Slender Man Ch. 03


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"Is there radiation at that Federal facility?" I asked.

"No, but some strange energy signatures and some radio transmissions have come from there." said Dr. Mickelson. "I tried to get information on that site several years ago, but the Federal Government rebuffed my inquiries, and made me understand that that area is not one that I should show interest in."

"Did they visit you?" I asked. "Threaten you?"

"It was actually an amicable conversation." said Dr. Mickelson. "They said they understood my research on alien visitations, but that I was touching upon subjects of vital national interest, and it was to everyone's best interest that I look elsewhere. Fortunately, I have another place to be looking... Point Hollow."

"One question, sir." I said. "When these Government agents visited you, did they mention your Biology background at all?"

"Err... not that I recall." said Dr. Mickelson, who looked surprised at the question. "It was about the radiation. They sent me data showing that there was nothing out of the ordinary. Of course I think it was fake data, but I moved along."

"Thank you, sir." I said. "You were saying? About Point Hollow?"

"Oh yes." said Dr. Mickelson. "Now we've found some very strange energy readings from that place. The actual Hollow, the bowled out place where the strangely shaped trees are growing, it's what we call a 'collection point' for electrical energy. The work of Dr. Thorneycraft at Cambridge in England, and Dr. Huxtable of Caltech... read up on them, Commander... very interesting. This place in the Hollow appears to be one of those such 'collection points', and is why we have unusual energy discharges when storms brew in this area."

Dr. Mickelson continued his fascinating narrative: "These collection points could be recharging stations, so to speak, for aliens that visit. And if they used the Point Hollow collection point, they might leave residual radiation. And that, my young friend, is what I've found!"

He showed me a piece of paper. If I were an academic adversary, that would've been a mistake; the contents of that paper were now printed on my mind.

"Astatine?" I asked.

Of the first 92 elements in the Periodic Table, 90 occur naturally on Earth in appreciable quantity. The other two? Technetium, element 43, is the lightest element that has only radioactive isotopes, and they're not stable; they break down into other elements.

The other element is Astatine, element 85. It's in the same column as Chlorine and Iodine. Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element, and only as a breakdown product of other radioactive elements. It's so rare that it might as well not occur naturally.

"Ah, you understand, Commander." Dr. Mickelson said. "We've actually picked up some Astatine at Point Hollow. That is virtually impossible, as other radioactive elements are not there in sufficient quantity."

"That... is stunning." I said, genuinely interested.

"Of course, Dr. Shitzu at State Tech is trying to claim that the electric fields in the collection point ionize radon gas so that it is deposited in the soil, and that breaks down to astatine. But that is sheer folly, of course. No, Commander, that astatine had to come from somewhere else... from something else."

"I agree, and this is very interesting." I said. "I don't want to take up much more of your valuable time, so allow me to change the subject a bit. You've worked with genetics a lot, have you not?"

"Oh yes, though not for some time now." said Dr. Mickelson. "I do teach the basic Genetics course here at the University."

I said "I understand the Nazis did some work on eugenics. Did you ever study any of that?"

"No, I never did." said Dr. Mickelson. "That subject is sort of... taboo. Our scientists did bring home some papers about the Nazi experiments, but I never saw them. The only professor I knew that did study them was a Doc-terrrrrr, er, Yarborough. Yes,Yarborough. He was a quack, and a virulent racist, too. Nobody wanted much to do with him. He was at City University, but he died some years ago."

"I see." I said. "Thank you for seeing me, Doctor. And let me know how this astatine research plays out."

"I'll do that. Drop by any time." said Dr. Mickelson. I left the professor, hoping that in her old age, my wife would not become as erratic as Mickelson was...

Part 19 - Slender In Hollow

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" yelled Bettina from in front of the Courthouse at 7:00am, Tuesday, March 14th. "Channel Two News has learned that Judge Patrick R. Folsom has dismissed the suit filed by Citizens For Police Accountability with prejudice. Judge Folsom angrily rebutted the CFPA's claims that this lawsuit was new and went beyond the previous lawsuit that he dismissed with prejudice, and he further stated that there was absolutely nothing that made a compelling case that Commander Donald Troy had acted in a manner inconsistent with good police work!"

"Still," said Bettina, "the State Department of Justice has said it will defer to the FBI in any investigation of Commander Troy. The FBI has not responded to Channel Two News's repeated requests for comment."

