many of these stories have coward sons why? Are there more stories where the sons take back their moms from friends like ben? Can anyone share stories with friends taking back their moms from bullies like ben?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This needs a conclusion.

Ben and Audrey having their kid, Pete impregnating Helen and Kim becoming his step daughter.

That's gonna be strange since once Helen and Pete get married, Kim will become Pete's step daughter, Ben and Audrey's step granddaughter, and once Ben and Audrey have their kid, Kim's gonna be older then her aunt or uncle once the baby of Audrey and Ben is born.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This needs to continue

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story. I hope chapter 8 comes out soon. I would see Pete tell his mom off and move in with his gf and her daughter and hardly to never sees his mom again. Or have Pete move in with his hf and her daughter and all 3 move to a different town or state as it seems Pete's mom does not seem to care about Pete's feelings any more

LechemanLecheman4 months ago

I'm enjoying the story even with its occasional quirks, like raised below, regarding Ben's school age and Audrey's mishandling of Pete's autism. But, Pete's autism was a one line statement with no further detail provided, the ambiguity there didn't help.

If my mate (1) started dating my mother, then (2) got her pregnant and then began (3) treating me like his kid - there would be hell to pay! Any one of those options would gravely strain our friendship yet alone all three.

The story's developing relationships are evolving too quickly, even for fiction. Ben and Audrey discussing marriage after a few (implied) months, is one example.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum6 months ago

Doesn’t anyone else find it strange that Ben almost 20 is going to his first senior prom? What is his backstory for being 2 yrs behind normal schooling. As Audrey has raised Pete from birth and Knows about his autism, that she just can’t change Pete’s daily ordered routine without minor destruction. You have described Audrey as being moderate in body shape that’s her not showing a baby bump at 5+ months in form fitting dress.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Aren't these two aware that they just forced Pete around? Drag him around like that not gonna help him accept these two, this guy already reacting better than most people.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good story. I hope to see chapter 8 soon. I hooe Pete tells his mom and Ben to fuck themselves and he is moving in with his gf and never wants to see either one of them again. Maybe then his mom would realize she messed up hed son's life really really bad to the point that he hates her snd never wants to see her again. Pete's gf should make Pete man of her house and try to make peace with his ex gf Tiffany

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