Smoking Addiction in Seven Lessons


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"Oh, Karen, I love you so much," the young man blurted out, unable to hide any longer those feelings he had held for her since fifth grade.

Karen merely smiled as she had no response to such a meaningful statement. She didn't know if she loved this man, but she certainly found him attractive. And his ejaculations were incredibly powerful. This was experiential learning at its finest. She grabbed a towel off of the floor and wiped the jizz off of her face as she got back on the bed and wrapped her arms around Ryan. Both took deep puffs on their cigarettes and engaged in a long, smoky kiss.

"I'm spent," Ryan said as he stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray.

"Sleep," Karen whispered as she cradled his head into her neck, "and dream of me smoking."


When Ryan awoke, his head resting on a soft pillow, he found Karen sitting alongside him softly stroking his hair while smoking a freshly lit cigarette. The dim light in the room told him the afternoon had long past. She gave him a smoky smile.

"How long did I sleep?"

"A couple of hours," she said as she brought the cigarette down to his lips and watched him take a puff which glowed in the darkened room. He snapped back the white ball in a quick movement, turned over onto his back, and opened his mouth to let the smoke rise slowly. Her pussy was getting wet, but was there time for a quick fingering? After all, Ari would be home soon.

"This is definitely not how I imagined spending my Sunday," he said on his side to face her. "You changed my life today."

Karen merely smiled back at him and continued to stroke his hair with her long fingers.

"I do have a question for you, though. You said in the living room that you were only smoking temporarily." He reached for the cigarette in her hand, took a puff, and inhaled. "You don't look like a temporary smoker to me," he said with smoke punctuating each word. "You look pretty addicted."

"You're going to think I have a screw loose if I tell you," she said as she brought the 120 up to the side of her mouth and took a long puff.

"Try me."

Karen cocked her head, opened her mouth wide to let the smoke float out from between her lips, and then snapped it all back in one quick movement. A few seconds later, smoke cascaded down from her nostrils.

"This is all for Ms. Knowles' pscyh project."

"What?" Ryan asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Experiential learning," she said with a wide grin. "I decided to experience becoming addicted to smoking and then breaking the addiction."

Ryan agreed: she did have a screw loose. "Wow," he responded. "That's pretty creative."She has no idea what she is getting herself into. At the same time, he was thrilled that the girl he had loved for so many years shared the same smoking desire that he had, so he wasn't going to say anything that would discourage her. "So you really think you can quit?"

"Oh, yes," she replied confidently before taking another deep puff on the cigarette. "No question."

"Hmm." Ryan just looked at her for a moment. "Your Mom and sister both smoke, right?"

"Totally," she replied with another waterfall of smoke pouring from her nostrils.

"You know," Ryan offered delicately, "it can be difficult to quit when you live with other smokers." Ryan was speaking from experience. "But I'm sure you can do it," he said lying through his teeth. The last few hours had shown him unequivocally that she would fail at such an effort.

It then suddenly occurred to him that her reasons for calling him may have been influenced by this smoking project. He wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to the question he felt compelled to ask. "So, am I part of this experiment?" He braced himself for a heartbreaking answer.

"Oh, no," she said sincerely, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well, to be honest, I was hoping to corrupt you by turning you into a smoker."

"But you still want to go to the Prom with me?"

"Of course!" she answered enthusiastically. "I called you because I got tired of waiting for you to ask me." She held up her cigarette. "But you know what? Becoming a smoker, I think, is what gave me the confidence to call you."

Ryan blushed. He was convinced. Her affections for him were genuine. "So what happens now?"

"Now," she said right after taking a puff, "the whole school will start talking about us." She placed her lips on his and kissed him passionately.

It was then that they both heard the front door open and close. Ryan froze mid-kiss.

"Is your Mom home?" he asked nervously.

Karen continued kissing him. "She's at a conference upstate." She took another puff and put her lips to his, trying to exhale it into his lungs, but Ryan just let the smoke pour out of his mouth.

"Then who is it?"

"Just my sister," she said, again trying to blow another puff deep into his lungs, which this time he accepted willingly, but then pulled his face away.

"Karen, I can't do this with your sister here," he protested softly.

