Smitten Ch. 02


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I lay on my back, huffing and puffing, while the orcs looked at me disapprovingly. Showing weakness was evidently frowned upon. On the other hand, none of them could swim, so they had no idea what I'd just been through.

When I could breathe again, I reminded Ditgurat what pig iron was.

- "Why you call it a pig?" she asked.

- "When the metal is very hot," I explained, "it turns to liquid. It's poured into a ... a trough, with parallel branches." I sketched a diagram in the sand. "It looks like piglets feeding from a sow."

She got it right away, and then took pleasure in explaining it to the others. Ghorza, the little red-head with the piercings, made a comment. Ditgurat translated for me.

- "Ghorza says, your pig not look like me'dal. Osh." Ditgurat spoke slowly, and more carefully. She sometimes had trouble with the letter 'F', or a 'T' in the middle of a word. She could manage a soft 'th' (as in 'there'), but struggled with 'think' or 'through'.

- "It isn't, really. Not yet. I would have to melt it, and ... it will take more work."

That seemed to satisfy them. I felt like my old master, Wede, for a moment. If I told them how to do it too soon, they might decide that they could dispense with the services of one Myrthis Smit.

When I'd caught my breath, I went back into the water, and swam back to the stern. This time, I dove a little closer, so that I could get a look inside the wreckage.

I immediately wished that I hadn't.

I found one of the ship's guns. And under it, the remains of a body. The fish had gotten to him for the past few days. It wasn't especially gruesome - mostly bones, and some strips of cloth - but I hadn't been expecting to find a body.

On my next dive, I found a surprising number of iron ingots. Not pig iron, but the real deal. Galtin's Port had an insatiable appetite for raw materials, but especially metals, and Portoa was a prime source, thanks to the Amber Hills.

I dove again, took hold of a pair of ingots, and tried to surface. Idiot. It was a lot more manageable with just a single ingot in one hand. I decided to bring it back to the beach, to show Ditgurat.

This time, it looked like metal - even Ghorza was enthusiastic.

On my third trip, I brought back another iron ingot. But I had found rather more than that ... because I had stumbled across the captain's cabin. To be more precise: I'd found some of the contents of the Captain's cabin.

A handful of gold and silver coins. A dagger, and a cutlass. A pewter goblet. Half a dozen cannonballs. There was more there, too. I couldn't spend the whole afternoon diving, without bringing anything back. Not with Ditgurat on the beach.

I thought about what to show her, and what to tell her. By the time I went back for my fourth trip, I'd made up my mind: I swam back with the pewter goblet (with half a dozen coins inside) in one hand, and the cutlass in the other.

The orcs were excited about the weapon, and delighted by the goblet and coins. Ditgurat looked pleased, though - and that was what counted. I didn't mention the dagger.

- "There is more." said Ditgurat. It wasn't a question.

- "Tons more." I said. "But I can only carry so much, and still swim. It will be difficult - and it will take time."

- "Hmm." she said. "You rest, now."

That was an order I could appreciate.

Ditgurat eventually decided not to make me dive again. Instead, she led us off the beach. Oag and Slagip carried the pig and the ingots, while Ushug, Ghorza and I brought back some of the wood. Ditgurat kept the cup and the cutlass for herself.

When we reached the Blasted Tree, there was a small crowd gathered to meet us. I suppose that metal from the sea was big news. Coopah was pleased with the wood, but he was even more interested in the iron ingots. He had a pretty good idea of what it might mean for the orcs if I could construct a forge.

Ditgurat showed everyone the cutlass, and then surprised me by immediately making gifts of the coins I'd brought her. She kept the goblet - it was a one-of-a-kind object here - but she gave the rest away.

I was pretty much exhausted. I don't remember eating. But I do remember that when I lay down to sleep, Shaghar curled up behind me, and wrapped her arm around me.

Ushug and Ghorza lay down nearby as well. Guard duty, I assumed. For my protection? Or to make sure that I didn't run away?


Ditgurat sent me back to the beach the next morning, along with my four helpers/minders. But there was a little excitement before we'd even gotten out of sight of the Blasted Tree.

Umog stepped out onto the path, blocking my way. She looked ... upset.

- "I fuck you now!" she snarled.

Slagip stepped forward. So did Ushug. Little Ghorza stepped directly in front of me, brandishing her spear.

