All Comments on 'Slices Of Small Town Life Ch. 02'

by qhml1

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
you don't pull on Superman's cape, spit in the Wind, pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger...

and a committed, qhml1 wife doesn't cuck her fictionous husband in this author's stories because the chances of finagling a reconciliation is mighty slim. Enjoyed the Mayberry-esque exposition of setting and strong, supporting characters who played their part in advancing the story to nigh-perfection.

Full marks *****

KrvnikKrvnikabout 8 years ago
Man, this always gets me

"I never stopped loving you."

Is there a bigger line of bullshit that all cheaters seem to resort to? I don't think so.

Folks like to pretend like fidelity is some kind of morally grey area, when it's really just black and white. You either cheat or you don't. You either love your partner or you don't. There is no middle here. Even just a kiss is cheating, let alone anything more.

Ah, well, I'm just hoping Charley won't go all "let's be friends" by the end of the story with Rose.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

get it over with.good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good start

Thank you for a fresh breeze in this sea of fetid funk we call LW.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago

She gave him the perfect opportunity! She will do anything? Okay then, first record her full confession, sell her business's - give him the money (after all he got her started) - that prenup is still in force, make it more airtight with a post-nup addendum. Fuck her like the whore that she is, any way he want's to, then divorce the whore and leave her penniless. Fuck everyone of her lovers over. That would be a good start - and let then let the world know why you did it. By the way, this is not BTB, it is not revenge, it is retribution. Punishment for the crimes committed. Nothing more.

gldngolfergldngolferabout 8 years ago

We want more! You give us some juicy stuff now and end it again after two pages?

And from the last bit it seems the PI's may look for causing trouble for him? Even if Charley was not the greatest guy, they should only do what they are being paid for and nothing else.

Quit teasing and give us more...NOW!

Even though you're killing me with these short chapters, you are still one of my favorite authors!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
awaiting next

what?! she wants hubby back but is already thinking about her next cock. god, but she is just a lying whore!

sasha_deesasha_deeabout 8 years ago
HURRY !!!!!

Excellent beginnings. I like others am disappointed that you are feeding us with a teaspoon. I want a whole tablespoon, maybe even an entire cup. Keep up the good work maybe even spoil us a little with two chapters at once instead of one...think about it, I'm just sayin' !!

RePhilRePhilabout 8 years ago
Think I'll wait until all chapters are published

You are destroying a potentially good story by chopping it up into ordurve size portions. You are negating any effort you put into the flow, pace, characters and impact of the story by giving us readers "commercial" length snippets. You need to remember we read the other similar stories in this section each day and your abbreviated submissions just get lost in the white noise of this section. Compared to your old stories I would have to quote your main character here and ask "WHY"?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Getting Better

“her safety was more important than his pride” – Why are so many of these guys worried about their “pride”? Their wives’ cheating is somehow shameful to them more than to their wives?

“Honey, that man will be married again before your divorce is a year old.” – Well, he COULD be married that soon if he found the right woman, he’s not just going to jump into a relationship with the first woman he meets.

“I've decided if this one crashes it won't be because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants.” – He may have been a problem in the past, but at least HE’S got his head on straight!

“[She] made sure she kept his card, with his email and number.” – WTF! She wants Charley back, but is “sizing” up a boy that would be more suitable for her daughter! And after coming to her senses, keeps his card?

First, I can’t believe she admitted to multiple lovers! Second, how can she hope to reconcile when she is keeping the cards of potential playmates?

What does he expect PIs to find? Presumably she's not cheating NOW, and unless you have SOME idea of who to talk to, how are they going to find someone to talk about her past?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

The word is "hors-d'oeuvre"!

dsthom1954dsthom1954about 8 years ago
And So........

Are we going to "burn the bitch", or are you going throw in a twist or two? Hum.....decisions, decisions....

FD45FD45about 8 years ago

when Charley goes fishing, does he use a boat to help the lesser mortals, or does he just walk on water and pluck the fish out of the lake by hand?

The CLOSEST you gave him to a flaw is that the Sheriff caught a bigger fish once.