Karen looked at him with a pout. "I'm horny," she whined, "and I want your fingers inside of me," she added as she took his hand and put it down by her crotch.

Ryan was uncompromising. "Tomorrow," he said with a kiss on her pouting lower lip, "after school."

"Oh, no," Karen said mysteriously, "we have a date at Rosie's tomorrow."

"Rosie's?" he asked.

"Time for you to come out of the closet."

Karen relented to his protests, and the two got dressed. They walked out of her bedroom holding hands, down the hallway, and into the living room where Ari was scrolling through her phone with one hand and smoking a cigarette with the other.

"Well, hello," Ari said brightly when she saw Ryan.

"This is Ryan," Karen said without a hint of shame.

"Hello Ryan," Ari said as she brought the cigarette up to her lips. "you like having sex with my sister?"

The blood immediately rushed out of Ryan's face. "Um..." he stammered.

"Just ignore her," Karen said, "she has a warped sense of humor."

Ryan wanted to run and hide.

"I'm just fucking with you, Ryan," Ari said as she stood up from the couch and shook his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you," she said just a bit too sweetly.

Ryan gave a nervous smile as he took her hand in his.

"My sister is right. I am a bit warped, but please don't let that stop you from coming again. We welcome all smokers in this house."

"Um, okay. Thanks." Ryan didn't know what else to say as Karen moved him towards the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school," she said softly with a gentle kiss.

A huge grin appeared on the young man's face. "I can't wait."

When Karen shut the door and turned to her sister, she was more than a little perturbed. "Did you have to be such a bitch?"

"Domination," Karen said staring at her phone. "It's all about domination."

Karen sat down on the couch next to Ari and reached for her pack of Virginia Slims. "He's not into that," she said after lighting a 120. "And neither am I."

"You were last night," Ari said, still looking at her phone. She took a puff and French inhaled it, then placed let the 120 dangle so that she could type with both thumbs.

"Well, not with Ryan." She took a puff, snapped it back, and exhaled a white stream across the room. "He's different than the guys you go for."

"Hmmmm," Ari said nodding her head with the cigarette still dangling from her lips, still focused on the screen of her phone as she typed away. She paused her typing long enough to reach into her pocket and pull out a small container which she handed to her sister.

"What's this?" Karen asked taking it into her hand.

"Day-after pills," Ari answered matter-of-factly.

"I don't need these," Karen responded with some irritation. "There was no exchange of bodily fluids." Then she added with a grin, "at leastinside the body."

Ari looked up from her phone with an evil smile. "Oh, there will be soon. It's just a matter of time. That's why we're going to the clinic tomorrow evening to get you some birth control pills." Ari showed her the phone screen with her sister's appointment which she had just finished scheduling.

"Sis," Karen protested softly, "really, I don't think it's..."

"I'm pulling rank on this one as your older sister," Ari said in a deadly serious tone. "I'll drive you there myself."

Karen made no further protests. In her heart she knew that her sister was thinking of her best interests...and, more importantly, that she was right. She needed protection. Getting pregnant was the last thing she wanted at this moment in her life.

Karen gave the phone back to her sister who set it on the coffee table. She sat back and took a full, three second puff with the 120 at an angle, French inhaled, and held it deep in her lungs. "So he drives a Tesla," she said with a smile as smoke poured back out of her nose.

"What of it?" Karen said with a knowing smile.

"What's his last name again?" Ari asked coyly.

"Youknow his name is Powers," she said as she leaned forward towards the ashtray and gave her 120 a tap.

"They have money, don't they?"

"Okay, I'm going to go do my homework now," Karen said as she stood up from the couch and headed towards her bedroom.

"You chose wisely," Ari called out after her.


The next morning, Karen was out the front door right on time as she headed up the block to Christine's house. Her best friend was already waiting for her outside, smoking a long Misty. "You've moved on to 120s!" Karen said happily.

"Well, I figured if I'm paying for these with my own allowance, I might as well buy what I like rather than what my Mom likes. Besides, my Uncle gives me a discount at his smoke shop." She took a soft puff on the white filter and then asked, "You want one?"

"I'm good."

"You haven't quit already, have you?" Christine asked with some concern. She loved this life as a smoker now, and she wanted her best friend smoking with her.