Slagip barked at Umog. She shouted at him. Ushug stepped closer to Umog. Slagip spoke again. I couldn't understand what they were saying (though Umog said 'Shara' - human - several times).

It seemed that Umog was trying to re-establish her claim on me. Slagip, I think, was telling her that she couldn't have me, because I was working for the Chieftain. They all sounded extremely angry, but Umog was working herself into a proper tizzy.

She pointed at me, her arm quivering with rage. "I want his mouth!" she shouted.

Ah - there it was. She wanted what Shaghar and Ditgurat had had. It was all about the pecking order, rather than an irresistible craving for oral sex. Hell hath no fury, and all that.

I raised my hand, stepped around Ghorza and between my blockers, Slagip and Ushug.

- "Umog. Umog!" I shouted. "You can't have me today."

All three stopped yelling for a moment. Slagip put his arm in front of me, and tried to push me back. I stood my ground, and repeated myself.

"Not today - you understand? The Chieftain has ordered me to the beach. There is work I must do. But tonight ... we can talk, alright? We can talk. There may be a way ... for you to get what you want."

Umog's eyes narrowed. I'm sure that she suspected some kind of trick. She was a nasty, violent brute, but she wasn't entirely stupid. She had to realize that she wasn't going to get her way - not with my bodyguards present. Slagip had the good sense not to add anything to what I'd said.

I had offered Umog a face-saving exit from this impasse. It wasn't perfect, but it would allow her to leave without appearing to concede. I knew better than to expect any gratitude; she stomped off in a truly foul mood.

Ghorza let out a little sigh - of relief? Ushug looked quite pleased with herself.

We went on to the beach.

I had time to think, as we walked. Umog was a problem. I most definitely did not want her taking out her frustrations on Shaghar. Regardless, though, I could use a few more friends. That was why I made sure to thank Slagip for his intervention.

- "Di'gurat say we watch you." he said.

- "I'm glad you did."

- "You ... you talk wit' Umog?"

- "I will." It seemed like the best thing I could do to protect Shaghar. Slagip just shrugged, as if to say 'It's your funeral'.

Then I thanked Ushug and Ghorza. Big Ushug smiled, and grunted "Zug." Ghorza nodded quickly, and then turned her head away.

I didn't say a word to Oag; it hadn't escaped my notice that he hadn't done a damned thing when Umog made her move. There were currents and undercurrents in the Red Knee band that I didn't understand - but they were definitely there.

There was no need to work myself to exhaustion. I took my time, and used several dives just to search around the Pelican's stern. I found several things of interest, including a handspike from one of the ship's guns, and another sailor's knife. Both of those I brought to the surface, along with another four iron ingots.

Slagip had the others searching the beach for useful items, but I noticed that whenever I came out of the water, little Ghorza was right there, waiting for me.

I told Slagip that I was done for the day. He nodded. Oag and Ushug picked up two ingots each, while Slagip carried the spike and the knife; I was allowed to carry two pieces of wood. Ghorza was left with her hands free.

There were more orcs (and half-orcs) around the Blasted Tree than I'd seen before. Coopah had said that were over a hundred in the band: three quarters of them appeared to be here. Something had happened - or was about to happen.

Shaghar met us. It was a relief to see her pretty face. She smiled at me, but then spoke to Slagip. The two of them led me to Ditgurat's cave.

The chieftain was outside, speaking to three other half-orcs (a female and two males). She frowned as we approached, and jerked a thumb at me, indicating that I should go inside. Slagip and Shaghar followed me.

Coopah was there, sitting on one of the mats.

- "There you are!"

- "Here I am." I said, somewhat confused.

- "What happened, today? What did you say to Umog?"

- "Nothing happened." I said. "She tried to stop us from going to the beach - she wanted ... well, the same thing again. Plus ... what I did for Shaghar. And Ditgurat."

- "What did you say, Smit?" Coopah looked exasperated with me.

- "I told her that she couldn't have me today - that Ditgurat wanted me to work at the beach. Then I said that I would talk to her tonight."

Coopah closed his eyes, and heaved a deep sigh. Shaghar bit her lip.

"What?" I said. "What's the problem?"

- "I tried to tell you, boy." said the old man. "Words matter, here."

- "What? I just promised that I'd talk to her later."

- "Umog thought that you meant publicly. She concluded that you were going to refuse her, and claim someone else's protection. So Umog called for a gathering, to assert her rights."

- "A gathering? Wait - what rights?"