Yes, you wrote in that sociopath thing but since he is being a sociopath in a 'justifiable cause', he is free of functioning flaws.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Don't know

if you gonna burn this bitch, but she sure deserves it.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

You lost me with this chapter. I just don't feel anything for these characters, and don't particularly care what happens to them. The wife is a serial cheater who can't even explain to herself why she wants to stay with her husband (I suspect because the author can't think of a single reason for such a despicable character to possess that thought.)

The husband is such a flawless hero and victim that it's difficult to relate to him. He's so generous that he even takes money out of his own paycheck to set up an expensive daycare center. I he applying for sainthood?

There is very little emotion in this story, and zero eroticism. It's just a story about a terrible woman and a heroic man -- so far. Maybe something interesting and unique is about to happen in the next chapter, but I don't know if I'll be motivated to read it. I'll probably read the comments first, and then decide.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Pretty direct and simplistic, but so implausible.

Rose has serious psychological and emotional issues. That she could be so cold, calculating, and self-centered, and still be a warm loving generous mother and wife? Very very unlikely. Charlie either wasn't paying attention to his wife and her behavior, or Rose is some kind of bionic personality shifter, almost with machine-like precision and timing. Of course this could not have gone on for eight years in any normal close intense personal marriage. In eight years Charlie never showed up unexpectedly while Rose was traveling to take her to dinner, spend the day, just a surprise visit? In eight years Rose never declined a night out with Charlie, stayed out on the road with no obvious reason, or showed any special habits or manners about her clothes, her private email and phone use, or her change in moods? In eight years not one of Charlie's expansive business and social contacts ever saw Rose acting inappropriate with a handsome young man in some obviously non-professional setting? OK, so Rose perfectly deceived Charlie, totally betraying and cheating on him in a manner that Charlie never knew about until Rose, finally, made a miscalculation.

Which means what is there left to this story? Charlie's only choice is does he want to stay married to a woman he cannot trust and cannot outsmart? She is more clever and savvy now, so according to the premise of this story Rose could cheat for another 8, or 18 years with Charlie most likely never knowing. Again, the only question is does Charlie want to continue in such a non-marriage. And in the end, who cares? He's a cuckold pussy if he stays, and he's a prime desirable divorced rich guy if he leaves. Now how hard of a choice is that? That's the only suspense left in this story.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago

for effort and content and to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote

dinkymacdinkymacabout 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 8 years ago
Not what I expected so far.

I thought we would get a bunch of stories about different people in a small town and their lives would intersect in some way and it would be an interesting, if somewhat convoluted series. So far we have two chapters that should have been one. Even with others introduced, the first two chapters are clearly about the same sinner and saint. FD45 had a good point. Charley appears to be the best man on the planet. Rose has shown no reason why she would want to stay married, as her friend pointed out in the story. Charley seems like another Hardy Wilkes and Rose is not much different than Hardy's wife, thus far. I'm still in, and I will look for some intrigue and tension to develop.

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 8 years ago
Very antiseptic

It's technically well written (I'd expect nothing less from qhml1), but so dry. We hear about Charley's anger and emotion, but don't really see it. We are led to believe he could explode, and the conversation at the end suggests some of supporting characters think he might, but nothing in his saintly, altruistic behavior makes that seem realistic.

Small anachronism. Charley and Rose are 48; they married at 26 and had Faith about a year later making her 20-21, consistent with her having just finished college. Yet, Charley says that Amanda is younger than Faith, but Amanda is 24. We editors notice such things. Nobody else would :)

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 8 years ago
Getting good!

Getting a good story. I did rate it this time as a five since it had all I could ask for in a story. Looking forward to more. Now I will be checking the site everyday for more! I usually only go every few days but not now! Thank you qhml1 for your writing efforts. I appreciate your work and as a avid reader I will be checking out your other work on Amazon. I am happy to see another author who cut there writing teeth in this harsh setting move onto more lucrative and ?different?! environment. I really don't have the correct word(s) but the sentiment is heartfelt!. Thank you for still posting here and I look forward to reading more. As always if you keep writing I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
God bless all the critics !