"Not yet," Karen said, "but soon." She turned to walk down the sidewalk, but Christine didn't move. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well," Christine said nervously, "Greg has asked me to the Prom."

"That's great!" Karen said, still wondering why they weren't moving.

"In fact, we're dating now."

"Terrific," Karen said. She looked at her watch. "Can we talk while we walk?" She was eager to meet Ryan before the first bell.

"Actually," Christine said finally, "he's going to pick me up this morning."

"Oh," Karen said. Now she understood why Christine was waiting on the sidewalk. It wasn't for her; it was for Greg. "I texted you a few minutes ago."

Karen pulled out her phone. There was the text. "I guess I didn't hear it," she said. "Well, that's okay." She grabbed her friend's hand. "I'm really happy for you." Karen turned to leave.

"Hey, you wanna a ride? He'll be here like any second."

"Threes a crowd," Karen said with a smile towards her friend. "Really, it's okay." And it was. Karen had no ill-feelings about her friend's good news. She just really wanted Ryan's tongue in her mouthbefore the first bell. Again she turned to leave.

"So you get in touch with Ryan?" Christine asked.

Karen didn't have time to tell her everything, saying simply as she walked, "Yeah, we met up yesterday." Then she paused and turned to face Christine. "And well, he and I...."

Just then a red Tesla with tinted windows drove up alongside the two teenagers. The automatic window on the driver's side slowly descended, revealing Ryan wearing sunglasses and an all-white 100 cigarette dangling from his lips. "Need a lift?" he said to Karen.

Karen looked at her friend who had an expression of total shock on her face. "...we're dating." She grabbed the cigarette out of her friend's hand. "See you at school," she said giddily. She ran to the passenger's side of the car, took a puff on the Misty when she got in, and gave her lover a passionate, smoky kiss.

Christine was speechless as Ryan looked at her, did a small wave with his hand, and said, "See ya." He then sped down the street in that Tesla.

"Fuck me," Christine said as she reached into her purse and grabbed the pack of Mistys.


Because Karen and Ryan had the exact same schedule, there wasn't a moment that the two were not glued together walking hand in hand down the halls to the smiles of their classmates. During lunch, they found a secluded corner where they could kiss (though smoking was strictly prohibited on campus). Karen could hardly focus at all during her classes, waiting with anticipation to take Ryan to Rosie's where she would debut her new boyfriend to the Cool Kids. As soon as the final bell rang, they were off to his Tesla at the quickstep, their cigarette packs in their hands. The moment they were out of the school parking lot, they both lit up and joined the caravan of cars to Rosie's. Karen looked in the side view mirror and saw Christine in Greg's car behind them. Both were all smiles, happily smoking. Ahead of them was a car with four members of the Nerd Squad as part of the caravan. Outside of each window was a hand holding a cigarette. I did this, Karen thought to herself with pride.This is all because of me. She wanted to cum; she even thought of masturbating right there in the car with Ryan next to her. She was certain she could orgasm within the five minutes it would take to get to Rosie's. But she resisted. She would have Ryan do it for her later while she watched him smoke. "Life is good," she said with a smile to Ryan.

"Yeah," he answered smoothly and brought the cigarette up to his lips.


When they arrived at Rosie's, the two took an outside seat with Greg and Christine, and immediately they all lit fresh cigarettes. Ryan was flabbergasted at seeing so many members of the Nerd Squad there. How was it possible that he was oblivious to the fact that so many of his friends smoked? "How long have you all been coming here?" he asked Karen in amazement when more of his classmates began showing up.

"Well, this has always been the Cool Kids hang-out," she said to him. "Christine and I gained admittance last Monday, and it's just been growing ever since."

"Forget college," he whispered in her ear. "You could have a career as an influencer." He began to kiss her neck as she took a puff on the 120 at an angle.

"You're Ryan Powers," a voice behind them said.

Ryan looked up at the attractive African American teen addressing him. "That's me," he said with a smile.

"It's about time you finally asked this chick out," Nancy said with a smile as she put her hand on Karen's shoulder. "She is a fine catch."

Ryan looked longingly at Karen. "That she is," he said as he took her hand.

Karen was blushing. "Why don't you go get us some Pepsis?" she asked Ryan who then got up and headed to the take-out window.