- "She's going to establish her claim on you, and fight anyone who contests it. Finders keepers - if she wins, you'll belong to her."


The worst of it was that I'd put Ditgurat in a tough spot. I'd had no way of knowing it, but Umog was one of the chieftain's supporters (more or less). Now I'd driven a wedge between them, and made myself into some kind of ... bone of contention.

Slagip came in for his share of abuse, for letting this happen.

- "It wasn't his fault." I said. "He didn't know what I was going to say. I was just afraid that Umog was going to ... I don't know - start a fight, or go after Shaghar, so I thought that I should say something."

Shaghar quite liked the idea that I was trying to protect her. The way she looked at me seemed to suggest that I might be rewarded in future - that is, if I didn't end up as Umog's property in perpetuity.

Ditgurat dismissed everyone except Coopah and me. She looked tired.

- "I'm sorry." I said. Ditgurat just shook her head. I shut up.

She examined the handspike I'd found, and then the sailor's knife. She held it up.

- "This was to be for Slagip - for standing up to protec' you. Now, I may have to give it to Umog."

- "I'm -" I began to apologize, but the old man elbowed me in the ribs.

- "Shaghar likes you." said Ditgurat. "So do I. But it would be bettah for us if you were more quiet."

I could start right now. I just nodded, and kept my mouth shut. But then I got an idea - and I had to tell them what I was thinking


It was a large gathering. If you'd thrown in strolling musicians, pickpockets, prostitutes and food vendors, it would have looked much like the open-air theatre in Portoa - except that this crowd was better behaved.

The orcs and half-orcs were fairly quiet, but you could feel the energy. They sat in a half-circle around the Blasted Tree, whispering, and stirring. I dare say that many of them had a good idea what was coming. No one wanted to miss the drama, or the possible bloodshed.

Ditgurat opened the meeting. I didn't understand any of the words, but Coopah was whispering in my ear; apparently, the Chieftain was following a centuries-old tradition, from the days of the Orcish Kingdom of Zhowak.

She called on Umog, who strutted into the centre of the half-circle. I have to say - even though I pretty much detested her, Umog had the physique and the bearing to carry it off. She had this aura of challenge in every line and curve of her body, including the expression on her face.

I didn't understand a thing she said - except for her favourite word, 'Shara', for me. But Coopah filled me in: Umog told everyone present about how she had found me near-dead on the beach. She was the first to find me. She'd saved my life, she said (which she hadn't), but that was of no matter - she'd found me first.

Now she asserted her claim to me in front of everyone, and dared anyone to challenge her right to possess me.

Ditgurat then asked if anyone else wished to speak.

Shaghar stood up. She walked into the half-circle. Umog didn't go back to her place; she remained where she was, glaring down at my much smaller red-headed lover. Gods bless her, but Shaghar wasn't the least bit intimidated.

Umog wasn't alone when she found me, Shaghar told the gathering. She had been there, too, along with Ushug and Ghorza. Umog hadn't saved my life; I was lying on the beach, out of danger. If anyone had saved me, it was all four of them.

Shaghar suggested that Umog could only claim one-quarter of me. In fact, she said, it was Ushug - with an assist from Shaghar - who had carried me, unconscious, from the beach. If Umog wanted to establish her claim, wouldn't she have carried me? By giving me to Ushug, hadn't Umog basically ceded her rights?

At that point, big Ushug and little Ghorza came forward, to stand beside Shaghar. They let her do the talking, but this show of support indicated that they agreed with everything she'd said. Umog was fuming, and literally stamping her feet, but she couldn't interrupt.

Ditgurat spoke next, allowing Umog a rebuttal.

Umog couldn't help snarling and spitting - and who knows? Maybe that was more persuasive, with an audience of orcs. She repeated her claim that she'd found me first. But now she advanced a new claim: she'd been the first to fuck me - therefore, my dick belonged to her.

The chieftain then gave Shaghar the right to speak again. My lover told the assembled orcs what they already knew: that she and Ditgurat had already sampled the goods, too. Then the gathering burst into raucous laughter.

- "What'd she say?" I asked Coopah.

- "She, ah ... she said that the Red Knees should not be deprived of ... uh, your 'mighty weapon'. Shaghar said that it should be ... communal property."

Coopah was having trouble simultaneously translating and communicating what she'd said to me. He was also cut off when the gathering burst into laughter a second time. Even my interpreter couldn't stop himself from chuckling.