Well it never ceases to amaze me to all of the Harvard and Cambridge literature professors that read the LW section of Literotica . I mean how much would such brilliant insightful tutoring cost the average author ? Simply staggering all the intellectual smugness that bleeds through these comments at times ! HDK and to a lesser extent FD45 have produced enough worthy submissions in this category to allow them to sound off , but the rest of you so called "critics", I do not think so !

Swingerjoe , as someone who is currently "boycotting" Lit's scoring system , Damned if you don't show up in the comment section of LW stories that are , by your own admission, outside of your preferred storylines ! Gee whiz S.J. , that'll show 'em ! lol chuckle !

Q , you are in my eyes the current king of this genre , and I am enjoying this storyline as it progresses. As for the commenters bemoaning the shortness of the posts , I would think that the ultimate praise as it is simply human nature to want it all of a good thing as quickly as one can get it ! I know I will be eagerly awaiting the next installment !



AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Reminds me of "Gonna Sell The Bitch's Car"

The cadence of the submissions reminds of how the story developed. It will be interesting to see where this plays out. The teaser is that he maybe a sociopath ... which I am hopeful that he is to make the BTB scenario a little more interesting.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 8 years ago
Series is getting some momentum now

Chapter 2 is more like a classic "Q" story. Sheriff Andy - cool! Will be interesting to see how this interesting soap opera plays out. Q can sure write!

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 8 years ago

I'm still not clear what suspense or tension is meant to be propelling us into the next act. So much was given away right at the start of this story that a big chunk of THIS chapter was just us watching him learn things we already knew. There is no need for us to wait and wonder, no sense of unfolding discovery. There is no "gee maybe he'll take her back" to worry over. And most damning, THERE IS NO CHALLENGE. we opened on a man with resources, power, and a prenup, and a woman incapable of scheming. He has no challenge to overcome. He is in no danger. It's like if Die Hard was about John McLain against a 10 year old kid.

This kind of "wish fulfillment" superwin scenario is fun for short stories, especially playful ones, but turns into angry-guy pandering sludge in stone-faced long form.

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 8 years ago
interesting characters...

I'm waiting for further chapters and developments in this suite. I sympathize with Charley, having been there in the past. Good work, Q, as usual.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
This part make us hanker for the next parts...

This part make us hanker for the next parts...Very good indeed...4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Nobody's perfect

The saintly protagonist who has lived the life of a clergyman/role model/donor comes off as implausible, sickly implausible in fact, because he is completely unrelatable to the average reader. I may be jumping the gun here, but I cannot see the wife cheating if he was so flawless. The only exceptional reason I can see for her to hang the horns on him is if he had a split personality and completely neglected her whilst donning a duplicitous persona in public; but no, he was apparently doing his bit at home too. What a wonderful man indeed; one of a kind I say!

The wife, who comes across as a cold-hearted yet deluded daughter-of-a-bitch, is dissonant with the 'loving wife' exposition as well as the pre-revelation sweetheart upheld by hubby. If he was clueless for eight years, surely he was not paying attention where it counts, so the "pure as the driven snow" description is shaky at best.

There is a glaring lack of progression story-wise and I'm inclined to believe critical responses which complain about learning nothing new about the couple except for more recycled exposition.

That said, this is qhml1, and I for one will give him the chance to redeem the story in coming chapters.

Lo_PanLo_Panabout 8 years ago
Second part....

The first part was like herding cats. Much better on the second part.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Quit trying to put on heirs. "hors-d'oeuvre" means outside of the main course in translation and is therefore more than one word. The "one word" you are actually looking for is appetizer. Which is designed to excite the taste buds. One should never fill up on appetizers, it ruins the meal. This is the second appetizer we have had to eat. And because this is the 2nd time we have been served one, it is "hors-d'oeuvreS" plural. I put the S in a capital so you can see it. And there is no hyphen in the phrase.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Why look back, why revenge,just divorce the bitch.