Bettina then smiled a bit more as she said "And there have been more Slender Man sightings! This footage was taken by teenagers near Cemetery Hill at dusk last night, showing Slender Man among the graves of the cemetery." The camera footage was low quality in the low light, and the camera was moving a good bit.

"And a group of students from the University were taking samples at Point Hollow when they captured this." Bettina said. This footage was more clear. it showed a very tall man in a suit at the edge of the copse of trees in the bowl of the Hollow. The sun had set but there was still some twilight; even so, there seemed to be an electric blue shimmering of light around Slender Man. And then the video started buzzing and hissing as horizontal lines appeared on the screen.

Bettina came back live, saying "This footage was turned over to the Police last night, and is being examined by the State Crime Lab's video forensic experts. And now to Nick Eastwood for Sports! Nick!..."

"Commander," said Joanne Warner, "I swear I saw the hair on your arms stand up when that footage of Slender Man at Point Hollow was shown."

"Funny you should say that." I said. "Why do you think you noticed? And that's not rhetorical? What drew your attention to it?"

"Uh..." Joanne said, "I guess I felt the electricity on your arms." Theo chuckled.

"Don't laugh." I said. "Because I felt that electricity running up my arms when I saw that, too."

"He's coming for you, sir." said Teresa Croyle. "I'm telling ya, the legend is true... he's got you in his sights, sir."

"Pul-eeze." said Cindy... but her voice was shaky.

"Well, bring it on... Slender Man vs. the Red Crowbar." I said. "And the red crowbar will win, just as it will in the Police Boxing Matches Championship!"

Howls, cheers and jeers erupted at that one. Cindy was staring daggers at me, and I did the two-finger point at my eyes then at her, and got the same in reply...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Do I even need to say it?" I asked Teresa at the Angels meeting.

"No sir, you do not." said Teresa. "Precinct 1 is already patrolling Point Hollow, and might even have one or more squad cars camp out there tonight. Precinct 2 is handling the cemetery."

"Sir," said Cindy, "the University students that turned in that footage were interviewed at Precinct 1 last night. Do you want to watch it, or do you want the Cliff Notes?"

"Cliff Notes for now; I'll watch it later." I replied.

"They all saw Slender Man right there." said Cindy. "Four students. They're in Dr. Mickelson's Genetics class, and were taking the samples for extra credit, since he has no more graduate students to do that for him. Their smart phones stopped working; no signal, they couldn't get the cameras to work and one of them couldn't get the phone to take his passcode."

"What about the cemetery?" I asked.

"High School kids. Town High, this time." Cindy said. "They gave their footage straight to KXTC, and my Detectives have not been afforded the opportunity to talk with them... yet."

"Yes, let's make that happen as soon as we can." I said. "Okay, let's get Briscoe to put out a public bulletin to the schools and the radios. I want a strong visible presence at and around the schools. Increase patrols of the residential areas, especially on the northside where the previous kidnappings took place."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Sir," asked Teresa as we talked in the early afternoon, "it occurred to me that this Slender Man has technology that freaks out the cameras." She then silently pointed at me and then gestured with her fingers as if I were turning on my bug killer. So I took mine out and activated it.

"Yes." I said. "But whatever he's using acts differently than this device. In fact, let's look at the Point Hollow tape again." As I brought up the video file on the computer, Cindy came in, having been called in by me.

"Cindy, we're talking about Slender Man's jamming of the cameras." I said. "Now the Police Photography people and Myron and Mary worked on this. We got some enhancements, though they're still frames." I brought up a still frame photo.

"Okay, there's some strange light behind the guy, but enough light from the sun that had just set to see he's featureless above the neck. No brains, either, but I digress." I brought up another slide.

"Okay, this is an enhanced photo. Note that there is definitely some heat signature around his chest and waist." I said. Cindy and Teresa nodded. "And now this. Myron went to the Hospital and literally had them take an x-ray." The next slide came up.

"Wow!" Cindy said. Slender Man appeared as a blue-white form against the gray-black background, but there was clearly an 'aura' around him, and what looked like some faint electrical discharges.

"So whatever he's doing, the videocamera recorded the electrical discharges." I said. "I think he's wearing some kind of device that zaps the cameras, especially as he gets closer. That's what the original Slender Man in England did... the closer he got, the worse the video got. But the real Slender Man is not known to have used any kind of device like our guy here."

"It's the same in the video game, too." Cindy said. "And that is one scary fucking game, too... and I speak from personal experience."

"I just watched the Youtube videos of people playing it." I said. "And I can understand the fear factor it generates, especially after seeing that bastard looking into my office window."