"She said ... she said that if Umog could claim your cock, then she and Ditgurat could certainly claim your mouth - and everyone knows ..."

Everyone knew. The whole assembly already knew that what Umog really wanted was for me to go down on her.

Ditgurat wisely waited for the laughter and chatter to die down before she stood to speak herself. Then she told the gathering that Shaghar was half-right: I was too important not to be made communal property. Not for my dick - but for what I could do for the Red Knees.

She told them about the wreck, and what I'd already salvaged. She showed them the cutlass (which many had already seen), the goblet, the handspike, and the knife.

These orcs were not stuck in the stone age. Their Kingdom of Zhowak had had blacksmiths, clever artisans, weaponsmiths, jewellers, and all the crafts. They couldn't rival the dwarven smiths, or the elves for many crafts, of course, but neither could humans. And while the orcs might scorn higher technology - such as the gadgets of Galtin's Port - they were not at all ignorant.

Coopah let me know that they weren't complete savages. But the fall of their Kingdom had made them refugees, and their last smith had disappeared with most of the remaining males in the last great raid. They knew what I could do for them, even if I was just a half-assed smith (which I probably was).

Umog had lost the argument. She'd blustered, and impressed the gathering with her swagger. But Shaghar had shown courage, too, and she'd made them laugh. Then along came Ditgurat, the voice of reason. It was done.

Except that a vengeful Umog could be dangerous. And that was where I came in.

I stood up. The old cooper quickly rose to his feet beside me. I spoke, he translated. Most of the half-orcs and even some of the full orcs understood me perfectly well, but we wanted everyone to hear what I was putting forward.

I'd thanked the assembly ... hospitality and forbearance ... great opportunity ... and then I asked if I might speak to Umog in private - as I'd intended all along.

Ditgurat asked Umog if she was willing to hear me. It was a repeat of our encounter earlier in the day. She couldn't win, but she could make things awkward. Or she could accept my request, and possibly save some face from this affair.

Whether it was desperation, or curiosity, Umog agreed.

We moved right next to the Blasted Tree. Coopah came along to translate. I wasn't sure that it was necessary, but Ditgurat had suggested it. More time for me to think - more time for Umog to think, too.

- "I have an offer for you." I said. "You can't own me, Umog. I belong to Shaghar and Ditgurat, too - and maybe some others" (I had to leave future possibilities open). "But ... if you are willing, you can share me."

Umog's eyes narrowed. She had to know what I thought of her. Why would I agree to let her share me?

"I will even use my mouth on you. Just as I did with Shaghar and Ditgurat. On one condition, though: you have to do what they did for me."

Coopah translated, and I waited for Umog to respond. Her eyes narrowed.

- "What? What they do?" she asked.

Victory. She didn't roar, or spit; she didn't snarl, or threaten. She wanted what they'd had. It wasn't about orgasms, either - it was more a matter of prestige. The pecking order. If I went down on her, Umog could tell everyone who cared to listen that she'd gotten what she wanted from me.

Ah, but the price. What was I going to demand of her? Coopah translated.

- "Bath?" she said.

I offered her tomorrow evening, when I'd returned from the beach. She could meet me at the stream - or not.

Olive branch extended. My work here was done.


I thanked Coopah. I thanked Ditgurat. Then I went to lie down. I was exhausted again.

Ushug and Ghorza followed me, like faithful shadows. Then Shaghar joined us. She lay down right in front of me, so that she could stroke my face.

- "You were so brave." she said.

- "So were you. You were magnificent. I was so proud of you, Shaghar."

- "Mag -?"

- "Magnificent." I repeated. "Brave, strong, and beautiful. Ask Coopah, tomorrow. He'll tell you - and he'll agree with me."

She kissed me, then.

Last comparison with Nara: Shaghar had a prettier face, bigger ears, firmer breasts, a better body, more courage, a better sense of humour, and more concern for my well-being.

I wasn't quite as exhausted as I'd thought. Shaghar reached down, to find my growing erection. She removed my simple loincloth, and stroked my member.

Then she turned around, and pressed her backside into my groin. She reached behind herself - while I fondled her breast and kissed her neck - to take hold of my rock hard cock, and aim it at her cleft.

She thrust back, I thrust forward ... and I was inside her.

I wasn't all that exhausted after all.


One of the orcs (who fished upstream) made me a small net, so that I could salvage things from the wreck, while keeping one hand free for swimming. Eventually, they would provide me with a second.