Now he is looking for trouble. She cheated. Divorce her and move on. In this case there is no dividing of assets , no alimony both have money. Get her to sign a non contested divorce. Anything else would ll hurt you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Small Towns, Large Affairs

The story paints another cheating wife story against a "great guy" husband. It's coming along well except for the times and ages of the principals. If Charley and Rose are in their early 40s (early in the story) and at least Rose was 26 when she got married and Faith was born only several years after they were married, she must be a terrific prodigy or the author didn't do his math correctly before putting the details together. How long were they actually married? That is confusing. Although a bit incidental, it has importance.

Any creative ways to go though the potential reconciliation, revenge, Faith's dealing with her parents and the reflection of this issue in the Small Town?

Tiny Tim

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
WTF guys

Why are some of wanting to rush this story? Divorce her? Do this, do that? WTF don't you want to find out what he has in mind? Let the story play out. It doesn't matter what you or I want,it's what the author wants that counts. So let him write the story his way and enjoy it, not dissect it like a frog in a high school lab. Get a life guys, it's just a story, not the end of your life.

Swingerjoe, got only one thing to say to you. Go find yourself a swinging story, isn't those you prefer. At least this author made the hall of fame and isn't afraid to allow readers to score his stories. Can you say the same?

FD45FD45about 8 years ago
Now that would be a good small town story

A couple who jointly own one of the last thriving businesses in an economically devastated town have a session of cheating and want to divorce. Breaking up the company will very likely cut into the future of the company. Maybe he is the manufacturing god and she can sell ice to Eskimos or has the political connections to keep the Federal contracts coming.

So that makes the mobilization of the town make a lot of sense. The town taking sides FOR forgiveness/against the cheated upon. That has drama, stakes, conflict and some serious challenges.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 8 years ago

He's too good to be true. She's too much of a scheming bitch to be true. So, I'm expecting a twist or two coming up. The story needs it.

SKHPSKHPabout 8 years ago
These black-and-white characters...

...seem to come from a SS 06 story!

Despite that: 4*

bruce22bruce22about 8 years ago
Excellent second Chapter

We are learning a great deal about the characters and they are interesting.

@ FD45 the companies are completely separate. What story did you read?

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

on what you don't know and what you do know and what you can discover. TK U MLJ LV NV

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

it just shows how no matter the nationality, time or space it also happens, TK U MLJ LV NV

looking4itlooking4itabout 8 years ago

Honestly tell me any two private detectives who would sit down together and try to figure out the motive of a client and whether or not they will use the information for good or evil. Tell about even one that would carry on the same questioning to themselves in their own head. Complete bullshit at the end trying to link whatever is coming next.

I have to agree with others and say this is not what was advertised in Chapter 1. A series of seemingly unrelated short stories about people from the same community with a possible tie-in at the end. This is a super human husband and a wretchedly evil self-indulgent wife.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 8 years ago
Glad ...

I'm glad to get this chapter. I thought CH1 was a good, fertile start. I was worried about the Q comment about the loose link among the series chapters. So far, the apparent theme seems clear and focused. (I'm willing to be surprised, however!)

After that, LDS will just ditto LSD.


Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 8 years ago
ahh, but....

She won't be able to take his business, firstly it was started before they even dated much less married, and then there is that prenup (and the postnup protecting her business from him).

So the only possible damage is the owners attitude, and as someone else said often a divorced man will become more dedicated to his business not less.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 8 years ago
not sure where this is but....

In recent times it would not take Amanda pressing charges, as soon as the deputy heard that her husband struck her very nearly the next sound heard would be the handcuffs clicking around his wrists.

At any mention or suggestion of domestic violence someone is going to jail.

It is one of the offenses that the DA can press charges even against the victim's wishes.

vikster99vikster99about 8 years ago

This doesn't turn into a RAAC. She loves him, but wants to 'remember old times' with her trainer? She wants her husband back so much, but just has to cheat again? What a bitch.

InescuInescuabout 8 years ago
Looking forward to more

The first two chapters probably should have been a single chapter as others have mentioned. I'm more than willing to wait and see before judging the story. It's a bit amusing that people are so impatient considering how much they are paying to be entertained.