"Sir!" said Teresa as if it were a sudden thought, "has there been a Slender Man sighting around you or your home? That happened the first two times we had sightings."

Just then my door began creaking open, slowly. And to my shock, in the doorway stood a very tall man in a suit and tie, his head all white!

"AUUGH!" cried out Cindy, going for her gun. Teresa had bolted up out of her chair, as had I.

"Don't shoot!" said the man. He raised his hand and ripped off the white mask that completely covered his head. It was my nephew Todd!

"Todd, you almost died right there!" Cindy shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, it was meant to be a joke." said Todd, grinning his usual grin.. "I guess you guys are on edge, huh?"

"What do you think?" Teresa said back.

"Well." I said, then added "I've had my Slender Man sighting, and once again in m office. By the way, Todd, why are you really here?"

Todd came on inside and closed the door. "Just to tell you I got a call from an FBI Agent named Waddell. He wants to interview my H.R. people about Police requests for employee records. I told him that he'd be hearing from our lawyers instead, and that we would not be cooperating with any FBI lynch mobs of my uncle and my lovely fiancée." He put his arm around Teresa as he said it, and she leaned into him. Ah, young love... except Teresa was a little bit older than me...

"Interesting." I said. "Waddell. Who his he?"

Cindy said "Lindy told me he's what they call an 'errand boy' in the City FBI offices. Takes papers from people to people, escorts people in and out of the offices, to interviews and such. But just a couple of days ago, he got assigned to Les Craig's National Security team."

"So he's Les Craig's 'boy'." I said. "Why does that not shock me?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

7:30pm, Tuesday, March 14th. I was in my office, wearing my 'black' uniform, and looking damn good in it. But not nearly as good as Teresa looked in her 'black' uniform... I fully understood why Todd loved fucking her so much. But I digress...

The Chief knocked on the door and came inside. "Soooo, Mr. Crowbar," he said. "You are expecting trouble tonight?"

"Yes sir." I said. "Another child abduction. Unfortunately I have no clue as to who, where, or when, but if he follows his pattern at all, we should be able to move in on him quickly."

"Good." said the Chief. "I do need to let you know this: the Sheriff approves of what you are doing. But this business happening again and again is really setting the Town on edge, and when the Public gets on edge, they contact their Council Members. And then the Council Members contact the Sheriff, he contacts me, and now I'm contacting you, if you get my drift on this."

"Yes sir, I do." I said. "And Lord willin' and the Creek don't rise... we'll put a stop to it tonight."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The call came in 30 minutes later. "Seven year old girl, Kensington subdivision." said the Duty Desk Sergeant. Parents thought she was with the other parent."

"Girl's name is Rachel Kelly, daughter of James and Nina Kelly." said Cindy as she came to my office five minutes later, wearing her 'black' uniform. "They're divorced, joint custody of the child. He's a sales rep for Chemix Solutions, Inc., which sells lab equipment, glassware and the like. She's an office manager for StatePowerCorp."

"How did this mix-up occur?" I asked.

"Not sure, sir." Cindy said. "The parents are being brought in now."

I turned to my computer and began looking up some stuff. "I'm reading the Divorce Decree. Okay... now for the trial transcript... hmmm, there's a good bit here. This wasn't all that amicable. James could afford good legal representation, and they fought hard for him, so he got joint custody and not as much alimony as Nina wanted, seeing as she has a good job, also."

"Is that important?" asked Cindy.

I sat back, thinking. "Yes, it could be." I said. "It could be..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thirty minutes later, Sergeant Rudistan came to my office, where Cindy was strapping on her armored vest.

"Sir," said Sergeant Rudistan, coming up to us. "I have some information on the mix-up picking up the girl."

"Good, let's hear it." I said.

"Normally Rachel takes the bus to an after-school daycare center near her mom's house in the Kensington subdivision." Rudistan said. "Other times, her father James will pick her up, especially if it's one of his days to have custody of her. I called the school's front desk persons, and they said Rachel's father had called and said he'd pick up Rachel, and apparently she was picked up. Thing is... it wasn't her father."

"Oh, that's interesting." I said. "That means Rachel knew who it was that picked her up. Kids don't get into strangers' cars when getting picked up from school, they know whose car is their parents's car."

"And that means she may be in far greater danger than those other kids were, if she could identify him." Cindy said.

"Okay, Rudistan, thanks. You're going to stake out the cemetery?" I asked.

