Small Town Girls with Big Ideas


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Suddenly, without warning to anyone, Liz shrieked like a banshee, raced around in front of Alex and Cindy, grabbed the towel and ripped off before jumped back long enough to get a good look, ... this all happened just as Sally flipped on the truck's headlights. Exposed, like a performer in a spotlight, stood Alex in all his aroused splendor with IT arching upwards at about a 75 degree angle, thrusting out from his uncovered loins by at least eleven or twelve inches. Quickly Liz had seen and satisfied her initial curiosity and had darted into the brush with a "bouncing" Alex in hot pursuit in an attempt to retrieve the towel. Everyone but Cindy hooted but she nearly shocked to death. Sally quickly cut the truck lights and the darkness was filled with her uproarious laughter. Sally confessed that Liz had planned the whole thing, but was quick to say that there was no longer any doubt that what Cindy was, without a doubt, true. About the time that everyone was beginning to wonder exactly where Liz and Alex had gone, they walked back to the group, arm in arm.

So, everyone had seen proof of Cindy's boast and one would have thought that was the end of it. Not so! It seemed that this exposure to something as grand as Alex's Big One had created a burning new desire and the girls were now interested in actually sampling IT!

"After I told them how wonderful it felt to have you in me and how excited IT makes me, I think at least Liz and Sally really do want more than just seeing it," a mournful Cindy said a few days later. "Why did I ever tell them about you and about us in the first place? I suppose now even Shari will tell me she wants some of IT, too."

The possibility of some samplings was an intriguing thought and Alex was beginning to develop some ideas of his own. He had always been attracted to these four eighteen year olds and now he was aware that the other three of them had already experienced some sexual activity and were expressing interest in "doing him," at least according to Cindy. Hummm, he thought, maybe Cindy would be able to set up an encounter with each one of them, giving Cindy the opportunity to prove her statement of just how good he was, one at a time. That would surely convince them of his prowess, save her friendships and he was already contemplating the fringe benefits that would come to him!

He listened to her agonizing for a while and then he said he thought he might have a solution. Cindy immediately perked up, ready to hear any idea that would get her out of this predicament .

"It seems to me that you will have to go to some extremes to convince your girlfriends of what you said, Cindy. You know I love you, you sweet thing, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you out!"

The words "I love you" resonated within her very being, like an echo from across a mountain valley, particularly when she heard those words professing love for her/ She threw her arms around him and hugged and kissed him. She was ready to do almost anything to restore her three shaky friendships if she could still keep Alex. "What do you have in mind, Alex? How do you think I can fix this mess?"

Alex stretched and gave the swing backward push with his feet and they swung freely without a word. "Seems we have created a situation where they want more than just seeing my cock, doesn't it, Cindy? The question is how far will we have to go to keep your friendships in tact, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly the case. I don't know how I could have gotten you into this, Alex. I know that Liz, who can be such a slut at times, would like nothing better than to have a roll in the hay with you, but I could never ask you to consider doing anything like that. It's just asking too much of you! Please forgive me for even thinking such a thing," she sighed wistfully."Being in love with me probably wouldn't allow you to even consider such at thing," she questioned out loud?

Alex smiled inwardly. A onetime romp with Liz OR Sally might be great fun, and, he'd always been more than a little fascinated by the very sexy Sheri!! And the prospect of Cindy joining in with each one of them, well, that was more than he could ever hope for. Two women at once was every nineteen year old's dream fantasy.

"Tell you what. I might agree to have a go with with Sally or Liz, but only if you are present. That would be an absolute condition or else I'd never consider it. I could never do something behind your back, Cin!. Never, ever, never, okay?! You would have to be right there and it would have to be pretty dark when it happened." Cindy, in her well rounded sex education from her library days, recalled reading a book with a story about multiple partners, one she'd had found in the adult reading section, and she recalled how the very thought of that idea back then was absolutely sickening. But now, well, maybe, just maybe, she could work something out, as long as she didn't press Alex too much.