I'm hoping that both characters, as currently portrayed aren't what they seem and there is a bit more of a twist, but that's just wishful thinking on my part. The husband does seem to be too good to be true, but there are glimmers of something else. The author clearly states that the only reason the husband built the preschool was because he wanted to spend time with his own daughter. I assume afterwards it just survived out of its own inertia,

Looking forward to more chapters.

@bruce22 FD45 was suggesting something that would make an excellent plotline for a story, not commenting in this one.

Dear annony: it's 'putting on airs', not 'putting on heirs'. I wouldn't have mentioned it except for the fact that you poked someone else for misspelling a word and poor grammar.

fr45fr45about 8 years ago
I usually don't enjoy non-erotic stories

but for some reason I'm hooked on this story series. This is a great story and obviously you're a great writer, so let this story progress at your own pace and don't be influenced to drop it all on us in one large dose as some people have suggested.

chytownchytownabout 8 years ago
Good Read****

I love these type of stories. Thanks for sharing.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

I'll try again. Great chapter. Rose is worse than I thought. Of course Charley saw through the bullshit letter. Time to get all the goods now and to make her pay.

Five Stars

C_frommnC_frommnabout 8 years ago
Great Start

Rose can't keep her head on straight. She wants Charley but is flirting and thinking of doing a College Student. I Hope Charley burns all of them. The men are as responsible as she they knew she was Married and did not Care.

green117green117about 8 years ago
Small town characters...

I suppose I should mention out front that I have no particular fondness for small towns... when my mother did a survey of the mental health issues of inmates from a rural region north of us, and uncovered a multigenerational, multifamily, intergenerational incest ring... it kinda made Mayberry feel like a bit of a fantasy.

The female lead is seriously dissociated about sex - since we are seeing her internal monologs, we should probably take her point of view about her flirtation being meaningless as honest as far as it goes. This level of dissociation might be associated with... say, incest victims. Not that I have any inside line on where QHML is taking this one.

The male lead is purer than the driven snow... which takes an extraordinary amount of effort. The author did drop the line about possible pathology - so we could be getting a bifecta here. Are they meant for each other? Possibly.... will we find out that he is hiding something as well? Very possibly.

I suspect this one is going to be more about character than plot - and so the drama that some of the more studious commentators may be wishing for may possibly be not plot but characterization drama - who is she really? Who is he really? What kind of messed up Camelot is this anyway? And how does that all resolve?

Maybe all of the hiding-the-pickle is kind of irrelevant, as she said.


(and dropping multiple PIs in to allow multiple reveals... I'm thinking Peyton Place, perhaps...)

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago

I thought it would be different characters in each chapter, so I was a little surprised by the repetition. Some odd elements. The investigators have a heartfelt discussion at the end, as if they cared about more than just collecting a check. Highly unlikely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I expected different characters in this chapter

Somehow I was under the impression you would have different people interacting in the chapters and then tie their actions together in the final episode. So I'm not sure where this is going. At this point it's playing out like a typical LW story. Cheating wife, wronged husband seeking revenge. And the story is average at best, not something I've come to expect from your stories. We'll see where you go with this, but maybe my expectations are too high.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks Q

Enjoying the story thus far.

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
the meeting of the two investigators added

a few questions. but not much more considering his friendships in the law enforcement communities. and the way he handled the Amanda situation.

when do we start to see the series of interconnected stories?

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 8 years ago
Not a tell

Random acts of kindness are in no way a tell to identify a sociopath, honestly that just sounds stupid, I've no idea where you've heard that garbage from.

A sociopath might act kind, that doesn't make them a sociopath, but instead whatever calculating purpose they have behind it does, the act itself can not be used as an indicator.

Most people who shows random acts of kindness, are just genuinely nice people that show it in different ways.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 8 years ago
Ib_Says 06/22/16


Not a tell

Random acts of kindness are in no way a tell to identify a sociopath, honestly that just sounds stupid, I've no idea where you've heard that garbage from.


The truth there ^.

Random acts of kindness makes great camouflage for sociopaths.