"Yes sir." said Rudistan.

"Go ahead and leave now." I said. "Captain, if your armor is on, we're going to Point Hollow."

Part 20 - A Heartbeat Away

A streetlight had been installed at the end of the road where it connected to the driveway of the house at Point Hollow. It provided a dim and somewhat eerie view of the house, which gave me chills to look at.

Cindy and I had driven up to within 150 feet of the driveway, where the others were parked. They were Cpt. Croyle, Lt. Irwin of 1st Precinct, Patrolmen Johnson, Barker, Goodwright, and Meir, and Hugh Hewitt of the SWAT Team. Goodwright was staying with his Patrol cruiser and the radio in it and the rest of us had crept up the road on foot, and I was using binoculars to look around.

"No sign of movement, sir." said Teresa. "Our people at the cemetery and surrounding area also report no activity. It's darker there; they have night vision devices."

"Good." I said quietly. I felt cold, and a sense of foreboding. "Man, this place gives me the creeps." As if to answer my words, the wind whipped up, rustling through the trees in the bowl of the Hollow.

I heard the snap of a twig and quickly trained the binoculars onto the copse of trees. Seeing nothing, I looked towards the house, seeing nothing---

"Oh my God!" Teresa gasped. "There he is!" I looked over. Standing at the edge of the trees was a very tall man in a suit and tie. He was holding a child in his arms, a little girl. It was Slender Man!

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" screamed Teresa. As she took off after him, he put the girl down then stood up straight, hands pressed to his sides, even tighter than being at attention.

"Wait!" I cried out, but it was too late. Teresa was running right at him, and was going to tackle him. Just as she got to him he moved his arms in front of him just slightly.



A blinding shower of sparks enveloped them. The scream was Teresa's. As we began running towards Slender Man, Teresa fell to the ground, not moving. Then Slender Man was enveloped in darkness. He had disappeared!

By the time we got to Teresa and the child, Slender man was gone. Hugh and Barker were running into the trees to give chase. Lt. Irwin was kneeling by Teresa as I had Cindy go to the little girl. Then I felt a deep, cold chill as Irwin shouted out:

"She's not breathing! I'm not getting a heartbeat!"

To be continued.

Will Teresa survive?

Dear Readers, you have all the clues. Who is Slender Man? What is his insidious purpose? Will the Iron Crowbar be able to stop him? The solution is in the next chapter, so hang on!

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chytownchytown10 months ago

*****Wow very exciting chapter. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Tension wracking up nicely. Someone's going to tie Teresa to her dek if she survives this one.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 6 years agoAuthor
Tanya and Don

They banged at least twice. Once in the tiny Lieutenant's office in the early days, and once in her State Crime Lab office. Memory is escaping me on the story names.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
When did

Tanya Perlman ever fuck Don? I do not remember any scene in any story where they kissed let alone had sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Mr. C

Obviously, Mr. C's last name is not Clinton, or the IC would have experienced a Vince Foster moment by now.

666iceman666icemanabout 7 years ago
Cock-a-doodle-do and some!

This slender man is the brother of Doc-terrrrrr, er, Yarborough, or maybe he himself and it was his brother who died years ago. He is in close with Mr C, Les Craig and Ferrell, they are after the IC to get him publicly ousted, if not then try and do a permanent job on him. With Craig in the big seat FBI man and Mr C in the big CIA seat then the SB and the likes can have their riots as and when and where they like with no TCPD to hinder them and drugs running like tap water through the county.

Teresa has to live because she is almost family and will be once Todd does the honorable thing. I agree she needs to use her brain and not brawn when in a situation as if she had not got too close someone could maybe have taken a shot as I feel Hewitt was a sniper and at less than 200 yards it would be a clear slot. I was trained that you can always apologize if you made a mistake, as they would not apologize if they took you out and your family would not have a dad coming home. Sad but true.

The whole IC/TCPD stories revolve around this Troy family/dynasty culture that WW has brilliantly created and it was hard for perlman to get injured like she was and to have Teresa killed no way. What will happen now though is the IC the angel and Calli will go all out to take just revenge and so be it. Hang on is not something us readers do don't you know WW. 5*+ and cheeseburgers to go.

BigDog167BigDog167about 7 years ago
She should live.

It should not be that hard to restart her heart for them since they have first aid training but she is not going to be a happy camper. There is no way Don should let her back in the field even if the chief lets him. She is a danger to herself and others by her reckless actions.

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