And so the plan came together. Cindy told Sally of the scheme. Sally was to invite Cindy and Alex over some night when Sally's folks were away on an overnight business trip and they'd have the whole house to themselves and everything could happen just as Alex had planned.

When Cindy had talked with Sally, she told her that if she would swear to absolute secrecy, she would arrange for her to have this "time" with Alex at her house. It would be just the three of them, so a week later on a Wednesday night everything was in place. Sally decided to skip Choir practice that night because this was far more interesting to Sal than choir ever would be! Alex was to arrive at exactly 7:30 and Cindy would come earlier, about 7:00 to help set the stage with Sally.

Alex, pumped and ready to go, rang Sally's doorbell at 7:10, hoping Sally would be ready. She wasn't so he pawed and groped at Cindy until Cindy said he was going to either have to wait for Sally or she was going to call the whole thing off. Alex immediately straightened up and behaved!

When Sally appeared in the den precisely at 7:30, Cindy had already drawn the drapes and dimmed the lights as Alex had suggested. He stood and said hello to Sally and suggested she join him on the sofa. Cindy sat on the other side of him, but his attention was clearly focused on Sally. She looked extra sexy and he WAS definitely ready!

Alex, assuming he was going to get-it-on with Sally that night, had found Bob, her steady, a few days earlier and struck up a conversation about the four girls. After hinting that he and Cindy were doing the deed, he asked Bob if he thought any of the other girls were so involved? Bob, somewhat boastfully, admitted he and Sally were doing too it every chance they could get and said he was aware that Liz had been with three or four guys. He wasn't sure about Shari, but they agreed with the body she possessed, both were sure that Jack had put it to her as well. Bob went on to tell Alex that Sally, when she really got going, loved to talk dirty and that it always got her really excited, and once started, she was good to go all the way! She was unstoppable, he's said. Bob even went so far as to suggest to Alex that if Cindy, who they all knew was very shy, ever needed a boost to "get her going" to try using a hot porno flick to set the stage since it had worked so well with Sally. Alex could only smile and thank him for the suggestion, Bob completely unaware that Alex would use this own tested technique to help Alex get into Sally's pants a few nights later.

Alex had remembered to bring a hot DVD, hidden in his jacket pocket, and had popped it into the den's DVD player when Cindy had gone to check on Sally. All he had to do now was hit "play" on the remote which was safely tucked in his pocket ... and Sally would so be toast!

To move things along and to give the evening more of an adult atmosphere, Cindy had followed instructions and made Margaritas ahead of time and had placed the frosty pitcher and three glasses in the den. Once Sally having joined them, they sipped and talked for a while, making small talk about town and school. After the second drink, Cindy began to notice the telltale feelings that her head was feeling just a little lighter and Sally was occasionally slurring a word or two. And Alex began to take over, directing the conversation more toward sex.

"Tell me, Sally, do you think there are any kinds in school who are brave enough to be experimenting with sex?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I don't know for sure," she answered hesitantly, " but I'm sure some of them probably are. What about you and Cindy?" she asked, turning to her friend.

Cindy suddenly turned very red and Sally laughed saying she thought the blushing must be a sure sign of confession that she and Alex must be doing it! Alex winked slyly at Sally and said anything was possible. Then, taking the bull by the horns and urging the girls to drink up, they downed the last of their third Marguerita. Alex placed his arm around Sally's shoulder and tilted her head toward him and kissed the top of her head. When she looked up at him in surprise, he kissed her full on the lips. Cindy felt a pang of jealousy but she was convinced this was what she had to endure do to insure she'd get her friends back. Alex then activated the remote and the porno film, without volume, came on the screen.

"Have you ever seen an adult film, Sally?" he inquired. "You are certainly mature enough to watch one, aren't you?" A couple on the screen were involved in heavy oral sex, something Sally had not missed for a second..