Then when questioned the neighbors say "He's such a good neighbor", and not "He's a creepy guy that none of us trust".

Ted Bundy's neighbors said he was a pretty good neighbor.

norcal62norcal62almost 8 years ago
So, writing the future story are you?

I'm enjoying the character as no saint, but a pretty solid man. It will take a disappointing twist to make Charlie into a fiend.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
Well Portrayed skunt, realistic sideline players..

Dawg, you are an Ace!

PS--This, BTW, is one of the, "Tells", for a selfish AHO:

"I never once stopped loving you. Even during my 'playdates', I couldn't stop thinking about getting home to you, snuggling into your arms on the patio, watching the sunset."

it is all about what you can do for them, and what they like receiving from you, or what they get from you they will miss. Besides a commitment, true Love is as much of not more about what you can do for another as not.

ewray321ewray321about 5 years ago
So Far

Very good so far.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Great story

Charlie is still good. Rose not looking any better. Hope he takes the

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

SO clean, old and White. Must be why his wife wanted some passion, out of boredom. Written nicely. I gave it a ***

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

Sounds like Charlie is about to go Old Testament on Rose's lovers!!!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 4 years ago

Just posting to check in and say I'm working down your stories in alphabetical order - another 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So phony that she had the letter written by a college student

She had 8 lovers in the last 10 years of their marriage but still we are going to read the greatest RAAC in the history of literotica. Guess why? Because even though she cheated on him like a town whore "it took nothing away from what they had", she loved him even when she was canoodling those fuckboys. I love good reconciliation stories but should it come at the expense of the husband's self-respect? Terribly sad with the author's depiction of pathetic husbands by the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Because she's an entitled cunt who's never met a dick she didn't want to fuck.

Charley's a "nice" guy. Women don't respect "nice" guys and mistake niceness for weakness.

Hope Charley goes nuclear on her ass and makes it so bad she needs to move across the county to start life over.

dgfergiedgfergieover 3 years ago

I tend to agree with one comment I read, woman don't want nice guys. They seem to like the bad boy, the exciting guy with charisma and sexy personality. I lost two woman I cared about to guys like that. I wasn't sexy enough or didn't pay enough attention.

Anyway at certain age woman seem to want know they are still attractive and loved and sexy. The wife in this story wanted more than a comfortable man. She was rich and felt entitled even though married she was a playboy but in men's terms and most woman she was a slut. She wasn't whore she actual paid guys until she got 'tired' of them. Good writing can't wait to se what our man does with the info the detectives dig up.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

A very good second chapter for Charley. Rose is going to suffer for her cheating. Please, no RAAC.

tazz317tazz317over 3 years ago

how long before realization sets in and that didn't give a shit becomes a mantra. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Rose is an even *worse* bitch in this chapter, which I didn't think was possible. The moment she gets caught, she immediately goes back to an old flame and tries for a little more fun? then thinks about picking up some college kid, realizes what she's doing, but keeps his contact info anyway? This better not be a RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Rose has already started falling apart physically and will soon need to pay big money to get her pussy fixed. Get the bag! Get the bag!



Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 year ago

Unprofessional PI’s

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is building up nicely looking forward to part 3 BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

“I know, with just a phone call or two, you could easily destroy me, make me a social pariah in our community, maybe even turn our daughter against me. But I also know you're too good a man to do anything like that.”


This is completely wrong. A “good man” loves his neighbor as himself. Therefore, a good man absolutely does publicly name and shame adulterers. A good man will devise punishment so devastating that it serves as a deterrent. A good man creates an environment where if a woman tells a friend that she’s thinking of cheating on her husband, the friend slaps her and says: “Remember what happened to Rose!”


A good man loves his neighbor, and doesn’t want any other man to hurt like he does, and so A GOOD MAN BURNS THE BITCH!!!



oldpantythiefoldpantythief3 days ago

Singer Aretha Franklin sang a song "A Rose Is Still a Rose", but in this case a Rose is a cheating cunt. I can't see Charley ever taking her back, especially after he finds out just how much and how often she cheated. Looks the two PIs have a lot of work to do.

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