"You," Nancy said pointing at Greg, "go with him. The women are gonna have a talk."

Greg smiled weakly at Christine and did as he was told.

When the three teens were alone, Karen asked Nancy, "How did you know about Ryan?"

"Girl," Nancy said after lighting a Salem, "the whole school knows that sick puppy's been in love with you since grade school." She took a full puff, snapped back a ghost inhale, and held it deep in her chest.

Karen gave Christine an accusing stare.

"Don't look at me," she said as she was about to take a puff on her Misty. "It's a small town."

"It's good to see you corrupted him," Nancy said with a wicked smile.

"Actually, he was already a smoker!" Karen French inhaled a puff before continuing. "It blew me away."

"Hmmph," Nancy said staring at his ass. "I wonder what other secrets he's hiding?" she said longingly.

"Back off, bitch," Karen said in a mock menacing tone. "He's mine."

Karen raised her hand like a claw and hissed. "Okay, girl. I'll respect the boundaries." She looked back at him. "But if you mistreat him...then the hunt begins."

The three girls burst out laughing as Ryan and Greg returned with Pepsis in hand. "What's so funny?" Ryan asked as he handed Karen and Nancy a drink.

"Girl talk," Karen replied mysteriously as she brought her cigarette up to the corner of a wide smile for a gentle puff.


One topic that Karen was hesitant to bring up was college admittance. She assumed Ryan knew she was off to UCLA in June on a scholarship. Hell, she was the talk of the town. But asking a friend, even a close friend, where they are going is a delicate situation. What if they got rejected from their dream schools - or worse, all of their applied schools? She had no idea what his plans were.

Ryan's father was in real estate, she knew that much. She once heard him telling a friend that the family business had holdings all over the country, but that his parents had deep roots in the town - which is why they chose to raise their children here despite their obvious wealth. Would Ryan take over the family business? Would he be staying behind while she moved out to the West Coast?

"So where are you going to college?" she decided to ask him at Rosie's. If they were going to be in a serious relationship, she wanted to know if it was long-term or just a summer fling. And since May 1 was the deadline to accept any offers, he had to have known by now where he would be attending -if he would be attending - college.

"Well," Ryan said uncomfortably, "I don't know. I'm on a few waitlists. My Dad wants me and my brother to take over the company one day, so maybe I'll just attend community college and enroll in some business classes."

"Oh," Karen answered. She didn't know what else to say. Fortunately Ryan quickly changed the subject, showing that he would prefer not to talk about college any further.


Karen and Ryan had stayed longer at Rosie's than she thought she would. She looked at her watch and realized her appointment at the clinic was in less than an hour. Ari was probably home waiting for her right now. There would be no opportunity for a quick finger-fuck tonight with Ryan. But after spending time with him today, she was in full agreement with her older sister that birth control was necessary. It was, she concluded, only a matter of time before they engaged in intercourse.


And that time came even sooner than she predicted. On Tuesday, when she invited Ryan into her home after Rosie's while Ari was at work and her Mom still upstate, Karen couldn't control herself. Was it her OCD that got the best of her? After all, taking the pill had torn down the most important psychological barrier that kept her from going too far: the risk of pregnancy. Or was it that she was convinced, utterly and totally, that Ryan was the one she wanted to lose her virginity to - if such a thing were only defined by the ripping of the hymen?

"Please," she begged as he lay on top of her, "put it inside me," and she exhaled a thick cloud of smoke all over his face.

Ryan wanted to please her; and God, how he wanted to ejaculate inside of her vagina; but he hesitated. "You have a scholarship to UCLA," he said as she covered his neck in kisses. "You can't afford to get pregnant." She took a massive puff and blew it into his lungs in an attempt to weaken his defenses. The pulsating dick rubbing against her thighs told her she was succeeding.

"Are you sure it's the right time of the month?" he asked desperately.

"Baby," she replied in a state of rapture, "I'm on the pill. From now on, it's always the right time of the month." She grasped the dick in her hand and pulled it towards her pussy. "Now fuck me." It stung like hell when the dick was inserted, but she felt this incredible surge of energy through her body, like a bubble of pleasure between her legs was growing larger and larger. She tried to imagine how she would even describe this in her journal. What words could possibly do it justice?