Sally nodded, "Yah, I've seen some and they can get rather exciting. Bob has showed me a couple of really hot ones and I get pretty steamed! I find I get, errr, I mean ... well, I seem to get very .." The words didn't seem to come so Alex helped her with the word she was looking for, "Horny?" "That's it, that's exactly what I've felt!" The booze was working and she WAS beginning to really get turned on!

A few minutes later as they watched the film, spellbound, Alex took her hand and placed it on his pant leg and directly on his semi hard cock. Looking her in the eye asked, "Does feeling that make you horny, too?" Sally closed her eyes and sighed. "Oh – My – Gawd ... Oh, my gawd," was all she could manage.

Cindy leaned forward to watch Sally's reaction more closely. She watched Sally's fingers tightened over IT, fully aware she was grasping Alex's rapidly stiffening cock. Sally gasped open in awe as she looked down at the size of the snake growing just underneath his pant leg. "Oh, my Gawd, Cindy. I can't believe it. It's absolutely huge, and, it's getting bigger," she said breathlessly!

"Show her, Alex, show her how big it really is!" Cindy said with the same level of excitement coming into her voice.

Alex immediately unzipped his fly and pushed his pant and shorts down to his knees, his giant stood at perfect attention, and that was exactly what Sally was giving it. Her total attention.

Unable to contain herself and wanting Sally to know how sexually talented she had become, Cindy swooped in above Sally's hand and licked the head of his dick. Sally gasped and then began watching with definite curiosity as Cindy licked a drop of pre-cum that Sally had generated up to the tip of his aroused cock. Sally was having some difficulty holding it with just a single hand. Finally in desperation she moved her other hand into the action so she could totally encase it, now grasping its enormity within both her hands.

Alex was able to remove Sally's shirt and unhooked her bra almost without her being aware and watched as Cindy began pulling off Sally's shorts. Sally was soon naked and Cindy removed her own clothing as well, leaving all three of them naked as jay birds. Cindy, taking Sally by the hand, moved them down the hall to Sally's parent's bedroom and quickly whisked the covers off the bed and pulled Sally down with her. Cindy's mouth landed on one of her very erect nipples and Sally swooned, experiencing for the first time a woman's mouth on her body. As she lay there savoring the sensations Cindy's mouth was stirring, she felt another mouth kissing up the inside of her thighs. It soon came in contact with Cindy's fingers which were busily stroking Sally's hardened clit, pushed them to the side and the instant Alex's tongue delicately flicked over Sally's clit she exploded into a huge orgasm that

levitated her right off the bed.

"Oh, my Gawd, that was incredible, you guys! I have never experienced anything like that with Bob!" Sally was finally able to say as she settle down again to Mother Earth. Even as she talked and wound down from her orgasm, Alex was dragging his very stiff cock up over her thighs and headed right for Sally's very wet and pulsating pussy. As she became aware what she was feeling and where it was headed, her excitement level took off. It was so much bigger than her boyfriend's that she had concerned about it being painful like the first time she had sex all over again. Her head cleared rapidly as a combination of fear and anticipation grabbed her senses. Fear lost out, however, as she opened her legs and raised her knees ... and just waited!

The initial contact was a teasing gesture as he dragged the head of it back and forth across her sullen pussy lips. He only probed and withdrew. Once more he probed and withdrew!!Then it slid up, barely touching the inside of her entire slit. Cindy's face, only a few inches away from the action was almost as eager to watch him penetrate Sally as the two actual participants were.


Finally, Cindy said in a whisper, "Will you just put it in her, Alex? You are driving us all crazy. I want to watch you fuck her. Please put it in and fuck her now?"... and with that, she placed her hand on Alex's butt and pushed him down, causing a third of his magnificent twelve inches to slide slowly into Sally's welcoming pussy. The "Whoosdh" of air that escaped from Sally told much of the story. Four big inches in and then three inches out! Then about seven inches glided in and six withdrew as her hands grasped the backs of her knees to open even wider for him .... until on the third stroke he managed to bury all twelve inches of it in her. She was whimpering in a near comatose state with her legs locked tightly over his fanny, humping up and drawing him back into her each time he took an "out stroke!" The pace gradually quicken and with a growl, Sally began to tense up, her feet firmly planted on the bed, toes curled and her lower body flexing up to meet Alex's downward thrusts.

Cindy's hand snaked between their sweaty bodies, found Sally's throbbing clit and stroke it as Alex's fanny became a blur as he pushed Sally into a monster, thunderous orgasm. Like a click-bug, her abdomen flexed up, over and over, until her orgasm began to subside. Alex's extended arms raised his torso from Sally's upper body and when he did, Cindy was right there to kiss Sally full on the mouth. Surprisingly, Sally hungrily kissed her back holding Cindy in place with an arm wrapped around her neck.. Then they rolled to the side to catch their breaths.

Eventually, Cindy crawled down and began to play with Alex's partially deflated cock, but soon she had it up and hard again. Throwing a leg over Alex, she lowered herself on his erection as Sally held it, guiding it into Cindy's overheated pussy. Withing just two minutes Cindy reached an enormous climax herself and toppled off of Alex to catch her breath. But as she did, Sally's hand reached down for his still hard cock and pulled herself around until her face loomed over IT! Not really sure if she could do it, the soft, muffled words from Alex was all the inspiration she needed. "Sally, I loved fucking you and I really appreciate you stuffing my cock into Cindy a few minutes ago, but now I wish I could get off by sucking my cock. Please try it once before you say, "No." In an instant, Sally's mouth enveloped the head as he felt her tongue swirl around the shaft, before burying half of it between her ravenous, sucking lips. "Careful of your teeth, Sal," were his only instructions. Moments later, a couple of convulsing flexes announced to Sally that his climax was eminent and she removed her mouth just in time to avoid having his orgasm in her mouth. Sally's allowed him to slip from her lips but furiously gave him a two-handed jerk-off as his geyser erupted, sending jolt after jolt two of orgasmic cum three feet into the air. Sally scooped some of it up and massaged it into her boobs while Cindy leaned down to lick his dick clean.

Once again, totally exhausted, they all rested, each with their own secret memory. Sally's lips were sealed, Cindy knew that she had regained a real friend, and Alex ... well, Alex was already exploring in his mind what it was going to be like to sick his big dick into Liz's dripping pussy and whether he'd eventually get to fuck a really special target, the fair and beautiful Shari! All of that lay ahead .... so to speak!

[Be sure to catch the action as Shari and Liz look for some equal treatment as their school year ends.]

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Uhhhh. There was no such thing as DVDs in 1958. Or remotes for that matter. Come on man!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Man, this brings back memories!

Those 50s-era DVD players sure were something. Most didn't have component-out (and HDMI wasn't available until a few years later). And back then the discs were mostly in black-and-white. I remember what a big deal it was when the first season of The Simpsons came out on DVD.

Anyway, great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Remember Marty McFly?

I really loved this one. remember when he was at his grand parents to see they had 1 b/w tv set, and giving away that at his home were several in color?

That would have been in 1955. And what impression Marty must have left in the fifties, as just 5 years later, they have already color tv and dvd!

I really like this story, but please make sure to remain in the time of the story.

SoftassilkSoftassilkabout 17 years agoAuthor
You got me!

Yah .... you got me! There definitely were no market DVD's available in 1958. Consentrating on the story line, one can sometimes get a little tunnel vision and miss something that I should have quickly caught myself. I DO appreciate your positive comments and encouragement, however, and will be doing a follow-up involving the other two girls. Old "Alex" is also looking forward to his third and fourth shots at the last two of the fearsome foursome!

Thanks, Softassilk

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Two Down, Two to Go!

I found this a very erotic story, full of challenge and excitement for the "other three girls." I hope there will be sequels that will play-out the stories of the other two girls for them to have their shot at the "big boyfriend!!"

I grew up in a small town in central Ohio and know that things of this nature are not far from the realm of possibility. It was great reading ... please keep it up (so to speak!!). I also enjoyed your other effort!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

A DVD in 1958 lol?

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